How can I move from Windows traditional command line to the modern PowerShell? - powershell

I was used to a few command line tricks in Windows that increased my productivity a lot.
Now I am told that I should move to PowerShell because it's more POWERful. It took me a while to get a little bit hang of it (objects, piping, etc.), and there are a lot of great tutorials on how to get a few things done.
However, some (relatively) basic trick still puzzle me. For instance, what is the equivalent of the FOR structure in PowerShell?
For example,
FOR %i IN (*.jpg) DO Convert %i -resize 800x300 resized/%i
The above line takes all of photos in a folder and uses the ImageMagick's Convert tool to resize the images and restores the resized imaged in a sub-folder called RESIZED.
In PowerShell I tried the command:
Dir ./ | foreach {convert $ -resize 800x300 resized/$_name}
This can't work despite all of the googling around I did. What is missing?

Note that / rather than \ is used as the path separator in this answer, which works on Windows too and makes the code compatible with the cross-platform PowerShell Core editions.
$convertExe = './convert' # adjust path as necessary
Get-ChildItem -File -Filter *.jpg | ForEach-Object {
& $convertExe $_.Name -resize 800x300 resized/$($_.Name)
Read on for an explanation and background information.
The equivalent of:
FOR %i IN (*.jpg)
Get-ChildItem -File -Filter *.jpg
or, with PowerShell's own wildcard expressions (slower, but more powerful):
Get-ChildItem -File -Path *.jpg # specifying parameter name -Path is optional
If you're not worried about restricting matches to files (as opposed to directories), Get-Item *.jpg will do too.
While dir works as a built-in alias for Get-ChildItem, I recommend getting used to PowerShell's own aliases, which follow a consistent naming convention; e.g., PowerShell's own alias for Get-ChildItem is gci
Also, in scripts it is better to always use the full command names - both for readability and robustness.
As you've discovered, to process the matching files in a loop you must pipe (|) the Get-ChildItem command's output to the ForEach-Object cmdlet, to which you pass a script block ({ ... }) that is executed for each input object, and in which $_ refers to the input object at hand.
(foreach is a built-in alias for ForEach-Object, but note that there's also a foreach statement, which works differently, and it's important not to confuse the two.)
There are 2 pitfalls for someone coming from the world of cmd.exe (batch files):
In PowerShell, referring to an executable by filename only (e.g., convert) does not execute an executable by that name located in the current directory, for security reasons.
Only executables in the PATH can be executed by filename only, and unless you've specifically placed ImageMagick's convert.exe in a directory that comes before the SYSTEM32 directory in the PATH, the standard Windows convert.exe utility (whose purpose is to convert FAT disk volumes to NTFS) will be invoked.
Use Get-Command convert to see what will actually execute when you submit convert; $env:PATH shows the current value of the PATH environment variable (equivalent of echo %PATH%).
If your custom convert.exe is indeed in the current directory, invoke it as ./convert - i.e., you must explicitly reference its location.
Otherwise (your convert.exe is either not in the PATH at all or is shadowed by a different utility) specify the path to the executable as needed, but note that if you reference that path in a variable or use a string that is single- or double-quoted (which is necessary if the path contains spaces, for instance), you must invoke with &, the call operator; e.g.,
& $convertExe ... or & "$HOME/ImageMagic 2/convert" ...
PowerShell sends objects through the pipeline, not strings (this innovation is at the heart of PowerShell's power). When you reference and object's property or an element by index as part of a larger string, you must enclose the expression in $(...), the subexpression operator:
resized/$($_.Name) - Correct: property reference enclosed in $(...)
resized/$_.Name - !! INCORRECT - $_ is stringified on its own, followed by literal .Name
However, note that a stand-alone property/index reference or even method call does not need $(...); e.g., $_.Name by itself, as used in the command in the question, does work, and retains its original type (is not stringified).
Note that a variable without property / index access - such as $_ by itself - does not need $(...), but in the case at hand $_ would expand to the full path. For the most part, unquoted tokens that include variable references are treated like implicitly double-quoted strings, whose interpolation rules are summarized in this answer of mine; however, many additional factors come into play, which are summarized here; edge cases are highlighted in this question.
At the end of the day, the safest choice is to double-quote strings that contain variable references or subexpressions:
"resized/$($_.Name)" - SAFEST

Get-ChildItem | foreach {convert $ -resize 800x300 resized/$($}
Or, perhaps, you need to pass the full name (with path), also showing a shorter syntax (using aliases):
gci | % {convert $_.fullname -resize 800x300 resized/$($}
Also, you might want to supply the full path to the executable.

Revised based on comments given below
There are many applications with the name "Convert". If I do
Get-Command Convert
on my computer. It shows me an app that is part of the Windows system. If PowerShell is running the wrong app on you, it's never going to work.
The solution will be to point PowerShell at the convert tool inside the ImageMagick program folder. A Google search on "ImageMagick PowerShell" will lead you to lots of people who have faced the same problem as you.


How to list contents of a specific directory in powershell?

I'm rather baffled by Powershell in general. Very weird. Anyway, I've read:
Powershell's equivalent to Linux's: ls -al
so I now know how to list the contents of the current directory. But how can I list the contents of an arbitrary directory?
How do I type in the path I want to check?
in Windows, \ is the directory separator; but it's also an escape char in most languages. What do I do with it?
Do I need single-quotes? Double-quotes? No-quotes?
Where do I place the argument relative to the switches? After, like I'm used to, or rather before?
If I want to use an environment variable, or a powershell variable, as part of the path to list - how do I do that?
General PowerShell information and examples:
PowerShell-native commands, including user-authored ones that opt in, have standardized parameter syntax and binding rules, so the following, focused on Get-ChildItem, applies generally:
See the help topic for Get-ChildItem, which describes the command's purpose, syntax, and individual parameters, along with showing examples.
If you have offline help installed (true by default in Windows PowerShell; installable on demand via Update-Help in PowerShell (Core) 7+), you can also print the examples with Get-Help -Example Get-ChildItem | more
As for how to generally read the notation describing the supported parameters listed under the SYNTAX heading of cmdlet help topics, which PowerShell calls syntax diagrams, see the conceptual about_Command_Syntax help topic.
Offline, you can print the syntax diagrams for PowerShell-native commands with standard switch -? or by passing the command name to Get-Command -Syntax (Get-ChildItem -? or Get-Command -Syntax Get-ChildItem). To also access the help text offline, you may have to install local help first, as described above.
# The following commands all pass "\" (the [current drive's] root dir)
# to the -Path parameter.
# Note:
# * "\" is NOT special in PowerShell, so it needs no escaping.
# PowerShell allows use of "/" instead even on Windows.
# * -Path arguments are interpreted as wildcard patterns, whether
# quoted or not. You may pass *multiple* paths / patterns.
# * Switch -Force - which, as all switches - can be placed anywhere
# among the arguments, requests that *hidden* items be listed too.
Get-ChildItem -Path \ -Force
Get-ChildItem \ -Force # ditto, with *positional* param. binding
'\' | Get-ChildItem # ditto, via the pipeline.
Get-ChildItem / -Force # ditto, with "/" as alternative to "\"
# To force interpretation as a *literal* path - which matters for
# paths that contain "[" chars. - use -LiteralPath.
# Here too you may pass *multiple* paths.
Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath \ -Force
# Quoting is needed for paths with spaces, for instance.
# Single-quoting treats the string *verbatim*:
Get-ChildItem 'C:\path\to\dir with spaces'
# Double-quoting *expands* (interpolates) variable references
# and subexpressions.
Get-ChildItem "$HOME\dir with spaces"
# A variable alone can be used as-is, without double-quoting, even
# if its value contains spaces.
Get-ChildItem $HOME
To answer your specific questions, for readers who come from POSIX-compatible shells such as Bash:
How do I type in the path I want to check?
Get-ChildItem offers two ways to specify one or more input paths, as most file-processing cmdlets in PowerShell do:
-Path accepts one or more names or paths that are interpreted as a wildcard pattern.
Note that - unlike in POSIX-compatible shells such as Bash - it does not matter whether the path is unquoted or not; e.g., Get-ChildItem -Path *.txt, Get-ChildItem "*.txt", and Get-ChildItem '*.txt' are all equivalent; more on that below (note the incidental omission of -Path in the latter two calls, which makes "*.txt" and '*.txt' bind positionally to the first positional parameter, -Path).
-LiteralPath accepts one or more names or paths that are assumed to refer to existing file-system items literally (verbatim).
Given that literal paths on Unix-like platforms usually do not contain * and ? characters and on Windows cannot, use of -LiteralPath for disambiguation is usually only necessary for paths that contain [ (and possibly also ]), given that PowerShell's wildcard pattern language also supports character sets and ranges (e.g. [ab] and [0-9]).
Binding to -LiteralPath via an argument requires explicit use of -LiteralPath, i.e. use of a named argument; e.g., Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath foo
However, supplying System.IO.FileInfo and/or System.IO.DirectoryInfo instances (such as output by (another) Get-ChildItem or Get-Item call) via the pipeline DOES bind to -LiteralPath, as explained in this answer.
in Windows, \ is the directory separator; but it's also an escape char in most languages. What do I do with it?
In PowerShell \ is not an escape character, so \ instances are treated as literals and do not require escaping; it is `, the so-called backtick that serves as the escape character in PowerShell - see the conceptual about_Special_Characters help topic.
Note, however, that PowerShell generally allows you to use \ and / in paths interchangeably, so that, e.g., Get-ChildItem C:/Windows works just fine.
Where do I place the argument relative to the switches? After, like I'm used to, or rather before?
All parameters have names in PowerShell - that is, there is no POSIX-like distinction between options (e.g. -l and operands (value-only arguments, such as the / in ls -l /).
A command may declare parameters that may also be passed by value only, positionally, meaning that prefixing the value with the parameter name is then optional (e.g., Get-Path / as shorthand for Get-Path -Path /).
Only parameters that require a value (argument) can potentially be passed as values only - depending on the parameter declaration of the target command - in which case their order matters:
Value-only arguments are called positional arguments, and they bind in order to those parameters of the target command that are declared as positional, if any - see this answer for how to discover which of a given command's parameters are positional ones.
Prefixing a value by its target parameter (e.g., -LiteralPath /some/path) makes it a named argument.
A switch (flag) in PowerShell, such as -Force, is a special parameter type - Boolean in nature - that by definition requires passing it as a named argument, typically without a value (though you can attach a value, e.g. -Force:$true or -Force:$false - note that : is then required to separate the parameter name from its value; see this answer for details).
As an aside: Unlike POSIX-compliant utilities, PowerShell does not support parameters with optional values of any other type - see this answer.
Since PowerShell allows named arguments to be specified in any order, the implication is that you're free to place by-definition-named switch arguments such as -Force anywhere on the command line.
In short: Order only matters among positional (unnamed) arguments in PowerShell.
See the conceptual about_Parameters help topic for more information.
Do I need single-quotes? Double-quotes? No-quotes?
A path (parameter value in general) needs quoting:
if it contains PowerShell metacharacters, notably spaces; e.g. C:\path\to\foo needs no quoting, whereas C:\path with spaces\to\foo does.
if it starts with a subexpression ($(...)), in which case you need double-quoting, i.e. "..." (see below) - though you may choose to always use "..."-quoting for paths involving subexpressions or variable references.
Note that PowerShell has no concept that is the equivalent of the so-called shell expansions in POSIX-compatible shells such as Bash; therefore, whether a given argument is quoted or not makes no semantic difference (assuming it doesn't require quoting); as noted above, *.txt, '*.txt' and "*.txt" are all equivalent, and it is the target command, not PowerShell itself, that interprets the pattern - see this answer for more information.
If quoting is needed:
Verbatim (single-quoted) strings ('...') treat their content verbatim
Expandable (double-quoted) strings ("...") perform string interpolation ("expand" embedded variables and subexpressions, i.e replace them with their values).
If I want to use an environment variable, or a powershell variable, as part of the path to list - how do I do that?
To use such variables as-is, no quoting is needed (even if the values contain spaces):
# PowerShell variable:
Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $HOME
# Environment variable, e.g. on Windows:
Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $env:USERPROFILE
To make a variable (or expression) part of a larger string, embed it in an expandable (double-quoted) string ("..."); e.g.:
Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath "$HOME/Desktop"
Embedding the output from expressions or commands requires use of $(...), the subexpression operator; e.g. Get-ChildItem "$(Get-Variable -ValueOnly Home)/Desktop"; for a complete overview of PowerShell's expandable strings (string interpolation), see this answer.
Situationally, such as in the example above, omitting the "..." quoting would work too - see this answer for more information.
Additionally and alternatively, PowerShell allows you to use (...), the grouping operator to pass the result of arbitrary expressions and commands as arguments; the following is the equivalent of the command above:
Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath ($HOME + '/Desktop')
Alternatively, using the Join-Path cmdlet:
Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath (Join-Path $HOME Desktop)

PowerShell Get-VHD "is not an existing virtual hard disk file"

When creating a new VM in Hyper-V, to keep things organized, I use a particular naming convention when creating the associated VHDX files. The naming convention is the VMs FQDN followed by the SCSI controller attachment point followed by what the name of the drive is called or used for inside of the VM. I encapsulate the SCSI and Name parameters inside smooth and square brackets respectively. I find this tends to make things a little bit easier from a human perspective to match the VHDX files in Hyper-V to what the VM sees internally when needing to do maintenance tasks. It has also helped with scripting in the past. An example file name would look as follows...[OS].vhdx
This has worked well for quite some time, but recently I tried to run some PowerShell commands against the VHDX files and ran across a problem. Apparently the square brackets for the internal VM name are being parsed as RegEx or something inside of the PowerShell commandlet (I'm honestly just guessing on this). When I try to use Get-VHD on a file with the above naming convention it spits out an error as follows:
Get-VHD : 'E:\Hyper-V\\Virtual Hard Disks\[OS].vhdx' is not an existing virtual hard disk file.
At line:1 char:12
+ $VhdPath | Get-VHD
+ ~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Get-VHD], VirtualizationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvalidParameter,Microsoft.Vhd.PowerShell.Cmdlets.GetVHD
If I simply rename the VHDX file to exclude the "[OS]" portion of the naming convention the command works properly. The smooth brackets for the SCSI attachment point don't seem to bother it. I've tried doing a replace command to add a backtick ''`'' in front of the brackets to escape them, but the same error results. I've also tried double backticks to see if passing in a backtick helped... that at least showed a single backtick in the error it spat out. Suspecting RegEx, I tried the backslash as an escape character too... which had the interesting effect of converting all the backslashes in the file path into double backslashes in the error message. I tried defining the path variable via single and double quotes without success. I've also tried a couple of different ways of obtaining it via pipeline such as this example...
((Get-VM $ComputerName).HardDrives | Select -First 1).Path | Get-VHD
And, for what it's worth, as many VMs as I am attempting to process... I need to be able to run this via pipeline or some other automation scriptable method rather than hand coding a reference to each VHDX file.
Still thinking it may be something with RegEx, I attempted to escape the variable string with the following to no avail:
$VhdPathEscaped = [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Escape($VhdPath)
Quite frankly, I'm out of ideas.
When I first ran across this problem was when I tried to compact a VHDX file with PowerShell. But, since the single VM I was working with needed to be offline for that function to run anyway, rather than fight the error with the VHDX name, I simply renamed it, compacted it, and reset the name back. However, for the work I'm trying to do now, I can't afford to take the VM offline as this script is going to run against a whole fleet of live VMs. So, I need to know how to properly escape those characters so the Get-VHD commandlet will accept those file names.
A design limitation of Get-VHD prevents it from properly recognizing VHD paths that contain [ and ] (see bottom section for details).
Workaround: Use short (8.3) file paths assuming the file-system supports them:
$fso = New-Object -ComObject Scripting.FileSystemObject
$VhdPath |
ForEach-Object { $fso.GetFile((Convert-Path -LiteralPath $_)) } |
Otherwise, your only options are (as you report, in your case the VHDs are located on a ReFS file-system, which does not support short names):
Rename your files (and folders, if applicable) to not contain [ or ].
Alternatively, if you can assume that your VHDs are attached to VMs, you can provide the VM(s) to which the VHD(s) of interests are attached as input to Get-VHD, via Get-VM (you may have to filter the output down to only the VHDs of interest):
(Get-VM $vmName).Id | Get-VHD
Background information:
It looks like Get-VHD only has a -Path parameter, not also a -LiteralPath parameter, which looks like a design flaw:
Having both parameters is customary for file-processing cmdlets (e.g. Get-ChildItem):
-Path accepts wildcard expressions to match potentially multiple files by a pattern.
-LiteralPath is used to pass literal (verbatim) paths, to be used as-is.
What you have is a literal path that happens to look like a wildcard expression, due to use of metacharacters [ and ]. In wildcard contexts, these metacharacter must normally be escaped - as `[ and `] - in order to be treated as literals, which the following (regex-based) -replace operation ensures[1] (even with arrays as input).
Unfortunately, this appears not to be enough for Get-VHD. (Though you can verify that it works in principle by piping to Get-Item instead, which also binds to -Path).
Even double `-escaping (-replace '[][]', '``$&') doesn't work (which is - unexpectedly required in come cases - see GitHub issue #7999).
# !! SHOULD work, but DOES NOT
# !! Ditto for -replace '[][]', '``$&'
$VhdPath -replace '[][]', '`$&' | Get-VHD
Note: Normally, a robust way to ensure that a cmdlet's -LiteralPath parameter is bound by pipeline input is to pipe the output from Get-ChildItem or Get-Item to it.[2] Given that Get-VHD lacks -LiteralPath, this is not an option, however:
# !! DOES NOT HELP, because Get-VHD has no -LiteralPath parameter.
Get-Item -LiteralPath $VhdPath | Get-VHD
[1] See this page for an explanation of the regex ($0 is an alias of $& and refers to the text captured by the match at hand, i.e. either [ or ]). Alternatively, you could pass all paths individually to the [WildcardPattern]::Escape() method (e.g., [WildcardPattern]::Escape('a[0].txt') yields a`[0`].txt.
[2] See this answer for the specifics of how this binding, which happens via the provider-supplied .PSPath property, works.
Ok... So, I couldn't get the escape characters to be accepted by Get-VHD... be it by hand or programmatically. I gave it a go of passing it on the pipeline using Get-ChildItem too without success. However... I did manage to find an alternative for my particular use case. In addition to a path to a VHDX file, the Get-VHD command will also accept vmid, and disknumber as parameters. So, not that it's the way I wanted to go about obtaining what I need (because this method spits out info on all the attached drives), I can still manage to accomplish the task at hand by using the following example:
Get-VM $ComputerName | Select-Object -Property VMId | Get-VHD
By referencing them in this manner the Get-VHD commandlet is happy. This works for today's problem only because the VHDX files in question are attached to VMs. However, I'll still need to figure out about referencing unattached files at some point in the future. Which... Maybe ultimately require a slow and painful renaming of all the VHDX files to not use the square brackets in their name.

Why is PS Get-ChildItem so difficult

I did a ton of reading and searching about a way to have Get-ChildItem return a dir listing in wide format, in alphabetical order, with the number of files and directories in the current directory. Here is a image of what I ended up with, but not using GCI.
I ended up writing a small PS file.
$bArgs = "--%/c"
$cArgs = "Dir /n/w"
& cmd.exe -ArgumentList $bArgs $cArgs
As you can see I ended up using the old cmd.exe and passing the variables I wanted. I made an alias in my PS $Profile to call this script.
Can this not be accomplished in PS v5.1? Thanks for any help or advice for an old noob.
PowerShell's for-display formatting differs from cmd.exe's, so if you want the formatting of the latter's internal dir command, you'll indeed have to call it via cmd /c, via a function you can place in your $PROFILE file (note that aliases in PowerShell are merely alternative names and can therefore not include baked-in arguments):
function lss { cmd /c dir /n /w /c $args }
Note that you lose a key benefit of PowerShell: the ability to process rich objects:
PowerShell-native commands output rich objects that enable robust programmatic processing; e.g., Get-ChildItem outputs System.IO.FileInfo and System.IO.DirectoryInfo instances; the aspect of for-display formatting is decoupled from the data output, and for-display formatting only kicks in when printing to the display (host), or when explicitly requested.
For instance, (Get-ChildItem -File).Name returns an array of all file names in the current directory.
By contrast, PowerShell can only use text to communicate with external programs, which makes processing cumbersome and brittle, if information must be extracted via text parsing.
As Pierre-Alain Vigeant notes, the following PowerShell command gives you at least similar output formatting as your dir command, though it lacks the combined-size and bytes-free summary at the bottom:
Get-ChildItem | Format-Wide -AutoSize
To wrap that up in a function, use:
function lss { Get-ChildItem #args | Format-Wide -Autosize }
Note, however, that - due to use of a Format-* cmdlet, all of which output objects that are formatting instructions rather than data - this function's output is also not suited to further programmatic processing.
A proper solution would require you to author custom formatting data and associate them with the System.IO.FileInfo and System.IO.DirectoryInfo types, which is nontrivial however.
See the conceptual about_Format.ps1xml help topic, Export-FormatData, Update-FormatData, and this answer for a simple example.

Join absolute paths

I need to join two paths, each of those can be absolute. In such a case the second path should win, if both are. But the Join-Path commandlet doesn't seem to produce the desired result:
> Join-Path 'path' 'C:\Windows'
The result produced is invalid as long as the 2d path is absolute no matter what I tried, quite surprisingly for me, because I guess I'm too used to path joining facilities in other languages where this would result in C:\Windows.
How can I solve this? I use Powershell Core v7.1.
If you want that behavior in PowerShell, don't use the Join-Path cmdlet, because it is merely combining the Path parameter together with the ChildPath parameter (in that order) using the backslash and makes sure these backslashes aren't doubled in doing so.
The alternative that does do what you expect is to use .NET
[System.IO.Path]::Combine('path','C:\Windows') # --> C:\Windows
[System.IO.Path]::Combine('D:\somewhere\path','C:\Windows') # --> C:\Windows

Meaning of Powershell statement

I am completely new to Powershell and I am trying to understand what this fragment of code does:
$OwnFunctionsDir = "$env:USERPROFILE\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Functions"
Write-Host "Loading own PowerShell functions from:" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "$OwnFunctionsDir" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Get-ChildItem "$OwnFunctionsDir\*.ps1" | %{.$_}
Write-Host ''
In particular I cannot interpret what the line Get-Children … does. This code is intended to be added to your Powershell profile to load commonly used functions at Powershell startup.
Short Answer
This command loads the contents of all ".ps1" files in "<yourHomeDirecotry>\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Functions" into your working session.
Long Answer
First, $env:USERPROFILE is an environment variable that corresponds to your home directory. So in my case it is "c:\users\jboyd"
The first interesting bit of code is:
$OwnFunctionsDir = "$env:USERPROFILE\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Functions"
This assigns a string to a new variable named OwnFunctionsDir. What's interesting about this string is that it is double quoted and it contains the variable $env:USERPROFILE. PowerShell expands variables in double quoted strings (this is not the case for single quoted strings). So if this were running on my machine the value of $OwnFunctionsDir would be "c:\users\jboyd\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Functions".
Skipping the Write-host functions (because I think they are pretty self explanatory) takes us to:
Get-ChildItem "$OwnFunctionsDir\*.ps1" | %{.$_}
Get-ChildItem is interesting because its behavior depends on the PowerShell provider (don't worry about what that is) but in this case Get-ChildItem is the equivalent of dir or ls. $OwnFunctionsDir\*.ps1 is the path being enumerated. Using my machine as an example, this is equivalent to listing all files with names matching the wildcard pattern "*.ps1" (essentially all PowerShell files) in the directory "c:\users\jboyd\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Functions".
The | character pipes the results of the command on the left to the command on the right.
The % character is an alias for the ForEach-Object command. The left and right curly braces are a scriptblock, this is the body of the foreach command. So each item from Get-ChildItem is piped into the scriptblock.
In the scriptblock of the ForEach-Object command the $_ variable represents the current item being processed. In this case $_ will be a PowerShell file with an extension ".ps1". When we invoke a PowerShell file with a period in front of it that is called dot sourcing. Dot sourcing loads the content of a file into your working session. So any variables or functions in the file are loaded.