How to force cursive display in ckeditor while typing - unicode

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<textarea name="editorUrdu"></textarea>
CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal( 'easykeymap', '/ckeditor/plugins/easykeymap', 'plugin.js' );
CKEDITOR.replace( 'editorUrdu',{
extraPlugins: 'easykeymap',
contentsLangDirection: 'rtl'
* This work is mine, and yours. You can modify it as you wish.
* #Author: Roni Saha<>
* This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
* with this source code in the file LICENSE.
requires : ['wysiwygarea'],
init: function (editor) {
//var keyMaps ={}, editor.config.easykeymaps || {}, true);
//Not using keymap specification from config variables, but using internally defined ones from param below
function isRegisteredKeystroke(code) {
if(typeof editor.keystrokeHandler.keystrokes[code] != 'undefined') {
console.warn("the keystroke : " + code + " is being attached to another event")
return true;
return false;
var sm1 = []; var en1 = [];
sm1[192]="؏"; en1[192]="~";
sm1[49]="۱"; en1[49]="1";
sm1[50]="۲"; en1[50]="2";
sm1[51]="۳"; en1[51]="3";
sm1[52]="۴"; en1[52]="4";
sm1[53]="۵"; en1[53]="5";
sm1[54]="۶"; en1[54]="6";
sm1[55]="۷"; en1[55]="7";
sm1[56]="۸"; en1[56]="8";
sm1[57]="۹"; en1[57]="9";
sm1[48]="۰"; en1[48]="0";
sm1[189]="-"; en1[189]="-";
sm1[187]="="; en1[187]="=";
//sm1[8]=""; en1[8]="";//BACKSPACE
var sm2 = []; var en2 = [];
sm2[9]=""; en2[9]="";//TAB
sm2[81]="ق"; en2[81]="Q";
sm2[87]="و"; en2[87]="W";
sm2[69]="ع"; en2[69]="E";
sm2[82]="ر"; en2[82]="R";
sm2[84]="ت"; en2[84]="T";
sm2[89]="ے"; en2[89]="Y";
sm2[85]="ء"; en2[85]="U";
sm2[73]="ی"; en2[73]="I";
sm2[79]="ہ"; en2[79]="O";
sm2[80]="پ"; en2[80]="P";
sm2[219]="'"; en2[219]="{";
sm2[221]="ﷲ"; en2[221]="}";
sm2[220]="÷"; en2[220]="\\";
var sm3 = []; var en3 = [];
//sm3[20]=""; en3[20]="";//CAPSLOCK
sm3[65]="ا"; en3[65]="A";
sm3[83]="س"; en3[83]="S";
sm3[68]="د"; en3[68]="D";
sm3[70]="ف"; en3[70]="F";
sm3[71]="گ"; en3[71]="G";
sm3[72]="ح"; en3[72]="H";
sm3[74]="ج"; en3[74]="J";
sm3[74]="ک"; en3[75]="K";
sm3[76]="ل"; en3[76]="L";
sm3[186]="؛"; en3[186]=":";
sm3[222]=","; en3[222]="\"";
sm3[13]=""; en3[13]="";//ENTER
var sm4 = []; var en4 = [];
//sm4[16]=""; en4[16]="";//SHIFT
sm4[90]="ز"; en4[90]="Z";
sm4[88]="ش"; en4[88]="X";
sm4[67]="چ"; en4[67]="C";
sm4[86]="ط"; en4[86]="V";
sm4[66]="ب"; en4[66]="B";
sm4[78]="ن"; en4[78]="N";
sm4[77]="م"; en4[77]="M";
sm4[188]="،"; en4[188]="<";
sm4[190]="۔"; en4[190]=">";
sm4[191]="/"; en4[191]="?";
sm4[16]=""; en4[16]="";//SHIFT
var keyBoard = {};
keyBoard.Row1 = { "sm" : sm1, "en" : en1 };
keyBoard.Row2 = { "sm" : sm2, "en" : en2 };
keyBoard.Row3 = { "sm" : sm3, "en" : en3 };
keyBoard.Row4 = { "sm" : sm4, "en" : en4 };
function getMappedCharacter(code) {;
if (typeof[code] != 'undefined')
else if (typeof[code] != 'undefined')
else if (typeof[code] != 'undefined')
else if (typeof[code] != 'undefined')
return false;
editor.on( 'key', function( event ) {
var t =;
var mappedCode = getMappedCharacter(;
if (mappedCode !== false && !isRegisteredKeystroke( {
if(typeof mappedCode == 'function') {
return, editor);
} );
I'm using ckeditor for allowing my users to input Urdu text. Like Arabic, Urdu is cursive, and uses distinct ligatures when joined.
I'm using the
editor.on( 'key', function( event ))
event to intercept the
and replace it using
So, e.g. if the user types L and A, I replace it with the Urdu
ا (U+0627)
ل (U+0644).
Now, after being typed, they both appear as distinct characters, separate from each other. I can press space, or enter, and they both remain as they are. But I would like them to be replaced with their proper equivalent ligature ﻻ which is FEFB in this unicode chart
I see that ckeditor automatically correct this if I switch to Source view. There, inside the <p> block, it shows the separate, disjointed letter's already replace with proper cursive ligature. And it keeps it that way when I switch back from Source view. But whatever is causing this to happen, how can I trigger that to happen while typing?
Attaching images also.
After typing
After going to source view
After returning from source view

When ever you type L and A , editor.insertText() is just append it as two separate stings, instead of combining into one.
that why its not producing desired output.
Added these two line
var $pTag = editor.getSelection().getRanges()[0].startContainer.$; // accessing the p tag
$pTag.innerText = $pTag.innerText+mappedCode; // modifing the inner text
editor.insertText(mappedCode); // in editor.on( 'key', function( event )
will output as "لا"
above fix has some issues to deal with like linebeak(new line)
replace the below snippet
var $pTag = editor.getSelection().getRanges()[0].startContainer.$;
var innerText =$pTag.innerText; // accessing the p tag data
$pTag.innerText = ""; // removing the existing data
editor.insertHtml(innerText+mappedCode); // concat with new string
editor.insertText(mappedCode); // in editor.on( 'key', function( event )
Example: codepen


How to create customized Add Comment in Word-Addins Taskpane?

I am creating an MS-Word Add-ins for Word for mac and I have to create a custom comment section with a task pane so I have created one textbox and create a button on click on button comment is added to that selected text.
I find many articles but don't work for me so that I attach a sample code below.
<div class="padding">
<textarea id="areaDiv"></textarea>
<button id="addComment">Add Comment</button>
<div id="errorDiv"></div>
**JS File**
Office.onReady(function () {
// Office is ready
$(document).ready(function () {
// The document is ready
// Use this to check whether the API is supported in the Word client.
if (Office.context.requirements.isSetSupported('WordApi', '1.1')) {
// Do something that is only available via the new APIs
$('#supportedVersion').html('This code is using Word 2016 or later.');
else {
// Just letting you know that this code will not work with your version of Word.
$('#supportedVersion').html('This code requires Word 2016 or later.');
// Function that writes to a div with id='message' on the page.
function addComment() {
{ valueFormat: "unformatted", filterType: "all" },
function (asyncResult) {
var error = asyncResult.error;
if (asyncResult.status === Office.AsyncResultStatus.Failed) {
else {
var range = asyncResult.value;
function onError(error) {
$('#errorDiv').text( + ' ' + error.code + ': ' + error.message);
function write(range) {
var text = $("#areaDiv").val();
if (range != null && range != "" && text != null && text != "") {
$('#errorDiv').text(range + " " + text);
var document =;
document.add(range, text);
Here there is no error but there is an issue of no comment is set the selected text and not goes in the catch block.
If anyone has an idea about this then it helps me a lot.

How can we validate just the mandatory fields in a form in SAP UI5?

I am trying to create a form which has some mandatory fields that requires validation on form submission.
Could anyone suggest me the best possible way to do that in SAP UI5? The mandatory fields are in greater number, thus i don't want to check all fields separately by their ID.
You can do this in two scenarios. While entering a value, or when submitting the form as in your question.
CheckRequired: function(oEvent) {
var aInputs = [this.getView().byId(oEvent.getSource().getId())];
var sError = false;
jQuery.each(aInputs, function(i, input) {
if (!input.getValue() || input.getValue().length < 1) {
sError = true;
} else {
return sError;
This function is to be used with the onLiveChange property. It checks if the control is filled with at least one character.
If you would like to check everything when you press submit. you could use a function like this with your form:
_onSubmitCheck: function() {
var oForm = this.getView().byId("form").getContent();
var sError = false;
oForm.forEach(function(Field) {
if (typeof Field.getValue === "function") {
if (!Field.getValue() || Field.getValue().length < 1) {
sError = true;
else {
return sError;
It will loop over your form controls to check if the getValue() method exists as part of the control. If that returns yes, it wil check if it has a value of at least 1 character.
There are kind of two ways.
"sap.ui5": {
"handleValidation": true,
to your manifest.json and type & constraints to your inputs
<Input type="Text" value="{path: 'NoFioriValidationsInDefault', type: 'sap.ui.model.type.String', constraints: { minLength:2 }}" valueLiveUpdate="true" enabled="{= ${editView>/nfvid/enabled} && ${editView>/creating}}" visible="true" width="auto" valueHelpOnly="false" maxLength="0" id="inp_cond_nfvid" required="{editView>/nfvid/required}"/>
This gives just visual feedback to the user, if you need the status in your controller you can either iterate over all the inputs and check them by hand, or use
Just by calling
var validator = new Validator();
if (!validator.isValid()){
//do something additional to drawing red borders? message box?
in your controller, the view will mark missing required inputs with the ValueState.ERROR (red borders) and tell you if all inputs inside the supplied control are valid.
I am doing it the old-school way. The input fields do get the required=true property and then I loop over all controls found with this property:
// store view ID to compare with control IDs later
var viewId = this.getView().getId();
jQuery('input[required=required]').each(function () {
// control has wrapper with no id, therefore we need to remove the "-inner" end
var oControl = sap.ui.getCore().byId(,''));
// CAUTION: as OpenUI5 keeps all loaded views in DOM, ensure that the controls found belong to the current view
if (oControl.getId().startsWith(viewId) && (oControl instanceof sap.m.Input || oControl instanceof sap.m.DatePicker)) {
var val = oControl.getValue();
if (!val) {
bError = true;
return false;
} else {

TYPO3: count number of file downloads in v 7.6.x

Is there an extension for counting the number of file downloads (e.g. pdf) compatible with TYPO3 v 7.6.x?
For older versions dbdownloadtracker or cc_awstats did it. But they are not compatible with 7.6.x unfortunately.
I see from its documentation that the extension kk_downloader ( has a "counter" feature.
Otherwise, I think that you could set up something with Google Analytics
Google Analytics might be the best choice and you don't depend on a Typo3 extension. It works for any website, Typo3 or not, but needs to be loaded after your GA script. The statistics show up as Events in Google Analytics and they are recorded right away in Google, no need to wait hours to see the stats working.
It tracks Downloads, External site clicks, mailto, and telephones clicked/called from links if set with href="tel:(000)000-0000". You can use your own format for phones in your HTML.
It tracks these file extenions: exe, zip, pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx. If you need more file types, just add to the list in var filetypes the extensions separated by a pipe.
Make sure you use jQuery or update the code.
<script type="text/javascript">
if (typeof jQuery != 'undefined') {
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
var filetypes = /\.(exe|zip|pdf|doc*|xls*|ppt*)$/i;
var baseHref = '';
if (jQuery('base').attr('href') != undefined) baseHref = jQuery('base').attr('href');
jQuery('a').each(function() {
var href = jQuery(this).attr('href');
if (href && (href.match(/^https?\:/i)) && (!href.match(document.domain))) {
jQuery(this).click(function() {
var extLink = href.replace(/^https?\:\/\//i, '');
ga('send', 'event', 'External', 'Click', extLink);
if (jQuery(this).attr('target') != undefined && jQuery(this).attr('target').toLowerCase() != '_blank') {
setTimeout(function() {
location.href = href;
}, 200);
return false;
} else if (href && href.match(/^mailto\:/i)) {
jQuery(this).click(function() {
var mailLink = href.replace(/^mailto\:/i, '');
ga('send', 'event', 'Email', 'Click', mailLink);
} else if (href && href.match(/^tel\:/i)) {
jQuery(this).click(function() {
var phoneLink = href.replace(/^tel\:/i, '');
ga('send', 'event', 'Phone', 'Click', phoneLink);
} else if (href && href.match(filetypes)) {
jQuery(this).click(function() {
var extension = (/[.]/.exec(href)) ? /[^.]+$/.exec(href) : undefined;
var filePath = href;
ga('send', 'event', 'Download', 'Click-' + extension, filePath);
if (jQuery(this).attr('target') != undefined && jQuery(this).attr('target').toLowerCase() != '_blank') {
setTimeout(function() {
location.href = baseHref + href;
}, 200);
return false;
For more details about this code, the original was found here:, but the code in this answer uses the new ga event and also adds the tracking for Phones clicked.
After you apply this code, in Google Analytics don't forget to filter the current day as per default Google selects the range until the day before today.
Hope this helps someone out there.

How to include var in partials calls

Let's say I have a website where for each main section I have a specific sidebar.
Currently I have a single sidebar file, where im using categories to filter the correct content to show like this:
{{#inArray page.categories "Components"}}
<section class="sg-index">
<li {{#is title "DetailContent"}} class="active"{{/is}}>
However my goal is to have these sidebar files located at each section folder, along with the section files.
How can I include the {{dirname}} variable in the partials call {{> sidebar}}?
This should be possible with a conditional block helper, like {{with}} and the include helper,
B you could also create a custom helper, something like this:
var path = require('path');
var _ = require('lodash');
var matter = require('gray-matter');
module.exports.register = function (Handlebars, options, params) {
var assemble = params.assemble;
var grunt = params.grunt;
var opts = options || {};
Handlebars.registerHelper('sidenav', function(page, context) {
if(page.published !== false && page.sidenav) {
if(!Array.isArray(assemble.partials)) {
assemble.partials = [assemble.partials];
var filepath = _.first(_.filter(assemble.partials, function(fp) {
return path.basename(fp, path.extname(fp)) === page.sidenav;
// Process context, using YAML front-matter,
// grunt config and Assemble
var pageObj = matter(filepath) || {};
var metadata = pageObj.context || {};
context = _.extend(this,[page.sidenav], metadata, context);
var partial = Handlebars.partials[page.sidenav];
var template = Handlebars.compile(partial);
var output = template(context);
// Prepend output with the filepath to the original partial
// for debugging
var sidenav = opts.sidenav || || {};
if(sidenav.origin === true) {
output = '<!-- ' + filepath + ' -->\n' + output;
return new Handlebars.SafeString(output);
then use it in your markup like this:
<div class="sidebar" role="complementary">
<ul class="nav sidenav">
{{sidenav this}}

Splitter control in SAPUI5

I am trying to implement SAPUI5 splitter button/control that accepts one Label and one button like Linked in. Like linked in when you add your skills, text display along with delete button. If you want to delete the text then simple click on delete button, it will delete (this is what happens in linked in).
I am also want to implement same thing using SAP splitter control but i am facing some layout issue. I have tried a lot to fix this issue but no luck.
Here is my code
In code there three splitters in total. Main splitter called oSplitterH that saves 0.....n sub-sublitters in its addFirstPaneContent.
The problem is it always display split button in vertical alignment rather than horizontal like linked in. I also changed the layout into Horizontal but still displaying in vertical alignment.
Any suggestion?
var splitterLabel = new Label({
text : 'Splitter ',
width: '80px'
var oSplitterH = new sap.ui.commons.Splitter("splitterH");
//adding Labels to both panes
var oSplitter2 = new sap.ui.commons.Splitter("splitterH12");
var oLabel2 = new sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "Part1"});
var oLabel2 = new sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "Part2"});
var oSplitter3 = new sap.ui.commons.Splitter("splitterH13");
var oLabe123 = new sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "Part3"});
var oLabe1234 = new sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "Part4"});
createProfileMatrix.createRow(splitterLabel, oSplitterH, null, null);
The following code may help you.
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css"/>
<script src="resources/sap-ui-core.js"
<!-- add sap.ui.table,sap.ui.ux3 and/or other libraries to 'data-sap-ui-libs' if required -->
var view = sap.ui.view({id:"idlinkedIn-label1", viewName:"sapui5samples.linkedIn-label", type:sap.ui.core.mvc.ViewType.JS});
<body class="sapUiBody" role="application">
<div id="content"></div>
<div id="list"></div>
border:1px solid gray;
border-radius: 5px;
SAPUI5 view file (didn't used controller file)
var oLayout;
sap.ui.jsview("sapui5samples.linkedIn-label", {
getControllerName : function() {
return "sapui5samples.linkedIn-label";
createContent : function(oController) {
// create a simple SearchField with suggestion list (list expander
// visible)
var oSearch = new sap.ui.commons.SearchField("suggestSearch1", {
enableListSuggest : true,
startSuggestion : 1,
search : function(oEvent) {
var techName = oEvent.getParameter("query");
suggest : doSuggest
// Button for adding the technology if it is not listed in the available
// technologies
var oButton = new sap.ui.commons.Button({
text : "Add",
tooltip : "Add Technology",
press : function() {
var tech = sap.ui.getCore().byId("suggestSearch1").getValue();
// create a simple horizontal layout
var oLayout = new sap.ui.commons.layout.HorizontalLayout({
content : [ oSearch, oButton ]
// attach it to some element in the page
oLayout = new sap.ui.commons.layout.HorizontalLayout("target");
// attach it to some element in the page
// Help function to handle the suggest events of the search field
var doSuggest = function(oEvent) {
var sVal = oEvent.getParameter("value");
var aSuggestions = filterTechnologies(sVal); // Find the technologies
var oSearchControl = sap.ui.getCore().byId(oEvent.getParameter("id"));
oSearchControl.suggest(sVal, aSuggestions); // Set the found suggestions on
// the search control
var technologies = [ "Java", ".Net", "PHP", "SAPUI5", "JQuery", "HTML5", "" ];
technologies.sort();""); // Load the plugin to use
// ''
// Help function to filter the technologies according to the given prefix
var filterTechnologies = function(sPrefix) {
var aResult = [];
for (var i = 0; i < technologies.length; i++) {
if (!sPrefix || sPrefix.length == 0
||[i], sPrefix)) {
return aResult;
var count = 0;
var arr = [];
// function for add the item to horizontal layout
var addTechnology = function(techName) {
var elementIndex = arr.indexOf(techName);
// conditional statement for adding the tech to the list
if (elementIndex === -1) {
// create a horizontal Splitter
var oSplitterV = new sap.ui.commons.Splitter({
width : "120px",
height : "30px",
showScrollBars : false,
splitterBarVisible : false
// label with dynamic Id
var oLabel1 = new sap.ui.commons.Label("tCount" + count, {
text : techName,
tooltip : techName
var oLabel2 = new sap.ui.commons.Button({
icon : "img/delete.png",
press : function() {
// Adding the tech to the parent array
// Emptying the search box
} else {
+ " is already added to the list");
// function for removing removed element from parent array
var removeElement = function(addedTech) {
// Find and remove item from an array
var i = arr.indexOf(addedTech);
if (i != -1) {
arr.splice(i, 1);
Please make a note that I concentrated more on functionality rather than look and feel