How to access previously run commands in MATLAB - matlab

I saved my command line by first clicking on it and pressing ctrl+s and MATLAB saves a .mat file.
Now I want to open it in a text form in order to remember what I did in my command line the other day.
Is there a way to do that?

Saving a .mat file from the command window saves all of the variables that currently exist within your workspace within a binary .mat file. There is no information about the commands that were used to generate these variables in this file format therefore it cannot be automatically extracted from another program.
If you need to get information about what commands were run, you can look at your command history to see this. If you need to programmatically access this file you can look in MATLAB's preference directory for the file named history.m or history.xml on newer versions.
type(fullfile(prefdir, 'history.m'))
If you need to keep track of what commands you run in the future, you can use diary at the top of your script or beginning of your session to log all commands and associated command line output to a plain-text log file which would then be accessible to other programs.


How to save a session on Matlab

I was trying to save my Matlab variables and environment into a session so that next time I can directly load them without repeating the codes. I know how to save the Workspace variables but their way of saving a session doesn't work. It's said to be File -> Save to a session. But I couldn't find the button "File".
Any thoughts?
OK Actually I figured out an alternative solution. I realized that I could save all the Workspace variables. But my variables are too huge. So I ended up saving all my commands in a .m script file.
So next time when I want to resume my work, I just type the name of that script file to run all the useful commands to create the working variables and set up the script paths I need.

Multiple pathdef files in Matlab?

Suppose two different Matlab users share a computer and they each want to be able to save and load their own Matlab paths. (Or, a single user wants to use different paths at different times.) What's the easiest way to handle this?
Should there be multiple pathdef files? Alternatively, should they each have a script that calls restoredefaultpath and then uses addpath to add new paths?
You can use the startup.m file for that.
When starting up, Matlab executes the file matlabrc.m, which is the master startup file, and is common for all users. Among other things, this file
Sets the first entry of the path as the user-folder of the current user, that is, the user that started Matlab. (This is done by calling pathdef, which in turn calls userpath); and then
Looks for a startup.m file in the path, end executes if it exists.
Therefore you can place a user-specific startup.m file in each user's folder, and Matlab will run the appropriate file depending on which user started Matlab. In that file you can set the path on a per-user basis, and do other user-related stuff.

Double-clicking to open a file on a standalone matlab application

I have timeseries files with their own extension (.Z4R). I have compile my matlab GUI that read them.
Right now I load these files from the GUI (look for the path...). I wondering if it's possible to just double-click on the .Z4R in order to load it into my program.
Thank you.
I understand the window part.
Where I don't know it is about this command line that accept the input (Z4D) when the GUI .exe starts. How do I know the path of the double-clicked file.
You should be able to do this via Windows file association (assuming you are running windows).
You'll need to check the command line arguments of your app and open supplied Z4R files as appropriate.
Have a look on google to see how to set-up file associations
If your compiled Matlab GUI was created using the Matlab tool guide, you should have a function
function YourProgramName_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin)
varargin should contain the filename you double clicked on.

Does matlab have a matlabrc file?

Today I stumbled upon this thread:
The question is basically how to make Matlab read your startup.m file regardless of where
you start your matlab session.
One of the solutions offered was:
One solution would be to ask the system administrator to add a few lines
to "matlabrc.m" that adds some pre-determined folder in the user's home
directory to the MATLAB path (say, ~/.matlabstart). Then each user can
have their own "startup.m" file inside this folder.
What I ended up doing in my system (OS X) was to add a startup.m file in:
In this startup.m file I added:
if exist([getenv('HOME') '/.matlabrc/startup.m'])
run([getenv('HOME') '/.matlabrc/startup.m']);
That way users have the option of creating the hidden folder ~/.matlabrc and inside it they can put the file startup.m. In this startup file they can tell matlab what to execute whenever they start Matlab regardless of the directory where they started it. An example of what I added to my own personal startup.m file is
Now I can add as many folders inside that directory and all of them will be added
to the path every time I start Matlab automatically without having to modify the path.
The question is: Did Matlab already provided a special file like the one I created or did I just go through all this trouble to accomplish what I wanted? If the answer is the second option I gave, then, why doesn't Matlab provide this? It is such a pain in the ass to add directories to the Matlab path whenever you do not have admin permissions and I do not want to carry my startup.m file to every directory I go to. Can someone shed some light into this please?
You can save the pathdef file (which stores all the paths you add) to a custom directory. The problem however is that when matlab starts, it doesn't automatically know which custom directory you used in the previous session.
But that's where the MATLABPATH environment variable comes in. Because this allows to set the matlab starting path yourself. In linux this is simply done by setting this environment variable MATLABPATH before starting matlab (from a terminal / in your .bashrc / ...)
export MATLABPATH=$HOME/.matlab
This way you can let all users have their own pathdef file, which solves the problem of having to add them manually at startup.
I tested out if adding startup.m to that MATLABPATH directory worked, ie: does matlab run that startup file? ... and it does. I think it doesn't work for you, because there is another startup.m file in some other (higher priority) directory (probably matlabroot), so that gets precedence. My only startup file is in MATLABPATH, so there is only one choice.
Nope, I added startup to matlabroot directory, and still my own startup file in .matlab gets run. Are you sure you set the MATLABPATH correctly before you started matlab?

How to set some custom variables on Matlab startup

I would like to set some initial variables (like format compact and the current directory) automatically on each startup of Matlab.
How can I do that?
Create a startup.m script file containing the commands to set up the state that you want. Next, from inside MATLAB, run the command
>> userpath
This will give you a list of one or more user-specific directories (depending on what OS you are using); put your startup.m in any of those directories and it will be found whenever you start MATLAB (startup.m is also found if it is in the directory from which MATLAB is started, but the technique above allows you to start MATLAB from an arbitrary directory and still have startup.m get run).
Create a startup.m file in the directory that you launch matlab from.