Jasper Reports Polish characters [duplicate] - jasper-reports

I am trying to export jasper as pdf but It does not show the cyrillic values. When I export it as excel it does show and the output is fine, but when I try to export is as PDF it does not export the cyrillic values. The cyrillic values are not written in cyrillic font, they are written as cyrillic keyboard.
The code I use to export is:
JRExporter e = new JRPdfExporter();
e.setParameter(JRPdfExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, jasperPrint);
e.setParameter(JRPdfExporterParameter.OUTPUT_STREAM, outStream);
e.setParameter(JRPdfExporterParameter.OUTPUT_FILE_NAME, NAME);
I even tried to specift the parameter below:
e.setParameter(JRPdfExporterParameter.CHARACTER_ENCODING, "UTF-8");
but did not succeed. Any suggestions?

Jasper report uses iText and always when a char is not rendered in pdf this should be the checklist:
Is my actual .tff supported (OpenType) and can the font actually render the character. Not all fonts render
all characters in UTF-8, see How can I test if my font is rendered correctly in pdf?
Do I pass correct encoding to iText. In doubts (or in general) use the encoding Identity-H this is recommend for newer PDF standards and gives you the ability to mix different encoding.
Is my font embedded so that if I share the pdf also computers not having this font can display the content?
How can I ensure this is JasperReport?
The deprecated method was to set attributes on the textElement
<font pdfFontName="Helvetica" pdfEncoding="Identity-H" isPdfEmbedded="true"/>
<paragraph lineSpacing="Single"/>
The current non deprecated method v 3-6, is to add Font Extensions and this is easily achieved by using tools like iReport or JasperSoft Studio that can generate a .jar of your font extension so that you can include it in your classpath directly.
How to generate font extension .jar using iReport or JasperSoft Studio.
EDIT: The problem of OP was 1 on checklist (.ttf font could not render), but surely he should consider both 2 and 3 using non deprecated method.


docx4J - Set default font or encoding to UTF-8 for docx output file

I'm using docx4j to make a translate apps with input file is docx and output is docx too. I have problems when working with chinese character input. That is the w:rFonts tag of input file: <w:rFonts w:hint="eastAsia" w:ascii="MingLiU" w:hAnsi="MingLiU" w:eastAsia="MingLiU" w:cs="MingLiU"/>
How can i change to Time New Roman font in the output file or change the encoding to UTF-8.
Thank you guys!
The encoding should be UTF-8 already. That's standard for docx files.
The simplest way to change to "Times New Roman" is to set the attributes of the rFonts tag above. That is, where it says "MingLiU"
To do that, get the rFonts object (in direct formatting, styles etc)
You should also change the font in rPrDefaults, since this takes effect anywhere where it isn't overridden by another rFonts tag.

Japanese characters not printing in pdf [duplicate]

I've hardcoded a Text field with the value
to test if these characters will show in PDF
But it only prints as
I've tried changing the font to "Symbol" but that does not do the trick.
Note: I'm using iReport 5.5
I tried your characters using font-extensions in iReport, These are the steps that I took
Download (or use one on your pc) your desired ttf font (it need to support the characters), I used dejavu-serif.
Install the font in iReport or in Jasper soft studio (click links to understand how)
I used iReport 5.6 and did set the PDF-Encoding: Idenity-H (unicode with horizontal writing) and embedded the font in pdf. This was the code of my textField
<reportElement x="8" y="15" width="100" height="20" uuid="41dc1200-091f-4799-a1d2-4622f88a0e84"/>
<font fontName="DejaVu Serif" size="13"/>
Export the font extension (this creates a .jar)
Add the jar to your classpath.
Export to pdf and enjoy the result.
This is an example of how to use any arbitrary font, if you like to
use DejaVu Sans or DejaVu Serif you can just include the jasper
report fonts library in classpath, hence these font are already included and mapped in library
I had posted a similar question and the above technique solved my problem, until one fine day I restarted the JasperServer context. I was now getting "PDF encoding not found" error when I tried to export the report to pdf.
To solve this problem I had to copy the iText-Asian.jar and Font-extension.jar in the lib folder of the jasperserver context.
"jasperserver/WEB-INF/lib". Once done restart the context and problem solved.
Hope it helps someone.

How can I display "$£Ω€απ⅔" in Jasperserver PDF using iReport?

I've hardcoded a Text field with the value
to test if these characters will show in PDF
But it only prints as
I've tried changing the font to "Symbol" but that does not do the trick.
Note: I'm using iReport 5.5
I tried your characters using font-extensions in iReport, These are the steps that I took
Download (or use one on your pc) your desired ttf font (it need to support the characters), I used dejavu-serif.
Install the font in iReport or in Jasper soft studio (click links to understand how)
I used iReport 5.6 and did set the PDF-Encoding: Idenity-H (unicode with horizontal writing) and embedded the font in pdf. This was the code of my textField
<reportElement x="8" y="15" width="100" height="20" uuid="41dc1200-091f-4799-a1d2-4622f88a0e84"/>
<font fontName="DejaVu Serif" size="13"/>
Export the font extension (this creates a .jar)
Add the jar to your classpath.
Export to pdf and enjoy the result.
This is an example of how to use any arbitrary font, if you like to
use DejaVu Sans or DejaVu Serif you can just include the jasper
report fonts library in classpath, hence these font are already included and mapped in library
I had posted a similar question and the above technique solved my problem, until one fine day I restarted the JasperServer context. I was now getting "PDF encoding not found" error when I tried to export the report to pdf.
To solve this problem I had to copy the iText-Asian.jar and Font-extension.jar in the lib folder of the jasperserver context.
"jasperserver/WEB-INF/lib". Once done restart the context and problem solved.
Hope it helps someone.

iReport + UTF-8

I have some utf-8 characters in jasperreports template. In iReport editor everything fine.
But after compiling the output PDf can not draw the valid unicode characters and draws ? instead.
How can I fix it?
Thank you
In order to enable unicode support in output PDF file you have to:
Add jasperreports-fonts-x.x.x.jar to project's classpath
In iReport select external font for textboxes and static text elements. Usually, it is DejaVu fonts
This is solution for latest versions of JasperReports (tested on 4.5.0)
if you have problems displaying UTF-8 characters in the pdf, no need to do anything! Just change the font of the cells in the table from sanserif to Dejavu sans. thats it.

iReport exported pdf does not show correct font

A PDF generated in iReport using the 'Times New Roman' font appears to be using 'Arial' for its print version.
Any idea what the problem is?
I've found that, at least for me, I must explicitly set the pdfEncoding attribute, as well as pdfFontName and isPdfEmbedded, on each font tag in the xml, even when using the system encoding, and that "Identity-H" seems to be needed when using unicode.
Make sure your ttf font files are available on the classpath
<font ... pdfFontName="filename.ttf"
pdfEncoding="Identity-H" ... />
have you set the PDF Font Property to Times New Roman as well, or just the Font property?
Have you tried adding your system fonts directory to the classpath?