Finding a user-defined column from collection without grouping - mongodb

How do I find a user-defined column from a collection without putting it in a group in mongodb query?
I would like to convert the following SQL query to mongo:
count(`qty/inventory`) AS totalstock,
count(if(`qty/inventory`=0, `qty/inventory`, NULL)) as outofstock,
count(if(`qty/inventory`!=0, `qty/inventory`, NULL)) as availablestock,
DATE_ADD(stock_updated_at, INTERVAL 318 minute) as stock_updated_at
FROM tbl_kunuzdatafeed_master
GROUP BY brand_name
ORDER BY stock_updated_at desc;
Can anyone help with converting this to mongo query?


The sqliite db query is not working in postgresql db

i am having a query which is working correctly in SQLite. but its giving error in PostgreSQL.
SELECT,, count(
from decks
JOIN cards ON = cards.did
GROUP BY cards.did
above query is giving error in postgresql.
ERROR: column "" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
LINE 1: SELECT,, count( FROM decks JOIN...
You can't have columns in the SELECT list, that are not used in an aggregate function or part of the GROUP BY. The fact that SQLite accepts this, is a bug in SQLite. The fact that Postgres rejects this, is correct.
You need to rewrite your query to:
SELECT,, count(
from decks
JOIN cards ON = cards.did
If is the primary key, you can shorten the grouping to GROUP BY

How to optimize a query that searches a many-to-many table

I have 3 tables:
table1:{id, uid}
table2:{id, uid}
table1_table2:{table1_id, table2_id}
I need to execute the following queries:
SELECT 1 FROM table1_table2
LEFT JOIN table1 ON = table1_table2.table1_id
LEFT JOIN table2 ON = table1_table2.table2_id
WHERE table1.uid = ? and table2.uid = ?
I have unique indices on UUID columns, so I expected the search to be fast. When I have an almost empty database, select takes 0 ms, when there are 50,000 records in table 1, 100 records in table 2 and 110,000 records in table1_table2, select takes 10 ms, which is a lot, because I have to make 400,000 queries. Can I have O(1) on select?
Now I'm using hibernate(spring data) and postgres.
You have unique indices but have you updated statistics with ANALYZE as well?
What type is used for UID column and what type are you feeding it with from Java?
Is there any difference, when you run it from Hibernate/Java and from Postgres console?
Run the query with "EXPLAIN", get the execution plan - from Java as well as from Postgres console, and observe any differences. See How to get query plan information from Postgres into JDBC

GROUP BY and ordering by date that was extracted as timestamp

I have a rather simple query:
SELECT, array_agg([ARRAY[EXTRACT(epoch FROM,]) AS array
FROM table
When I run this query I get an error:
ERROR: column "" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
I don't quite understand why that is happening because date appears in aggregate function. Is there any way to achieve that grouping?
you cant order by not existing column. If you want to order values in aggregation, use:
SELECT, array_agg([ARRAY[EXTRACT(epoch FROM,] ORDER BY ASC) AS array
FROM table

How to group by in cypher efficiently?

I translated the below SQL query to cypher. group by in cypher is implicit and it causes confusion and more query execution time. My SQL query is:
INSERT INTO tmp_build
(result_id, hshld_id, product_id)
SELECT b.result_id, a.hshld_id, b.cluster_id
FROM fact a
INNER JOIN productdata b ON a.product_id = b.barcode
WHERE b.result_id = 1
GROUP BY b.result_id, a.hshld_id, b.cluster_id;
The equivalent cypher query is:
WITH b.RESULT_ID as RESULT_ID , collect(b.RESULT_ID) as result, a.HSHLD_ID as HSHLD_ID,
collect(a.HSHLD_ID) as hshld, b.CLUSTER_ID as CLUSTER_ID, collect(b.CLUSTER_ID) as cluster
This query is running slow because of collect(). Without collect function is not giving me the group by results. Is there any way to optimise it? or better implementation of group by in cypher?
In the Cypher query, you are attempting to return rows with both a singular values (RESULT_ID, HSHLD_ID, CLUSTER_ID) and their collections, but since you're returning both, your collections will only have the same value repeated the number of times it occurred in the results (for example, RESULT_ID = 1, result = [1,1,1,1]). I don't think that's useful for you.
Also, nothing in your original query seems to suggest you need aggregations. Your GROUP BY columns are the only columns being returned, there are no aggregation columns, so that seems like you just need distinct rows. Try removing the collection columns from your Cypher query, and use WITH DISTINCT instead of just WITH.
If that doesn't work, then I think you will need to further explain exactly what it is that you are attempting to get as the result.

postgres(redshift) query including to_char and group by returns some errors

Im using redshift now.
then Id like to run query like
SELECT to_char(created_at, 'HH24') AS hour , to_char(created_at, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24') AS tmp FROM log GROUP BY tmp;
this returns error, when I do it in mysql, it seems to be good.
this error is
ERROR: column "log.created_at" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
when I changed group by clause like "group by created_at", it returns results, but it has duplicated list.
Is is due to redshift?
If you're using a GROUP BY clause, any column in your query must either appear in the clause or you have to specify how you want it to be aggregated.
In your case, you seem to be trying to aggregate your log entries by hour. I suggest using the postgres date manipulation functions, for example:
SELECT created_at::date AS date,
extract('HOUR' FROM created_at) as hour
FROM log
GROUP BY date, hour;