Shutdown Kafka Cluster and then Start Kafka Cluster - apache-kafka

I have a 2 Broker node kafka with 3 node ZooKeeper cluster. When Stopping and starting Kafka cluster, what are the steps I should take,
Do I go, stop 2 brokers individually first and then stop 3 zks individually?
And then start zks individually and 2 kafka brokers individually?

This is a production cluster and you don't want any data loss.
You have partition replicas spanned across the brokers
For each partition you have at least one replica on each broker
all zks are accessible by each broker
This is how I would do it
Take down individual broker.
When one of the broker is down, then describe the topics to check if only replicas that are not shown, belong to broker which was taken down.
Restart the broker and again verify that all partitions are in sync before going for next broker.
Then stop-start each zk individually, each time tracking if all replicas and partitions are in sync. That way at least one zk is available for 2 brokers to maintain their meta data


Apache kafka about replica and partitions

I tried to follow
to create multiple brokers and consumer.
I am able to produce message and consume the same.
when i try to describe the topic the below is the output which I got.
Can some one explain me about the partitions and leader and replicas here in above image.
All producer and consumer requests are sent to the leader broker, which is elected by the Kafka Controller.
Replicas are the non-leader broker. Replicas can be in or out of sync with the leader (ISR = "in sync replica")
The numbers that are shown are each of the values from the broker properties, which default to increment from 0 if not set
More details at
Worth pointing out that running multiple brokers on a single host is less than ideal; you still have a single point of failure and you're causing unnecessary duplicate writes on single hard drive for each replica

How failover works in kafka along with keeping up replication factor

I am trying to understand how failover and replication factors work in kafka.
Let's say my cluster has 3 brokers and replication factor is also 3. In this case each broker will have one copy of partition and one of the broker is leader. If leader broker fails, then one of the follower broker will become leader but now the replication factor is down to 2. At this point if I add a new broker in the cluster, will kafka make sure that replication factor is 3 and will it copy the required data on the new broker.
How will above scenario work if my cluster already has an addition broker.
In your setup (3 broker, 3 replicas), when 1 broker fails Kafka will automatically elect new leaders (on the remaining brokers) for all the partitions whose leaders were on the failing broker.
The replication factor does not change. The replication factor is a topic configuration that can only be changed by the user.
Similarly the Replica list does not change. This lists the brokers that should host each partition.
However, the In Sync Replicas (ISR) list will change and only contain the 2 remaining brokers.
If you add another broker to the cluster, what happens depend on its
if the is the same as the broker that failed, this new broker will start replicating data and eventually join the ISR for all the existing partitions.
if it uses a different, nothing will happen. You will be able to create new topics with 3 replicas (that is not possible while there are only 2 brokers) but Kafka will not automatically replicate existing partitions. You can manually trigger a reassignment if needed, see the docs.
Leaving out partitions (which is another concept of Kafka):
The replication factor does not say how many times a topic is replicated, but rather how many times it should be replicated. It is not affected by brokers shutting down.
Once a leader broker shuts down, the "leader" status goes over to another broker which is in sync, that means a broker that has the current state replicated and is not behind. Electing "leader" status to a broker that is not in sync would obviously lead to data loss, so this will never happen (when using the right settings).
These replicas eligible for taking "leader status" are called in-sync replica (ISR), which is important, as there is a configuration called min.insync.replicas that specifies how many ISR have to exist for a Kafka message to be acknowledged. If this is set to 0, every Kafka message is acknowledged as "successful" as soon as it enters the "leader" broker, if this broker would die, all data that was not replicated yet is lost. If min.insync.replicas would be set to 1, every message waits with the acknowledgement, until at least 1 replica exists in order to be "successful", so if the broker would die now, there would be a replica covering this data. If there are not enough brokers to cover the minimum amount of replicas, your cluster will fail eventually.
So to answer your question: if you had 2 running brokers, min.insync.replicas=1 (default) and replication factor of 3, your cluster runs fine and will add a replica as soon as you start up another broker. If another of the 2 brokers dies before you launch the third one, you will run into problems.

Kafka setup strategy for replication?

I have two vm servers (say S1 and S2) and need to install kafka in cluster mode where there will be topic with only one partition and two replicas(one is leader in itself and other is follower ) for reliability.
Got high level idea from this cluster setup Want to confirm If below strategy is correct.
First set up zookeeper as cluster on both nodes for high availability(HA). If I do setup zk on single node only and then that node goes down, complete cluster
will be down. Right ? Is it mandatory to use zk in latest kafka version also ? Looks it is must for older version Is Zookeeper a must for Kafka?
Start the kafka broker on both nodes . It can be on same port as it is hosted on different nodes.
Create Topic on any node with partition 1 and replica as two.
zookeeper will select any broker on one node as leader and another as follower
Producer will connect to any broker and start publishing the message.
If leader goes down, zookeeper will select another node as leader automatically . Not sure how replica of 2 will be maintained now as there is only
one node live now ?
Is above strategy correct ?
Useful resources
ISR vs replication factor
First set up zookeeper as cluster on both nodes for high
availability(HA). If I do setup zk on single node only and then that
node goes down, complete cluster will be down. Right ? Is it mandatory
to use zk in latest kafka version also ? Looks it is must for older
version Is Zookeeper a must for Kafka?
Answer: Yes. Zookeeper is still must until KIP-500 will be released. Zookeeper is responsible for electing controller, storing metadata about Kafka cluster and managing broker membership (link). Ideally the number of Zookeeper nodes should be at least 3. By this way you can tolerate one node failure. (2 healthy Zookeeper nodes (majority in cluster) are still capable of selecting a controller)) You should also consider to set up Zookeeper cluster on different machines other than the machines that Kafka is installed. Thus the failure of a server won't lead to loss of both Zookeeper and Kafka nodes.
Start the kafka broker on both nodes . It can be on same port as it is
hosted on different nodes.
Answer: You should first start Zookeeper cluster, then Kafka cluster. Same ports on different nodes are appropriate.
Create Topic on any node with partition 1 and replica as two.
Answer: Partitions are used for horizontal scalability. If you don't need this, one partition is okay. By having replication factor 2, one of the nodes will be leader and one of the nodes will be follower at any time. But it is not enough for avoiding data loss completely as well as providing HA. You should have at least 3 Kafka brokers, 3 replication factor of topics, min.insync.replicas=2 as broker config and acks=all as producer config in the ideal configuration for avoiding data loss by not compromising HA. (you can check this for more information)
zookeeper will select any broker on one node as leader and another as
Answer: Controller broker is responsible for maintaining the leader/follower relationship for all the partitions. One broker will be partition leader and another one will be follower. You can check partition leaders/followers with this command.
bin/ --describe --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic my-replicated-topic
Producer will connect to any broker and start publishing the message.
Answer: Yes. Setting only one broker as bootstrap.servers is enough to connect to Kafka cluster. But for redundancy you should provide more than one broker in bootstrap.servers.
bootstrap.servers: A list of host/port pairs to use for establishing
the initial connection to the Kafka cluster. The client will make use
of all servers irrespective of which servers are specified here for
bootstrapping—this list only impacts the initial hosts used to
discover the full set of servers. This list should be in the form
host1:port1,host2:port2,.... Since these servers are just used for the
initial connection to discover the full cluster membership (which may
change dynamically), this list need not contain the full set of
servers (you may want more than one, though, in case a server is
If leader goes down, zookeeper will select another node as leader
automatically . Not sure how replica of 2 will be maintained now as
there is only one node live now ?
Answer: If Controller broker goes down, Zookeeper will select another broker as new Controller. If broker which is leader of your partition goes down, one of the in-sync-replicas will be the new leader. (Controller broker is responsible for this) But of course, if you have just two brokers then replication won't be possible. That's why you should have at least 3 brokers in your Kafka cluster.
Yes - ZooKeeper is still needed on Kafka 2.4, but you can read about KIP-500 which plans to remove the dependency on ZooKeeper in the near future and start using the Raft algorithm in order to create the quorum.
As you already understood, if you will install ZK on a single node it will work in a standalone mode and you won't have any resiliency. The classic ZK ensemble consist 3 nodes and it allows you to lose 1 ZK node.
After pointing your Kafka brokers to the right ZK cluster you can start your brokers and the cluster will be up and running.
In your example, I would suggest you to create another node in order to gain better resiliency and met the replication factor that you wanted, while still be able to lose one node without losing data.
Bear in mind that using single partition means that you are bounded to single consumer per Consumer Group. The rest of the consumers will be idle.
I suggest you to read this blog about Kafka Best Practices and how to choose the number of topics/partitions in a Kafka cluster.

Kafka - How to recover if a partition is lost?

I have 4 Kafka nodes in a cluster, one topic split to 40 partitions and replica count 2. Kafka version is 2.3.1.
How can I recover from the situation when two Kafka nodes die at the same time, it is not possible to start them again and Kafka logs are lost?
I'm sure that I lose some data because some partitions are lost (some partitions have replicas only on the died nodes).
I tried to add two new Kafka nodes and reassign partitions to all 4 available Kafka nodes. Finally, lost partitions are not reassigned to the two new Kafka nodes. Clients cannot publish data that go to lost partitions.
Kafka recovers by himself the losing partitions only if those partitions still have at least one alive replica that was previously in sync. Otherwise unclean.leader.election must be enabled on the brokers to move the leader to an out of sync replica
Since partitions had only 2 replica and you lost 2 nodes, you might lose some partitions.
You can replace 2 replica by 4 replica to more reliability
The two added nodes should have the same id as the previous ones to be able to pull replica.

Does shutting down a broker, moves the replicas on that broker to a new broker automatically?

I have a Kafka cluster with 6 brokers and over 60 topics, with a replication factor of either 2 or 3. We plan to replace all the existing brokers with new nodes.
I have 2 questions:
Once we add 6 new nodes to the cluster making it total 12 nodes, and shut down old brokers one by one, will the replicas move to new brokers automatically?
If not, we will have to move them using the reassignment tool, in that case do we need to move __consumer_offsets topic as well, or Kafka will take care of that itself?
No, replicas are not moved automatically. Before shutting down the old brokers, you'll have to reassign replicas using the tool. See for the details how to use this tool
Yes, you will need to move all partitions, including the internal ones (__consumer_offsets and __transaction_state)