How to show the connector lines as default? - fancytree

Hi there i have just started using this jquery tree. and was wondering if there is any property I can set to make the connecting line visible all the time.

There isn't a property available in the options set connecting lines to visible all the time, but you can add a class to the object with the fancytree-container class to turn on connectors. If you want to have connections visible all the time, you could add the class to the fancytree-container right after you initialize the fancytree:
// initialization options
This JSFiddle demonstrates how to toggle the fancytree-connectors class on the fancytree-container object.


AgGrid "serverSide" rowModel doesn't recognize custom overlay components (loading and noRows)

The problem is that I can not make ag-grid-react to show custom components for loadingOverlay and noRowsOverlay automatically (meaning managed by the grid itself). I've done all like described in the docs.
These are my options:
customOverlayLoading: CustomOverlayLoading,
customOverlayNoRows: CustomOverlayNoRows,
Interesting thing is that it works for "clientSide" row model, e.g. when using prop rowData={undefined} - loading or rowData={[]} - noRows.
But when I replace rowData with rowModelType="serverSide" the grid then does not recognize new components for overlay.
There is no mention in the docs that this thing only works with clientSide row model. So I expect it should work. The way I can make it work is through the grid API. But I expect from that feature it should handle loading and noRows automatically for each of row models. The problem with the API usage is that there is no flag that points whether it is loading or not
there is the stackblitz reproduction. To check serverSide rowModel enterprise version needed
When you're using rowModelType='serverSide', you need to call overlays yourself inside getRows() where you're implementing datasource.
gridApi.showNoRowsOverlay(); // show NoRowsOverlay
params.successCallback([], 0); // Pass empty array, Zero for lastRow
It will work. :)

How to switch UI5 content on demand?

<semantic:DetailPage title="Detail Page Title">
<mvc:XMLView viewName="" />
<mvc:XMLView viewName="" />
I have two nested views in the same content and I want to display only one of them. When I press a button, it should switch to the other one.
In order to make only one of the controls visible (in our case one of the child Views), one might be tempted to instantiate all controls first and then use the visible property to hide the other "unneeded" controls. But keep in mind that this approach might lead to performance and memory issues depending on the complexity and the number of elements. According to the linked documentation topic:
Don't use visibility for lazy instantiation
When an application has areas that are not visible initially, or if only one of multiple options is visible at a time, do not create all UI controls and set most of them to non-visible! If you do, OpenUI5 will instantiate and initialize all of those controls, which consumes unnecessary time and memory, even when they are not rendered. On top of this, the data binding will also be initialized, which may trigger back-end requests that are not needed at this stage. The impact is particularly big when the parts of the UI that are not visible initially are complex or numerous.
Luckily, UI5 has already built-in lazy loading features..
Switching Views on Demand
Via NavContainer + Router
Configure the targets property inside the app descriptor file (manifest.json) accordingly as shown in:
For this, we need three properties for the target object of the child view:
parent: Pointing to a parent target name where the parent view is defined
controlId: The ID of the control in which the child view should be attached.
In the Plunker example above, the control is a NavContainer which also offers a sliding animation as a bonus. The animation can be turned off with transition: "show".
controlAggregation: In our case "pages" (default aggregation of NavContainer).
After defining those three properties, we can either display the target view without changing the hash, or navigate to the child view by calling component.getRouter().navTo("thatChildRouteName");. Either way, the child view will be created lazily and we have a flexible way of switching through different child views.
Via "Blocks" (sap.uxap.BlockBase)
Views can be loaded lazily and switched also with sap.uxap.BlockBase See:
Creating Blocks
Object Page Blocks
API reference: sap/uxap/BlockBase
Although Blocks are typically used in conjunction with sap.uxap.ObjectPageLayout (OPL), they can be also used independently from the OPL design in freestyle apps.
I suggest adding a single view. Later, on any chosen event, you can use
sap.m.semantic.SemanticPage.removeContent(vContent) to remove the original view and sap.m.semantic.SemanticPage.addContent() to add the new View.
Link to the relevant SAPUI5 Guide Page
Hope it helps you.
Lets have a switch and save its current value to a local JSON Model. Now, we will use this value to switch between the 2 views. If switch is true, show first view else show second switch.
Below is the code:
XML ( I've just used the texts in place of View (same thing)) :
<Switch state='{/showFirstView}' />
<Text text='TExt 1' visible='{/showFirstView}' />
<Text text='TExt 2' visible='{=!${/showFirstView}}' />
onInit: function() {
var model = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel({showFirstView:true});
and it works. Screenshots:
and :

Keep node selection from spreading to PropertySheet

I'm developing an application based on the netbeans platform.
The problem I'm having is this; I have a TopComponent that contains two panels, A and B, each with a ExplorerManager. I have two BeanTreeViews in each panel with different sets of nodes. When I change selection in the A panel, the nodes in the B panel will be created. Now, I'd like to be able to select a node in the B panel and see it's properties in the default property view. But I still have a selected node in the A panel, and therefore the property view only says 'Multiple objects.' Is there any way to keep the selection in the A panel from spreading to the PropertyView?
I'd like to be able to use NodeActions on both sets of nodes, and therefore I've added
associateLookup(new ProxyLookup(
ExplorerUtils.createLookup(PanelA.getExlporerManager(), map),
ExplorerUtils.createLookup(PanelB.getExplorerManager(), map)
to the TopComponent if i only associate PanelA's ExplorerManager then this isn't a problem.
Ok some after testing around I found a solution that works for me. Perhaps I was a bit quick to post this question. Anyway;
In the TopComponent I did
associateLookup(new ProxyLookup(
ExplorerUtils.createLookup(PanelA.getExlporerManager(), map)
Then only the Nodes in PanelA will be spread to the PropertyView. And then to get the NodeActions to work in PanelB, I made it implement Lookup.Provider, and created it's Lookup with
lookup = ExplorerUtils.createLookup(explorerManager, map);

ui.helper vs ui.item in jQuery UI

I was studying the jQuery UI Sortable widget and it said that all callback functions receive a ui object. Two of its properties are ui.helper nad ui.item. ui.helper is mentioned to be mostly a clone of ui.item, but I can't get the significance of calling it 'helper'. Also, the offset and position properties are defined in terms of the helper and not the item. What's the difference between the two ?
One of the answers mention that the helper fills the void, but the I read in the docs that the helper element is "used for dragging display". What exactly is this helper element and why is it named so?
From what I understand ui.helper is a "clone" of the ui.item. It is cloned so you can edit it with css and make it look like whatever you want it to look like while you are dragging it and it won't effect the original ui.item. So if you had a box and while it was being dragged you wanted it to turn into a blue box with curved edges but only while it was dragging you can by modifying ui.helper.
The helper is the element that fills the void (with visibility: hidden) when the item is dragged.

programmatically change the background color in eclipse

I have a question related to eclipse plugin development. Is there any means
by which I can programmatically change the background color in eclipse.
I am able to change the text foreground color by calling
setTextColor(color, offset, length, controlRedraw) in ITextViewer
but I don't find any function by which I can change the background
color of the text.
If anyone has been through this kindly share your thoughts.
I am not sure this can be done easily, short of extending your own version of a Text Editor, here you provide a Configuration Class which inturn accepts a PresentationReconciler Class which is like a Rule Class that tells you if you need to put a Foreground or a Background Color
See this document
IPresentationDamager: define dirty region given a text change
IPresentationRepairer: recreate presentation for dirty region
DefaultDamagerRepairer does both, based on a token scanner
ITokenScanner: parse text into a token stream
RuleBasedScanner uses simple rules
Extract from the presentation
From Text Editor Recipes, Season’s recipes for your text editor
Tom Eicher, IBM Eclipse Team
Here, the null background color means, takes the default system background for that widget. (so here: white).
But you could specify whatever color you want, based on the partitioning of your document and on the rules that would apply.
I know this was asked a while ago, but in case anyone is looking for another solution, I thought I would post the following:
Since you are able to use the setTextColor method, then you should be able to use the changeTextPresentation method as well.
In the case of my plug-in, I have a TextListener that calls the TextChanged method I overwrote. I did the following to add background color using the changeTextPresentation method. In doing so, I was able to get a Green background with Black foreground. Not that I would want this, of course, but just for testing purposes.
public void TextChanged(TextEvent event){
TextPresentation presentation = new TextPresentation();
TextAttribute attr = new TextAttribute(new ColorManager().getColor(MyConstants.BLACK),
new ColorManager().getColor(MyConstants.GREEN), style);
presentation.addStyleRange(new StyleRange(startOffset, tokLength, attr.getForeground(),
sourceViewer.changeTextPresentation(presentation, true); //sourceViewer is a global variable passed to my TextListener class constructor.