Octave 4.2 Command Window is Adding Blank Lines - matlab

First, I am new to Octave, but fairly familiar with Matlab. After using Octave for a short time I've noticed that the cursor in the command window will regularly add a new, empty line. Sometime this can be in the middle of typing a command. If I let the window sit with no input, the cursor will eventually advance all the way down the page and keep going.
I have never seen anything like this, and I do not know where to even begin to fix it.
Command Window Screenshot

My alternative answer is that that a bug report should be filed so that this issue gets fixed. I have the exact same problem. Every 30 seconds, when system time hits an even minute and 30 seconds past the minute, the command window cursor skips to the next line. One can still type to the command line and hit enter in the end. The command line now split at random points to several lines will be successfully computed. The problem is that you can not edit the line back past the inserted line break and the whole thing looks really messy. I tried to un-install and re-install but that did not help in my case. I use octave-4.2.1-w64-installer.exe

Boring solution (and hopefully permanent): I uninstalled and reinstalled the same version of Octave and this bug seems to have gone away. Not very convenient, but worked for me.

This might be a problem caused by a 3rd party application. I've seen this issue on a computer with Druva inSync. Disabling the Druva inSync service (not the client) stops this. inSync injects itself in applications using the Windows file dialog. Apparently this code contains a bug and accidentally writes a line feed (LF) to a file handle belonging to the application. The problem might also go away with a different Octave version. In particular the 4.2.x and 4.4.x seem to behave differently.


How to fix newline indentation in recent version of vscode

I've been using VSCode (vscode) with the amVim extension for approximately 2+ years. I use vscode almost every day, and update it immediately every time it notifies me of a new version, which it checks for on startup. In the current and previous version I've had a new problem with indentation when I add a line to a source file. I've experienced this problem when editing *.go, *.vue, and *.css files, but mostly I've been working in Go files since the last two releases, so I've mostly seen it there. I did not notice this issue prior to the last two vscode releases.
When I add a newline with ENTER or SHIFT+o or any other means I've tried, it often adds the line with too little indentation. Whether this happens appears to depend on context, like how I recently moved the cursor, or where was the cursor when I added the newline, but I haven't figured out clear rules for when it will get the indentation right. I'd say it happens about half the time.
I haven't found a consistent workaround, so now when I add a newline I often have to hit tab until I reach the correct indentation. I can't predict whether this will happen, so when I add a newline I have to pause and look at the result instead of continuing to type. Alternatively, I write code at the wrong indentation and then hit save or auto-indent once it's syntactically complete to correct the indentation, but the code is harder to read and review until the indentation is right.
My current vscode version is 1.75.1, and amVim version is v1.34.0. I'm on Fedora 37 x64 (Linux). (My vscode Go extension is v0.37.1.)
I tried searching and browsing issues in both vscode and amVim Github repos and didn't see anything matching my issue, and I tried searching here as well without finding a match.

MATLAB runs prior iterations of file

Summary: MATLAB runs an earlier version of my code, despite having saved the new version.
When I run my code, MATLAB seems to run an older version of it. For example, I changed the print statement from "What is the name of the vector you wish to analyze?" to "Hello. How are you?", but it still runs the previous version of the code, despite the fact that I saved the file.
I have tried deleting all the files in the MATLAB "Current Folders" directory, and even opening new files for every small iteration of my code, but to no avail. I've tried searching for resolution to similar errors online, but this does not seem to have been documented previously. The only resource that even refers to this online seems to be this question, whose only resolution was that "The error message was misleading."
I would greatly appreciate any help. I am new to MATLAB, so please pardon any naive mistakes.
In all likelihood, there are two copies of the code, the one you are editing and the one you are running.
If the code you are trying to run is called "mycode", try typing which mycode. This will tell you the location of the code version that you are running. I would also recommend closing the editor window and typing edit mycode, which will open that version.
Note: From the screenshot, it appears that you are running MATLAB through a web browser and I don't know how that handles files.

Mysterious blank space randomly appears in Powershell console buffer

I am plagued by a very strange phenomenon. I tend to write fairly esoteric Powershell modules for stuff I do at work. Often, after running one of these, and the module has ended I will move onto some other tasks, and when I happen to bring up my Powershell console window again, several blank lines (or just blank "space") will have appeared in the buffer. It never appears right away, which is the most confounding part.
Afterwards, the blinking cursor exists at the end of this blank space, and the blank space cannot be "backspaced" (so it's not something inadvertently entering spaces or newlines). It's just there, as part of the buffer. I usually just clear the screen with cls to keep it from annoying me.
I used to just chalk this up to the buggy Windows Powershell 5.1 buffering. However now that I've begun using Powershell 7 (and Windows Terminal), I see that the issue still exists.
Here is a screenshot of a v7 Windows Terminal tab an hour or so after my module finished running:
Sometimes it seems the longer I wait the more blank space has appeared. Here is a screenshot of the same console tab about 20 hours later:
I'm sorry I don't have a better way of explaining this. I realize that without any code or pattern to analyze, that this is a very poor question, by SO standards, but I am just as confused as you are. The only pattern I've noticed is that this only seems to happen after I run my various custom modules. However this accounts for the majority of my Powershell usage, so it might be a red herring.
Usually my modules simply do some processing (talking to computers, AD, etc) and just output some information via Write-Host, and occasionally output a [PSCustomObject], which I always capture in a variable. Even if I was accidentally outputting some blank lines or something to the pipeline, I can't see how that would manifest as blank buffer space that grows over time. I thought maybe I was incorrectly killing async jobs or something and that was somehow causing this, but this happens even in purely synchronous code.
To be clear, in the screenshots above there is no code actually running. That module was the only thing I had run in this particular console tab/session, and it doesn't run any background processes. So I can't understand why the buffer is changing all on its own. In both screenshots, the tab/window is the same size as it was when the module first completed, so it's not just a bunch of spaces in the buffer that are being dynamically resized. And as noted, when the module fist completed there were NO rogue characters in the buffer at all.
One other thing about my usage is that it's all done on a remote VM, accessed through RDP, which I use daily. The only other thing I can think of is that maybe something about the console window being minimized/maximized/resized, the resolution changing, or the login session being connected/reconnected has something to do with it.
Does this sound familiar to anyone? Any ideas for what could be causing this or what I can try to understand the behavior better are much appreciated.
I've confirmed that this actually happens as a direct result of simply "restoring" and "maximizing" the Powershell console window and/or Windows Terminal window. When the issue is "present", doing this will often add another "set" of blank space to the buffer before the cursor. Minimizing seems to have no effect, only going from maximized to "restored" and back to maximized.
I've also confirmed that this has nothing to do with my custom modules. I can replicate the issue by simply opening a fresh, maximized console window/tab, running get-process and then "restoring" and maximizing. It doesn't happen every time though.
It also has nothing to do with my custom profile script, as it happens even on a freshly-imaged computer with no profile.
At this point I'm going back to blaming it on buffer/rendering/window manager implementation bugs in powershell and moving on with my life.

Can't find any log file explaining why Eclipse closes/crashes

After last Ubuntu 14.04 kernel update (current one: 4.4.0-36-generic) when I open Eclipse (Luna) in a matter of few seconds it closes or freezes and then closes (I can be simply editing a comment, or even stop typing for some seconds and then it happens, so I think it can't be related to the code itself).
I personally prefer when it freezes first, so it gives you some seconds to mentally prepare of what is about to happen with your last-hour work.
No clue on system.log or /.../my_workspace/.metadata/.log of what is happening.
Where could I look to try to understand what is happening?
Is it possible that Eclipse closes without leaving any clue/crash-report of why is it doing that?
After trying a lot of possible solutions because Eclipse was crashing every 10 minutes I've found this:
According to this bug report it is not an Eclipse problem but an Eclipse-JRE relationship problem.
Since I've modified several lines in eclipse.ini I cannot be sure about the solution, but it seems it was adding this line on it:
I've been without crashes for more than 1 hour so far. However I'll wait at least one or two days before assuming this solution really works.
EDIT/UPDATE: Confirmed; it works like a charm.
Whenever eclipse crashes you will get hs_err_pid4612.log this kind of file
inside eclipse folder.
For fixing this issue :
Add this to eclipse.ini file:

Macro not working as expected in Notepad++

I just installed notepad++ and i am having some problems with macros in it.
i have a simple text file below:
i am here
this is the third line
i kept the cursor at the first line before "hi".Now i selected start recording macro in the menu.i typed 'hi' before 'hi'(the actual word in the line) like below and pressed [Home] key in the keyboard and then pressed down arrow.Now i selected stop recording macro from the menu
i am here
this is the third line
but when i run the macro i am getting the following output
hˆi«i am here
hˆi«this is the third line
Could anybody please tell me where is the problem?
Upgrade to, at least, version 5.8.2 where that problem was fixed. I was experiencing the same problem, upgraded to version 5.8.5 and the problem is gone.
Fix macro recording bug for the non-ASCII characters.
same here as for Matt. For language, I was in normal text.
As mentioned in my comment at top, I have also been experiencing this same issue. Strange characters inserted when playing back a macro. This worked OK with previous versions, but appears to have been a bug introduced with version 5.7
It does appear to be an encoding issue. I have been able to workaround this issue by switching to UTF-8 encoding whilst recording the macro - as mentioned in the comment of this bug report.
This has been reported as a bug several times recently. Many are still open, however, one is reported as fixed. And is reported as fixed in the current release (5.8.2) - which also introduces several new features as regards macros. However, nothing later than v5.7 is yet available from the auto-updater within Notepad++ itself. However, you can manually download the latest installer from SourceForge.net.
I turned off the auto complete feature and this fixed the issue for me.
How do I stop Notepad++ from showing autocomplete for all words in the file
I had a problem, I typed in some code and it came out wrong in macro.
Then I neglected the advice to type the code and not paste it, and so I copy/pasted the code I needed and it worked fine.
So my advice: write it somewhere else and copy/paste when you start macro.