Paypal Restfull API, setting receiver email address - paypal

I can receive payment using paypal rest api on my website, but how can i get these payments received by someother paypal email address.
Like people add their products on my page and once their product is sold, as soon the buyers pays, i want the money to be credited in seller's paypal account instead of my paypal account. where can i mention the seller paypal address in rest api cal so that money goes to him after the sale
secondly paypal sends the transaction time in following format
what is the timezone of this time?

Here's a post I wrote about setting the receiver of a payment with the REST APIs: In essence, you just add something like the following to your transaction object:
payee: {
email: ''
Also, the time zone should be GMT that is being returned.


Getting user's business name and country via PayPal APIs

Our company has clients who have PayPal accounts. We also have their PayPal emails.
The issue is how to get client's business_name and country by providing its PayPal email?
Is it possible to make it using PayPal API?
Thanks in advance!
When a user makes a payment (Set up standard payments), you'll receive their shipping address country code as part of the v2/checkout/orders capture response.
If you need to the country of a PayPal account separately from such a payment capture's shipping address, then you might need to implement Log in with PayPal requesting the scope address, and have the user log in.
However, the capture response might also have a "payer" object with the billing account country (which can be different from the shipping country in some cases).

Is it safe to send Paypal transaction ID to buyer via email?

I'm creating an e-commerce shop using Paypal Express Checkout payment. Inside IPN callback, after required checks I send a confirmation email to buyer. Inside this e-mail I would like to include Paypal transaction ID, to let user easily communicate with vendor about order, if necessary.
Is it safe to send Paypal transaction ID to buyer via email?
Yes, the payer will get a paypal email with the transaction id anyways.

Get the email of my PayPal customer

I need to read the email of the buyer that has completed a transaction on my eCommerce site. Paypal does send me an email of notification, but does not contain the email of the buyer (Instead, it returns just the transaction-id - which takes me to my account.)
I was looking through the PayPal for Developer API, but I can't find an example to get this level of detail. Is this even possible to retrieve, and if so, how?
Paypal ipn returns the address. When you post to PayPal, they request an address by default. (Source)
no_shipping =2 is the prompt for requiring an address.

How to check Payment failure for Paypal Express Checkout

We are using Paypal recurring billing service (using Express Checkout) at our website for monthly subscription.
Since we have an Australian account so we are not able use the DPRP (Direct Payment Recurring Payment) service offered by Paypal because it seems, DPRP service is limited
to only few countries (US, UK and Canada).
In Express checkout payment details are received at Paypal Website. So we do not have any information, whether the payment failed, user pressed the Back button in browser or He/She intentionally clicked the cancel payment.
After speaking to Paypal support team we get know that there could be multiple possible reason for Payment failure, and seller has to contact Paypal by themself. So we can
not provide any troubleshooting for that at our website.
So we want to know, Is there any possible solution to avoid this or atleast can we diffrentiate between the user for whom payment failed and who intentionally moved to
our website back without doing payment because this way we are not only unable to followup with them but also loosing a part of the customer base, interested in our service.
Any help in this is Appreciated.
You should implement the Pay Pal IPN (Instant Payment Notification).
You configure the IPN url address on your PayPal merchant account settings. This page is simple HTML page with server-side programming that is listening for requests coming from PayPal.
There's no need to do something extra in the checkout process for making IPN work. Once you set this up, it will automatically work.
Every time something happens with a transaction in your merchant account, e.g. transaction completed/failed/canceled, PayPal will send an HTTP Post to your IPN listener URL.
Here you can get all the relevant information about the transaction, like the payer ID, the payment status. With this information you can decide what to do with your customer's order.

How to get sellers PayPal account from eBay transaction

How can I get a sellers PayPal email account after I've successfully purchased an item on eBay?
I'm writing an application which makes a purchase on eBay via its API. When it successfully purchases, I receive a Transaction ID from eBay.
I now want to use the PayPal API to pay for this item, and require the sellers email address. I understand that their API has methods like GetTransactionDetails, but I'm making the request as a buyer, and also only have the eBay transaction ID.
Where can I get the seller's PayPal email address?
There is no API based approach to remitting purchases on eBay via PayPal.
After testing many different options and wading through the vast mess of eBay API "documentation" and raw responses, it's evident that the PayPal email address of the seller is NOT available unless you are the seller.
Trying to access this field as the buyer, despite being part of the transaction, will simply return "Invalid Data" in this field.
I'm assuming you're using the PlaceOffer call (from the Trading API) to purchase the item.
You can get the seller's email address using the GetItemTransactions API, and there would be a strong liklihood that that email address would be the same one associated with their PayPal account, but it's not guaranteed to be the same. For example, for large-volume sellers, they might have "" for their eBay contact but "" for their PayPal one.