Spark DataFrame add Column with Rows - scala

What is the best way to add a new column and new rows to a DataFrame?
Is it possible to do this at the same time?
For example, I have a table AB like:
| a| b|
| true| true|
| true| false|
Now I would like to add a new column "c" to AB and new rows, but only if a condition is met.
This condition should applied for each row in AB included c=false and c=true.
Let foo(row): Boolean be the condition and:
foo(Row(true, true, false)) = true
foo(Row(true, true, true)) = true
foo(Row(true, false, false)) = true
foo(Row(true, false, false)) = false
So the new Table ABC should looks like:
| a| b| c|
| true| true| true|
| true| true| false|
| true| false| false|
I tried to crossjoin and filter:
val rows = List(Row(true), Row(false))
val C = spark.createDataFrame(
StructType(List(StructField("c", BooleanType)))
val ABC = AB.join(C).filter(r => foo(row))
The perfomance is very bad (can you tell me why?). I also tried with flatMap:
val encoder = RowEncoder(AB.schema.add(StructField("c", BooleanType)))
val ABC = AB.flatMap { row =>
Seq(Row.fromSeq(row.toSeq :+ true), Row.fromSeq(row.toSeq :+ false)).filter(r => foo(r))
The performance is also bad. It takes too long for the casting for large tables. As I have noticed, the casting is applied at the masternode. For large tables (million of rows) it performs bad.
Do you have some other and better solutions for this problem?
Btw, I'm using Apache Spark 2.0.1 with Scala.

I think you've made it more complicated than it needs to be, from what I understand, the following should yield the result you're after
val stuff = List[Row](Row(true, true),Row(true, false),Row(false, true), Row(false, false))
val rows = sc.parallelize(stuff)
val schema = StructType(StructField("a", BooleanType, true) :: StructField("b", BooleanType, true) :: Nil)
val frame = spark.createDataFrame(rows, schema).withColumn("c", col("a")&&(col("b")))
then if you do a it should show
| a| b| c|
| true| true| true|
| true|false|false|
|false| true|false|


Efficiently splitting Spark DataFrame into two with filtering only once

Let's say, we have Dataframe dfSource that is non-trivial (e.g. a result of different joins etc.) and of large size (e.g. 100k+ rows), and it has a column some_boolean, which I want to use to split, like this:
val dfTrue = dfSource.where(col("some_boolean") === true)
// write dfTrue, e.g. dfTrue.write.parquet("data1")
val dfFalse = dfSource.where(col("some_boolean") === false)
// write dfFalse, e.g. dfFalse.write.parquet("data2")
Now this would result to scanning and filtering the data twice, right? Is there any way to do this more efficiently? I thought of something like
val (dfTrue, dfFalse) = dfSource.split(col("some_boolean") === true)
// write dfTrue and dfFalse
I see that you store the output after splitting. You can use partitionPy when writing as follows:
dfSource = spark.createDataFrame([
['a', True],
['b', False],
['c', True],
['d', True],
['e', False],
['f', False]
], ["col1", "col2"]).cache()
|col1| col2|
| a| true|
| b|false|
| c| true|
| d| true|
| e|false|
| f|false|
You will see these two directories /tmp/df/col2=true and /tmp/df/col2=false
Now you can read them as usual
dfTrue ="/tmp/df/col2=true")
| a|
| c|
| d|
dfFalse ="/tmp/df/col2=false")
| b|
| e|
| f|

Adding a count column to my sequence in Scala

Given the code below, how would I go about adding a count column? (e.g. .count("*").as("count"))
Final output to look like something like this:
| id|sum(d)|max(b)|concat_ws(,, collect_list(s))|count|
| 1| 1.0| true| a. | 1 |
| 2| 4.0| true| b,b| 2 |
| 3| 3.0| true| c. | 1 |
Current code is below:
val df =Seq(
(1, 1.0, true, "a"),
(2, 2.0, false, "b")
(3, 3.0, false, "b")
(2, 2.0, false, "c")
val dataTypes: Map[String, DataType] = => (,sf.dataType)).toMap
def genericAgg(c:String) = {
dataTypes(c) match {
case DoubleType => sum(col(c))
case StringType => concat_ws(",",collect_list(col(c))) // "append"
case BooleanType => max(col(c))
val aggExprs: Seq[Column] = df.columns.filterNot(_=="id")
.map(c => genericAgg(c))
You can simply append count("*").as("count") to aggExprs.tail in your agg, as shown below:
groupBy("id").agg(aggExprs.head, aggExprs.tail :+ count("*").as("count"): _*).
// +---+------+------+-----------------------------+-----+
// | id|sum(d)|max(b)|concat_ws(,, collect_list(s))|count|
// +---+------+------+-----------------------------+-----+
// | 1| 1.0| true| a| 1|
// | 3| 3.0| false| b| 1|
// | 2| 4.0| false| b,c| 2|
// +---+------+------+-----------------------------+-----+

How to paralelize processing of dataframe in apache spark with combination over a column

I'm looking a solution to build an aggregation with all combination of a column. For example , I have for a data frame as below:
val df = Seq(("A", 1), ("B", 2), ("C", 3), ("A", 4), ("B", 5)).toDF("id", "value")
| id|value|
| A| 1|
| B| 2|
| C| 3|
| A| 4|
| B| 5|
And looking an aggregation for all combination over the column "id". Here below I found a solution, but this cannot use the parallelism of Spark, works only on driver node or only on a single executor. Is there any better solution in order to get rid of the for loop?
import spark.implicits._;
val list$"id").distinct().orderBy($"id").as[String].collect();
val combinations = (1 to list.length flatMap (x => list.combinations(x))) filter(_.length >1)
val schema = StructType(
StructField("indexvalue", IntegerType, true) ::
StructField("segment", StringType, true) :: Nil)
var initialDF = spark.createDataFrame(sc.emptyRDD[Row], schema)
for (x <- combinations) {
initialDF = initialDF.union(df.filter($"id".isin(x: _*))
| 12| A+B|
| 8| A+C|
| 10| B+C|
| 15| A+B+C|

How to update column of spark dataframe based on the values of previous record

I have three columns in df
I want to do the following
when col1=x,store the value of col2 and col3
and assign those column values to next row when col1=y
expected output
Any help would be appreciated
Note:-spark 1.6
Here's one approach using Window function with steps as follows:
Add row-identifying column (not needed if there is already one) and combine non-key columns (presumably many of them) into one
Create tmp1 with conditional nulls and tmp2 using last/rowsBetween Window function to back-fill with the last non-null value
Create newcols conditionally from cols and tmp2
Expand newcols back to individual columns using foldLeft
Note that this solution uses Window function without partitioning, thus may not work for large dataset.
val df = Seq(
("X", "x1", "x2"),
("Z", "z1", "z2"),
("Y", "", ""),
("X", "x3", "x4"),
("P", "p1", "p2"),
("Q", "q1", "q2"),
("Y", "", "")
).toDF("col1", "col2", "col3")
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
val colList = df.columns.filter(_ != "col1")
val df2 =$"col1","id"),
struct( _*).as("cols")
val df3 = df2.
withColumn( "tmp1", when($"col1" === "X", $"cols") ).
withColumn( "tmp2", last("tmp1", ignoreNulls = true).over(
Window.orderBy("id").rowsBetween(Window.unboundedPreceding, 0)
) )
// +----+---+-------+-------+-------+
// |col1| id| cols| tmp1| tmp2|
// +----+---+-------+-------+-------+
// | X| 0|[x1,x2]|[x1,x2]|[x1,x2]|
// | Z| 1|[z1,z2]| null|[x1,x2]|
// | Y| 2| [,]| null|[x1,x2]|
// | X| 3|[x3,x4]|[x3,x4]|[x3,x4]|
// | P| 4|[p1,p2]| null|[x3,x4]|
// | Q| 5|[q1,q2]| null|[x3,x4]|
// | Y| 6| [,]| null|[x3,x4]|
// +----+---+-------+-------+-------+
val df4 = df3.withColumn( "newcols",
when($"col1" === "Y", $"tmp2").otherwise($"cols")
).select($"col1", $"newcols")
// +----+-------+
// |col1|newcols|
// +----+-------+
// | X|[x1,x2]|
// | Z|[z1,z2]|
// | Y|[x1,x2]|
// | X|[x3,x4]|
// | P|[p1,p2]|
// | Q|[q1,q2]|
// | Y|[x3,x4]|
// +----+-------+
val dfResult = colList.foldLeft( df4 )(
(accDF, c) => accDF.withColumn(c, df4(s"newcols.$c"))
// +----+----+----+
// |col1|col2|col3|
// +----+----+----+
// | X| x1| x2|
// | Z| z1| z2|
// | Y| x1| x2|
// | X| x3| x4|
// | P| p1| p2|
// | Q| q1| q2|
// | Y| x3| x4|
// +----+----+----+
For Spark 1.x, last(colName, ignoreNulls) isn't available in the DataFrame API. A work-around is to revert to use Spark SQL which supports ignore-null in its last() method:
withColumn( "tmp1", when($"col1" === "X", $"cols") ).
// might need to use registerTempTable("df2table") instead
val df3 = spark.sqlContext.sql("""
select col1, id, cols, tmp1, last(tmp1, true) over (
order by id rows between unbounded preceding and current row
) as tmp2
from df2table
Yes, there is a lag function that requires ordering
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window.orderBy
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{coalesce, lag}
case class Temp(a: String, b: Option[String], c: Option[String])
val input = ss.createDataFrame(
Temp("A", Some("a1"), Some("a2")),
Temp("D", Some("d1"), Some("d2")),
Temp("B", Some("b1"), Some("b2")),
Temp("E", None, None),
Temp("C", None, None)
| a| b| c|
| A| a1| a2|
| D| d1| d2|
| B| b1| b2|
| E|null|null|
| C|null|null|
val order = orderBy($"a")
.withColumn("b", coalesce($"b", lag($"b", 1).over(order)))
.withColumn("c", coalesce($"c", lag($"c", 1).over(order)))
| a| b| c|
| A| a1| a2|
| B| b1| b2|
| C| b1| b2|
| D| d1| d2|
| E| d1| d2|

Spark Dataframe - Method to take row as input & dataframe has output

I need to write a method that iterates all the rows from DF2 and generate a Dataframe based on some conditions.
Here is the inputs DF1 & DF2 :
val df1Columns = Seq("Eftv_Date","S_Amt","A_Amt","Layer","SubLayer")
val df2Columns = Seq("Eftv_Date","S_Amt","A_Amt")
var df1 = List(
.map(row =>(row(0), row(1),row(2),row(3),row(4))).toDF(df1Columns:_*)
| Eftv_Date| S_Amt|A_Amt|Layer|SubLayer|
|2016-10-31|1000000| 1000| 0| 1|
|2016-12-01| 100000| 950| 1| 1|
|2017-01-01| 50000| 50| 2| 1|
|2017-03-01| 50000| 100| 3| 1|
|2017-03-30| 80000| 300| 4| 1|
val df2 = List(
).map(row =>(row(0), row(1),row(2))).toDF(df2Columns:_*)
| Eftv_Date|S_Amt|A_Amt|
|2017-02-01| 0| 400|
Now I need to write a method that filters DF1 based on the Eftv_Date values from each row of DF2.
For example, first row of df2.Eftv_date=Feb 01 2017, so need to filter df1 having records Eftv_date less than or equal to Feb 01 2017.So this will generate 3 records as below:
Expected Result :
| Eftv_Date| S_Amt|A_Amt|Layer|SubLayer|
|2016-10-31|1000000| 1000| 0| 1|
|2016-12-01| 100000| 950| 1| 1|
|2017-01-01| 50000| 50| 2| 1|
I have written the method as below and called it using map function.
def transformRows(row: Row ) = {
val dateEffective = row.getAs[String]("Eftv_Date")
val df1LayerMet = df1.where(col("Eftv_Date").leq(dateEffective))
df1 = df1LayerMet
val x =
But while calling this I am facing this error:
Error:(154, 24) Unable to find encoder for type stored in a Dataset. Primitive types (Int, String, etc) and Product types (case classes) are supported by importing spark.implicits._ Support for serializing other types will be added in future releases.
val x =
Note : We can implement this using join , But I need to implement a custom scala method to do this , since there were a lot of transformations involved. For simplicity I have mentioned only one condition.
Seems you need a non-equi join:
df1("Eftv_Date") <= df2("Eftv_Date") // non-equi join condition
| Eftv_Date| S_Amt|A_Amt|Layer|SubLayer|
|2016-10-31|1000000| 1000| 0| 1|
|2016-12-01| 100000| 950| 1| 1|
|2017-01-01| 50000| 50| 2| 1|