MongoDB PECL extension for CodeIgniter throw an error - mongodb

I'm a very beginner with MongoDB.
I wanted to use it with my CodeIgniter 3.x framework, so I followed this tutorial :
I mention that I'm using PHP7 with NGINX.
I have also installed some "php extensions" required (like: "php-pear", "php7.0-xml", so on)
Unfortunately, after having installed all that stuff, my webpage throw this error :
An Error Was Encountered
The MongoDB PECL extension has not been installed or enabled
I already gave a look to similiars questions which were posted several weeks or months ago, but I didn't manage to find a solution to my problem....
If you think that more informations are needed in purpose to help me, tell me :)


How to connect zend - laminas with MongoDB

I am new to Zendlaminas and MongoDB.I know PHP. I want to connect the laminas with MongoDB. I do no from which file i need to start to config.For the whole day i am stuck here. Can anyone guide here.
I have installed Zend Laminas
Using a Apache2 server
Installed MongoDB as well
OS : Ubuntu
Well, there's this. I think there's a php-mongodb package for Ubuntu that will install PHP's MongoDb extension.
It might be overkill for your needs, but I suggest using Doctrine ORM with MongoDB. There's a bit of a learning curve (ORMs in general are complex) but I find it a nice clean way to develop once it's set up.

Install YII2 on Centos 7

I read that it was impossible to install yii2 on a standard hosting platform (redhat, centos...) without deleting the AssetManager.
And install is lock with it. Access refused, permission denied.... Despite the rights 777 on the assets folder.
And in default way, hack code, disable control like (is_writable) to allow continued the install process to congratulation, but without css ....
But I can't modify all the code , to use it?
They're a lot of issue about assetmanager.
I tried yii1 few years ago, and it was wonderful framework... But everything is permitted under windows. Someone tried to install it under redhat, fedora, Centos.
There is a specific configuration ... Or yii2 not builted and designed for theses environments ?
Because i found tuto about laravel 5.1, Zend 2 since 2013... But nothing about Yii2, and only one... about Yii1... on this hosting OS.
Yii2 is ready for professionnel standard hosting environnement or is just for hobbist with Wamp under Windows ? (Online tuto is in majority on this OS, with Wamp...).
And maybe for that, it's work fine... like i test under windows
Thank you for the links. I had read
Finally I found the answer, which is never explained in the tutorial above (because often disabled and the module is not present in Ubuntu or Debian)
It's SELinux security. To install Yii2 there are the following commands:
semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t 'each folder writable'
setsebool -P httpd_unified 1
Without this open rignt, you can't install Yii2
All what Yii 2.0 requires is a Web server supporting PHP 5.4 or above.
( currently not PHP 7 due to reserved word conflict that will be solved in future releases )
And yes 5 stables versions ready for production has been released, currently Yii 2.0.5
Here is a quick example about how to install Yii2 with CentOS6 which has nothing different from what is already described in the official docs.
If you know any CentOS related issue please post them and we will discuss answers, because sincerely i just did few searches and didn't found any besides few wrong apache or nginx configurations or missing packages like this CentoOS7 case. Otherwise if you need a pre-configured & working VM with Yii2 and CentOS 7, then you may check this vagrant repo.

Creating new express project with nodeclipse gives blank project and "unexpected exception" error

Just installed latest version of Edine from nodeclipse, and in the console that is the only message outside of path information for the directory the project is stationed in. Also tried grabbing the latest default version and tried to install via New Software with similar results.
Unexpected Exception
Anyone had this ever work? All methods I'm finding online seem to be broken.
This is on Windows 7 64 bit.
For anyone that arrives at this question and has the same issue.
I was under the mistaken understanding that when installing Nodeclipse, it also installed node.js, express, and mongodb. This is not the case. Installing node.js and express resolved this issue.

Zend mongo undefined Collection::setSlaveOkay()

I've been attempting to implement mongo in zend using doctrine. I've been gradually working my way through the various issues, before being stumped by this:
Call to undefined method Doctrine\MongoDB\Collection::setSlaveOkay() in [project]/vendor/doctrine/mongodb-odm/lib/Doctrine/ODM/MongoDB/DocumentManager.php on line 349
When searching for a fix, I came across "upgrade mongo to at least 1.1.0". So I ran:
sudo pecl install mongo
I got the response:
pecl/mongo is already installed and is the same as the released version 1.3.1
install failed
Leading me to believe I am already upgraded to higher than 1.1.0 (correct me if I'm wrong).
Can anyone tell me what I need to do to fix the issue?
Yes had the same issue... upgraded my local install of
from branch "master" to "readprefs"

Ruby 1.9.2 + Rails 3.0.3 + postgresql + windows vista

I would like to install Ruby1.9.2/Rails3.0.3 on my Windows Vista machine with PostgreSQL 9.0 as my database.
I have seen many different instructions on the web as to what works and what does not work.
Can anybody tell me which gem(s) I must install to get Ruby1.9.2/Rails 3.0.3 to drive PostgreSQL 9.0 on Windows Vista?
I appreciate any help you can give me.
I made a how-to for exactly this topic on:
Please let me know if it worked for you and tell me where you had problems so that I can improve this how-to.
Best regards
Here you can get the Ruby 1.9.2 installer
Just click on it and it does all the work, after that go for Rails
Rails is easy, just download and follow the site instructions
About PostGre, you are on your own because I never used it...
But if you follow the instructions on the Rails web site you should be fine, they point the right ways to connect to several DBs