Is it possible to directly return a response inside a map otherwise than doing that:
var authorized = false { role =>
val method = userRole.getClass.getDeclaredMethod(role.toString)
authorized = method.invoke(userRole).asInstanceOf[Boolean]
or is it the only way? I've learned that it's better to avoid using var.
If you want to check if there exists an element in your list that satisfies some condition, you can use the exists method:
list.exists(value => condition(value))
Edit after the question was changed:
You can still use exists for this case, but if you want to invoke all the methods, you need to use map first (assuming your list is eager): { role =>
If you don't need to call all methods (which you probably don't need to if the methods are pure), you can just use exists:
roles.exists { role =>
With arrays you can use a subscript to access Array Elements directly. You can read or write to them. With Sets I am not sure of a way to write its Elements.
For example, if I access a set element matching a condition I'm only able to read the element. It is passed by copy and I can't therefore write to the original.
For example:
where: {
$0.header.last == Character(String(i))
)?.cells.append(value: addValue)
// ERROR: Cannot use mutating member on immutable value: function call returns immutable value
You can't just change things inside a set, because of how a (hash) set works. Changing them would possibly change their hash value, making the set into an invalid state.
Therefore, you would have to take the thing you want to change out of the set, change it, then put it back.
if var thing = columns.first(
where: {
$0.header.last == Character(String(i))
}) {
thing.cells.append(value: addValue)
If the == operator on Column doesn't care about cells (i.e. adding cells to a column doesn't suddenly make two originally equal columns unequal and vice versa), then you could use update instead:
if var thing = columns.first(
where: {
$0.header.last == Character(String(i))
}) {
thing.cells.append(value: addValue)
As you can see, it's quite a lot of work, so maybe sets aren't a suitable data structure to use in this situation. Have you considered using an array instead? :)
private var _columns: [Column]
public var columns : [Column] {
get { _columns }
set { _columns = Array(Set(newValue)) }
// or any other way to remove duplicate as described here:
You are getting the error because columns might be a set of struct. So columns.first will give you an immutable value. If you were to use a class, you will get a mutable result from columns.first and your code will work as expected.
Otherwise, you will have to do as explained by #Sweeper in his answer.
I am creating a module that has some fairly heavily nested hashes. The hash needs to be semi-regularly modified by the module, which unfortunately rules out using Map.
Generally, a branch of the nested hash will be returned to users of the module [1], and the simplest thing to do is to just return that nested hash, e.g.:
return %data{$branch}{$subbranch}
# ↪︎ %(subsubbranch1 => ... , subsubbranch2 => ... )
However, the nature of containers like arrays or hashes is that while you can make them read-only, the key/values can still be modified. The module users though should not actually modify those values for a number of reasons. Coercing to Map won't help, because if any of the values are also containers, they too will be modifiable.
My first thought was to subclass Hash (or otherwise make a custom Associative), but autovivification by default still goes to Hash. That, however, can be easily solved by overriding both AT-KEY and ASSIGN-KEY so that the AT-KEY returns an instance of the subclass if the key doesn't already exist:
class ProtectedHash is Hash {
has %!hash = ();
method EXISTS-KEY ($key) { %!hash{$key}:exists }
method ASSIGN-KEY ($key, \value) { %!hash{$key} = value }
method AT-KEY ($key) {
%!hash{$key} := unless %!hash{$key}:exists;
What I'd like to do is to fail if the ASSIGN-KEY (or the autovivification part of AT-KEY) is called from outside my module. I thought about using something like $?MODULE but that would be set at compile time and always be true. It looks like I can shimmy off of Backtrace a bit and check for the name of the file that called, but how consistent can I assume the call trace to those two functions?
For example, for ASSIGN-KEY I've got:
method ASSIGN-KEY ($key, \value) {
my #trace =[3..*];
# The first three can be ignored:
# 0: code at ...Backtrace.pm6
# 1: method new at ...Backtrace.pm6
# 2: method AT-KEY at ...ThisFile.pm6
if/unless ??? {
%!hash{$key} = value
AT-KEY is normally called by the sub postcircumfix<{ }> (in which case #trace[0] can be ignored, and trace[1] would be the one of interest) but could also be, albeit rarely, called directly, in which case trace[0] is where I'd want to verify the file name.
Are there any other common ways in which AT-KEY or ASSIGN-KEY might be called? Or should check those two steps account for 99.9% of calls to those methods? [2]
[1] There are only a few subx4 branches that a user might want to manipulate, and so I figure it's best to provide them with the necessarily-slower .Hash method for when they really need it than to assume they always need a manipulable container. At times these may be called enough (particularly via a get-branch($foo){$subbranch}{$subsubbranch} pattern), that the addition overhead in creating a deepclone of the Hash becomes decently consequential.
[2] I'm not too concerned about preventing ANY access (although I'm certainly curious if that's possible purely via subclassing), because I'm sure that a fairly industrious coder could always figure something out, but I'd like to catch the most common ones as a way of saying "Can't touch this!" (cue the 90's music…) and provide an Awesome error message.
It's probably easier to achieve this by returning something wrapping the original Array or Hash, or alternatively using but to do a shallow copy and mix in to it (which means you retain the original type).
We can declare a role like this:
role Can'tTouchThis {
method AT-KEY(|) {
untouchable callsame
method ASSIGN-KEY(|) {
die "Cannot assign to this";
method AT-POS(|) {
untouchable callsame
method ASSIGN-POS(|) {
die "Cannot assign to this";
Where the sub untouchable is defined as:
multi untouchable(Positional \p) {
p but Can'tTouchThis
multi untouchable(Associative \a) {
a but Can'tTouchThis
multi untouchable(\o) {
Thus handling nested data structures by - on access - creating a read-only facade to those too.
Here's an example and some test cases to illustrate the effect:
class Example {
has %!foo = a => [ 1, 2, [ 3, 4] ], b => { c => { d => 42, e => 19 }, f => 100 };
method get($sym) {
untouchable %!foo{$sym}
given {
use Test;
# Positional cases
is .get('a')[0], 1;
is .get('a')[2][1], 4;
dies-ok { .get('a')[1] = 42 };
is .get('a')[1], 2;
# Associative cases
is .get('b')<c><d>, 42;
dies-ok { .get('b')<f> = 99 };
dies-ok { .get('b')<c><d> = 99 };
is .get('b')<f>, 100;
is .get('b')<c><d>, 42;
# Auto-viv also doesn't work
dies-ok { .get('a')[4]<a> = 99 };
dies-ok { .get('a')[4][0] = 99 };
Remove the untouchable call in the get method to see the majority of the tests here fail due to lack of protection.
The solution I ultimately employed served my needs, and I'm posting it here for those who may encounter similar situations. (The answer with role mixing unfortunately doesn't survive binding)
My ultimate approach was to worry the most about unintended editing. To protect against this, I created an Associative-type class called DB-Item that internally has a hash. The AT-KEY method returns the item from the hash if it exists, but ASSIGN-KEY and BIND-KEY simply immediately fail with an appropriate error message. The only other method is ADD-TO-DATABASE. That method handles adds leafs/branches depending on what it's passed (and in general end users should be wary of using all caps methods directly). Since branches can be of different lengths, this also greatly simplifies the initial DB creation:
class DB-Item does Associative {
has %!hash = ();
my $epitaph = "Modification of the database is not a good idea:\n" ~
" - Use .clone if you want to get a editable branch.\n" ~
" - If you really know what you're doing, use .ADD-TO-DATABASE";
method ADD-TO-DATABASE (*#branch) {
if #branch == 2 {
%!hash{#branch.head} = #branch.tail
%!hash{#branch.head} =;
method ASSIGN-KEY(|) is hidden-from-backtrace { die $epitaph }
method BIND-KEY(|) is hidden-from-backtrace { die $epitaph }
method EXISTS-KEY($key) { %!hash{$key}:exists }
method AT-KEY($key) { %!hash{$key}:exists ?? %!hash{$key} !! Nil }
method clone { ... }
Restangular offers a feature, extendModel, which lets you add functionality onto objects returned from the server. Is there any way to get these methods added to an empty / new model, that hasn't yet been saved to the server?
I wanted to do the same thing but didn't find an example. Here's how I ended up doing it:
models.factory('User', function(Restangular) {
var route = 'users';
var init = {a:1, b:2}; // custom User properties
Restangular.extendModel(route, function(model) {
// User functions
model.myfunc = function() {...}
return model;
var User = Restangular.all(route);
User.create = function(obj) {
// init provides default values which will be overridden by obj
return Restangular.restangularizeElement(null, _.merge({}, init, obj), route);
return User;
Some things to be aware of:
Use a function like _.merge() instead of angular.extend() because it clones the init variable rather than simply assigning its properties.
There is a known issue with Restangular 1.x that causes the Element's bound data to not be updated when you modify its properties (see #367 and related). The workaround is to call restangularizeElement() again before calling save(). However this call will always set fromServer to false which causes a POST to be sent so I wrote a wrapper function that checks if id is non-null and sets fromServer to true.
I'm using ReactiveUI and the provided ReactiveCollection<> class.
In a ViewModel I have a collection of objects, and I wish to create an observable that watches those items for their IsValid property.
This is the scenario I'm trying to solve. In my ViewModel's constructor.
this.Items = new ReactiveCollection<object>();
IObservable<bool> someObservable = // ... how do I watch Items so when
// any items IsValid property changes,
// this observable changes. There
// is an IValidItem interface.
this.TheCommand = new ReactiveCommand(someObservable);
interface IValidItem { bool IsValid { get; } }
EDIT Ana's answer got me most of the way there. The solution is the following.
this.Items = new ReactiveCollection<object>();
this.Items.ChangeTrackingEnabled = true;
var someObservable = this.Items.Changed
.Select(_ => this.Items.All(i => i.IsValid));
It depends on what you want to do with the results of IsValid. Here's how I would do it, though it's not entirely intuitive:
// Create a derived collection which are all the IsValid properties. We don't
// really care which ones are valid, rather that they're *all* valid
var isValidList = allOfTheItems.CreateDerivedCollection(x => x.IsValid);
// Whenever the collection changes in any way, check the array to see if all of
// the items are valid. We could probably do this more efficiently but it gets
// Tricky™
IObservable<bool> areAllItemsValid = isValidList.Changed.Select(_ => isValidList.All());
theCommand = new ReactiveCommand(areAllItemsValid);
Since you are using ReactiveUI, you have a few options. If your objects are ReactiveValidatedObjects you can actually use the ValidationObservable:
var someObservable = this.Items
.Select(o => o.ValidationObservable
.Select(chg => chg.GetValue()) //grab just the current bool from the change
.StartsWith(o.IsValid)) //prime all observables with current value
.CombineLatest(values => values.All());
If they aren't ReactiveValidatedObjects, but implement INotifyPropertyChanged, you would just replace the first line and use the handy ObservableForProperty extension method in ReactiveUI for those objects. Instead of o.ValidationObservable you would use o.ObservableForProperty(x => x.IsValid). The rest should be the same.
This is a pretty common use case and I've wrapped it in an extension method for IEnumerable<ReactiveValidatedObject>
I'm sure Paul Betts will come along with something more elegant, but this is what I do.
I'm implementing a search box using CodeIgniter, but I'm not sure about how I should pass the search parameters through. I have three parameters: the search string; product category; and the sort order. They're all optional. Currently, I'm sending the parameters through $_POST to a temporary method, which forwards the parameters to the regular URI form. This works fine. I'm using a weird URI format though:,sort=price,cat=laptop
Does anyone have a better/cleaner format of passing stuff through?
I was thinking of passing it into the products method as arguments, but since the parameters are optional things would get messy. Should I suck it up, and just turn $_GET methods on? Thanks in advance!
Query Strings
You can enable query strings in CodeIgniter to allow a more standard search function.
$config['enable_query_strings'] = FALSE;
Once enabled, you can accept the following in your app:
The benefit here is that the user will find it easy to edit the URL to make a quick change to their search, and your search uses common search functionality.
The down side of this approach is that you are going against one of the design decisions of the CodeIgniter development team. However, my personal opinion is that this is OK provided that query strings are not used for the bulk of your content, only for special cases such as search queries.
A much better approach, and the method the CI developers intended, is to add all your search parameters to the URI instead of a query string like so:
You would then parse all the URI segments from the 3rd segment ("term") forward into an array of key => value pairs with the uri_to_assoc($segment) function from the URI Class.
Class Products extends Controller {
// From your code I assume you are calling a search method.
function search()
// Get search parameters from URI.
// URI Class is initialized by the system automatically.
$data->search_params = $this->uri->uri_to_assoc(3);
This would give you easy access to all the search parameters and they could be in any order in the URI, just like a traditional query string.
$data->search_params would now contain an array of your URI segments:
[term] => computer
[sort] => price
[cat] => laptop
Read more about the URI Class here:
If you're using a fixed number of parameters, you can assign a default value to them and send it instead of not sending the parameter at all. For instance
Next, in the controller you can ignore the parameter if (parameter == 'all'.)
Class Products extends Controller {
// From your code I assume that this your structure.
function index ($search = 'all', $sort = 'price', $cat = 'all')
if ('all' == $search)
// don't use this parameter
// or
if ('all' != $cat)
// use this parameter