How flatMap API contract transforms Optional input to Non Optional result? - swift

This is the contract of flatMap in Swift 3.0.2
public struct Array<Element> : RandomAccessCollection, MutableCollection {
public func flatMap<ElementOfResult>(_ transform: (Element) throws -> ElementOfResult?) rethrows -> [ElementOfResult]
If I take an Array of [String?] flatMap returns [String]
let albums = ["Fearless", nil, "Speak Now", nil, "Red"]
let result = albums.flatMap { $0 }
type(of: result)
// Array<String>.Type
Here ElementOfResult becomes String, why not String? ? How is the generic type system able to strip out the Optional part from the expression?

As you're using the identity transform { $0 }, the compiler will infer that ElementOfResult? (the result of the transform) is equivalent to Element (the argument of the transform). In this case, Element is String?, therefore ElementOfResult? == String?. There's no need for optional promotion here, so ElementOfResult can be inferred to be String.
Therefore flatMap(_:) in this case returns a [String].
Internally, this conversion from the closure's return of ElementOfResult? to ElementOfResult is simply done by conditionally unwrapping the optional, and if successful, the unwrapped value is appended to the result. You can see the exact implementation here.
As an addendum, note that as Martin points out, closure bodies only participate in type inference when they're single-statement closures (see this related bug report). The reasoning for this was given by Jordan Rose in this mailing list discussion:
Swift's type inference is currently statement-oriented, so there's no easy way to do [multiple-statement closure] inference. This is at least partly a compilation-time concern: Swift's type system allows many more possible conversions than, say, Haskell or OCaml, so solving the types for an entire multi-statement function is not a trivial problem, possibly not a tractable problem.
This means that for closures with multiple statements that are passed to methods such as map(_:) or flatMap(_:) (where the result type is a generic placeholder), you'll have to explicitly annotate the return type of the closure, or the method return itself.
For example, this doesn't compile:
// error: Unable to infer complex closure return type; add explicit type to disambiguate.
let result = albums.flatMap {
print($0 as Any)
return $0
But these do:
// explicitly annotate [ElementOfResult] to be [String] – thus ElementOfResult == String.
let result: [String] = albums.flatMap {
print($0 as Any)
return $0
// explicitly annotate ElementOfResult? to be String? – thus ElementOfResult == String.
let result = albums.flatMap { element -> String? in
print(element as Any)
return element


A question about parameter type and return type of buildBlock in #resultBuilder

According to the swift language guide, I need to implement buildBlock method when I define a result builder. And the guide also says:
static func buildBlock(_ components: Component...) -> Component
Combines an array of partial results into a single partial result. A result builder must implement this method.
Obviously, the parameter type and the return type should be the same. However, if I use different types, it also seems to be no problem. I write some simple code below:
struct DoubleBuilder {
static func buildBlock(_ components: Int) -> Double {
It compiles successfully in Xcode. Can the types be different?It seems like to be inconsistent with the official guide.
The parameter type of buildBlock method in ViewBuilder in SwiftUI is also different from the return type.
For example:
static func buildBlock<C0, C1>(C0, C1) -> TupleView<(C0, C1)>
When they say
static func buildBlock(_ components: Component...) -> Component
They don't strictly mean that there exists one type, Component, that buildBlock must take in and return. They just mean that buildBlock should take in a number of parameters, whose types are the types of "partial results", and return a type that is a type of a "partial result". Calling them both Component might be a bit confusing.
I think the Swift evolution proposal explains a little better (emphasis mine):
The typing here is subtle, as it often is in macro-like features. In the following descriptions, Expression stands for any type that is acceptable for an expression-statement to have (that is, a raw partial result), Component stands for any type that is acceptable for a partial or combined result to have, and FinalResult stands for any type that is acceptable to be ultimately returned by the transformed function.
So Component, Expression and FinalResult etc don't have to be fixed to a single type. You can even overload the buildXXX methods, as demonstrated later in the evolution proposal.
Ultimately, result builders undergo a transformation to calls to buildXXX, when you actually use them. That is when type errors, if you have them, will be reported.
For example,
struct MyBuilder {
static func buildBlock(_ p1: String, _ p2: String) -> Int {
func foo(#MyBuilder _ block: () -> Double) -> Double {
foo { // Cannot convert value of type 'Int' to closure result type 'Double'
10 // Cannot convert value of type 'Int' to expected argument type 'String'
20 // Cannot convert value of type 'Int' to expected argument type 'String'
The first error is because the result builder's result type is Int, but foo's closure parameter expects a return value of type Double. The last two is because the transformation of the result builder attempts to call MyBuilder.buildBlock(10, 20).
It all makes sense if you look at the transformed closure:
foo {
let v1 = 10
let v2 = 20
return MyBuilder.buildBlock(v1, v2)
Essentially, as long as the transformed code compiles, there is no problem.
See more details about the transformation here.

What is the Swift compiler doing with my return type? Is it somehow casting?

I have a method:
func allRegions() -> [MappedRegion] {
return self.items.lazy.compactMap { item in item.valveAny }.flatMap { valve in valve.regions }
I was frankly surprised this worked. I'm doing lazy stuff here, but it's apparently having a lazy sequence that turns into a sequence of MappedRegion be the same.
Then I was doing some poor mans timing and modified the function to read:
func allRegions() -> [MappedRegion] {
let startTime = Date()
let result = self.items.lazy.compactMap { item in item.valveAny }.flatMap { valve in valve.regions }
self.sumRender += (Date() - startTime)
return result
But that created an error:
Cannot convert return expression of type 'LazySequence<FlattenSequence<LazyMapSequence<LazyMapSequence<LazyFilterSequence<LazyMapSequence<LazySequence<[StatusRowItem]>.Elements, ValveAbstract?>>, ValveAbstract>.Elements, [MappedRegion]>>>' (aka 'LazySequence<FlattenSequence<LazyMapSequence<LazyMapSequence<LazyFilterSequence<LazyMapSequence<Array<StatusRowItem>, Optional<ValveAbstract>>>, ValveAbstract>, Array<MappedRegion>>>>') to return type '[MappedRegion]'
That was initially a surprise. I found that if I specified the return type of result as [MappedRegion] all was happy (e.g. let result:[MappedRegion] = ...).
What is going on here? I get that the original one line function is inferring the result type as [MappedRegion], so I'm probably not getting much benefits from the lazy use. But what confuses me, is that this coercion from a lazy sequence to a fixed array automagically is reminiscent of casting in C, and I thought that Swift didn't do casting?
No, there is no casting going on. There are simply two different flatMap functions being called. LazyMapSequence has two flatMap(_:) functions (well, technically four, but two are deprecated).
In your first code block, this function is inferred (because this version of flatMap has a return type that matches your allRegions function's return type):
func flatMap<SegmentOfResult>(_ transform: (Element) throws -> SegmentOfResult) rethrows -> [SegmentOfResult.Element] where SegmentOfResult : Sequence
And in your second code block, this function is inferred (because there is no type annotation on your local variable that's forcing it to choose the above version of flatMap):
func flatMap<SegmentOfResult>(_ transform: #escaping (Element) -> SegmentOfResult) -> LazySequence<FlattenSequence<LazyMapSequence<LazyMapSequence<Base, Element>, SegmentOfResult>>> where SegmentOfResult : Sequence

How do you provide a default argument for a generic function with type constraints?

The following function definition is legal Swift:
func doSomething<T: StringProtocol>(value: T = "abc") {
// ...
The compiler is able to determine that the default argument "abc" is a String, and String conforms to StringProtocol.
This code however does not compile:
func doSomething<T: Collection>(value: T = "abc") where T.Element == Character {
// ...
The compiler error:
Default argument value of type 'String' cannot be converted to type 'T'
It seems as though the compiler would have just as much information as in the first case to determine that String is indeed convertible to T. Furthermore, if I remove the default argument and call the function with the same value, it works:
doSomething(value: "abc")
Can this function be written differently so that I can provide the default String argument? Is this a limitation of Swift, or simply a limitation of my mental model?
The significant constraint is T: ExpressibleByStringLiteral. That's what allows something to be initialized from a string literal.
func doSomething<T: Collection>(value: T = "abc")
where T.Element == Character, T: ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
// ...
As Leo Dabus notes, T.Element == Character is technically not necessary, but removing it changes the meaning. Just because something is a collection and can be initialized by a string literal does not mean that its elements are characters.
It's also worth noting that while all of this is possible, it generally is poor Swift IMO. Swift does not have any way to express what the default type is, so doSomething() in all of these cases causes "Generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred".
The correct solution IMO is an overload, which avoids all of these problems:
func doSomething<T: StringProtocol>(value: T) {
func doSomething() {
doSomething(value: "abc")
This allows you to make the default parameter not just "something that can be initialized with the literal "abc"", but what you really mean: the default value is the String "abc".
As a rule, default parameters are just conveniences for overloads, so you can generally replace any default parameter with an explicit overload that lacks that parameter.

Why doesn't swift infer the appropriate overload function with a generic return argument without a type constraint?

Swift is changing rapidly, this question was asked regarding:
Xcode 7, Swift 2.0
I'm looking to implement a generic return argument. Quite often, I find it necessary to implement an optional version overload so I can access the underlying type and handle it appropriately. Here's some manufactured functions. The assignment of String is just there as a placeholder for replication:
func ambiguous<T>() -> T {
let thing = "asdf"
return thing as! T
func ambiguous<T>() -> T? {
return nil
Now, if we look at the implementation:
// Fine
let a: String = ambiguous()
// Ambiguous
let b: String? = ambiguous()
This might seem obvious because you could assign type T to a variable of type T?. So it makes sense that it would have trouble inferring. The problem is, that with a type constraint, it suddenly works. (This can be anything, I'm using Equatable for easy replication.
func nonAmbiguous<T : Equatable>() -> T {
let thing: AnyObject = "asdf"
return thing as! T
func nonAmbiguous<T : Equatable>() -> T? {
return nil
And now, it functions as expected:
// Fine
let c: String = nonAmbiguous()
// Fine
let d: String? = nonAmbiguous()
Note, this also works with other type:
func nonAmbiguous<T>() -> [T] {
let thing: AnyObject = ["asdf"]
return thing as! [T]
func nonAmbiguous<T>() -> [T]? {
return nil
// Fine
let e: [String] = nonAmbiguous()
// Fine
let d: [String]? = nonAmbiguous()
Is there a way to have a return generic argument infer the appropriate overload through optionality?
if no
Is this a language feature, or a bug somewhere. If it's a language feature, please explain the underlying issue preventing the possibility of this behavior.
The first example is ambiguous because T can be inferred as both String
and String?.
The second example is not ambiguous because String is Equatable but String? is not, so T : Equatable cannot be inferred as String?.
The third case is not ambiguous because [T] is not
inferred as [String]?.
Remark: Generally, Optional<Wrapped> does not conform to Equatable
even if Wrapped does, in the same way as Array<Element>
does not conform to Equatable even if Element does.
This is a restriction of the current type system in Swift which
might be improved in a future version, compare
[swift-dev] RFC: Adding Optional variants of == for collections to the std lib.
from the Swift development mailing list.

Filter function syntax?

This works:
func removeObject<T : Equatable>(object: T, array: [T]) -> Array<T>
return array.filter() { $0 != object }
let threeThings = ["one", "two", "three"]
twoThings = removeObject("three", threeThings)
However, I'd like to check for inequality with this !==. Then I get error "Type 'T' does not conform to protocol 'AnyObject'"
How can this code be fixed? (I've see the code here but I'd like to learn how to use filter properly).
The identical operator === and its negation !== are only defined for
instances of classes, i.e. instances of AnyObject:
func removeObject<T : AnyObject>(object: T, array: [T]) -> Array<T>
return array.filter() { $0 !== object }
=== checks if two variables refer to the same single instance.
Note that your code
let threeThings = ["one", "two", "three"]
twoThings = removeObject("three", threeThings)
does still compile and run, but gives the (perhaps unexpected) result
[one, two, three]
The Swift strings (which are value types and not class types) are automatically
bridged to NSString, and the two instances of NSString representing "three"
need not be the same.
If you want to use !== instead of !=, then, instead of the type constraint <T : Equatable> say <T : AnyObject>. All you have to do is listen to what the error message is telling you!
Note that this has nothing to do with using the filter function. It is simply a matter of types. You cannot use a method with an object of a type for which that method is not implemented. !== is implemented for AnyObject so if you want to use it you must guarantee to the compiler that this type will be an AnyObject. That is what the type constraint does.
!== checks for "identity", not "equality". Identity is a property of reference types which all support the AnyObject protocol, and it means that the two variables that you are comparing point to the same actual object, and not just another object with the same value.
That means you can't use === or !== with normal value types, like strings, integers, arrays, etc.
Try typing this into a playground:
let a = "yes"
let b = a
println(a === b)
You should get a message saying that String doesn't conform to the AnyObject protocol, because String is a value type (a struct) and doesn't support AnyObject, so you can't use === with it.
You can use === with any instance of a class, because classes are reference types, not value types.
You could put a constraint on T requiring that it conform to AnyObject.
func removeObject<T : Equatable where T: AnyObject>...
It should work, then, for reference types (including all class instances). But then your function won't work for value types (which include all structs).
Why do you need to check for identity (===) instead of equality (==)?