Swift-3: closure with escaping and non-escaping behaviour together - swift

I have encountered a situation when a closure may be called inside the function f1 (in which the closure is passed to) or it may be passed to some other function f2.
So now I wonder how should I define escaping behaviour of this closure. I mean should I put #escaping or not?
Sample function:
func f1(_ completionHandler: ()->()){
if someFlag == true{
func f2(_ completionHandler: ()->()){
// some other magic
Sorry if there are some syntactical errors, (typed the methods here), my question is, what should be type attribute of completionHandler for function f1?

The rule for when you need #escaping is simple – if a closure function argument can escape the lifetime of the function call, it needs to be marked as #escaping (the compiler simply won't let you compile it otherwise).
In your example code, completionHandler is not marked as #escaping in f2 – therefore it cannot escape the lifetime of f2. Therefore it cannot possibly escape the lifetime of f1 either, thus you don't need to mark f1's completionHandler as #escaping.
If however, f2's completionHandler could escape the lifetime of f2, then you would have to mark both f2 and f1's parameters as #escaping as it could escape the lifetime of both calls.


Converting non-escaping value to 'Any' may allow it to escape error - within not escaping function

My question is derived from the following Japanese question.
It's not my question, but I'm trying to answer the following problem but I cannot find the suitable answer.
The question above will be simpled like below.
func executetwice(operation:() -> Void) {
This compiler required to add #escaping keyword after operation: label, such as
func executetwice(operation: #escaping () -> Void) {
But in fact, it seems that operation block does not escape from this block.
Another way,
func executetwice(operation:() -> Void) {
let f = operation as Any
also compiler requires to add #escaping keyword. It is just upcasting to Any.
In other case, just casting to same type, it seems to be error.
func executetwice(operation:() -> Void) {
let f = operation as () -> Void //Converting non-escaping value to '() -> Void' may allow it to escape
I'm not sure why I need to add #escaping keyword with no escaping condition.
Just adding #escaping keyword will be Ok, but I would like to know why the compiler required the keyword in this case.
print accepts (a variable number of) Any as arguments, so that is why it's saying that you are converting a closure to Any when you pass it to print.
Many checks are applied on closure-typed parameters to make sure a non-escaping closure don't escape (for what it means for a closure to "escape", read this):
var c: (() -> Void)?
func f(operation:() -> Void) {
c = operation // compiler can detect that operation escapes here, and produces an error
However, these checks are only applied on closure types. If you cast a closure to Any, the closure loses its closure type, and the compiler can't check for whether it escapes or not. Let's suppose the compiler allowed you to cast a non-escaping closure to Any, and you passed it to g below:
var c: Any?
func g(operation: Any) {
// the compiler doesn't know that "operation" is a closure!
// You have successfully made a non-escaping closure escape!
c = operation
Therefore, the compiler is designed to be conservative and treats "casting to Any" as "making a closure escape".
But we are sure that print doesn't escape the closure, so we can use withoutActuallyEscaping:
func executetwice(operation:() -> Void) {
withoutActuallyEscaping(operation) {
Casting a closure to its own type also makes the closure escape. This is because operation as () -> Void is a "rather complex" expression producing a value of type () -> Void. And by "rather complex" I mean it is complex enough that when passing that to a non-escaping parameter, the compiler doesn't bother to check whether what you are casting really is non-escaping, so it assumes that all casts are escaping.

Why don't value types require #escaping or explicit self as opposed to escaping closures?

So this code is is an escaping closure and I do understand that it's #escaping is required because the function escapes and appends or changes completion handlers.
var completionHandlers: [() -> Void] = []
func someFunctionWithEscapingClosure(completionHandler: #escaping () -> Void) {
func someFunctionWithNonescapingClosure(closure: () -> Void) {
class SomeClass {
var x = 10
func doSomething() {
someFunctionWithEscapingClosure { self.x = 100 }
someFunctionWithNonescapingClosure { x = 200 }
let instance = SomeClass()
// Prints "200"
// Prints "100”
This simple code however doesn't require the value type to be marked as escaped even though it changed the variable x.
var x: Int = 0
func x (y: Int) {
x += y
x (y: 7)
print (x)
This confuses me because I don't understand why in the second code self can be assessed implicitly, but with an escaping closure self is required (if it were called).
I do understand that it's #escaping is required because the function escapes and appends or changes completion handlers.
It's not entirely clear from that phrase that you understand what #escaping means. It means that this function parameter gets stored rather than executed immediately and thrown away.
That is what happens in your first example: we are handed a () -> Void and instead of merely executing it, we append it to a persistent array.
In your second example, there is no function parameter (just a lowly Int) so the matter never arises.
The reason why the question arises for a function parameter is that functions are closures, so when a function gets stored, other stuff from its environment can get stored. That can have unintended consequences, so you have to acknowledge that you're aware of this by saying #escaping.

Escaping Closures in Swift

I'm new to Swift and I was reading the manual when I came across escaping closures. I didn't get the manual's description at all. Could someone please explain to me what escaping closures are in Swift in simple terms.
Consider this class:
class A {
var closure: (() -> Void)?
func someMethod(closure: #escaping () -> Void) {
self.closure = closure
someMethod assigns the closure passed in, to a property in the class.
Now here comes another class:
class B {
var number = 0
var a: A = A()
func anotherMethod() {
a.someMethod { self.number = 10 }
If I call anotherMethod, the closure { self.number = 10 } will be stored in the instance of A. Since self is captured in the closure, the instance of A will also hold a strong reference to it.
That's basically an example of an escaped closure!
You are probably wondering, "what? So where did the closure escaped from, and to?"
The closure escapes from the scope of the method, to the scope of the class. And it can be called later, even on another thread! This could cause problems if not handled properly.
By default, Swift doesn't allow closures to escape. You have to add #escaping to the closure type to tell the compiler "Please allow this closure to escape". If we remove #escaping:
class A {
var closure: (() -> Void)?
func someMethod(closure: () -> Void) {
and try to write self.closure = closure, it doesn't compile!
I am going in a more simpler way.
Consider this example:
func testFunctionWithNonescapingClosure(closure:() -> Void) {
The above is a non-escaping closure because the closure is
invoked before the method returns.
Consider the same example with an asynchoronous operation:
func testFunctionWithEscapingClosure(closure:#escaping () -> Void) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
The above example contains an escaping closure because the closure invocation may happen after the function returns due to the asynchronous operation.
var completionHandlers: [() -> Void] = []
func testFunctionWithEscapingClosure(closure: #escaping () -> Void) {
In the above case you can easily realize the closure is moving outside
body of the function so it needs to be an escaping closure.
Escaping and non escaping closure were added for compiler optimization in Swift 3. You can search for the advantages of nonescaping closure.
I find this website very helpful on that matter
Simple explanation would be:
If a closure is passed as an argument to a function and it is invoked
after the function returns, the closure is escaping.
Read more at the link I passed above! :)
By default the closures are non escaping. For simple understanding you can consider non_escaping closures as local closure(just like local variables) and escaping as global closure (just like global variables). It means once we come out from the method body the scope of the non_escaping closure is lost. But in the case of escaping closure, the memory retained the closure int the memory.
***Simply we use escaping closure when we call the closure inside any async task in the method, or method returns before calling the closure.
Non_escaping closure: -
func add(num1: Int, num2: Int, completion: ((Int) -> (Void))) -> Int {
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).async {
completion(num1 + num2) // Error: Closure use of non-escaping parameter 'completion' may allow it to escape
return num1
override func viewDidLoad() {
let ans = add(num1: 12, num2: 22, completion: { (number) in
print("Inside Closure")
print("Ans = \(ans)")
Since it is non_escaping closure its scope will be lost once we come out the from the 'add' method. completion(num1 + num2) will never call.
Escaping closure:-
func add(num1: Int, num2: Int, completion: #escaping((Int) -> (Void))) -> Int {
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).async {
completion(num1 + num2)
return num1
Even if the method return (i.e., we come out of the method scope) the closure will be called.enter code here
Swift 4.1
From Language Reference: Attributes of The Swift Programming Language (Swift 4.1)
Apple explains the attribute escaping clearly.
Apply this attribute to a parameter’s type in a method or function declaration to indicate that the parameter’s value can be stored for later execution. This means that the value is allowed to outlive the lifetime of the call. Function type parameters with the escaping type attribute require explicit use of self. for properties or methods. For an example of how to use the escaping attribute, see Escaping Closures
var completionHandlers: [() -> Void] = []
func someFunctionWithEscapingClosure(completionHandler: #escaping () -> Void) {
The someFunctionWithEscapingClosure(_:) function takes a closure as its argument and adds it to an array that’s declared outside the function. If you didn’t mark the parameter of this function with #escaping, you would get a compile-time error.
A closure is said to escape a function when the closure is passed as an argument to the function, but is called after the function returns. When you declare a function that takes a closure as one of its parameters, you can write #escaping before the parameter’s type to indicate that the closure is allowed to escape.
Definition of Escape
Swift’s closures are reference types, which means if you point two variables at the same closure they share that closure – Swift just remembers that there are two things relying on it by incrementing its reference count.
When a closure gets passed into a function to be used, Swift needs to know whether that function will get used immediately or whether it will be saved for use later on. If it’s used immediately, the compiler can skip adding one to its reference count because the closure will be run straight away then forgotten about. But if it’s used later – or even might be used later – Swift needs to add one to its reference count so that it won’t accidentally be destroyed.
Quick Example
A good example of an escaping closure is a completion handler. It’s executed in the future, when a lengthy task completes, so it outlives the function it was created in. Another example is asynchronous programming: a closure that’s executed asynchronously always escapes its original context.
public func responseData(
queue: DispatchQueue? = nil,
completionHandler: #escaping (DataResponse<Data>) -> Void)
-> Self
Extra Information
For performance reasons, Swift assumes all closures are nonescaping closures, which means they will be used immediately inside the function and not stored, which in turn means Swift doesn’t touch the reference count. If this isn’t the case – if you take any measure to store the closure – then Swift will force you to mark it as #escaping so that the reference count must be changed.
non-escaping(#noescape) vs escaping(#escaping) closure
[Function and closure]
non-escaping closure
#noescape is a closure which is passed into a function and which is called before the function returns
A good example of non-escaping closure is Array sort function - sorted(by: (Element, Element) -> Bool). This closure is called during executing a sort calculations.
History: #noescape was introduced in Swift 2 -> was deprecated in Swift 3 where became a default that is why you should mark #escaping attribute explicitly.
func foo(_ nonEscapingClosure: () -> Void) {
escaping closure
escaping closure(reference) is alive when method was finished.
//If you have next error
Escaping closure captures non-escaping parameter
//`#escaping` to the rescue
#escaping is a closure which is
passed into a function
The owner function saves this closure in a property
closure is called(using property) after the owner function returns(async)
A good example of an escaping closure is a completion handler in asynchronous operation. If you do not mark you function with #escaping in this case you get compile time error. Reference to property in an escaping closure requires you to use self explicitly
class MyClass {
var completionHandler: (() -> Void)?
func foo(_ escapingClosure: #escaping () -> Void) {
//if you don't mark as #escaping you get
//Assigning non-escaping parameter 'escapingClosure' to an #escaping closure
completionHandler = escapingClosure //<- error here
func onEvent() {
completion is a completionHandlerAbout, if you want to highlight that it is #escaping you can use completionHandler naming
func foo(completion: () -> Void) {
func foo(completionHandler: #escaping () -> Void) {
[Sync vs Async]
[Java functional interfaces]
Here simple example of escaping and no escaping closures.
Non-Scaping Closures
class NonEscapingClosure {
func performAddition() {
addition(10, 10) { result in
func addition(_ a: Int, _ b: Int, completion: (_ result: Int) -> Void) {
completion(a + b)
Creating an instance and calling function calling
let instance = NonEscapingClosure()
And Escaping Closures
class EscapingClosure {
func performAddition() {
addition(10, 10) { result in
func addition(_ a: Int, _ b: Int, completion: #escaping (_ result: Int) -> Void) {
let add = a + b
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 2) {
Creating an instance and function calling
let instance = EscapingClosure()

What is trailing closure syntax in Swift?

Swift's documentation on closures states:
Swift’s closure expressions have a clean, clear style, with optimizations that encourage brief, clutter-free syntax in common scenarios. These optimizations include:
Inferring parameter and return value types from context
Implicit returns from single-expression closures
Shorthand argument names
Trailing closure syntax
What exactly is "trailing closure syntax" for Swift closures?
A trailing closure is written after the function call’s parentheses, even though it is still an argument to the function. When you use the trailing closure syntax, you don’t write the argument label for the closure as part of the function call.
func doSomething(number:Int, onSuccess closure:(Int)->Void) {
closure(number * number * number)
doSomething(number: 100) { (numberCube) in
print(numberCube) // prints 1000000
The argument label onSuccess is not there in the function call. Even though the closure is included in the function parameters list, swift will take it out of the parameter block to make the code more readable.
A closure expression that is written outside of (and after) the
parentheses of the function call it supports
It is just syntactic sugar to write less and is easier to read.
Giving you a use case:
You have a function that needs a another function (or closure) as a parameter like that:
func fooFunc(paramfunc: () -> Void) {
Calling the function and giving a function as an argument is normal. Giving it a closure means the argument you give is a nameless function written between {} and with the type signature in the beginning (it is an anonymous function).
While calling a function which needs a function as argument and writing the closure after the parenthesis or omitting the parenthesis if it is the only argument (multiple trailing closures coming in Swift 5.3) makes it trailing closure syntax.
fooFunc { () -> Void in
fooFunc() { () -> Void in
The parenthesis after the function name can even be omitted.
If you need to pass a closure expression to a function as the function’s final argument and the closure expression is long, it can be useful to write it as a trailing closure instead. A trailing closure is written after the function call’s parentheses, even though it is still an argument to the function. When you use the trailing closure syntax, you don’t write the argument label for the closure as part of the function call.
func funcWithATrailingClosure(closure: () -> Void) {
// function body goes here
// Here's how you call this function without using a trailing closure:
funcWithATrailingClosure(closure: {
// closure's body goes here
// Here's how you call this function with a trailing closure instead:
funcWithATrailingClosure() {
// trailing closure's body goes here
When the last parameter of a function is a closure like this:
class Object {
func foo(bar: String, baz: (() -> Void)) { }
You can call it normally like:
let obj = Object()
obj.foo(bar: "", baz: { foo() })
or trailing like this
obj.foo(bar: "") { foo() }
Also, in case of having multiple trailing closure like this:
func foo(bar: String, baz: (() -> Void), pippo: ((IndexPath) -> Void)) { }
then if you try to call it like:
obj.foo(bar: "") { _ in
} pippo: { _ in
following error occurs:
Contextual type for closure argument list expects 1 argument, which cannot be implicitly ignored
So prevent that error you need to call like:
obj.foo(bar: "") {
} pippo: { _ in
Finally, if you want to use one more closure type like Int
func foo(bar: String, baz: ((Int) -> Void), pippo: ((IndexPath) -> Void)) { }
then call like:
obj.foo(bar: "") { _ in //baz
} pippo: { _ in
Trailing Closures
If you need to pass a closure expression to a function as the function’s final argument and the closure expression is long, it can be useful to write it as a trailing closure instead. A trailing closure is written after the function call’s parentheses, even though it is still an argument to the function. When you use the trailing closure syntax, you don’t write the argument label for the closure as part of the function call.
func someFunctionThatTakesAClosure(closure: () -> Void) {
// function body goes here
// Here's how you call this function without using a trailing closure:
someFunctionThatTakesAClosure(closure: {
// closure's body goes here
// Here's how you call this function with a trailing closure instead:
someFunctionThatTakesAClosure() {
// trailing closure's body goes here
If a closure expression is provided as the function or method’s only argument and you provide that expression as a trailing closure, you do not need to write a pair of parentheses () after the function or method’s name when you call the function:
reversedNames = names.sorted { $0 > $1 }

Implicitly unwrapped optional Closure in a method argument

In SwiftHTTP, it has this following code for its GET method:
public func GET(url: String,
parameters: Dictionary<String,AnyObject>?,
completionHandler:((HTTPResponse) -> Void)!) { ... }
By making this implicitly unwrapped optional, does it mean the completionHandler must be provided? If so why bother making it an optional?
The implicitly unwrapped optional means you technically can pass nil, but whether or not it crashes depends on the rest of the code. In this case, it appears that the case where completionHandler is nil is handled properly (so you don't have to provide one). I would simply say this is a sub-optimal API :)