Racket provides a language extension for lazy evaluation that simply requires a #lang lazy header in the beginning of some file to change the evaluation strategy throughout the file.
However, this standard approach allows only a course level of granularity; A finer approach is needed to confine lazy evaluation to some defined scope.
Does Racket provide some standard approach to confining a lazy evaluation strategy to some scope? I'm looking for something like the following:
(eval-lazy (+ 2 2)) ;; only available by explicit or implicit call-by-need
#lang lazy is a completely different language than #lang racket. Yes, you can mix and match some parts, but it can get messy dealing with lazy values from #lang lazy in a #lang racket module.
Every scheme, thus also racket, has delay and force:
(define promise (delay (+ 2 2)))
(force promise) ; ==> 4
However that is just syntax sugar anyway since you can do it like this:
(define promise (thunk (+ 2 2)))
(promise) ; ==> 4
And of course thunk is just syntax sugar for anonymous function with no arguments:
(define promise (lambda () (+ 2 2)))
(promise) ; ==> 4
Now delay actually is slightly more complex since if you call these functions it will run the expression every time. To prevent that we memoize the result. Here I'll implement your eval-lazy as a macro:
(define ^not-calculated (list #f)) ; unique value
(define-syntax eval-lazy
(syntax-rules ()
((_ expression)
(let ((value ^not-calculated))
(lambda ()
(when (eq? ^not-calculated value)
(set! value expression))
As with the thunk and lambda just calling the result will force it.
Racket provides a stream library which can be used to do 90% of all algorithms in a way where you do abstract each step as it's own process where you can compose them together without getting the penalty of lists. Streams are just delayed values in cons popularized in SICP
In one variant of Common Lisp (I think it was CMUCL, but I might be wrong—I can't find it any more) there was a function that was (I think) called function-lambda-expression. If it got a procedure, it would print out the lambda expression that had generated it. Example:
(let ((my-thunk (lambda () (+ 1 2))))
(write my-thunk)
(write (function-lambda-expression my-thunk)))
This would print out something like:
(LAMBDA () (+ 1 2))
It was terribly useful for debugging and exploring the language.
I'm looking for a function like this in Racket. I've looked through the Racket Documentation but I can't find anything like it. (I wouldn't be surprised if I overlooked it, however.) Is there an equivalent in Racket?
No. Racket's lambda produces a closure that does not remember its S-expression (or syntax object) form. It does typically remember its name (or its abbreviated source location, if no name can be inferred), and that's often enough to help with debugging. (See object-name.)
You can build your own variant of lambda that has this feature, using Racket's applicable structures and a simple macro. Here's a basic example:
#lang racket
(struct exp-closure (f exp)
#:property prop:procedure (struct-field-index f))
(define-syntax-rule (exp-lambda formals . body)
(exp-closure (lambda formals . body)
(quote (exp-lambda formals . body))))
(let ([my-thunk (exp-lambda () (+ 1 2))])
(printf "fun is ~v\n" my-thunk)
(printf "exp is ~v\n" (exp-closure-exp my-thunk))
(printf "result is ~v\n" (my-thunk)))
This produces
fun is #<procedure:...tmp/lambda.rkt:11:19>
exp is '(exp-lambda () (+ 1 2))
result is 3
A better version of this macro might propagate the source location of the macro use to the lambda expression it creates, or the inferred name (see syntax-local-infer-name), or both.
make-variable-transformer (or make-set!-transformer, as it is called in Racket) can work with identifiers hardcoded in the literal list of the macro definition. The following example with set! invariably comes up when variable transformers are mentioned:
(λ (stx)
(syntax-case stx (set!)
((set! id _) ...)
(id ...))))
This is nice and all, useful for transparently integrating foreign structures with primitive operations known ahead of time, and it's a bonus that it can work through identifier syntax and rename transformers.
But what I'm wondering is if it's possible to work with syntax dynamically like:
(let-syntax ((# (make-variable-transformer
(λ (stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
((v # i) (vector? #'v) #'(vector-ref v i)))))))
(#(0 1 2) # 1))
=> 1
This doesn't work because the macro call doesn't match the template as syntax-case expects # to be in the initial position since there's no v in the literal list (and it probably assigns # to v pattern variable).
In short: Is it possible to write a syntax transformer that can accomplish this without reader extensions or overriding application, perhaps through a metamacro that rewrites the literal token list of an inner syntax-case (à la Petrofsky extraction)?
NB: The vector example itself is unimportant and I'm not interested in alternative solutions to this exact use-case.
since there's no v in the literal list (and it probably assigns # to v pattern variable).
Not really. set! is a special case that the macro expander handles specifically to make it cooperate with make-variable-transformer. But for other literals, they will fail. E.g.,
(let-syntax ((# (make-variable-transformer
(λ (stx)
(syntax-case stx (v)
((v # i) #'1))))))
(v # 1))
fails with v: unbound identifier.
The second issue with your above code is the side condition (vector? #'v). #'v is a syntax object, so (vector? #'v) will always result in #f. It's unclear what is the right behavior. For example, do you intend for:
(define v (vector 1 2 3))
(v # 1)
to work? If so, a compile-time side condition would be inappropriate, because it's not known if v is a vector at compile-time.
For your main question, the answer is no. It's not possible under the constraints that you imposed. The expansion steps are detailed here, and none of the steps looks beyond the head of the list.
But if we don't care about the constraints. I.e., overriding #%app is OK. It could work.
An issue that you need to think about is, suppose you have (a b c) where b is your kind of macro and a is a regular macro. Who should get the control first? If a should get the control first, you can override #%app to implement this kind of macro. Here's my quick implementation.
#lang racket
(require syntax/parse/define
(only-in racket [#%app racket:#%app])
(for-syntax syntax/apply-transformer))
(struct my-transformer (t)))
(define-syntax-parser #%app
[(_ x ...)
(define transformer
(for/first ([operand (attribute x)]
#:when (and (identifier? operand)
(syntax-local-value operand (λ () #f)))))
(syntax-local-value operand)))
[transformer (local-apply-transformer
(my-transformer-t transformer)
#'(x ...)
[else #'(racket:#%app x ...)])])
(define-syntax #
[(v _ i) #'(vector-ref v i)])))
(define v (vector 42 1337 1729))
(v # 1) ;=> 1337
Finally, you can always override #%module-begin and simulate the macro expander. It's an overkill solution, but could be appropriate if you want more advanced features, like allowing users to customize precedence so that b is expanded before a.
I'm in a process of implementing Hygienic macros in my Scheme implementation, I've just implemented syntax-rules, but I have this code:
(define odd?
(syntax-rules ()
((_ x) (not (even? x)))))
what should be the difference between that and this:
(define-syntax odd?
(syntax-rules ()
((_ x) (not (even? x)))))
from what I understand syntax-rules just return syntax transformer, why you can't just use define to assign that to symbol? Why I need to use define-syntax? What extra stuff that expression do?
Should first also work in scheme? Or only the second one?
Also what is the difference between let vs let-syntax and letrec vs letrec-syntax. Should (define|let|letrec)-syntax just typecheck if the value is syntax transformer?
I have this implementation, still using lisp macros:
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(define-macro (let-syntax vars . body)
`(let ,vars
,#(map (lambda (rule)
`(typecheck "let-syntax" ,(car rule) "syntax"))
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(define-macro (letrec-syntax vars . body)
`(letrec ,vars
,#(map (lambda (rule)
`(typecheck "letrec-syntax" ,(car rule) "syntax"))
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(define-macro (define-syntax name expr)
(let ((expr-name (gensym)))
`(define ,name
(let ((,expr-name ,expr))
(typecheck "define-syntax" ,expr-name "syntax")
This this code correct?
Should this code works?
(let ((let (lambda (x) x)))
(let-syntax ((odd? (syntax-rules ()
((_ x) (not (even? x))))))
(odd? 11)))
This question seems to imply some deep confusion about macros.
Let's imagine a language where syntax-rules returns some syntax transformer function (I am not sure this has to be true in RnRS Scheme, it is true in Racket I think), and where let and let-syntax were the same.
So let's write this function:
(define (f v)
(let ([g v])
(g e (i 10)
(if (= i 0)
(e (- i 1))))))
Which we can turn into this, of course:
(define (f v n)
(v e (i n)
(if (<= i 0)
(e (- i 1)))))
And I will tell you in addition that there is no binding for e or i in the environment.
What is the interpreter meant to do with this definition? Could it compile it? Could it safely infer that i can't possibly make any sense since it is used as a function and then as a number? Can it safely do anything at all?
The answer is that no, it can't. Until it knows what the argument to the function is it can't do anything. And this means that each time f is called it has to make that decision again. In particular, v might be:
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ name (var init) form ...)
(letrec ([name (λ (var)
form ...)])
(name init))]))
Under which the definition of f does make some kind of sense.
And things get worse: much worse. How about this?
(define (f v1 v2 n)
(let ([v v1])
(v e (i n)
(set! v (if (eq? v v1) v2 v1))
What this means is that a system like this wouldn't know what the code it was meant to interpret meant until, the moment it was interpreting it, or even after that point, as you can see from the second function above.
So instead of this horror, Lisps do something sane: they divide the process of evaluating bits of code into phases where each phase happens, conceptually, before the next one.
Here's a sequence for some imagined Lisp (this is kind of close to what CL does, since most of my knowledge is of that, but it is not intended to represent any particular system):
there's a phase where the code is turned from some sequence of characters to some object, possibly with the assistance of user-defined code;
there's a phase where that object is rewritten into some other object by user- and system-defined code (macros) – the result of this phase is something which is expressed in terms of functions and some small number of primitive special things, traditionally called 'special forms' which are known to the processes of stage 3 and 4;
there may be a phase where the object from phase 2 is compiled, and that phase may involve another set of user-defined macros (compiler macros);
there is a phase where the resulting code is evaluated.
And for each unit of code these phases happen in order, each phase completes before the next one begins.
This means that each phase in which the user can intervene needs its own set of defining and binding forms: it needs to be possible to say that 'this thing controls what happens at phase 2' for instance.
That's what define-syntax, let-syntax &c do: they say that 'these bindings and definitions control what happens at phase 2'. You can't, for instance, use define or let to do that, because at phase 2, these operations don't yet have meaning: they gain meaning (possibly by themselves being macros which expand to some primitive thing) only at phase 3. At phase 2 they are just bits of syntax which the macro is ingesting and spitting out.
I intend to generate debug messages for the code I'm developing. I wrote a macro to avoid writing the logging calls in each function. I know this limits the ability to generate more customized debug messages, but in return it isolates logging from code. And that is what I'm aiming for. This macro approach has other drawbacks too, for example it limits creation of function bindings to this macro only, but I think I can live with that.
Following is the definition of the macro and an example demonstrating its usage.
(define-syntax (define-func stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(define-func (func-name args ...) body1 body2 ...)
(if (and (identifier? #'func-name)
(andmap symbol? (syntax->datum #'(args ...))))
(syntax (define (func-name args ...)
(log-debug (format "Function-name ~a:" (syntax-e #'func-name)) (list args ...))
body2 ...))
(raise-syntax-error 'define-func "not an identifier" stx))]
[else (raise-syntax-error 'define-func "bad syntax" stx)]))
(define-func (last l)
(cond [(null? l) null]
[(null? (rest l)) (first l)]
[else (last (rest l))]))
(define-func (main)
(last (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
log-debug and logger are defined in separate module
The output produced is somewhat like following:
Function-name last:
:-> (7 8 9)
Function-name last:
:-> (8 9)
Function-name last:
:-> (9)
Now I want to make it more readable. By readability I mean to provide some kind of indentation so that the person reading the log could make sense of call flow. For example something like following:
Function-name last:
:-> (7 8 9)
Function-name last:
:-> (8 9)
Function-name last:
:-> (9)
It is easier to figure out who called whom and so forth. I have an idea that can do this. It involves a variable that keeps track of indentation then after logging the function name I will increase the indent and after evaluation of body and before returning the value decrements the value. Something like following:
(define indent 0)
(define-syntax (define-func stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[ (... ...)
(log-debug ...)
(increment indent)
(let [(retval (body1 body2 ...)]
(decrease indent)
increment and decrease increases and decreases indentation respectively.
It works even for function that returns void. I'm not sure whether its the correct behavior. In racket void is a special value, but I'm not sure that creating a binding to void is right way to go.
Is there any better way to achieve the same? If not are there any problems in this design? I'm open to any idea/change as long as they keep the logging and code separate.
thanks for the help!
I have several suggestions for you:
It's probably better to use a parameter instead of a variable, for "global" stuff like your indentation level, since the original value is restored for you at the end of the parameterize expression.
All those raise-syntax-error checks you have in your macro are totally superfluous: syntax-case already provides guards (also known as fenders) that allow you to do any validation of macro "arguments" necessary:
(define-syntax (define-func stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ (func-name args ...) body1 body2 ...)
(andmap identifier? (syntax->list #'(func-name args ...)))
#'(define (func-name args ...)
(log-debug (format "Function-name ~a:" 'func-name)
(list args ...))
body2 ...)]))
I've also fixed up your code in several places, as you can see above:
I used (_ ...) instead of (define-func ...), since in syntax-case (unlike syntax-rules), the latter will actually bind a pattern variable called define-func, which will affect any recursive macro calls you may want to do (I'll grant that you don't have one here, but it's a good habit to have anyway).
Rather than completely flatten the #'(args ...) in the guard, I just turned it into a list of syntax objects so you can test using identifier?. This is more intention-revealing than testing using symbol?, and allows us to also test func-name in the same expression.
You don't need to use (syntax-e #'func-name) inside the expanded code! Just quote it.
How would you implement your own set! function in Scheme? A set! function is a destructive procedure that changes a value that is defined taking into account the previous value.
As noted in the comments, set! is a primitive in Scheme that must be provided by the implementation. Similarly, you can't implement the assignment operator, =, in most programming languages. In Common Lisp, setf can be extended (using setf-expanders) to allow (setf form value) to work on new kinds of forms.
Because Scheme's set! only modifies variable bindings (like Common Lisp's setq), it is still worth asking how can we implement functions like set-car! and other structural modifiers. This could be seen, in one sense, as a generalization of assignment to variables, but because lexical variables (along with closures) are sufficient to represent arbitrarily complex structures, it can also be seen as a more specialized case. In Scheme (aside from built in primitives like arrays), mutation of object fields is a specialization, because objects can be implemented by lexical closures, and implemented in terms of set!. This is a typical exercise given when showing how structures, e.g., cons cells, can be implemented using lexical closures alone. Here's an example that shows the implementation of single-value mutable cells::
(define (make-cell value)
(lambda (op)
(case op
(lambda (new-value)
(set! value new-value)))
(lambda ()
(define (set-value! cell new-value)
((cell 'update) new-value))
(define (get-value cell)
((cell 'retrieve)))
Given these definitions, we can create a cell, that starts with the value 4, update the value to 8 using our set-value!, and retrieve the new value:
(let ((c (make-cell 4)))
(set-value! c 8)
(get-value c))
=> 8
As has been mentioned, set! is a primitive and can't be implemented as a procedure. To really understand how it works under the hood, I suggest you take a look at the inner workings of a Lisp interpreter. Here's a great one to start: the metacircular evaluator in SICP, in particular the section titled "Assignments and definitions". Here's an excerpt of the parts relevant for the question:
(define (eval exp env)
(cond ...
((assignment? exp) (eval-assignment exp env))
(else (error "Unknown expression type -- EVAL" exp))))
(define (assignment? exp)
(tagged-list? exp 'set!))
(define (eval-assignment exp env)
(set-variable-value! (assignment-variable exp)
(eval (assignment-value exp) env)
(define (set-variable-value! var val env)
(define (env-loop env)
(define (scan vars vals)
(cond ((null? vars)
(env-loop (enclosing-environment env)))
((eq? var (car vars))
(set-car! vals val))
(else (scan (cdr vars) (cdr vals)))))
(if (eq? env the-empty-environment)
(error "Unbound variable -- SET!" var)
(let ((frame (first-frame env)))
(scan (frame-variables frame)
(frame-values frame)))))
(env-loop env))
In the end, a set! operation is just a mutation of a binding's value in the environment. Because a modification at this level is off-limits for a "normal" procedure, it has to be implemented as a special form.
Can't, can't, can't. Everyone is so negative! You can definitely do this in Racket. All you need to do is to define your own "lambda" macro, that introduces mutable cells in place of all arguments, and introduces identifier macros for all of those arguments, so that when they're used as regular varrefs they work correctly. And a set! macro that prevents the expansion of those identifier macros, so that they can be mutated.
Piece of cake!
set! modifies a binding between a symbol and a location (anyting really). Compilers and Interpreters would treat set! differently.
An interpreter would have an environment which is a mapping between symbols and values. Strictly set! changes the value of the first occurrence of the symbol to point to the result of the evaluation of the second operand. In many implementations you cannot set! something that is not already bound. In Scheme it is expected that the variable is already bound. Reading SICP or Lisp in small pieces and playing with examples would make you a master implementer of interpreters.
In a compilers situation you don't really need a symbol table. You can keep evaluated operands on a stack and set! need either change what the stack location pointed to or if it's a free variable in a closure you can use assignment conversion. E.g. it could be boxed to a box or a cons.
(define (gen-counter start delta)
(lambda ()
(let ((cur start))
(set! start (+ cur delta))
Might be translated to:
(define (gen-counter start delta)
(let ((start (cons start '()))
(lambda ()
(let ((cur (car start)))
(set-car! start (+ cur delta))
You might want to read Control-Flow Analysis of Higher-Order Languages where this method is used together with lots of information on compiler technique.
If you are implementing a simple interpreter, then it is not all that hard. Your environment will map from identifiers to their values (or syntactic keywords to their transformers). The identifier->value mapping will need to account for possible value changes. As such:
(define (make-cell value)
`(CELL ,value))
(define cell-value cadr)
(define (cell-value-set! cell value)
(set-car! (cdr cell) value))
((set-stmt? e)
(let ((name (cadr e))
(value (interpret (caddr e) env)))
(let ((cell (env-lookup name)))
(assert (cell? cell))
(cell-value-set! cell value)
With two other changes being that when you bind an identifier to a value (like in a let or lambda application) you need to extend the environment with something like:
(env-extend name (cell value) env)
and also when retrieving a value you'll need to use cell-value.
Of course, only mutable identifiers need a cell, but for a simple interpreter allocating a cell for all identifier values is fine.
In scheme there are 2 "global" environments.
There is an environment where you store your highest defined symbols and there is another environment where are stored the primitive functions and the global variables that represent parameters of the system.
When you write something like (set! VAR VAL), the interpreter will look for the binding of VAR.
You cannot use set! on a variable that was not bound. The binding is done either by define or by lambda or by the system for the primitive operators.
Binding means allocating a location in some environment. So the binding function has the signature symbol -> address.
Coming back to set!, the interpreter will look in the environment where VAR is bound. First it looks in local environment (created by lambda), then it its local parent environment, and so on, then in global environment, then in system environment (in that order) until it finds an environment frame that contains a binding for VAR.