How to get mongodb schema dump - mongodb

I can take mongodb data backup but I am not sure about mongodb schama backup.
Is there any way to take dump of MONGODB schema only not the data ?

You need to use mongorestore... which is used for things like importing json, or csv, etc.
You can read more about mongorestore in the docs below; I'd take a look and read up on them as they are very helpful.
You can also check out for tips and help!
or you can visit the links
How to use the dumped data by mongodump? hope this may be helpful for you.

MongoDB is an NoSQL Database.
There is no fixed schema for any collection, so there are no functions available in mongo shell to find the collection schema.
Fixed Schema is applicable for RDBMS databases. In NoSQL DB, such as mongodb it is not required, but you can enforce same schema using your implementation logic, if required.
A document in a same collection, can be of different schema's. Please see example below
{ "_id":1, "name":"A"},
{ "_id":2, "name":"CD", "age":29},
{ "_id":3, "name":"AB", "age":28},
{ "_id":4, "name":"ABC", "age":27, "emailId":""},
{ "_id":5, "name":"ABCD", "age":29, "emailId":""}]);
{ "_id" : 1, "name" : "A" }
{ "_id" : 2, "name" : "CD", "age" : 29 }
{ "_id" : 3, "name" : "AB", "age" : 28 }
{ "_id" : 4, "name" : "ABC", "age" : 27, "emailId" : "" }
{ "_id" : 5, "name" : "ABCD", "age" : 29, "emailId" : "" }
An approach to find the schema
In Mongo Shell
var k = db.mycollection.findOne();
for ( i in k){print (i)};
this approach will work for you if all the documents in your collection follows the same schema.

Here's how I did it:
mongodump --uri="mongodb://localhost/mydb" -o ./mydb-dump
find ./mydb-dump -name *.bson -exec truncate -s 0 {} \;
Explanation: I'm dumping the whole database, then truncating all the .bson files (which hold collection data) to zero bytes.
Limitation: Obviously, this is only practical if the source database is small, otherwise you're generating a huge data dump only to throw away most of it.
To restore this-
mongorestore --uri="mongodb://some-other-server/mydb" ./mydb-dump
If there's a better way to do this, I'd love to know what it is!

MongoDB Compass GUI has a way to export the schema to JSON.
At the time of this post, there doesn't seem to be a way to do this by bulk, so this will have to be done for each collection one by one.
From the docs:
You can export your schema after analyzing it. This is useful for
sharing your schema and comparing schemas across collections.
If you have not already done so, analyze your schema:
Select your desired collection and click the Schema tab. Click
Analyze Schema.
Once your schema has been analyzed, export your schema:
In the top menu bar, click Collection. From the dropdown, click Share
Schema as JSON.
Your schema is copied to your clipboard as a JSON object.
See full docs here ~


Mongo sub-document, good practice or not?

After few months working with Mongo trying to understand if using sub-documents for nested data is good or not, especially in this example:
Assume users collection that each document into it have the following:
"_id" : ObjectId("some valid Object ID"),
"userName" : "xxxxx",
"email" : "xxxx#xxxx.xx"
Now, in my system there are also rooms (another collection) and i want to save for each user scores per room.
In my mind, to do that i have 2 major options, (1) create new collection call userScores that will hold: userId, roomId, scores fields like i did previously in MySql and other relational DB's (2) create a sub-document into the above user document:
"_id" : ObjectId("sdfdfdfdfdf"),
"userName" : "xxxxx",
"email" : "xxxx#xxxx.xx",
"scores": {
"roomIdX": 50,
"roomIdY": 50,
"roomIdZ": 50
What do you think is better way so later i can handle searches, aggregations and other data queries via the code (mongoose in my case)

How can Mongo store infinitely long comments in a blog post example

Am looking to build a blogging system and came across the following blog.
While it's nice to see how we can store everything in one Mongo document as a json type object (example json from the blog pasted below) rather than distributing data across multiple tables, I'm having trouble understanding how this can accommodate an hypothetically super long comment thread.
_id: 1234,
author: { name: "Bob Davis", email : "" },
post: "In these troubled times I like to …",
date: { $date: "2010-07-12 13:23UTC" },
location: [ -121.2322, 42.1223222 ],
rating: 2.2,
comments: [
{ user: "",
upVotes: 22,
downVotes: 14,
text: "Great point! I agree" },
{ user: "",
upVotes: 421,
downVotes: 22,
text: "You are a moron" }
tags: [ "Politics", "Virginia" ]
Aside from the comments key which is represented as an array of comment objects, allowing us to store an endless number of comments within this document rather than on a separate comments table requiring a join operation to relate if we are to do this with a relational database, the rest of the fields (ie author, post, date, location, rating, tags) can all be done as columns on a relational database table as well.
Since there is a limit of 16MB per document, what happens when this blog attracts a lot of comments?
Also, why can't I store a json object on a relational database column? Afterall it's a text isn't it?
First, a clarification: MongoDB actually stores BSON, which is a essentially superset of JSON that supports more data types.
Since there is a limit of 16MB per document, what happens when this blog attracts a lot of comments?
You won't be able to increase the size past 16MB, so you'll lose the ability to add more comments. But you don't need to store all the comments on the blog post document. You could store the first N, then retire old comments to a comments collection as new ones are added. You could store comments in another collection with a parent reference. The way comments are stored should jive with how you expect them to be used. 16MB of comments would really be a lot - you might even have a special solution to handle the occasional post that gets that kind of activity, an approach that's totally different from the normal way of handling comments.
We can store json in a relational database. So what is the value of Mongo I'm getting?
Here's two ways of storing JSON (in MongoDB).
> db.test.drop()
> db.test.insert({ "name" : { "first" : "Yogi", "last" : "Bear" }, "location" : "Yellowstone", "likes" : ["picnic baskets", "PBJ", "the great outdoors"] })
> db.test.findOne()
"_id" : ObjectId("54f9f41f245e945635f2137b"),
"name" : {
"first" : "Yogi",
"last" : "Bear"
"location" : "Yellowstone",
"likes" : [
"picnic baskets",
"the great outdoors"
var jsonstring = '{ "name" : { "first" : "Yogi", "last" : "Bear" }, "location" : "Yellowstone", "likes" : ["picnic baskets", "PBJ", "the great outdoors"] }'
> db.test.drop
> db.test2.insert({ "myjson" : jsonstring })
> db.test2.findOne()
"_id" : ObjectId("54f9f535245e945635f2137d"),
"myjson" : "{ \"name\" : { \"first\" : \"Yogi\", \"last\" : \"Bear\" }, \"location\" : \"Yellowstone\", \"likes\" : [\"picnic baskets\", \"PBJ\", \"the great outdoors\"] }"
Can you store and use JSON the first way using a relational database? How useful is JSON stored in the second way compared to the first?
There's lots of other differences between MongoDB and relational databases that make one better than the other for various use cases - but going further into that is too broad for an SO answer.
Can you store and use JSON the first way using a relational database?
How useful is JSON stored in the second way compared to the first?
Sorry are you suggesting that with Mongo json documents can be stored without using escape characters, whereas with a RDBMS I must use escape characters to escape the double quotes? I wasn't aware of that's the case.

Mongodb - combine data from two collections

I know this has been covered quite a lot on here, however, i'm very new to MongoDB and am struggling with applying answers i've found to my situation.
In short, I have two collections 'total_by_country_and_isrc' which is the output from a MapReduce function and 'asset_report' which contains an asset_id not present in the 'total_by_country_and_isrc' collection or the original raw data collection this was MapReduced from.
An example of the data in 'total_by_country_and_isrc' is:
{ "_id" : { "custom_id" : 4748532, "isrc" : "GBCEJ0100080",
"country" : "AE" }, "value" : 0 }
And an example of the data in the 'asset_report' is:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("51824ef016f3edbb14ef5eae"), "Asset ID" :
"A836656134476364", "Asset Type" : "Web", "Metadata Origination" :
"Unknown", "Custom ID" : "4748532", "ISRC" : "", }
I'd like to end up with the following ('total_by_country_and_isrc_with_asset_id'):
{ "_id" : { "Asset ID" : "A836656134476364", "custom_id" : 4748532,
"isrc" : "GBCEJ0100080", "country" : "AE" }, "value" : 0 }
I know how I would approach with in a relational database but I really want to try and get this working in Mongo as i'm dealing with some pretty large collections and feel Mongo is the right tool for the job.
Can anyone offer some guidance here?
I think you want to use the "reduce" output action: Output to a Collection with an Action. You'll need to regenerate total_by_country_and_isrc, because it doesn't look like asset_report has the fields it needs to generate the keys you already have in total_by_country_and_isrc – so "joining" the data is impossible.
First, write a map method that is capable of generating the same keys from the original collection (used to generate total_by_country_and_isrc) and also from the asset_report collection. Think of these keys as the "join" fields.
Next, map and reduce your original collection to create total_by_country_and_isrc with the correct keys.
Finally, map asset_report with the same method you used to generate total_by_country_and_isrc, but use a reduce function that can be used to reduce the intersection (by key) of this mapped data from asset_report and the data in total_by_country_and_isrc.

Getting error while Updating Collection attribute name in the MongoDB

So I have following structure of MongoDB collection
{ "_id" : ObjectId("516c48631f6c263a24fbbe7a"), "oldname" : 1, "name" : "somename" }
and I want to rename OLD NAME to NEW NAME so it will look like,
{ "_id" : ObjectId("516c48631f6c263a24fbbe7a"), "newname" : 1, "name" : "somename" }
so I am writing this command,
db.element_type.update({}, {$rename: {'oldname': 'newname'}}, false, true);
But it is giving me this error
failing update: objects in a capped ns cannot grow
The problem, per the error message, is that you're trying to update a capped collection, presumably with a newname that is longer than the oldname.
You can read about capped collections in the docs. They're designed to maintain their order, which is why you're running into this.
If you must use a capped collection, perhaps you should remove and re-insert instead of updating.

Clean up content after application bug

I'm new on mongoDB and the point is, that we new realize an bug at our application witch results in multiple mongoDB entries instead of update the (edited) document.
now, the application is online, we realize the bug and trying to manage the trouble which comes with that.
Following situation: #mongoDB there are lots of documents containing this structure:
"_id" : ObjectId("4fd9ede5a6b9579f5b000003"),
"USER" : "my_username",
"matchID" : 18809,
"data1" : 2,
"data2" : 1,
"tippDate" : ISODate("2012-06-14T13:57:57Z"),
"data3" : 0
If the user changes the data at the application, the application inserts an new document instead of updating the existing.
Like that
"_id" : ObjectId("4fd9ede5a6b9579f5b000003"),
"USER" : "my_username",
"matchID" : 18809,
"data1" : 2,
"data2" : 1,
"tippDate" : ISODate("2012-06-14T13:57:57Z"),
"data3" : 0
"_id" : ObjectId("4fd9ede5a6b9579f5b000002"),
"USER" : "my_username",
"matchID" : 18809,
"data1" : 4,
"data2" : 2,
"tippDate" : ISODate("2012-06-14T12:45:33Z"),
"data3" : 0
Right now, the bug on application side is solved, but now we have to clean up the database.
The gaol is to keep only the newest record/document from each user.
One way is to handle this on application side: loading all the data from one user, order by date, removing all the data from one user and writing the newest entry back to mongoDB.
But: isn't it possible to process that an mongoDB like an delete with joints on MySQL?
Thank you for any kind of help or hints!
is'n it possible to process that an mongoDB like an delete with joints on MySQL?
No. MongoDB does not support joins at all.
However, MongoDB does have sorting. So you can run a script to fetch each user, sort them by date and then delete the old ones.
Also, please not that you can override the _id field. It does not have to be an ObjectId(). Based on your description, you have a unique user_name, so why not simply use that as the _id?