Visualising fft-signal__Waterplot - matlab

This is the kind of plot i imagined myself.
Ok, i don't want to explain too much, how my code works. It would take too much time. Just try the second code yourself. Take any small wav-file you can find. When you compile the code, you can see three frequency bands and see that many spectrums are plotted every 30ms. If you have a specifically question concerning my code, how it works, ask me in the comments.
I want every spectrum, at least from one frequency band, to plot it in a 3-dimensional plot. In short, what are the coordinates of the first spectrum and the 2nd, the 3rd, the 4th and so on.
My time segment on which is a fft applied, is 30 ms long. The first point on the x-axis is 30 ms, the next one 60ms and the next one 90ms and so on. What is the y-coordinate from the 30ms? This would be on the frequency axis or the y-axis. The z-axis would be the magnitude out of a frequency component at some point in time (or at a given sliding window frame). How can i do that? How do i write that? I am having big trouble with this matter. And since every explanation is in another language, it makes it much more harder for me.
As you may know, i have an audiofile (music) on which i compute a STFT. I want to visualise it. See the following explanation in my code. Read the comments!
My first idea to do this way, was using the function "mesh" or something similar.
Here is my mesh-code:
Z = [];
% Here i would define the number of time segments
% See the next following code, to understand, what i mean.
for i = 1:length(X)
% Here in this line, i want to compute my short fft
% number of frequencies
for j = 1: length(Y)
Z(j,i) = 1.0/(i*j);
This code plots me a mesh, i just wanted to know for myself, how this works. Anyway please be aware, that i am quite sure that i do not know, how the function "mesh" works to the fullest, but i think, i understood most of it.
Another thing i need to mention is, that i am defining frequency bands in my next following code. I did this, because i noticed, i have very high amplitudes in a range from 1 - 1000Hz, which is why, i defined 3 frequency bands. It is not necessary to plot all of them, but i want to visualise at least one. Not visualising the whole frequency range from the audio signal, but only the specificially chosen band.
% audioread = Read WAV-file
% y = Vector, which contains audio signal
% fs = Sample Rate
% 'dontstopmenow' = WAV-file
t_seg=0.03; % Length of segment in ms
fftlen = 4096; %FFT-Points
%Defining the length of my frequency bands
f_LOW= 1:200; % contain lower frequencies
f_MEDIUM= 201:600; % contain medium frequencies
f_HIGH= 601:1000; % contain higher frequencies
segl =floor(t_seg*fs);
% Length of segment, on which we use the fft
% "floor" rounds off the result
% size of window which goes to the next segment
%hann function
% From a row vector to a column vector
%Start index
%End index
N= length(y)/windowshift - 1;
% Number of time segements in audio signal
% New window
% frequency vector
%Plotting time segments!
for m= 1:1:N
y_a = y(si:ei);
y_a= y_a.*window;
Ya=fft(y_a, fftlen);
drawnow; %Updates graphical objects
plot(f(1:end/2), 20*log10(Ya));
%STFT __ plots the whole audio signal after a stft, every 30ms
%% L,M,H - Bands
y_low = Ya(f_LOW);
ylim([-20 60]);
title('Spektrum (LOW)');
grid on
y_medium = Ya(f_MEDIUM);
ylim([-20 30]);
title('Spektrum (MEDIUM)');
grid on
y_high = Ya(f_HIGH);
ylim([-20 30]);
title('Spektrum (HIGH)');
grid on;
% start index updated
% end index updated

Here's the list of statements you could add to your code to generate the waterfall plot:
Let's store all STFT outputs in a matrix named Yb. Firstly, allocate the memory by adding this line before the for-loop.
Yb = NaN(N, fftlen/2);
Next, in the for-loop, save the fft result for each segment. This can be done by adding the following line after you have finished the computation of Ya (just before drawnow).
Yb(m,:) = Ya;
Now you're ready to generate the waterfall plot. This can be done by adding the following code after the end of the for-loop.
waterfall(f(f_LOW), (1:N)*windowshift/fs, Yb(:,f_LOW));
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)');
ylabel('Time (s)');
Hope this achieves what you want.
Following is not related to the main question: I also have the following suggestions to improve some other aspects of your code:
(1) The computation of the frequency grid f has a small scaling error. It should be:
(2) Depending on the WAV file you use, your code may get fractional values in windowshift and N, but both of them need to be integers. So, use appropriate rounding methods while computing them. I'd suggest the following:
windowshift = round(segl/2);
N = floor(length(y)/windowshift);
(3) In the for-loop, you plot the whole fft only to overwrite that with the subplots immediately. That line should be removed.


FFT: How to find the single sided spectrum when there are less than fs/2 samples

I am writing a piece of code that figures out what frequencies(notes) are being played at any given time of a song (note currently I am testing it grabbing only the first second of the song). To do this I break the first second of the audio file into 8 different chunks. Then I perform an FFT on each chunk and plot it with the following code:
% Taking a second of an audio file and breaking it into n many chunks and
% figuring out what frequencies make up each of those chunks
clear all;
% Read Audio
fs = 44100; % sample frequency (Hz)
full = audioread('song.wav');
% Perform fft and get frequencies
chunks = 8; % How many chunks to break wave into
for i = 1:chunks
beginningChunk = (i-1)*fs/chunks+1
endChunk = i*fs/chunks
x = full(beginningChunk:endChunk);
y = fft(x);
n = length(x); % number of samples in chunk
amp = abs(y)/n; % amplitude of the DFT
%%%amp = amp(1:fs/2/chunks); % note this is my attempt that I think is wrong
f = (0:n-1)*(fs/n); % frequency range
%%%f = f(1:fs/2/chunks); % note this is my attempt that I think is wrong
When I do that I get graphs that look like these:
It looks like I am plotting too many points because the frequencies go up in magnitude at the far right of graphs so I think I am using the double sided spectrum. I think I need to only use the samples from 1:fs/2, the problem is I don't have a big enough matrix to grab that many points. I tried going from 1:fs/2/chunks, but I am unconvinced those are the right values so I commented those out. How can I find the single sided spectrum when there are less than fs/2 samples?
As a side note when I plot all the graphs I notice the frequencies given are almost exactly the same. This is surprising to me because I thought I made the chunks small enough that only the frequency that's happening at the exact time should be grabbed -- and therefore I would be getting the current note being played. If anyone knows how I can single out what note is being played at each time better that information would be greatly appreciated.
For a single-sided FT simply take the first half of the output of the FFT algorithm. The other half (the nagative frequencies) is redundant given that your input is real-valued.
1/8 second is quite long. Note that relevant frequencies are around 160-1600 Hz, if I remeber correctly (music is not my specialty). Those will be in the left-most region of your FT. The highest frequency you compute (after dropping the right half of FFT) is half your sampling frequency, 44.1/2 kHz. The lowest frequency, and the distance between samples, is given by the length of your transform (44.1 kHz / number of samples).

complicated matlab image processing

I have a really weird question.
Let's assume i have an oscillogram like the one shown below.
I need to -somehow- capture the points that compose the signal and afterwards try to make a Fourier analysis and plot the harmonics of the signal.
Do you think such an operation could be done in matlab or any other software?
This forum is not a Give Me the Code service!!!...
Having said that, here is precisely what you requested, with the code profusely commented and plotting the image processing steps :).....
%% Processing
% Reading Image
X0=imread('Pentode 10kHz.gif');
% Removing Division Dotted Lines and Axis
%% Evaluating
% Obtain Maximums per Points
% Setting the Proper Scaling
xmax=8*2; %2V per division, 8 divisions
tmax=10*20e-6; % 20us per division, 10 divisions
% Applying Time Scaling
t0=(1:lt)'/lt*tmax; % 200us total
% Remove Spurious Points
% Applying Volt Scaling
%% Signal
xlabel('Time [s]');
ylabel('Volts [V]')
%% Fourier Transform
h=fftshift(fft(x0))/1000; % f in kHz
fmax=1/tmax*ln/2/1000; % F in kHz
axis([0 100 0 1])
xlabel('Frequency [kHz]')
ylabel('Spectral Magnitude [x/kHz]')
Check finally the Fourier Transform. Note the proper scales, and the single point around 10kHz, which is the correct value. Note that, because having only two periods of the signal, the FT is not the best method for confirming the frequency and yes, the period in this case is.

Optimize computation time for PDF approximation based on Kernel Density Estimation

I have a code to find the pdf's approximation of a vector based on the formula for kernel estimation:
I implemented this formula in the code below (see previous question). However, that code takes long time to run (two loops are used). Could you see the below code and help me to make it faster?
This is the code:
function pdf_est=KDE()
close all;
%%Random values of 20 pixels, range=[1 256]
data=randi([1 256],1,20)-1; %// changed: "-1"
%% Estimate histogram%%%%%
for i=0:z-1 %// changed_ subtracted 1
for j=1:length(data)
pdf_est(i+1)=pdf_est(i+1)+Gaussian(i-data(j)); %// changed: "+1" (twice)
%% Plot real histogram 1 to 256; binsize=1;
hold on
plot(0:255, imhist(uint8(data))./length(data),'r'); %// changed: explicit x axis
%% Plot histogram estimation
plot(0:255, pdf_est./length(data),'b'); %// changed: explicit x axis
hold off
function K=Gaussian(x)
sigma=1; %// change? Set as desired
You can get rid of both of those nasty nested loops and then use the hardcoded sigma to have a mega-reduced vectorized solution -
pdf_est = sum(1./(sqrt(2*pi))*exp(-bsxfun(#minus,[0:z-1]',data).^2/2),2)
Or if you would like to have the flexibility to have sigma around, use this -
That's all really there is!
Quick tests put this to speedup the original code by 10x!

Analyzing wav files in MATLAB

So I have this piano recording (in .wav format). I am able to do an FFT on the whole recording and identify frequencies.
However, according to some articles I read, its best if the wav file is broken down into windows, where each window would include one particular note.
For this I need to initially plot a "power envelope" of my time domain signal (considering the note average energy concept) therefore there'll be one increase and one decrease for each note and note onsets can be determined by checking the local minima.
This is where 'windows' are introduced, where each window consists of only one onset and then FFT is performed on each window.
Im having difficulty in plotting the power envelope and moving onto breaking it down into windows. Would appreciate some help with the Matlab coding for this.
The code I've used is pretty straightforward:
[wave,fs] = wavread ('c scale fast.wav'); % read file into memory */
%sound(wave,fs); % see what it sounds like */
wave = wave.*hamming(length(wave));
t = 0:1/fs:(length(wave)-1)/fs; % and get sampling frequency */
title('Wave File');
xlabel('Length (in seconds)');
L = length(wave);
NFFT = 2^nextpow2(L); % Next power of 2 from length of y
Y = fft(wave,NFFT)/L;
f = fs/2*linspace(0,1,NFFT/2+1);
% Plot single-sided amplitude spectrum.
title('Single-Sided Amplitude Spectrum of y(t)')
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
After my signal (abs value of my wav file) is convolved with the Gaussian filter i try taking the 1st and 2nd derivatives, but i don't get an output when i try to plot it.
W= diff(tedge);
Z= diff(W);
It is when i try to plot W and Z that I don't get the output I need. My graph is empty in other words. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong here...
Basic flow:
for v=1:window_length:length(data)
subsection_fft = fft(data_subsection);

STFT computation without using spectrogram function!

I was trying to plot STFT using plot3 in MATLAB but failed. Can somebody guide me how to do that? My MWE is given below:
%% STFT Computataion
clear; clc; clf;
%% Get input and calculate frame size and overlap/shift
frame_size=round(20*Fs/1000); % calculate frame size for 20ms
frame_shift=round(10*Fs/1000); % calculate frame shift for 10ms
%% Plot the input signal in time domain
title('Speech signal in time domain');
ylabel('Magnitude of samples');
xlabel('time in seconds');
%% Calculation of STFT
%for i=1:frame_shift:(length(Y)-frame_size)
for i=1:frame_shift:((length(Y)-frame_size))%+frame_shift)
sp_frame_dft=abs(fft(sp_frame)); % Compute STFT
%% Plot the STFT in 3D
I am not sure what your question exactly is about, but I guess the problem is, with the provided code, that you do not get a plot similar to the one you'd get, say, with surf.
Furthermore, I am also not quite sure why you would want to use plot3, maybe to get the labels on the time and frequency right ? you could do that all the same with surf:
surf(T, F, sp_frame_array,'EdgeColor','none');
As a matter of fact, the reason why your plot3 does not give the same figure is because the arguments of plot3 must be three matrices of the same size (check it on help plot3). Your code should actually be broken on Matlab, which it's not, according to my test. Well, once again Matlab allowing people to mess around without warnings (go Python! :D)... Anyway, try to set the matrices more like the following:
F=linspace(1/Fs,Fs/2000, rows); % note: has to be rows, not cols here!
Fmat = F(:) * ones(1,cols); % or use repmat
Tmat = ones(rows,1) * T(:)';
While this will normally produce something more in line with what I would expect in drawing a spectrogram, I'd still make some remarks:
your F vector should go up to Fs, because of the way you filled sp_frame_dft in. More specifically, it should go from 0Hz to Fs - Fs/rows:
F = linspace(0,Fs*(1-1/rows)/1000,rows); % in kHz
you would probably like to draw the amplitudes in dBs:
plot3 draws one line per column of the provided matrices. That means potentially lots of lines to draw! As #atul-ingle asked, are you sure this is what you want? Maybe waterfall would provide a better rendering at a lower cost?
Well, you'll get the lines for the rows, instead of the columns, so you might need to transpose if the latter is what you want.
You might also prefer to visualise only the first half of the matrix (because the frequencies higher than Fs/2 are only mirrors of the other half of the matrix).
Hope that helps!