How to Unit Test when using ScalaJ-Http? - scala

I am looking to use ScalaJ-Http as a http client. Link:
How would I mock Http or HttpRequest in a unit test for a class with a line of code like this val response: HttpResponse[String] = Http("").param("q","monkeys").asString?
The class will take the url and params from method call arguments. So I cannot inject HttpRequest.

What I did was create a ScalajHttp wrapper class like so:
import scalaj.http.{Http, HttpRequest}
* This wraps the Scalaj Http object so it can be injected.
class ScalajHttp {
def url(url: String): HttpRequest = Http(url)
Then you can easily inject it into another class:
class Foo(http: ScalajHttp) {
def doBar() = {
val response = http.url("http://...").asString
Then for mocking you can use something like Specs2 and create mock of ScalajHttp.

Curious if you already had a solution for this. I came across your post with the same question.
I finally solved it for now by just creating a 'dummy-service' in the test itself using Scalatra/Jetty and specifying the expected responses in there. So, it's not really mocking, but it'll do for me.
Downside to this approach is that you have to include Scalatra, Jetty-server and Jetty-servlet as extra dependencies (optionally with scope=test).
def mockService: Server = {
class MockedServlet extends ScalatraServlet {
get("/") {
// fill in whatever you expect here
Ok("I'm alive!")
class ServletMounter extends LifeCycle {
override def init(context: ServletContext): Unit = {
context.mount(new MockedServlet, "/mock")
new Server(20002) {
val servlet = new ServletContextHandler(ServletContextHandler.NO_SESSIONS) {
addEventListener(new ScalatraListener() {
override def probeForCycleClass(classLoader: ClassLoader): (String, LifeCycle) = {
(classOf[ServletMounter].getSimpleName, new ServletMounter)
private val server = mockService
override protected def beforeAll(): Unit = {
override protected def afterAll(): Unit = {
// a simple test
"service up" should "return a 200 when the mocked service is up" in {
val response = Http("http://localhost:20002/mock/").asString
response.code shouldBe 200
response.body shouldBe "I'm alive!"
Edit March 2nd, 2017:
After some more consideration I changed my code such that I have the HTTP call via scalaj-http in a 'facade' trait, that I am able to mock in my tests. Now, rather than doing the actual HTTP request, I mock the facade and send back the expected HTTPResponse. In comparison with the solution shown above, this is much cleaner, the dependencies mentioned above aren't necessary anymore and the setup is easier. The facade can be 'injected' into the class that does the HTTP call as either a constructor parameter or as a self-type annotation.


How do I mock a Scala Companion Object with EASYMOCK on Scala 3? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How to mock an Object in Scala
(1 answer)
Closed 7 months ago.
I have the following code...
class CoreDataSource {
def getConnection = {
println("Getting the connection")
object CoreDataSource {
def getConnection: Option[Connection] = {
def getDataSource: Option[DataSource] = {
config = new HikariConfig // This has side effects and can't run
val pool : DataSource = new HikariDataSource(config) // This has side effects and can't run
I am trying to mock out the creation of the HikariDataSource and HikariConfig. I tried this...
class CoreDataSourceSpec extends AnyFunSpec with EasyMockSugar {
describe("Core Data Source") {
it("Do something") {
val cdsMock = mock[CoreDataSource.type]
But I get
Cannot subclass final class ....CoreDataSource$
What is the proper way to Mock out a companion object using EasyMock
You don't.
Companion object should only perform pure computations (at least don't contain state) which don't require mocking. Most of the time it's purpose is to store factories and instances of type classes (implicits/givens) for your type.
If you store a mutable state (e.g. connection to the database) in companion you messed up. If you have a Java background, think this way: would you mock static methods of a class? (If you're drifting towards PowerMockito you should reconsider your life choices).
Your example shows that you want to store the connection somewhere - storing it in companion is basically global, shared, mutable state which is universally a bad idea, no matter the background.
Create factory of CoreDataSource in its companion, then pass around CoreDataSource instance directly. No issue with mocking that in your tests.
class CoreDataSource(dataSource: DataSource) {
def getConnection: Connection =
object CoreDataSource {
def createHikari(config: HikariConfig): CoreDataSource =
new CoreDataSource(new HikariDataSource(config))
// in test:
val dataSource = mock[DataSource]
val coreDataSource = new CoreDataSource(dataSource)
// then mock dataSource.getConnection
Doing it another way requires solving the hard problem that you have 0 reasons to have in the first place. If this companion object is not your but someone else and you cannot rewrite it - wrap it in your own code that you can control and mock easily.
EDIT. In case you are using something like Google Cloud... it still doesn't make sense to store everything in companion and mock it.
// functionality
class MyService(
connection: Connection
) {
def someFunctionality(arg: Arg): Result = ...
// in test
// given
val connection = mock[Connection] // mocking DB sounds like a bad idea but whatever
val myService = new MyService(connection)
// when
// then
// assertions
// adapter for Google Cloud, other cloud solutions should be similar
class MyFunction extends HttpFunction {
private val config = ...
private val coreDataSource = CoreDataSource.hikari(config)
private val connection = coreDataSource.getConnection
private val myService = new MyService(connection)
override def service(request: HttpRequest, response: HttpResponse): Unit = {
// extract data from request, then
val result = myService.someFunctionality(arg)
// then send result in response
And if you needed to cache these private vals - what you are caching is NOT related to business logic at all, it merely wires things together, like main in Java which is never tested, nor require testing.
So you could implement it like:
class MyFunction extends HttpFunction {
override def service(request: HttpRequest, response: HttpResponse): Unit = {
// extract data from request, then
val result = MyFunction.myService.someFunctionality(arg)
// then send result in response
object MyFunction {
// dependency injection and initialization
private val config = ...
private val coreDataSource = CoreDataSource.hikari(config)
private val connection = coreDataSource.getConnection
val myService = new MyService(connection)
where wrapper MyFunction is NOT tested, but MyService which does all the job is easily testable.
You should definitely read more about the language, beside the fact that the other answer mentioned (which is you should only contain pure class-level functionalities in the companion object), you cannot do it. Why? Because companion objects are singleton objects of a final class, which can access private states of the companion class itself and vice versa (think of it kind of like static data of the class).
The thing is, companion object actually is an object of a final class (which if you want, I can provide more details about them). Final classes cannot be mocked, simply because they are "final", and their behavior cannot be changed (even by its subclasses). And mocking is all about mocking a class behavior, not an object's behavior.

Dependancy Injection of Google guice doesnt work in Scala

I want to use DI google guice which works perfectly fine in Java but doesnt work in case of scala. Here is my code:
class ConfigModule extends AbstractModule{
override def configure(): Unit = {
def getConfig(): Config = {
new Config
class Config {
val config1: String = "Sample"
class Service(#Named("config") config:Config) {
def read(): Unit = {
Main Class
object SampleJob {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val injector = Guice.createInjector(new ConfigModule)
val service = injector.getInstance(classOf[Service])
1) Could not find a suitable constructor in com.job.Service. Classes must have either one (and only one) constructor annotated with #Inject or a zero-argument constructor that is not private.
at com.job.Service.class(Service.scala:7)
while locating com.job.Service
Where am I mistaken?
class Service(#Inject #Named("config") config:Config) {
def read(): Unit = {
This also returns the same error
Could not find a suitable constructor in com.job.Service. Classes must have either one (and only one) constructor annotated with #Inject or a zero-argument constructor that is not private.
at com.job.Service.class(Service.scala:8)
while locating com.job.Service
The error tells you what happened:
Classes must have either one (and only one) constructor annotated with #Inject or a zero-argument constructor that is not private
So you need to add #Inject annotation... on your constructor like in tutorial.
Instead of
class Service(#Inject #Named("config") config:Config) {
def read(): Unit = {
it should be
class Service #Inject() (#Named("config") config:Config) {
def read(): Unit = {

How to test controllers using deadbolt2 DeadboltActions or is there another framework which allows this easily?

I'm using Play! 2.4 with Deadbolt2 for authorization. However, since I introduced the authorization rules, I'm unable to write successful tests for my controllers. As an example:
class VisitController #Inject() (authorization: DeadboltActions) extends Controller {
def fetchDailyVisits(date: Date) = authorization.Restrict(List(Array(ADMIN_ROLE), Array(MANAGER_ROLE))) {
Action.async {
visitService.findDailyVisits(date).map(result =>
I'm using specs2 in the tests. My test looks like this atm:
class VisitControllerSpec extends PlaySpecification with Mockito with ScalaFutures {
val deadboltActions = mock[DeadboltActions]
"VisitControllerSpec#fetchDailyVisits" should {
val testDate = Date.from(LocalDate.of(2016, 2, 25)
"Return Status Ok with returned list" in {
val expected = List(completeVisitWithId, anotherCompleteVisitWithId)
visitService.findDailyVisits(testDate) returns Future { expected }
val request = FakeRequest(GET, "/visits?date=2016-02-25")
val result = new VisitController(deadboltActions)
result.futureValue.header.status must beEqualTo(OK)
contentAsJson(result) must_== Json.toJson(expected)
How do I mock deadboltActions in a way I can specify the user will be allowed access?
Is there another way? Maybe by providing a different DeadboltHandler? It seems kind of obvious this would be the way to go, I just don't seem to be able to figure it out and there aren't a lot of Deadbolt2 examples out there (at least for scala).
Or, being more extreme, any other authorization framework out there that works well with scala play and allows to handle security as a cross-cutting concern without poluting the controllers? Deadbolt2 is too limited for this reason, but I honestly can't find a better authorization framework (unless I write my own).
There are a number of different ways you can do this.
If your DeadboltHandler has a DAO injected for accessing the subject, you can override the binding of the DAO to provide one containing test subjects.
abstract class AbstractControllerSpec extends PlaySpecification {
def testApp: Application = new GuiceApplicationBuilder().in(Mode.Test).bindings(bind[SubjectDao].to[TestSubjectDao]).build()
See the test app for an example of using this approach.
Alternatively, you can extend your DeadboltHandler implementation to override getSubject and provide a test subject from here. The binding is handled in the same way as above.
Finally, you can keep all your code as-is and populate the test database with subjects; the requests you send will be shaped by your authentication requirements (headers, something in a cookie, etc).
For unit testing, something similar applies. Given a SubjectDao that has some hard-coded subjects for test purposes, you can use WithApplication and an injector look-up to get what you need.
class TestSubjectDao extends SubjectDao {
val subjects: Map[String, Subject] = Map("greet" -> new SecuritySubject("greet",
"lotte" -> new SecuritySubject("lotte",
"steve" -> new SecuritySubject("steve",
"mani" -> new SecuritySubject("mani",
"trippel" -> new SecuritySubject("trippel",
override def user(userName: String): Option[Subject] = subjects.get(userName)
With a controller that looks something like this:
class Subject #Inject()(deadbolt: DeadboltActions) extends Controller {
def subjectMustBePresent = deadbolt.SubjectPresent()() { authRequest =>
Future {
Ok("Content accessible")
We can then unit test it like this:
import be.objectify.deadbolt.scala.DeadboltActions
import be.objectify.deadbolt.scala.test.controllers.composed.Subject
import be.objectify.deadbolt.scala.test.dao.{SubjectDao, TestSubjectDao}
import play.api.Mode
import play.api.inject._
import play.api.inject.guice.GuiceApplicationBuilder
import play.api.mvc.{Result, Results}
import play.api.test.{FakeRequest, PlaySpecification, WithApplication}
import scala.concurrent.Future
object SubjectPresentUnitSpec extends PlaySpecification with Results {
"Subject present " should {
"should result in a 401 when no subject is present" in new WithApplication(new GuiceApplicationBuilder().in(Mode.Test).bindings(bind[SubjectDao].to[TestSubjectDao]).build()) {
val deadbolt: DeadboltActions = implicitApp.injector.instanceOf[DeadboltActions]
val controller = new Subject(deadbolt)
val result: Future[Result] = call(controller.subjectMustBePresent(), FakeRequest())
val statusCode: Int = status(result)
statusCode must be equalTo 401
"should result in a 200 when a subject is present" in new WithApplication(new GuiceApplicationBuilder().in(Mode.Test).bindings(bind[SubjectDao].to[TestSubjectDao]).build()) {
val deadbolt: DeadboltActions = implicitApp.injector.instanceOf[DeadboltActions]
val controller = new Subject(deadbolt)
val result: Future[Result] = call(controller.subjectMustBePresent(), FakeRequest().withHeaders(("x-deadbolt-test-user", "greet")))
val statusCode: Int = status(result)
statusCode must be equalTo 200
It doesn't answer exactly to my original question, which was mostly related with Deadbolt2, but I kept getting frustrated with the fact I had to specify my authorization rules in my controllers, which is not truly cross cutting.
The answer provided by Steve Chaloner helps, but still forced me to go through a few hoops.
Enter Panoptes. This authorization framework is based on Filters instead of Action chaining, so it allows to easily specify authorization rules in a central location and outside of the controllers.
Setting your security rules in Panoptes is somewhat similar to Spring Security and it looks like this:
class BasicAuthHandler extends AuthorizationHandler {
override def config: Set[(Pattern, _ <: AuthorizationRule)] = {
Pattern(Some(POST), "/products") -> atLeastOne(withRole("Admin"), withRole("Manager"))
Pattern(Some(GET), "/cart[/A-Za-z0-9]*") -> withRole("Admin"),
Pattern(None, "/orders[/A-Za-z0-9]*") -> withRole("Admin")
Other than that, you need a couple of lines to declare the filter and plug in your AuthorizationHandler.
class Filters #Inject()(securityFilter: SecurityFilter) extends HttpFilters {
override def filters = Seq(securityFilter)
class ControllerProviderModule extends AbstractModule {
override def configure(): Unit = { bind(classOf[AuthorizationHandler]).to(classOf[MyAuthorizationHandler])
The README file in the git repository has more details and code samples.
It's also customizable to the point it allows to create your own AuthorizationRules. In my project I have a requirement where I need to check the mobile device that makes the call is registered in the system. I can write an AuthorizationRule to handle this for me for every request whose path matches my pattern.
Unit testing controllers is extra simple, because any mocking of the security layer can be ommited. They can be tested like any other class.
If you're having similar issues or also believe authorization rules don't belong in the controllers, have a go at Panoptes, it might suit your needs. Hope this helps someone else.

Mocking Scala Trait using Scala, ScalaTest, and Mocktio

For whatever reason Mocktio will not mock a method I have in a trait, it will call the actual method. Here is my test:
"displays the index page" in {
val mockAuth = mock[AuthMethods]
when(mockAuth.isAllowed(-1, "", "")).thenReturn(true)
val controller = new TestController()
val result = controller.index().apply(FakeRequest())
val bodyText = contentAsString(result)
bodyText must include ("Name")
Here is the trait and object:
trait AuthMethods {
def isAllowed(userID:Long, method:String, controller:String) : Boolean = {
//do stuff..
object Authorized extends AuthMethods with ActionBuilder [Request] {
def invokeBlock[A](request: Request[A], block: (Request[A]) => Future[Result]) = {
if(isAllowed(userID, method, controller) {
//do some more stuff..
Any thoughts on why its calling the actual method verses the mocked method? I am using Scala 2.10.4. Any help would be appreciated.
I forgot to mention, Authorized is a Action Composition and here is how it is being used:
def index = Authorized {
You have created a mock implementation mockAuth but have not done anything with it. Creating a mock implementation will not magically cause it to replace some other object. It looks like you want to create a mock of the Authorized object and arrange for your TestController to use it. You'll probably have to break a dependency somewhere.
(updated) Since this is in the context of the Play framework, you might find this blog post helpful. It describes a situation similar to yours. It appears you will have to change the way the Authorized object is referenced in order to supply a mock implementation.

Inject a dependency inside an object

I'm new to the Play framework and scala and I'm trying to inject a dependency inside a companion object.
I have a simple case class, like:
case class Bar(foo: Int) {}
With a companion object like:
object Bar {
val myDependency =
if (isTest) {
// Mock
// Actual implementation
val form = Form(mapping(
"foo" -> number(0, 100).verifying(foo => myDependency.validate(foo)),
This works fine, but it's not really a clean way to do it. I'd like to be able to inject the dependency at build time so that I can inject different mock objects when testing and different real implementations in development and production.
What's the best way to achieve this?
Any help really appreciated. Thanks!
Along the lines of the Cake, we can try to change your example to
trait Validator {
def validate(foo: Int): Boolean
trait TestValidation {
val validator = new Validator {
def validate(foo: Int): Boolean = ...
trait ImplValidation {
val validator = new Validator {
def validate(foo: Int): Boolean = ...
trait BarBehavior {
def validator: Validator
val form = Form(mapping(...))(Bar.apply)(Bar.unapply)
//use this in your tests
object TestBar extends BarBehavior with TestValidation
//use this in production
object ImplBar extends BarBehavior with ImplValidation
You should additionally try and test if this example fits well within the Play Framework, too