wicket ExportToolbar not refreshing on table update - wicket

I'm having some trouble with ExportToolbar updating when table content is updated. The first time I click the CSV export link it works fine, but then if the table is updated and I click the CSV link again I get an export of the same previous table content. I'll try and show the setup, and how the data is changing. I hope someone has seen this behavior before and can point me to the right place. I've been using wicket for 9 years, and never been so stuck as I am in this. Thanks in advance for any help.
Wicket version 7.7.0, oops no 7.4.0 (Edit 1), sorry
Here is the definition of the table:
//main report table init:
List<ReportRow> records = db.getVisitCountsByGrouping( getSelectedMonth());
mainProvider = new SearchProvider<>( records, "id" );
this.mainColumns = new ArrayList<>();
//...columns added....
mainTable = new DefaultDataTable<ReportRow,String>("mainTable", mainColumns, mainProvider, 25);
rft = new ReportFooterToolbar(mainTable, sumRow, this);
exportToolbar = new ExportToolbar(mainTable, new PropertyModel<String>(this,"mainTableExportFileName"));
exportToolbar.addDataExporter(new CSVDataExporter());
here is the update Ajax caller:
Form form = new Form("form");
ArrayList<String> months = new ArrayList<>();
DropDownChoice<String> selectMonth = new DropDownChoice<String>("selectMonth", new PropertyModel<String>(this, "selectedMonth"), months);
selectMonth.add(new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior("change") {
protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
the method updateMainTable(target):
public void updateMainTable( AjaxRequestTarget target ) {
List<ReportRow> records = db.getVisitCountsByGrouping( getSelectedMonth());
So the table is updating just fine, my provider has an update method that works like a champ, but I can't seem to figure out why the export toolbar is not updating after the first export, and I'm worried the property model isn't updating for the filename either. It is strange, and doesn't seem to be following the usual wicket model update behavior.
Has anyone had a problem like this with the export tool bar, or am I doing something wrong, or not doing the something correctly? Thanks for any help.
(Edit 1): Also added the source for the search provider:
public class SearchProvider<T> extends SortableDataProvider {
private List<T> list = null;
private ReportRow sumRow = null;
public SearchProvider( List<T> listOfStuffs, String sortColumn ) {
this(listOfStuffs, sortColumn, true);
public SearchProvider( List<T> listOfStuffs, String sortColumn, boolean ascendingFlag ) {
if( listOfStuffs == null )
listOfStuffs = new ArrayList<>();
this.list = listOfStuffs;
setSort(sortColumn, (ascendingFlag?SortOrder.ASCENDING:SortOrder.DESCENDING) );
public void update( List<T> listOfStuffs ) {
if( listOfStuffs == null )
listOfStuffs = new ArrayList<>();
this.list = listOfStuffs;
if( sumRow != null ) {
//update sums
for( T t : list ){
private SortableDataProviderComparator comparator = new SortableDataProviderComparator();
public void setSummationRow(ReportRow sumRow) {
this.sumRow = sumRow;
for( T t : this.list ){
class SortableDataProviderComparator implements Comparator<T>, Serializable {
public int compare( final T b1, final T b2 ) {
PropertyModel<Comparable> c1 = new PropertyModel<Comparable>(b1, getSort().getProperty().toString());
PropertyModel<Comparable> c2 = new PropertyModel<Comparable>(b2, getSort().getProperty().toString());
if( c1.getObject() == null && c2.getObject() == null ) return 0;
if( c1.getObject() == null ) return 1;
if( c2.getObject() == null ) return -1;
int result = c1.getObject().compareTo( c2.getObject() );
if( !getSort().isAscending() ) result *= -1;
return result;
public Iterator<T> iterator( final long first, final long count ) {
Collections.sort( this.list, comparator );
return this.list.subList( (int)first, (int)(first+count) ).iterator();
public IModel<T> model( final Object o ) {
return new AbstractReadOnlyModel<T>() {
public T getObject() { return (T) o; }
public long size() { return list.size(); }
(Edit 2) Another update: I added some logging in the ExportToolbar.onConfigure() method to make sure my provider is working and all seems well, could the problem be in the CSVDataExporter itself?
Here is my debug logging and output:
exportToolbar = new ExportToolbar(mainTable, new PropertyModel<String>(this,"mainTableExportFileName")) {
protected void onConfigure() {
//setFileNameModel( new Model<String>( getMainTableExportFileName() ));
if( getFileNameModel() != null )
logger.debug("ExportToolbar file name model: "+ getFileNameModel().toString() +" file name: "+ getFileNameModel().getObject() );
Iterator it = getTable().getDataProvider().iterator(0, getTable().getDataProvider().size());
while( it.hasNext() ) {
ReportRow r = (ReportRow) it.next();
logger.debug("ExportToolbar data: "+ r.getCategory() +" "+ r.get1() +" "+ r.get2() + " "+ r.get3() );
log file:
2017-03-06 12:28:52 DEBUG ReportPanel:244 - ExportToolbar file name model: Model:classname=[org.apache.wicket.model.PropertyModel]:nestedModel=[[ReportPanel [Component id = panel]]]:expression=[mainTableExportFileName] file name: 2017-January-AllVisits-ByReason
2017-03-06 12:28:52 DEBUG ReportPanel:249 - ExportToolbar data: add/drop 0 38 63
2017-03-06 12:28:52 DEBUG ReportPanel:249 - ExportToolbar data: withdraw 0 0 0
2017-03-06 12:28:52 DEBUG ReportPanel:249 - ExportToolbar data: audit 0 0 3
2017-03-06 12:28:52 DEBUG ReportPanel:249 - ExportToolbar data: advising 0 27 35
2017-03-06 12:28:52 DEBUG ReportPanel:249 - ExportToolbar data: prospective 0 2 0
2017-03-06 12:28:52 DEBUG ReportPanel:249 - ExportToolbar data: other 0 19 38
2017-03-06 12:29:26 DEBUG ReportPanel:244 - ExportToolbar file name model: Model:classname=[org.apache.wicket.model.PropertyModel]:nestedModel=[[ReportPanel [Component id = panel]]]:expression=[mainTableExportFileName] file name: 2017-February-AllVisits-ByReason
2017-03-06 12:29:26 DEBUG ReportPanel:249 - ExportToolbar data: add/drop 3 5 1
2017-03-06 12:29:26 DEBUG ReportPanel:249 - ExportToolbar data: withdraw 0 1 0
2017-03-06 12:29:26 DEBUG ReportPanel:249 - ExportToolbar data: audit 0 3 4
2017-03-06 12:29:26 DEBUG ReportPanel:249 - ExportToolbar data: advising 8 6 6
2017-03-06 12:29:26 DEBUG ReportPanel:249 - ExportToolbar data: prospective 3 1 2
2017-03-06 12:29:26 DEBUG ReportPanel:249 - ExportToolbar data: other 8 8 7
(Edit 3) I was able to get the filename property model to update correctly and consistently get the table export link to work, I still have an issue, but I was able to get this export link to be consistent by creating the table again on update and addOrReplace(mainTable) instead of updating it. That's how I was able to get the createExportLink() method to run again, otherwise it was only happening on creation of the ExportToolbar and never again. So now, let's say the ExportToolbar looks like this:
exportToolbar = new ExportToolbar(mainTable, new PropertyModel<String>(this,"mainTableExportFileName") ) {
protected Component createExportLink(String componentId, final IDataExporter dataExporter ) {
logger.debug("createExportLink: "+ componentId +" exporter: "+ dataExporter.toString());
Component component = super.createExportLink(componentId, dataExporter);
return component;
exportToolbar.addDataExporter(new CSVDataExporter() );
Now the trick seems to be that everything will work if I delete history in the browser and click the link, but otherwise changing the table dynamically and selecting the link gives me the data from the last time I clicked the link. So it seems the link is cached. I am infiltrating the component creation, how can I alter the component to ensure the csv data isn't cached?

Got the answer, with some playing. The trick was to override the create Export Link and make the ResourceStreamResource then set cache timeout on it. Wicket hurts sometimes....
exportToolbar = new ExportToolbar(mainTable, new PropertyModel<String>(this,"mainTableExportFileName"), new AbstractReadOnlyModel<String>() {
public String getObject() { return getMainTableExportFileName(); }
}) {
protected Component createExportLink(String componentId, final IDataExporter dataExporter ) {
ResourceStreamResource resource = new ResourceStreamResource() {
protected IResourceStream getResourceStream() {
return new DataExportResourceStreamWriter(dataExporter, getTable());
resource.setFileName(getFileNameModel().getObject() + "." + dataExporter.getFileNameExtension());
return new ResourceLink<Void>(componentId, resource).setBody(dataExporter.getDataFormatNameModel());


Database update without data loss. FATAL EXCEPTION: ModernAsyncTask #1

I need to implement an update of the database lying in the assets. User data, namely, in the "favorite" record or not, should be saved.
I already asked a question and they helped me -https://stackoverflow.com/a/53827525/10261947
Everything worked in a test application. But when I transferred the code (exactly the same) to the real application, an error occurs - E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: ModernAsyncTask #1
Process: rodionova.lyubov.brodsky, PID: 4196
java.lang.RuntimeException: An error occurred while executing doInBackground()
at android.support.v4.content.ModernAsyncTask$3.done(ModernAsyncTask.java:161)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.finishCompletion(FutureTask.java:383)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.setException(FutureTask.java:252)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:271)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1162)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:636)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:784)
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: the bind value at index 4 is null
at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteProgram.bindString(SQLiteProgram.java:169)
at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteProgram.bindAllArgsAsStrings(SQLiteProgram.java:205)
at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDirectCursorDriver.query(SQLiteDirectCursorDriver.java:47)
at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.rawQueryWithFactory(SQLiteDatabase.java:1397)
at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.queryWithFactory(SQLiteDatabase.java:1239)
at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.query(SQLiteDatabase.java:1110)
at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.query(SQLiteDatabase.java:1278)
at rodionova.lyubov.brodsky.db.PoemsDbHelper.insertCorePoem(PoemsDbHelper.java:121)
at rodionova.lyubov.brodsky.db.PoemsDbHelper.getNewPoems(PoemsDbHelper.java:90)
at rodionova.lyubov.brodsky.db.PoemsDbHelper.onUpgrade(PoemsDbHelper.java:41)
at com.readystatesoftware.sqliteasset.SQLiteAssetHelper.getWritableDatabase(SQLiteAssetHelper.java:197)
at com.readystatesoftware.sqliteasset.SQLiteAssetHelper.getReadableDatabase(SQLiteAssetHelper.java:254)
at rodionova.lyubov.brodsky.db.PoemsProvider.query(PoemsProvider.java:45)
at android.content.ContentProvider.query(ContentProvider.java:1057)
If you do not perform the update, the application is working properly, so I will post only the code DbHelper
public class PoemsDbHelper extends SQLiteAssetHelper {
public static final String DB_NAME = "brodsky.db";
public static final int DBVERSION = 3;
public static final String TBLNAME = "poems_table";
public static final String COL_ID = "id";
public static final String COL_TITLE = "title";
public static final String COl_POEM = "poem";
public static final String COL_SUBJECT = "subject";
public static final String COL_YEARS = "years";
public static final String COL_FAVOURITE = "favorite";
Context mContext;
public PoemsDbHelper(Context context) {
super(context, DB_NAME, null, DBVERSION);
mContext = context;
public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
if(newVersion > oldVersion)
getNewPoems(mContext, db);
private void getNewPoems(Context context, SQLiteDatabase db) {
InputStream is;
OutputStream os;
final String tempNewDbName = "temp_brodsky.db";
int buffersize = 4096;
byte[] buffer = new byte[buffersize];
String newDBPath = mContext.getDatabasePath(tempNewDbName).getPath();
File newDBFile = new File(newDBPath);
if (newDBFile.exists()) {
File newDBFileDirectory = newDBFile.getParentFile();
if (!newDBFileDirectory.exists()) {
try {
is = context.getAssets().open("databases/" + DB_NAME);
os = new FileOutputStream(newDBFile);
int bytes_read;
while ((bytes_read = is.read(buffer,0,buffersize)) > 0) {
}catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Ouch updated database not copied - processing stopped - see stack-trace above.");
long id = maxid(db) + 1;
SQLiteDatabase newdb = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(newDBFile.getPath(),null,SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY);
Cursor csr = newdb.query(TBLNAME,null,null,null,null,null,null);
long insert_result;
while (csr.moveToNext()) {
insert_result = insertCorePoem(
if (insert_result > 0) {
public long insertCorePoem(SQLiteDatabase db, long id, String title, String poem, String subject, String years, String favourite) {
String whereclause = COL_TITLE + "=? AND " + COl_POEM + "=? AND " + COL_SUBJECT + "=? AND " + COL_YEARS + "=?";
String[] whereargs = new String[]{
Cursor csr = db.query(TBLNAME,null,whereclause,whereargs,null,null,null);
boolean rowexists = (csr.getCount() > 0);
if (rowexists) {
Log.d("INSERTCOREPOEM","Skipping insert of row");
return -2;
ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
Log.d("INSERTCOREPOEM","Inserting new column with id " + String.valueOf(id));
return db.insert(TBLNAME, null, cv);
private long maxid(SQLiteDatabase db) {
long rv = 0;
String extractcolumn = "maxid";
String[] col = new String[]{"max(" + COL_ID + ") AS " + extractcolumn};
Cursor csr = db.query(TBLNAME,col,null,null,null,null,null);
if (csr.moveToFirst()) {
rv = csr.getLong(csr.getColumnIndex(extractcolumn));
return rv;
I do not understand what is wrong. Identical code works great friend application. I would be grateful for the help.
Your issue is that you likely have a value of null in the years column of a row or rows in the updated database that data is being copied from.
Although you could change the code to handle (skip insertion or use provide a year value) the end result may not be desired. So the most likely fix would be to amend the database to have valid/useful year values.

android cardview only show the last result the right amount of times

i'm new to android and java.
i made a cardview and populated it with a simple loop like so:
private ArrayList<DataObject> getTheData(){
ArrayList res = new ArrayList<DataObject>();
for (int index = 0; index < 5; index++){
DataObject obj = new DataObject("shit","happen");
return res;
it worked. now i created a database and want to populate it with this data. so i have this:
public ArrayList<DataObject> getData() {
SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase();
ArrayList res = null;
try {
res = new ArrayList<DataObject>();
String selectQuery = "SELECT * FROM quotes a LEFT JOIN authors b ON b.author_id=a.quote_author";
Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(selectQuery, null);
if (cursor != null) {
if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
do {
Log.d("CHECKDB",cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("first_name")) + " " + cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("last_name")));
DataObject obj = new DataObject(
cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("first_name")) + " " + cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("last_name")),
} while (cursor.moveToNext());
} catch (SQLiteException se) {
Log.e(getClass().getSimpleName(), "Could not create or Open the database");
} finally {
if (db != null)
return res;
the log show all the results, but when i run the app i get the last result the right amount of times. in this case 4 quotes in my database, so i see 4 but the last one 4 times.
please , since i'm new to it, good explanations will be appreciated.
the issue was that my dataobject attributes were set to static

GWT-RPC method returns empty list on success

I am creating a webpage having CellTable.I need to feed this table with data from hbase table.
I have written a method to retrieve data from hbase table and tested it.
But when I call that method as GWT asynchronous RPC method then rpc call succeeds but it returns nothing.In my case it returns empty list.The alert box show list's size as 0.
Following is the related code.
Please help.
greetingService.getDeviceIDData(new AsyncCallback<List<DeviceDriverBean>>(){
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
// Show the RPC error message to the user
System.out.println("RPC Call failed");
Window.alert("Data : RPC call failed");
public void onSuccess(List<DeviceDriverBean> result) {
//on success do something
Window.alert("Data : RPC call successful");
Window.alert("Result size: " +result.size());
// Add a text column to show the driver name.
TextColumn<DeviceDriverBean> nameColumn = new TextColumn<DeviceDriverBean>() {
public String getValue(DeviceDriverBean object) {
return object.getName();
table.addColumn(nameColumn, "Name");
// Add a text column to show the device id
TextColumn<DeviceDriverBean> deviceidColumn = new TextColumn<DeviceDriverBean>() {
public String getValue(DeviceDriverBean object) {
return object.getDeviceId();
table.addColumn(deviceidColumn, "Device ID");
table.setRowCount(result.size(), true);
// more code here to add columns in celltable
// Push the data into the widget.
table.setRowData(0, result);
SimplePager pager = new SimplePager();
VerticalPanel vp = new VerticalPanel();
// Add it to the root panel.
Code to retrieve data from hbase (server side code)
public List<DeviceDriverBean> getDeviceIDData()
throws IllegalArgumentException {
List<DeviceDriverBean> deviceidList = new ArrayList<DeviceDriverBean>();
// Escape data from the client to avoid cross-site script
// vulnerabilities.
* input = escapeHtml(input); userAgent = escapeHtml(userAgent);
* return "Hello, " + input + "!<br><br>I am running " + serverInfo +
* ".<br><br>It looks like you are using:<br>" + userAgent;
try {
Configuration config = HbaseConnectionSingleton.getInstance()
HTable testTable = new HTable(config, "driver_details");
byte[] family = Bytes.toBytes("details");
Scan scan = new Scan();
int cnt = 0;
ResultScanner rs = testTable.getScanner(scan);
for (Result r = rs.next(); r != null; r = rs.next()) {
DeviceDriverBean deviceDriverBean = new DeviceDriverBean();
byte[] rowid = r.getRow(); // Category, Date, Sentiment
NavigableMap<byte[], byte[]> map = r.getFamilyMap(family);
Iterator<Entry<byte[], byte[]>> itrt = map.entrySet()
while (itrt.hasNext()) {
Entry<byte[], byte[]> entry = itrt.next();
//System.out.println("Count : " + cnt);
byte[] qual = entry.getKey();
byte[] val = entry.getValue();
if (Bytes.toString(qual).equalsIgnoreCase("account_number")) {
} else if (Bytes.toString(qual).equalsIgnoreCase("make")) {
} else if (Bytes.toString(qual).equalsIgnoreCase("model")) {
} else if (Bytes.toString(qual).equalsIgnoreCase("driver_name")) {
} else if (Bytes.toString(qual).equalsIgnoreCase("premium")) {
} else if (Bytes.toString(qual).equalsIgnoreCase("year")) {
} else {
System.out.println("No match found");
* System.out.println(Bytes.toString(rowid) + " " +
* Bytes.toString(qual) + " " + Bytes.toString(val));
catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
catch (Exception e) {
// System.out.println("Message: "+e.getMessage());
return deviceidList;
Could this be lazy fetching on the server side by hbase. This means if you return the list hbase won't get a trigger to actually read the list and you will simple get an empty list. I don't know a correct solution, in the past I've seen a similar problem on GAE. This could by solved by simply asking the size of the list just before returning it to the client.
I don't have the exact answer, but I have an advise. In similar situation I put my own trace to check every step in my program.
On the server side before return put : System.out.println("size of table="+deviceidList.size());
You can put this trace in the loop for deviceidList;

Entity Framework Firebird MigrationSqlGenerator: Deactivate Transaction for Create and Insert in one Table?

As mentioned here Entity Framework Code First - Firebird migration: No MigrationSqlGenerator? I'm trying to enable Migrations on my Firebird-Database.
for that purpose I'm writing the following implementation of the "MigrationSqlGenerator" (not finished!):
public class FirebirdMigrationSQLGenerator : SqlServerMigrationSqlGenerator
protected override DbConnection CreateConnection()
return DbProviderFactories.GetFactory("FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient").CreateConnection();
protected override void Generate(CreateTableOperation createTableOperation)
using (var writer = Writer())
WriteCreateTable(createTableOperation, writer);
Statement(writer.InnerWriter.ToString(), true);
private void WriteCreateTable(CreateTableOperation createTableOperation, IndentedTextWriter writer)
writer.WriteLine("CREATE TABLE " + Name(createTableOperation.Name) + " (");
var columnCount = createTableOperation.Columns.Count();
(c, i) =>
Generate(c, writer);
if (i < columnCount - 1)
if (createTableOperation.PrimaryKey != null)
writer.Write(", PRIMARY KEY ");
private void Generate(ColumnModel column, IndentedTextWriter writer)
writer.Write(" ");
if ((column.IsNullable != null)
&& !column.IsNullable.Value)
writer.Write(" NOT NULL");
if (column.DefaultValue != null)
writer.Write(" DEFAULT ");
else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(column.DefaultValueSql))
writer.Write(" DEFAULT ");
protected override void Generate(InsertHistoryOperation op)
using (var writer = Writer())
WriteinsertHistory(op, writer);
Statement(writer.InnerWriter.ToString(), true);
private void WriteinsertHistory(InsertHistoryOperation insertHistoryOperation, IndentedTextWriter writer)
StringBuilder model = new StringBuilder();
foreach (byte item in insertHistoryOperation.Model)
writer.Write("INSERT INTO \"" + insertHistoryOperation.Table.ToUpper() + "\" (migrationId, model, productVersion) ");
writer.Write(" values ( '{0}', '{1}', '{2}') ",
"0x" + model.ToString(),
protected override string Quote(string identifier)
return identifier.Replace("PK_dbo.", "").ToUpper();
protected override string Name(string inString)
return "\"" + inString.Replace("dbo.", "").ToUpper() + "\"";
protected override string BuildColumnType(ColumnModel column)
String colType = base.BuildColumnType(column);
if (colType == "INT")
colType = "INTEGER";
return colType;
My problem is that the __MigrationHistory table is created uppercase. But since the "HistoryContext" is not, the first SELECT-Statement is throwing an Exception:
"A"."A1" AS "C1"
COUNT("B"."A1") AS "A1"
1 AS "A1"
FROM "__MigrationHistory" AS "B"
) AS "B"
) AS "A"
Normaly I would insert "modelBuilder.Conventions.Remove()"
into the Context, but the HistroyContext is part of the framework and can't be changed...
Any ideas?
My Environment: EntityFramework 5.0.0 .NET 4.5 FirebirdClient
In Firebird tablenames are only case sensitive when quoted, so you either need to stop quoting tablenames (both on creation and in queries), or you need to stop upper casing tablenames and use them as is.
For example issueing a CREATE TABLE xyz ( ... ) will create a table XYZ that can be accessed using SELECT * FROM xyz, but also with XyZ,XYZ and "XYZ". It cannot be accessed using "xyz".
Creating a table as CREATE TABLE "xyz" ( ... ) wil create a table xyz, which can only be accessed using SELECT * FROM "xyz", but not with xyz (no quotes) or any other combination of casing and with or without quotes. On the other hand CREATE TABLE "XYZ" ( ... ) can be accessed using SELECT * FROM xyz and "XYZ", and any other case without quoting, but not with SELECT * FROM "xyz".
As far as I can tell from your code, you are creating tables unquoted in WriteCreateTable, therefor the name is stored uppercase, but you are inserting into them quoted. You may also want to look into the contract/expectations of the Quote and Name methods, as it looks to me like you got their implementation reversed (Quote does what Name should do and vice versa).

How I count all the number of records in a RecordStore

I have a LWUIT app that should display the number of records in a LWUIT list.
To get all the records I use a method called getRecordData() that returns all records as a String array, it works fine.
But how do I count the number of these records?
import java.util.*;
import com.sun.lwuit.events.*;
import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
import com.sun.lwuit.*;
import com.sun.lwuit.plaf.*;
import javax.microedition.rms.RecordStore;
import javax.microedition.rms .*;
public class number_of_records extends MIDlet {
private RecordStore recordStore;
// Refresh2( ) method for getting the time now
public String Refresh2()
java.util.Calendar calendar = java.util.Calendar.getInstance();
Date myDate = new Date();
StringBuffer time = new StringBuffer();
time.append(calendar.get(java.util.Calendar.MINUTE)) ;
// time.append(calendar.get(java.util.Calendar.SECOND));
String tt = time.toString();
return tt;
// return all records of recordStore RecordStore
public String [] getRecordData( )
String[] str = null;
int counter = 0;
RecordEnumeration enumeration = recordStore.enumerateRecords(null, null, false);
str = new String[recordStore.getNumRecords()];
str[counter] = (new String(enumeration.nextRecord()));
counter ++;
catch(javax.microedition.rms.RecordStoreException e)
catch(javax.microedition.rms.RecordStoreNotOpenException e)
catch(java.lang.NullPointerException n)
return str;
public void startApp()
final Button addition = new Button("add a goal");
final com.sun.lwuit.TextField tf = new com.sun.lwuit.TextField();
final com.sun.lwuit.List mylist = new com.sun.lwuit.List();
final Button All = new Button("All Goals");
final com.sun.lwuit.Form ff = new com.sun.lwuit.Form();
final com.sun.lwuit.Form g = new com.sun.lwuit.Form();
Style g_style5 = g.getSelectedStyle() ;
addition.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
String s =tf.getText();
if( s!=null && s.length() > 0)
// Store the time in the String k
String k = Refresh2();
// The record and the time stored in KK String
String kk =tf.getText()+"-"+k;
// Add an item (the kk String) to mylist List.
byte bytestream[] = kk.getBytes() ;
// Add a record to recordStore.
int i = recordStore.addRecord(bytestream, 0, bytestream.length);
catch(Exception ex) { }
// Inform the User that he added the a record.
Dialog validDialog = new Dialog(" ");
Style Dialogstyle = validDialog.getSelectedStyle() ;
validDialog.setTimeout(1000); // set timeout milliseconds
TextArea textArea = new TextArea("...."); //pass the alert text here
textArea.setText("A goal has been added"+"" );
validDialog.show(0, 10, 10, 10, true);
// Information to user that he/she didn’t add a record
else if((s==null || s.length()<= 0))
Dialog validDialo = new Dialog(" ");
validDialo.setTimeout(5000); // set timeout milliseconds
TextArea textArea = new TextArea("...."); //pass the alert text here
textArea.setText("please enter scorer name or number");
validDialo.show(50, 50, 50, 50, true);
/*Action here for displaying all records of recordStore RecordStore in a new form */
All.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
recordStore = RecordStore.openRecordStore("My Record Store", true);
catch(Exception ex) {}
com.sun.lwuit.Label l = new com.sun.lwuit.Label(" Team Goals") ;
// Store the records of recordStore in string array
String [] record= getRecordData();
int j1;
String valueToBeInserted2="";
int k=getRecordData().length;
for( j1=0;j1< getRecordData().length;j1++)
valueToBeInserted2=valueToBeInserted2 + " " + record[j1];
int m = getRecordData().length;
// Counting the number of records
String goals =""+getRecordData().length;
/* I tried to use for…loop to count them by length of the recordStore and render it.
This list also should display the number of records on the form.
But it didn’t !!!
catch(java.lang.IllegalArgumentException e)
public void pauseApp()
public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) {
I Wrote this code but it gives NullPointerException at recordStore.enumerateRecords (null, null,true);
So I think the problem here.
please help.
myButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvet av)
RecordEnumeration enumeration = recordStore.enumerateRecords (null, null,true);
int o =recordStore.getNumRecords () ;
catch(Exception e)
what you need is enumeration.numRecords(); i reckon recordStore.getNumRecords() should work also, since this is what you are using the populate the array, you could even use the length of the array itself. These options are all in the code, it would be better to explore a bit more and also check the documentation to resolve trivial problems.
you could use the length of the array or set a RecordListener to your recordstore and increase a counter when added a record to recordstore.
here is the solution of my problem , I do a for loop to get the number of
elements of the array.
the counter should be the length of array
count.addActionListener( new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent av)
recordStore = RecordStore.openRecordStore("recordStore", true);
catch(Exception e)
{ }
RecordEnumeration enumeration = recordStore.enumerateRecords (null, null,true);
catch(Exception e)
String record[] = getRecordData();
int j;
j = record.length-1;
Dialog validDialog = new Dialog(" ");
Style Dialogstyle = validDialog.getSelectedStyle() ;
validDialog.setTimeout(1000); // set timeout milliseconds
TextArea textArea = new TextArea("....");
textArea.setText("Number Counted"+j );
validDialog.show(0, 10, 10, 10, true);