Point class. distance formula. logic issue when plugging coordinate from the constructor and getting wrong result - distance

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
class point{ // define point class
float x=0;
float y=0;
point();// default constructor
point(float, float);// constructor
void setX(float);
void setY(float);
double getX()const;
double getY()const;
//implement all the member function
point::point(){ }
point::point(float i, float k){
void point::setX(float xc){
void point::setY(float yc){
double point::getY()const{
return y;
double point::getX()const{
return x;
double operator + (const point&lhs, const point &rhs) // free function.
double dx=lhs.getX()-rhs.getX();
double dy=lhs.getX()-rhs.getY();
return sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
int main(){
point p1(2, -1);
point p2(1, 5);
int dist=0;
dist = p1 + p2;
cout << "The distance between p1 " << "and p2" << " is " << dist << endl;
return 0;
This should be 5 but I got 3. I do not understand why?

double dy=lhs.getX()-rhs.getY();
double dy=lhs.getY()-rhs.getY()


How to pass an struct (with no atributes, only methods) to a trigonometrical function?

my problem is, I have an class that is supposed to be an X for a function, for example
auto f = x * x + 7.0;
and when called with f.e(3) it would return the function value.
It was resolved with operator overload on the * and +, but when i would try to do with trigonometrical functions, it doesnt work.
Here's what i've been trying to do:
auto f = sin(x);
that would later be invoked with an
But its unable to do that because sin only accepts numbers as arguments, how would i go about doing that?
Here's class X:
class X {
double e( double v ) {
return v;
The full code required to simply make it work is quite big, so I'm posting it on pastebin:
It also calculates the 1st derivative of the function.
This is the error:
error: no matching function for call to 'sin(X&)'
I'd love any input you guys can provide.
#include <cmath>
namespace formula {
template<class Lhs, class Rhs>
struct Times;
template<class Lhs, class Rhs>
struct Plus;
template<class D>
struct Formula {
double ex( double in ) { return static_cast<D&>(*this).ex(in); }
double dx( double in ) { return static_cast<D&>(*this).dx(in); }
template<class Rhs>
friend auto operator*( Formula<D>, Formula<Rhs> ) {
return Formula< Times<D, Rhs> >{};
template<class Rhs>
friend auto operator+( Formula<D>, Formula<Rhs> ) {
return Formula< Plus<D, Rhs> >{};
struct X:Formula<X> {
double ex(double in){ return in; }
double dx(double in){ return 1; }
X x;
template<class Lhs, class Rhs>
struct Times:Formula<Times<Lhs, Rhs>> {
double ex( double in ) {
return Lhs{}.ex(in) * Rhs{}.ex(in);
double dx( double in ) {
return Lhs{}.ex(in) * Rhs{}.dx(in) + Lhs{}.dx(in) * Rhs{}.ex(in);
template<class Lhs, class Rhs>
struct Plus:Formula<Plus<Lhs, Rhs>> {
double ex( double in ) {
return Lhs{}.ex(in) + Rhs{}.ex(in);
double dx( double in ) {
return Lhs{}.dx(in) + Rhs{}.dx(in);
That is a bit better machinery that replicates what yours does.
Now to extend it:
template<class X>
struct Sin:Formula<Sin<X>> {
double ex( double in ) {
return ::std::sin(X{}.ex(in));
double dx( double in ) {
return X{}.dx(in) * ::std::cos(X{}.ex(in));
template<class X>
auto sin( Formula<X> ) {
return Sin<X>{};
Test code:
using namespace formula;
auto x_2 = x*x;
auto sin_x_2 = sin(x_2);
std::cout << sin_x_2.ex(0.) << "\n";
std::cout << sin_x_2.dx(0.) << "\n";
std::cout << sin(x).ex(0.) << "\n";
std::cout << sin(x).dx(0.) << "\n";
std::cout << (x*x).ex(1.) << "\n";
std::cout << (x*x).dx(1.) << "\n";
This can be extended with storing copies of the formula you depend upon to allow equations to contain some state.

When calling a member function of a class, I get Error C3867

In my displayData member function of the car class, the error says I should create a pointer to the member, do I have to create pointers to the member? If I do how so? I completely forget pointers. Do i make the object a pointer then point to the displayData member function? I get no red squiggles just an error message saying "use '&' to create a pointer to the member. I tried but had no luck.
using namespace std;
class Car
int xVal, yVal, zVal;
Car() { int xVal = 0; int yVal = 0; int zVal = 0; }
Car(int x,int y,int z) { xVal = x; yVal = y; zVal = z; }
~Car() {};
int getX() { return xVal; }
int getY() { return yVal; }
int getZ() { return zVal; }
void changeX(int n) { xVal = n; }
void changeY(int n) { yVal = n; }
void changez(int n) { zVal = n; }
virtual void getData();
void displayData();
class Sensor : public Car
string sensorType;
Sensor() { sensorType = "EMPTY"; }
Sensor(int x, int y, int z, string type) :Car(x,y,z) { sensorType = type; }
void Car::displayData()
cout << "The x values is: " << getX() << endl;
cout << "The y values is: " << getY() << endl;
cout << "The z values is: " << getZ() << endl;
int main()
Sensor n1;
Sensor n2(20,30,40, "Accelerometer");
return 0;
There is a syntax error in calling the function.
it should be
instead of

C++ Fix the following code so that it will correctly recursively traverse a directory tree in order to find where a particular file is

I have an assignment as following: Write a program will ask the user how many random numbers to generate. Then it will present a menu which has the options of Display, Average, Median, and Standard Deviation, Regenerate, and Quit. Without the use of a switch statement, or an if statements, or pointers to functions, have the program execute the user's selection from the menu. (Note: Function pointers are not allowed!)
This is what I have so far:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <array>
#include <cmath>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
template <typename T> class wrapperclass
static T myclass;
class Display
static void myFunction(int random[], int num)
for(int i=0; i<num; ++i)
cout << random[i] <<endl;
class Average
static double myFunction(int random[], int num)
double avg = 0;
for(int i=0; i<num; ++i)
avg += random[i];
return avg/num;
class Median
static double myFunction(int random[], int num)
double mid = 0;
if(num % 2 == 0)
mid = (random[num/2] + random[num/2-1])/2;
mid = random[num/2];
return mid;
class StdDi
static double myFunction(int random[], int num)
double avg=0;
double total=0;
for(int i=0; i<num; ++i)
avg += random[i];
avg = avg/num;
for(int i=0; i<num; ++i)
total += (avg-random[i])*(avg-random[i]);
total = total/num;
return sqrt(total);
class renerate
static void myFunction(int)
class quit
static void myFunction()
int main()
int num = 0;
int option = 0;
map<int, class T> magic;
cout << "How many random numbers would u like to generate? " << endl;
cin >> num;
int random[num];
for(int i=0; i<num; ++i)
random[i] = rand() % 100 + 1;
cout << " Menu"<<endl
<< "1. Display"<<endl
<< "2. Average"<<endl
<< "3. Median"<<endl
<< "4. Standard Deviation"<<endl
<< "5. Renerate"<<endl
<< "6. Quit"<<endl;
cin >> option;
cout<<wrapperclass<Average>::myclass.myFunction(random, num);
return 0;
I'm about to directly pass the user input "option" into that "wrapperclass" like this "wrapperclass" so I can simply call the .myFunction since all classes have the same function name. but this won't work for c++ so is there any work around?

std::sort using member function in the same class?

I have a class "PclProc" and I want to use std::sort.
I write a compare function in the same class because this comparing need the "in_ptr" which is a variable in the same class.
But as I did as following, there is always an error:
error: no matching function for call to
‘sort(std::vector::iterator, std::vector::iterator,
bool PclProc::MyCompare(int id1, int id2)
return in_ptr->points[id1].z<in_ptr->points[id2].z;
float PclProc::MedianZDist(pcl::PointIndices cloud_indice)
int size=cloud_indice.indices.size();
float median_x,median_y;
Example of a functor being used for std::sort. vector D is the data, vector I is the indices to D. I is sorted according to D with std::sort using the functor. std::sort only creates one instance of class lessthan, then uses that one instance for all of the compares.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>
typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
#define SIZE 16
class example{
std::vector<uint32_t> D; // data
std::vector<uint32_t> I; // indices
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < SIZE; i++){
D[i] = rand()%100;
I[i] = i;
void displaydata(void)
for(size_t i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
std::cout << std::setw(3) << D[I[i]];
std::cout << std::endl;
class lessthan // lessthan functor for std::sort
const example &x;
lessthan(const example &e ) : x(e) { }
bool operator()(const uint32_t & i0, const uint32_t & i1)
return x.D[i0] < x.D[i1];
void sortindices(void)
std::sort(I.begin(), I.end(), lessthan(*this));
int main()
example x;
return 0;

trying to link two cpp files with a header

I'm trying to call a function from a cpp file (with a list of functions) in another cpp file, I'm using a header file to set the function prototype in both cpp files, my problem is that I'm getting this LNK2019 error. I don't know what i'm doing wrong. I've been going back and forth between a few variations, the current one seems to be the most correct based on what i've read. I've been working on this for hours, reading a bunch of threads, but nothing seems to explain this problem, i'm using microsoft visual studio 2012
this is the header file, Rectangle.h
#pragma once
class Rectangle
int width, height;
double gravWidth, gravHeight;
double getAreaBig();
double getAreaSmall();
int getPerimeter();
void getLength(int b);
void getWidth(int a);
int setLength();
int setWidth();
this is the cpp file containing the functions, Rectangle.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include "Rectangle.h"
using namespace std;
width = 1;
height = 1;
gravWidth = .5;
gravHeight = .5;
double Rectangle::getAreaBig ()
return double ((width * height) - (gravWidth * gravHeight));
double Rectangle::getAreaSmall()
return ((gravWidth) * ( gravHeight));
int Rectangle::getPerimeter()
return (2 * (width + height));
void Rectangle::getLength(int b)
height = b;
gravWidth = (1/2 * width);
void Rectangle::getWidth(int a)
width = a;
gravHeight = (1/2 * height);
int Rectangle::setLength()
return height;
int Rectangle::setWidth()
return width;
what follows is the app.cpp file, this is where i'm getting the errors, italics are where the errors seem to be pointing too
#include <iostream>
#include "Rectangle.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstddef>
using namespace std;
int main ()
int const WIDTH = 10;
int length = 0;
int width = 0;
cin >> width;
cin >> length;
Rectangle garden;
Rectangle gravel;
cout << "Length of lawn: " << garden.setLength() << "Width of lawn: " << garden.setWidth();
cout << "Cost of grass: " << garden.getAreaBig();
cout << "Length of gravel: ";
cout << "Width of gravel: ";
cout << "Cost of gavel: ";
system ("pause");
The first thing that I see is that you are not instantiating the rectangles.
What about defining
somewhere? If your destructor is not going to do anything, you can just provide an empty body in the header file.
~Rectangle() {};
(And just in case, make it virtual, it's always a good habit.)