volttron.platform.vip.agent.core ERROR: Possible conflicting identity - eclipse

I have been working towards building my agent development skills in Volttron. I am completely new to the platform and trying to understand how to create basic agents that publish and subscribe to the Volttron bus. I'm not alone in this venture and get help from a few other people with experience, but even they are stumped. We are using the same agent files we share through GitHub, but the agent works on their computers and not on mine.
The publishing agent reads from a CSV file that is in the same directory as the agent and is suppose to publish information from the file. I have been careful to map the file directory in my source code to match my setup. I receive the following messages when I start running my publishing agent using eclipse "mars" that's running on Linux Mint 18.1 Serena:
2017-02-02 14:27:22,290 volttron.platform.agent.utils DEBUG: missing file /home/edward/.volttron/keystores/f9d18589-d62b-42b7-bac8-3498a0c37220/keystore.json
2017-02-02 14:27:22,290 volttron.platform.agent.utils INFO: creating file /home/edward/.volttron/keystores/f9d18589-d62b-42b7-bac8-3498a0c37220/keystore.json
2017-02-02 14:27:22,292 volttron.platform.vip.agent.core DEBUG: address: ipc://#/home/edward/.volttron/run/vip.socket
2017-02-02 14:27:22,292 volttron.platform.vip.agent.core DEBUG: identity: None
2017-02-02 14:27:22,292 volttron.platform.vip.agent.core DEBUG: agent_uuid: None
2017-02-02 14:27:22,292 volttron.platform.vip.agent.core DEBUG: severkey: None
2017-02-02 14:27:32,324 volttron.platform.vip.agent.core ERROR: No response to hello message after 10 seconds.
2017-02-02 14:27:32,324 volttron.platform.vip.agent.core ERROR: A common reason for this is a conflicting VIP IDENTITY.
2017-02-02 14:27:32,324 volttron.platform.vip.agent.core ERROR: Shutting down agent.
2017-02-02 14:27:32,324 volttron.platform.vip.agent.core ERROR: Possible conflicting identity is: f9d18589-d62b-42b7-bac8-3498a0c37220
I have done the following:
Created missing file "/home/edward/.volttron/keystores/f9d18589-d62b-42b7-bac8-3498a0c37220/keystore.json". The only thing that happens when I run the agent again is it gives me the same DEBUG message but with a different file name.
I looked into the "volttron.platform.vip.agent.core" file and have no idea what to do in there. I dont want to create more problems for myself.
I have been using the "Volttron's Documentation" to try and trouble shoot, but I always get the same message when ever I try to run any agent. I have had success when testing the platform and running "make-listener" through the terminal, but that's all.
I have been searching the web for the last couple of days and seen similar issues, but when attempting to follow the advise posted to remedy the situation, I have no luck. Error: volttron.platform.web INFO: Web server not started
Reinstalled Volttron, Mint, and Eclipse on my VM a few times to overcome any compatibility issues...
The source code for the agent is as follows:
import logging
import sys
#import json
from volttron.platform.vip.agent import Agent, Core, PubSub, compat
#from volttron.platform.vip.agent import *
#from volttron.platform.vip.agent import compat
from volttron.platform.agent import utils
from volttron.platform.messaging import headers as headers_mod
from datetime import datetime
#import numpy as NP
#from numpy import linalg as LA
import csv
for row in Pdata:
#from volttron.platform.agent import BaseAgent, PublishMixin, periodic, matching, utils
#from volttron.platform.agent import BaseAgent, PublishMixin, periodic
_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class testagent1(Agent):
def __init__(self, config_path, **kwargs):
self.config = utils.load_config(config_path)
super(testagent1, self).__init__(**kwargs)
#print('TestAgent example agent start-up function')
def onsetup(self, sender, **kwargs):
self._agent_id = self.config['agentid']
def onstart(self, sender, **kwargs):
def onstop(self, sender, **kwargs):
def onfinish(self, sender, **kwargs):
def simulate(self):
self.step=self.step+1#timestep increase
now = datetime.utcnow().isoformat(' ')#time now
headers = {
'AgentID': self._agent_id,
headers_mod.CONTENT_TYPE: headers_mod.CONTENT_TYPE.PLAIN_TEXT,
headers_mod.DATE: now,
self.vip.pubsub.publish('pubsub', 'testcase1/Step', headers, self.step)
def main(argv=sys.argv):
'''Main method called by the eggsecutable.'''
except Exception as e:
_log.exception('unhandled exception')
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Entry point for script
I installed my version of Volttron using the 3.5RC1 manual published Jan. 2017.

I am assuming that you are running this from eclipse and not through the installation process. The installation of the agent would specify an identity that would remain for the life of the agent.
The remaining answer is specific to running within the eclipse environment.
def main(argv=sys.argv):
'''Main method called by the eggsecutable.'''
# This is where the change is.
utils.vip_main(testagent1, identity='Thisidentity')
except Exception as e:
_log.exception('unhandled exception')
You will have to authorize the agent to be able to connect to the message bus by adding the agent publickey through the auth mechanism. Or you can add the wildcard /.*/ to the credentials of an entry through volttron-ctl auth add.
Thank you for asking this question. We will are updating the documentation to highlight this.
You will need to do the following at the command line:
volttron-ctl auth add
domain []:
address []:
user_id []:
capabilities (delimit multiple entries with comma) []:
roles (delimit multiple entries with comma) []:
groups (delimit multiple entries with comma) []:
mechanism [CURVE]:
credentials []: /.*/
comments []:
enabled [True]:
added entry domain=None, address=None, mechanism='CURVE', credentials=u'/.*/', user_id='ff6fea8e-53bd-4506-8237-fbb718aca70d'


TypeError--using slurm queue to submit pyiron jobs

I'm facing some issues while running pyiron jobs on my HPC via the pysqa adapter. I had accidentally erased the main pyiron directory containing pyiron, projects and resources folders. I had copied all the three from another cluster. The only thing that I think will cause problem is sqlite.db file in the resources folder. Previously, I had no issues running interactive VASP jobs through the adapter. I'm guessing something happened after the deletion incident.
The pyiron version I'm using is: 0.2.17
Here is a minimal example using an Interactive vasp job that I have tried:
from pyiron import Project
pr = Project('Al-test')
structure = pr.create_structure('Al', 'fcc', 4.05)
from pysqa import QueueAdapter
sqa = QueueAdapter(directory='~/pyiron/resources/queues/')
job = pr.create_job(pr.job_type.Vasp, 'job_int')
job.structure = structure
job.server.run_mode.interactive = True
job.executable.executable_path = '~/pyiron/resources/vasp/bin/run_vasp_5.4.4_std_mpi.sh'
job.server.queue = 'slurm'
end of the error log:
~/pyiron/pyiron/pyiron/base/server/generic.py in queue_id(self, qid)
208 qid (int): queue ID
209 """
--> 210 self._queue_id = int(qid)
212 #property
TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a number, not 'NoneType'
Some inputs/feedback on this would be greatly appreciated.
We updated the queuing system interface in pyiron 0.3.X you can read more about this here:
For pyiron 0.3.X we have a detailed installation guide available on readthedocs.org:
So I highly recommend updating to pyiron 0.3.13.
Apart from this the error message basically says that the submission was not successful. If you navigate to the jobs working directory job.working_directory you should find a run_queue.sh script in the working directory. This is the script pyiron is using to submit the job to the queuing system. You can try to submit it manually using sbatch run_queue.sh this should print the queue id if successful and otherwise the error message from your queuing system.

mitmproxy script seems not running?

I am trying to run a simple mitmscript script by issuing ./mitmproxy --mode transparent -s pyscript.py.The proxy works fine and there's no error info in mitmproxy console,but it seems the script didn't even run,log.txt file is empty even though proxy successfully proxied client requests:
import mitmproxy.http
class Events:
def response(self, f: mitmproxy.http.HTTPFlow):
with open("/home/me/mitmproxy/log.txt", "a+") as log:
with open("/home/me/mitmproxy/log.txt", "a+") as log:
def load(self, entry: mitmproxy.addonmanager.Loader):
with open("/home/me/mitmproxy/log.txt", "a+") as log:
You have created an add-on class, but you forgot to create a new instance of the class and register it in mitmproxy.
To do so you have to add the following entry at the end of your script:
addons = [
See also sample Events script for mitmproxy: https://docs.mitmproxy.org/stable/addons-events/

Download Sharepoint Online file using Python

I am trying to automate some work processes by using Python to download an Excel file from our SharePoint site. Some background is that I'm fairly new to Python and am mostly self-taught. I have read over many examples here using sharepy, office365, requests, etc. and none seem to work. Below is what I have tried (basically copied from another example) with the error below that:
from office365.runtime.auth.authentication_context import AuthenticationContext
from office365.sharepoint.client_context import ClientContext
from office365.sharepoint.file import File
url_shrpt = "https://company.sharepoint.com/sites/teamsite"
username_shrpt = "user#company.com"
password_shrpt = "password"
folder_url_shrpt = "sites/teamsite/library"
ctx_auth = AuthenticationContext(url_shrpt)
if ctx_auth.acquire_token_for_user(username_shrpt, password_shrpt):
ctx = ClientContext(url_shrpt, ctx_auth)
web = ctx.web
print("Authenticated into sharepoint as: ",web.properties['Title'])
#Function for extracting the file names from a folder
global print_folder_contents
def print_folder_contents(ctx, folder_url):
folder = ctx.web.get_folder_by_server_relative_url(folder_url)
fold_names = []
sub_folders = folder.files
for s_folder in sub_folders:
return fold_names
except Exception as e:
print('Problem printing out library contents: ', e)
# Call the function by giving your folder URL as input
#Print the list of files present in the folder
Here is the error I receive:
Error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='login.microsoftonline.com', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /extSTS.srf (Caused by NewConnectionError(': Failed to establish a new connection: [WinError 10060] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond'))
After collaborating with some more knowledgeable coworkers, I was told it might be a permissions issue; but I'm not sure how to verify that. Any help and/or advice would be appreciated.

How can I run NLTK on App Engine or Kubernetes?

I am busy writing a model to predict types of text like names or dates on a pdf document.
The model uses nltk.word_tokenize and nltk.pos_tag
When I try to use this on Kubernetes on Google Cloud Platform I get the following error:
from nltk.tag import pos_tag
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
tokenized_word = tokenize_word('x')
tagges_word = pos_tag(['x'])
Resource punkt not found.
Please use the NLTK Downloader to obtain the resource:
>>> import nltk
>>> nltk.download('punkt')
Searched in:
- '/root/nltk_data'
- '/usr/share/nltk_data'
- '/usr/local/share/nltk_data'
- '/usr/lib/nltk_data'
- '/usr/local/lib/nltk_data'
- '/env/nltk_data'
- '/env/share/nltk_data'
- '/env/lib/nltk_data'
- ''
But obviously downloading it to your local device will not solve the problem if it has to run on Kubernetes and we do not have NFS set up on the project yet.
How I ended up solving this problem was adding the download of the nltk packages in an init function
import logging
import nltk
from nltk import word_tokenize, pos_tag
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
LOGGER.info('Catching broad nltk errors')
DOWNLOAD_DIR = '/usr/lib/nltk_data'
LOGGER.info(f'Saving files to {DOWNLOAD_DIR} ')
tokenized = word_tokenize('x')
LOGGER.info(f'Tokenized word: {tokenized}')
except Exception as err:
LOGGER.info(f'NLTK dependencies not downloaded: {err}')
nltk.download('punkt', download_dir=DOWNLOAD_DIR)
except Exception as e:
LOGGER.info(f'Error occurred while downloading file: {e}')
tagged_word = pos_tag(['x'])
LOGGER.info(f'Tagged word: {tagged_word}')
except Exception as err:
LOGGER.info(f'NLTK dependencies not downloaded: {err}')
nltk.download('averaged_perceptron_tagger', download_dir=DOWNLOAD_DIR)
except Exception as e:
LOGGER.info(f'Error occurred while downloading file: {e}')
I realize that the amount of try catch expressions are not needed. I also specify the download dir because it seemed that if you do not do that it downloads and unzips 'tagger' to /usr/lib and the nltk does not look for the the files there.
This will download the files on every first run on a new pod and the files will persist until the pod dies.
The error was solved on a Kubernetes stateless set which means this can deal with non persistent applications like App Engine, but will not be the most efficient because it will need to be download every time the instance spins up.

Can I register event callbacks using the libvirt Python module with a QEMU backend?

I would like to write some code to monitor events for domains running under QEMU, managed by libvirt. However, trying to register an event handler yields the following error:
>>> import libvirt
>>> conn = libvirt.openReadOnly('qemu:///system')
>>> conn.domainEventRegister(callback, None)
libvir: Remote error : this function is not supported by the connection driver: no event support
("callback" in this case is a stub function that simply prints its arguments.)
The examples I've been able to find regarding libvirt's event handling don't seem to be specific as to which backend hypervisors support which features. Is this expected to work for QEMU backends?
I'm running a Fedora 16 system, which includes libvirt 0.9.6 and qemu-kvm 0.15.1.
For folks finding themselves here via <searchengine>:
UPDATE 2013-10-04
Many months and a few Fedora releases later, the event-test.py code in the libvirt git repository runs correctly on Fedora 19.
Make sure you have registered in the libvirt event loop (or set up your own) before registering for events.
There is a nice example of event handling shipped with the libvirt source (file is called event-test.py). I'm attaching an example based on that code;
import libvirt
import time
import threading
def callback(conn, dom, event, detail, opaque):
print "EVENT: Domain %s(%s) %s %s" % (dom.name(),
eventLoopThread = None
def virEventLoopNativeRun():
while True:
def virEventLoopNativeStart():
global eventLoopThread
eventLoopThread = threading.Thread(target=virEventLoopNativeRun,
if __name__ == '__main__':
conn = libvirt.openReadOnly('qemu:///system')
conn.domainEventRegister(callback, None)
conn.setKeepAlive(5, 3)
while conn.isAlive() == 1:
Good luck!