Purescript default `Show` instance for records - purescript

I saw this question:
Force show a record in PureScript
where I found out I can use purescript-debug to print it, e.g. by using:
> traceAny {a:1} id
{ a: 1 }
I was wondering however what is the rationale behind not having a default Show instance for records:
> {a:1}
Error found:
in module $PSCI
No type class instance was found for
Data.Show.Show { "a" :: Int

Show is just implemented as library code, so there's no way an instance can be written that can accomodate every possible record. There would need to be some kind of constraint where you could say "the type of every value in this record must also have a Show instance", for example. The actual implementation would need to be somewhat magic too, since you can't iterate over the labels in a record either.
There have been a few discussions about reforming Show, such as this one, that would potentially solve this, by making Show entirely magic, and only usable for debugging purposes.
Although this doesn't really solve the case you have here, it is possible to rely on Generic deriving to make a Show instance for a newtype'd record, which can take some of the pain out of this kind of thing:
import Data.Generic (class Generic, gShow)
newtype MyRecord = MyRecord { a :: Int }
derive instance genericMyRecord :: Generic MyRecord
instance showMyRecord :: Show MyRecord where
show = gShow
And if you derive Newtype too it makes the record easier to work with as you can use the various operations that help with wrapping/unwrapping/operating under the newtype, etc.


Haskell declaring an instance of Show class

I am trying to wrap my mind around classes and data structures in Haskell, specifically declaring a type instance of it. I can get it to work with some classes and data types but not all of them so I must be missing something. Specifically I have the following data declaration:
data LinkedList a = End | Link a (LinkedList a)
I want to declare an instance of Show for that type so that the output looks something close to "el1, el2, el3, el4, ..."
instance Show LinkedList where
show (End) = "."
show (Link a b) = show a ++ "," ++ show b
As expected this doesn't work... Any idea why? I think I understand what "data" and "type" mean but I am not sure whether I am comfortable with classes and instances. Thank you
instance Show LinkedList where
LinkedList is not a type, LinkedList a is a type. Correcting that, we get
instance Show (LinkedList a) where
Then , we get another error because we call show on values of type a. We need to require that a belongs to class Show, too.
instance Show a => Show (LinkedList a) where
This should now work.

How to build up modifications and apply them at once using lenses in Scala?

I have designed a case class that looks superficially like this:
case class Moo(foos: Seq[Foo], bar: Bar) {
require(foos.length == bar.baz.length)
This type will be consumed by a Java program, so I have created a convenient MooBuilder to make it easier to populate the fields without having to explicitly instantiate Foos, Bars, and other types contained by these.
Currently MooBuilder creates copies of objects when a field is set by its methods. I had read about lenses and wanted to give them a try to make the implementation cleaner.
So I installed quicklens and rewrote the builder, but came across this situation:
def addFooAndBaz(foo: Foo, baz: Baz): MooBuilder = {
moo = moo
.modify(_.foos) .using(_ :+ foo) /* (1) */
.modify(_.bar.baz).using(_ :+ baz) /* (2) */
Immediately after (1), moo.foos has one more element than moo.bar.baz, and this makes the require call fail, so it never gets to (2) to fix the mismatch.
I know I can work around the issue by doing all the copying by hand (as I was doing before) or by removing the require call in my case class's constructor. Still, I'd like to know: is there a standard way to solve the problem of doing several updates that make sense combined but not on their own, using lenses in Scala?

Scala type alias with companion object

I'm a relatively new Scala user and I wanted to get an opinion on the current design of my code.
I have a few classes that are all represented as fixed length Vector[Byte] (ultimately they are used in a learning algorithm that requires a byte string), say A, B and C.
I would like these classes to be referred to as A, B and C elsewhere in the package for readability sake and I don't need to add any extra class methods to Vector for these methods. Hence, I don't think the extend-my-library pattern is useful here.
However, I would like to include all the useful functional methods that come with Vector without having to 'drill' into a wrapper object each time. As efficiency is important here, I also didn't want the added weight of a wrapper.
Therefore I decided to define type aliases in the package object:
package object abc {
type A: Vector[Byte]
type B: Vector[Byte]
type C: Vector[Byte]
However, each has it's own fixed length and I would like to include factory methods for their creation. It seems like this is what companion objects are for. This is how my final design looks:
package object abc {
type A: Vector[Byte]
object A {
val LENGTH: Int = ...
def apply(...): A = {
Everything compiles and it allows me to do stuff like this:
val a: A = A(...)
a map {...} mkString(...)
I can't find anything specifically warning against writing companion objects for type aliases, but it seems it goes against how type aliases should be used. It also means that all three of these classes are defined in the same file, when ideally they should be separated.
Are there any hidden problems with this approach?
Is there a better design for this problem?
I guess it is totally ok, because you are not really implementing a companion object.
If you were, you would have access to private fields of immutable.Vector from inside object A (like e.g. private var dirty), which you do not have.
Thus, although it somewhat feels like A is a companion object, it really isn't.
If it were possible to create a companion object for any type by using type alias would make member visibility constraints moot (except maybe for private|protected[this]).
Furthermore, naming the object like the type alias clarifies context and purpose of the object, which is a plus in my book.
Having them all in one file is something that is pretty common in scala as I know it (e.g. when using the type class pattern).
No pitfalls, I know of.
And, imho, no need for a different approach.

How to define superclass?

How does one define a super class in Haskell? My situation is that I have defined a class StringHashed that maps members to their names as a String. I wish to implement, en mass, all t from Show t by making the string name simply return show t. Am I right in saying that StringHashed is now a superclass of Show? Here is what I would like to be able to write:
class StringHashed t where
stringHash :: t -> String
instance Show t => StringHashed t where
stringHash = show
But Haskell complains about an invalid instance declaration. I have also tried instance StringHashed (Show t) and other syntactical dribble; none have worked for me. I have also read a proposal on the GHC wiki that provides no solution. This is the one. I have concern about using -XFlexibleInstances simply because it is not default. Is there a proper way to achieve a general instance declaration? Or am I being too demanding of Haskell's type system?
Haskell superclasses cannot be added after the fact - they need to be mentioned in the subclass's declaration. And defining an instance like you do in the question, while possible with extensions, can create subtle overlap problems.
FlexibleInstances itself is not the problem - it's one of GHC's most innocuous extensions. The problem is that GHC's instance lookup method means that
instance Show t => StringHashed t where ...
defines this instance to hold for all types t - the Show t restriction is only an afterthought checked after lookup. So it will overlap with all other instances you can make, and while there is an extension OverlappingInstances to allow this, it is considered somewhat dubious to use.
However GHC has a feature DefaultSignatures, which is designed for use cases similar to yours:
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
class StringHashed t where
stringHash :: t -> String
default stringHash :: Show t => t -> String
stringHash = show
instance StringHashed Int
This allows you to write a default for the method which only works for some instance types. Note however, that you still need to write an actual instance declaration for each type - but its body can be empty.

Scala instance value scoping

Note that this question and similar ones have been asked before, such as in Forward References - why does this code compile?, but I found the answers to still leave some questions open, so I'm having another go at this issue.
Within methods and functions, the effect of the val keyword appears to be lexical, i.e.
def foo {
val bar = 42
error: forward reference extends over definition of value bar
However, within classes, the scoping rules of val seem to change:
object Foo {
def foo = bar
val bar = 42
Not only does this compile, but also the println in the constructor will yield 0 as its output, while calling foo after the instance is fully constructed will result in the expected value 42.
So it appears to be possible for methods to forward-reference instance values, which will, eventually, be initialised before the method can be called (unless, of course, you're calling it from the constructor), and for statements within the constructor to forward-reference values in the same way, accessing them before they've been initialised, resulting in a silly arbitrary value.
From this, a couple of questions arise:
Why does val use its lexical compile-time effect within constructors?
Given that a constructor is really just a method, this seems rather inconsistent to entirely drop val's compile-time effect, giving it its usual run-time effect only.
Why does val, effectively, lose its effect of declaring an immutable value?
Accessing the value at different times may result in different results. To me, it very much seems like a compiler implementation detail leaking out.
What might legitimate usecases for this look like?
I'm having a hard time coming up with an example that absolutely requires the current semantics of val within constructors and wouldn't easily be implementable with a proper, lexical val, possibly in combination with lazy.
How would one work around this behaviour of val, getting back all the guarantees one is used to from using it within other methods?
One could, presumably, declare all instance vals to be lazy in order to get back to a val being immutable and yielding the same result no matter how they are accessed and to make the compile-time effect as observed within regular methods less relevant, but that seems like quite an awful hack to me for this sort of thing.
Given that this behaviour unlikely to ever change within the actual language, would a compiler plugin be the right place to fix this issue, or is it possible to implement a val-alike keyword with, for someone who just spent an hour debugging an issue caused by this oddity, more sensible semantics within the language?
Only a partial answer:
Given that a constructor is really just a method ...
It isn't.
It doesn't return a result and doesn't declare a return type (or doesn't have a name)
It can't be called again for an object of said class like "foo".new ("bar")
You can't hide it from an derived class
You have to call them with 'new'
Their name is fixed by the name of the class
Ctors look a little like methods from the syntax, they take parameters and have a body, but that's about all.
Why does val, effectively, lose its effect of declaring an immutable value?
It doesn't. You have to take an elementary type which can't be null to get this illusion - with Objects, it looks different:
object Foo {
def foo = bar
println (bar.mkString)
val bar = List(42)
// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.
defined module Foo
scala> val foo=Foo
You can't change a val 2 times, you can't give it a different value than null or 0, you can't change it back, and a different value is only possible for the elementary types. So that's far away from being a variable - it's a - maybe uninitialized - final value.
What might legitimate usecases for this look like?
I guess working in the REPL with interactive feedback. You execute code without an explicit wrapping object or class. To get this instant feedback, it can't be waited until the (implicit) object gets its closing }. Therefore the class/object isn't read in a two-pass fashion where firstly all declarations and initialisations are performed.
How would one work around this behaviour of val, getting back all the guarantees one is used to from using it within other methods?
Don't read attributes in the Ctor, like you don't read attributes in Java, which might get overwritten in subclasses.
Similar problems can occur in Java. A direct access to an uninitialized, final attribute is prevented by the compiler, but if you call it via another method:
public class FinalCheck
final int foo;
public FinalCheck ()
// does not compile:
// variable foo might not have been initialized
// System.out.println (foo);
// Does compile -
bar ();
foo = 42;
System.out.println (foo);
public void bar () {
System.out.println (foo);
public static void main (String args[])
new FinalCheck ();
... you see two values for foo.
I don't want to excuse this behaviour, and I agree, that it would be nice, if the compiler could warn consequently - in Java and Scala.
So it appears to be possible for methods to forward-reference instance
values, which will, eventually, be initialised before the method can
be called (unless, of course, you're calling it from the constructor),
and for statements within the constructor to forward-reference values
in the same way, accessing them before they've been initialised,
resulting in a silly arbitrary value.
A constructor is a constructor. You are constructing the object. All of its fields are initialized by JVM (basically, zeroed), and then the constructor fills in whatever fields needs filling in.
Why does val use its lexical compile-time effect within constructors?
Given that a constructor is really just a method, this seems rather
inconsistent to entirely drop val's compile-time effect, giving it its
usual run-time effect only.
I have no idea what you are saying or asking here, but a constructor is not a method.
Why does val, effectively, lose its effect of declaring an immutable value?
Accessing the value at different times may result in different
results. To me, it very much seems like a compiler implementation
detail leaking out.
It doesn't. If you try to modify bar from the constructor, you'll see it is not possible. Accessing the value at different times in the constructor may result in different results, of course.
You are constructing the object: it starts not constructed, and ends constructed. For it not to change it would have to start out with its final value, but how can it do that without someone assigning that value?
Guess who does that? The constructor.
What might legitimate usecases for this look like?
I'm having a hard time coming up with an example that absolutely
requires the current semantics of val within constructors and wouldn't
easily be implementable with a proper, lexical val, possibly in
combination with lazy.
There's no use case for accessing the val before its value has been filled in. It's just impossible to find out whether it has been initialized or not. For example:
class Foo {
val bar = 10
Do you think the compiler can guarantee it has not been initialized? Well, then open the REPL, put in the above class, and then this:
class Bar extends { override val bar = 42 } with Foo
new Bar
And see that bar was initialized when printed.
How would one work around this behaviour of val, getting back all the
guarantees one is used to from using it within other methods?
Declare your vals before using them. But note that constuctor is not a method. When you do:
inside a constructor, you are writing:
And this, the object of the class you are writing a constructor for, has a bar getter, so it is called.
When you do the same thing on a method where bar is a definition, there's no this with a bar getter.