NETBeans GlassFish Server The module has not been deployed - netbeans

Starting GlassFish Server 4.1.1
GlassFish Server 4.1.1 is running.
In-place deployment at C:\Users\Mesci\Desktop\Java\NetBeansProjeleri\WebApplication1\build\web
GlassFish Server 4.1.1, deploy, Connection refused: connect, false
C:\Users\Mesci\Desktop\Java\NetBeansProjeleri\WebApplication1\nbproject\build-impl.xml:1045: The module has not been deployed.
See the server log for details.
BUILD FAILED (total time: 3 seconds)
I've got error like this. And there is 1045. line :
< nbdeploy clientUrlPart="${client.urlPart}" debugmode="false"
I've just setup NetBeans and when I try my first index.html, I've got anerror.


Error while Deploying WAR in WebSphere using ANT

We are trying to checkout, build and deploy EAR files ( IBM Integration Designer developed Mediation Modules.. but mostly similar to Java EAR files ). While deploying to WAS ND I am getting the below error...
[wsadmin] WASX7017E: Exception received while running file "C:\Users\INSTAL~2\AppData\Local\Temp\wsant1588202279705404612jacl"; exception information: WASX7132E: Application install for C:\Ant_Automation\ESB\MMCheckout\KY_SF1520_CPRServices_MMApplication\KY_SF1520_CPRServices_MM.ear failed: see previous messages for details.
[wsadmin] WASX7341W: No "save" was performed before the interactive scripting session exited; configuration changes will not be saved.
C:\Ant_Automation\ESB\build.xml:124: Java returned: 105
Total time: 1 minute 53 seconds
I think we have to save the configuration after deployment in a ND deployment, but I am not sure how we can save using ANT.
DMGR System log
[28-06-16 16:43:13:572 CEST] 000003ef InstallSchedu I ADMA5016I: Installation of KY_SF1520_CPRServices_MMApp started.
[28-06-16 16:43:14:384 CEST] 000003ef Configuration I getDeploymentEnvironment Effective deployment target is WebSphere:cell=KYDevBMP02Cell01,node=KYDevBMP02CellManager01,server=dmgr
[28-06-16 16:43:14:400 CEST] 000003ef Configuration I getDeploymentEnvironment Effective deployment target is WebSphere:cell=KYDevBMP02Cell01,node=KYDevBMP02CellManager01,server=dmgr
[28-06-16 16:43:14:493 CEST] 000003ef WBIAAbstractT I performTask CWLRD0101I: No WebSphere Business Integration Adapter files are found in the application KY_SF1520_CPRServices_MMApp.
[28-06-16 16:43:15:134 CEST] 000003ef Configuration I getDeploymentEnvironment Effective deployment target is WebSphere:cell=KYDevBMP02Cell01,node=KYDevBMP02CellManager01,server=dmgr
[28-06-16 16:43:15:149 CEST] 000003ef InstallSchedu I ADMA5014E: The installation of application KY_SF1520_CPRServices_MMApp failed.
You don't need to save if you are using , check this link for Ant script example Using Ant scripts for testing in headless WebSphere Business Process Manager
You have to look for error details either in the Ant console output or server SystemOut.log.
Look at your messages:
Effective deployment target is WebSphere:cell=KYDevBMP02Cell01,node=KYDevBMP02CellManager01,server=dmgr
This is not correct, you are installing application to either Cluster of some server, but for sure not DeploymentManager.
You have to provide options to your wsInstallApp task that will define target. See AdminApp.install command for details.

Deploying sbt project in tomcat

I am facing an issue while deploying an sbt project which is build using maven in tomcat.
While starting the tomcat server I am getting HTTP 500 error
While checking the logs it says
IllegalArgument Exception: No actor system defined
Any help would be appreciated.

Deplyoment Issue in Migrating from Primefaces 3.5 to 4.0

I was using primefaces 3.5 in my project and now have updated to 4.0 but its failing to deploy on Glassfish after upgrading and resulting in the following error:
Severe: Critical error during deployment:
com.sun.faces.config.ConfigurationException: java.lang.Exception:
No Function Found on type: org.primefaces.util.ComponentUtils with
signature: java.lang.String resolveWidgetVar(java.lang.String)
I have removed the 3.5 version JAR and placed the new one in the project library, but still failing to deploy with the mentioned error given.
I'm using:
Glassfish: 4.1,
Netbeans 8.0.1
You should clear glassfish cache because old primefaces library which referred in the class path of your app server.
Stop the glassfish server.
Delete the content of the osgi-cache, by removing the felix directory in your domain. This is usually found in glassfish4/glassfish/domains/domain1/osgi-cache

Error deploying application to Glassfish 3

When I try to deploy my application named shopping-1 to Glassfish 3 I get the following error:
'Publishing to GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3 (Java EE 6)2 at localhost...'has encountered a problen.
cannot Deploy shopping-1
Deployment Error for module: shopping-1: Exception while loading the app :
java.lang.Exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: ContainerBase.addChild: start:
How do I track down and fix this issue?
apparently the shopping-1.war file doesn't include the archive containing the DispatcherServlet class.
unzip -l shopping-1.war | grep spring (on Linux) will give you the list of all spring-related included jar files
First run appserver admin-list applications
Check if there are any deployed applications on the server.
Undeploy by running them if there are.
Stop the application server.
Open the location folder where you have the war file for deployment
Check that there is only one war file at a time in it.
7.Start the application server
Deploy the war.
Should work fine.

JBoss AS 7 on Ubuntu 12.04 server - Deployment errors

I setup a virtual machine with Ubuntu 12.04 64bit where I want
to run JBoss AS 7 and deploy Nexus OSS as a war file.
This tutorial was used to setup JBoss as a service on linux.
I found this thread, too, but the configuration script configuration
didn't worked for as well as the script shipped with JBoss in bin/init.d/.
Deployment Problem
No I'm trying to deploy the Nexus OSS war file. I had two different approaches.
1. Deploy it via the webinterfaces
I got this error
"address" => [("deployment" => "nexus")],
"operation" => "deploy"
Internal Server Error
"outcome" => "failed",
"failure-description" => {"JBAS014671: Failed services" =>{"jboss.web.deployment.default-host.\"/nexus-2.0.6\"" => "org.jboss.msc.service.StartException in service jboss.web.deployment.default-host.\"/nexus-2.0.6\": JBAS018040: Failed to start context"}},
"rolled-back" => true
2. Autodeploy it in /usr/local/jboss-as-7/standalone/deployments/
JBAS015052: Did not receive a response to the deployment operation within the allowed timeout period [60 seconds].
Check the server configuration file and the server logs to find more about the status of the deployment.
However I could find any logs. I search in
I haven't tried the most recent WAR, but I tried deploying the Nexus WAR on JBoss AS 7, GlassFish, Geronimo and TomEE without success. They all had different errors. From what I was gathering that WAR just won't work on any Java EE application server. I was only able to get it to work on a servlet container like Tomcat or jetty.