I am using kartik SideNav widget in my project. I want the menu active and open when I click on it but it not works.Actually I dont know about $item and $type variables that how to use in the sidenav. thanx in advance for solving it.
my code is below.
$type = SideNav::TYPE_PRIMARY;
$item = Yii::$app->controller->action->id;
echo SideNav::widget([
'type' => $type,
'encodeLabels' => false,
'items' => [
['label' => 'Home', 'icon' => 'home', 'url' => Url::to(['/site/index']), 'active' => ($item == 'index')],
['label' => '<span class="pull-right badge">2</span> Products', 'icon' => 'book', 'items' => [
['label' => '<span class="pull-right badge"></span> Products', 'url' => Url::to(['/products']), 'active' => ($item == 'http://localhost/test_project_yii2/backend/web/products')],
['label' => '<span class="pull-right badge"></span> Add Product', 'url' => Url::to(['/products/create']), 'active' => ($item == '/products/create')],
$item is id of your action, like actionCreate will output here create.
Add here:
$controllerId = Yii::$app->controller->id;
Which will output products for ProductsController.
In option active use:
'active' => $controller == 'products' && $item == 'create'
And you should rename $item to $actionId or something similiar.
The code below successfully creates a dynamic field and for a Gravity Form, and on submission the dynamic field data is included in the email content sent. However the dynamic field isn't saved in the "entries" data for that form submission, only the fields created manually using the plugin are. Anyone know how to include this data in the entries data saved?
add_filter('gform_pre_render_5', 'populate_wines');
add_filter('gform_pre_validation_5', 'populate_wines');
function populate_wines($form) {
// create dynamic select field
$props = array(
'id' => 51,
'type' => 'select',
'label' => 'Dynamic field label',
'choices' => array(
'text' => '',
'value' => '',
'text' => '1',
'value' => '1',
'text' => '2',
'value' => '2',
'text' => '3',
'value' => '3',
$new_field = GF_Fields::create( $props );
$form['fields'][] = $new_field;
return $form;
Edit: Dave's solution below works great for the above function (thanks!!), but adding to the function to include the looped wine list (code below), it doesn't work, any ideas?
function populate_wines($form) {
// options for select lists
$select_choices = array(
'text' => '',
'value' => '',
'text' => '1',
'value' => '1',
'text' => '2',
'value' => '2',
'text' => '3',
'value' => '3',
// loop through wine list
if( have_rows('wine_options') ):
$wine_count = 50;
while( have_rows('wine_options') ) : the_row();
$wine_ID = get_sub_field('wine_option');
$wine_name = get_the_title($wine_ID);
// create wine select field
$props = array(
'id' => $wine_count,
'type' => 'select',
'label' => $wine_name,
'choices' => $select_choices
$new_field = GF_Fields::create( $props );
$form['fields'][] = $new_field;
if ( GFForms::get_page() !== 'form_editor' ) {
return $form;
You'll need to call the same function on the gform_admin_pre_render filter. My recommendation would be to also add a check to exclude it from being output in the form editor but you may want that. If you don't, it'd look something like this:
if ( GFForms::get_page() !== 'form_editor' ) {
return $form;
I have the following code to generate a select and bring the values inside the options:
add_action('woocommerce_after_order_notes', 'cliente_woocommerce');
function cliente_woocommerce($checkout)
global $wpdb;
/// in tab_clientes have id, nome, cpf, cnpj, ie, email, data_since columns
$results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM tab_clientes");
$options = ['' => __('Selecione o cliente')];
foreach ($results as $result) {
$options[$result->nome] = $result->razao_social;
echo '<div id="cliente_woocommerce"><h2>' . __('Cliente') . '</h2>';
'type' => 'select',
'class' => ['cliente form-row-wide'],
'label' => __('Campo de Teste (Cliente)'),
'options' => $options,
'type' => 'text',
'class' => ['nome form-row-wide'],
'label' => __('Razão Social'),
'default' => '',
'type' => 'text',
'class' => ['cnpj form-row-wide'],
'label' => __('CNPJ'),
'default' => '',
echo '</div>';
with the following script:
$('#cliente').change(function() {
$('#nome').val( $( this ).val() );
$('#nome').change(function() {
$('#cnpj').val( $( this ).val() );
When I select the client, the #nome field (razão social - in the table = razao_social) appears with the correct value, but the value repeats within CNPJ field.
what am I doing wrong?
I am trying to build a cart system, after successfully entering the item to the cart. how can I display items according shop. I was a bit constrained here.
function to_cart () {
$data = array(
'id' => '1',
'qty' => 1,
'price' => 2.400,
'name' => 'Asus Eeepc',
'store' => 'My_store 1'
'id' => '2',
'qty' => 1,
'price' => 1.500,
'name' => 'Accer AspireOne',
'store' => 'My_store 1'
'id' => '3',
'qty' => 1,
'price' => 4.000,
'name' => 'Toshiba Satelite',
'store' => 'My_store 2'
'id' => '4',
'qty' => 1,
'price' => 2.700,
'name' => 'Lenova ThinkCare',
'store' => 'My_store 1'
<?php foreach ($this->cart->contents() as $item) {
echo '<td>'.$item['no'].'</td>';
echo '<td>'.$item['name'].'</td>';
echo '<td>'.$item['price'].'</td>';
echo '<td>'.$item['qty'].'</td>';
echo '<td>'.$item['store'].'</td>';
I am trying to extract data from a hash value.
my $triggers = $zabbix->raw('trigger','get', $options);
print Dumper($triggers);
foreach my $trigger (#{$triggers} )
push #triggerid,$trigger->{'triggerid'};
my #t=$trigger->{'hosts'};
my $lt = localtime($trigger->{'lastchange'});
print "$trigger->{'description'} $lt \n";
Output of Dumper is
'hosts' => [
'hostid' => '19914',
'host' => 'pc10bcf18.syd.sf.priv'
'priority' => '2',
'status' => '0',
'templateid' => '10652913',
'comments' => '',
'state' => '0',
'triggerid' => '10653191',
'expression' => '{15070357}#1',
'error' => '',
'url' => '',
'flags' => '0',
'value' => '1',
'name' => 'pc10_BizX_A_CF',
'description' => 'pc10bcf18.syd.sf.priv: Core Path not \'/dumps/java/core\' (Path=/export/home/jboss/j...)',
'value_flags' => '0',
'lastchange' => '1429181103',
'type' => '0'
From my above code, i was able to print 'description'. How do i access and print the value of 'host' value?
To maintain the for / push pattern that you have already coded, you can write this
my $triggers = $zabbix->raw('trigger', 'get', $options);
my #triggerid;
for my $trigger ( #$triggers ) {
push #triggerid, $trigger->{triggerid};
my #hosts;
my $hosts = $trigger->{hosts};
for my $host ( #$hosts ) {
push #hosts, $host->{host};
my $lt = localtime($trigger->{lastchange});
print "$trigger->{description} $lt\n";
Looks like there can be more than one host, so
my #hosts =
map { $_->{host} }
#{ $trigger->{hosts} };
To get the first one (assuming there will always be at least one),
my $first_host = $trigger->{hosts}[0]{host};
I have the following code to scrape a form for inputs and get the attributes id and name.
use warnings;
use strict;
use URI;
use Data::Dumper::Simple;
use Web::Scraper;
my $urlToScrape = "http://digitalarkivet.arkivverket.no/finn_kilde";
my $scrap = scraper {
process 'div.listGroup.open > ul.grouped > li.expandable', 'data[]' => scraper {
process 'input', 'id' => '#id', name => '#name';
process 'label', 'label_for' => '#for';
process 'span.listExpander ', 'Text' => 'TEXT';
process 'ul.sublist1', 'sublist[]' => scraper {
process 'input', 'id' => '#id', name => '#name';
process 'label', 'label_for' => '#for';
process 'span', 'label' => 'TEXT';
my $res = $scrap->scrape(URI->new($urlToScrape));
print Dumper($res);
which gives me (shortend $res to fit screen better)
$res = {
'data' => [
'label_for' => 'ka0',
'sublist' => [
'label' => 'Statlig folketelling',
'label_for' => 'ka0kt0',
'name' => 'kt[]',
'id' => 'ka0kt0'
'name' => 'ka[]',
'id' => 'ka0>',
'Text' => 'Folketellinger'
'sublist' => [
'label' => 'Manntall',
'name' => 'kt[]',
'label_for' => 'ka1kt0',
'id' => 'ka1kt0'
'label_for' => 'ka1',
'id' => 'ka1>',
'name' => 'ka[]',
'Text' => 'Manntall'
'label_for' => 'r0',
'sublist' => [
'label_for' => 'r0f0',
'id' => 'r0f0',
'name' => 'f[]',
'label' => "01 Østfold"
'id' => 'r0',
'name' => 'r[]',
'Text' => "Østlandet"
'Text' => "Sørlandet",
'id' => 'r1',
'sublist' => [
'label_for' => 'r1f0',
'name' => 'f[]',
'id' => 'r1f0',
'label' => '09 Aust-Agder'
'label_for' => 'r1',
'name' => 'r[]'
I' have 2 issues I need to fix. First, I only want to get data for inputs having 'name' = ka[] (at top level).
Second, I only get data for first ul.sublist1 (If you study the page I'm scraping you can see that several "Kildekategori" have subsets of data, which are revealed if expanded/ clicked upon. Putting brackets on Text[] only gets me the sublist textnames, but not their attributes.
I'm thinking I might have to grab data in 2 scrapes instead, since nested values are revealed by id and label_for.
Solved it by scraping three times, foreach "level"
use strict;
use warnings;
use URI;
use Web::Scraper;
use Data::Dumper::Simple;
my %site;
my #res;
my $i;
my $j;
my $label_for;
my #scrape;
$site{'siteID'} = 1;
$site{'url'} = "http://digitalarkivet.arkivverket.no/finn_kilde";
$site{'name'} = "finn_kilde";
open FIL, ">$site{'name'}.csv" or die $!;
my $seperator=";";
$scrape[0] = scraper {
process 'div.listGroup.open > ul.grouped > li.expandable', 'data[]' => scraper {
process 'input',
'id' => '#id',
'value' => '#value',
'type' => '#type',
'name' => '#name';
process 'label', 'label_for' => '#for';
process 'span.listExpander ', 'text' => 'TEXT';
$scrape[1] = scraper {
process 'ul.sublist1 > li', 'data[]' => scraper {
process 'input',
'id' => '#id',
'value' => '#value',
'type' => '#type',
'name' => '#name';
process 'label', 'label_for' => '#for';
process 'span', 'text' => 'TEXT';
$scrape[2] = scraper {
process 'ul.sublist2 > li', 'data[]' => scraper {
process 'input',
'id' => '#id',
'value' => '#value',
'type' => '#type',
'name' => '#name';
process 'label', 'label_for' => '#for';
process 'span', 'text' => 'TEXT';
for $i (0 .. $#scrape){
$res[$i] = $scrape[$i]->scrape(URI->new($site{'url'}));
unless ($i) {
print FIL join($seperator,"label_for","text","name","value","id","type")."\n";
for $j (0 .. $#{$res[$i]->{data}}) {
if (defined($res[$i]->{data}[$j]->{label_for})){
} else {
if (length($label_for)>0) {
my $name=$res[$i]->{data}[$j]->{name};
my $text=$res[$i]->{data}[$j]->{text};
my $value=$res[$i]->{data}[$j]->{value};
my $id=$res[$i]->{data}[$j]->{id};
my $type=$res[$i]->{data}[$j]->{type};
my #row=($label_for,$text,$name,$value,$id,$type);
print FIL join($seperator,#row);
print FIL "\n";
close FIL;
print Dumper(\#res);