Java.util.Calendar.add() function in scala - scala

val now = Calendar.getInstance();
val toDt= now.get(Calendar.MONTH)
val fromDt= now.add(Calendar.MONTH,-6)
I am trying fetch minus 6 month date value by using above code. Looks like now.add is generating Unit value

val fromDt = now.clone().asInstanceOf[Calendar]
fromDt.add(Calendar.MONTH, -6) // after call `add` method, the `fromDt` internal state has changed, so you can use `fromDt` directly. like below `print`
> 7
You can clone calendar and add Month.


Get date out of year and day of year from a value - Scala

I have a 6 digit value from which i have to get the date in scala. For eg if the value is - 119003 then the output should be
1=20 century
19=2019 year
003= january 3
The output should be 2019/01/03
I have tried ti split the value first and then get the date. But i am not sure how to proceed as i am new to scala
I think you'll have to do the century calculations manually. After that you can let the java.time library do all the rest.
import java.time.LocalDate
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
val in = "119003"
val cent = in.head.asDigit + 19
val res = LocalDate.parse(cent+in.tail, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyyDDD"))
//res: String = 2019/01/03
The Date class of Java 1.0 used 1900-based years, so 119 would mean 2019, for example. This use was deprecated already in Java 1.1 more than 20 years ago, so it’s surprising to see it survive into Scala.
When you say 6 digit value, I take it to be a number (not a string).
The answer by jwvh is correct. My variant would be like (sorry about the Java code, please translate yourself):
int value = 119003;
int year1900based = value / 1000;
int dayOfYear = value % 1000;
LocalDate date = LocalDate.ofYearDay(year1900based + 1900, dayOfYear);
If you’ve got a string, I would slice it into two parts only, 119 and 003 (not three parts as in your comment). Parse each into an int and proceed as above.
If you need 2019/01/03 format in your output, use a DateTimeFormatter for that. Inside your program, do keep the LocalDate, not a String.

Gatling Feeder running out of values

I have an array that i want to use for 2 feeders. I was expecting each feeder will be able to use all the values in the array. But seems like the values run out
val baseArray = Array ( Map("transactionId" -> "q-1"),
Map("transactionId" -> "q-2"),
Map("transactionId" -> "q-3"))
val feeder_getA = baseArray.clone.queue
val scn_getInsuredOrPrincipals = scenario("getInsuredOrPrincipals")
val feeder_getB = baseArray.clone.queue
val scn_getInsuredOrPrincipals = scenario("getInsuredOrPrincipals")
atOnceUsers(3), // 2
rampUsers(3) over (5 seconds)
atOnceUsers(3), // 2
rampUsers(3) over (5 seconds)
I get an error saying feeder is now empty after 3 values are consumed... i was assuming feeder_getA and feeder_getB would each get 3 values so each scenario would get equal number of values. That doesnt seem like its happening. Almot as if the clone isnt working
The issue is that your feeders are defined using the queue strategy, which runs through the elements and then fails if no more are available:
val feeder_getA = baseArray.clone.queue
You need to use the circular strategy, which goes back to the beginning:
val feeder_getA = baseArray.clone.circular
For more information see the docs.

How to put the range of dates in a specific format?

I am using Joda time to generate a range of dates as follows:
val now =
(0 until 5).map(now.minusDays(_)).foreach(println)
How can I parse the generated dates to yyyy-MM-dd format. I was getting the error "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid format" when using DateTimeFormat:
val dtf = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd")
(0 until 5).map(now.minusDays(_)).foreach(d=>dtf.parseDateTime(d.toString))
Change to:
val now =
(0 until 5).map(now.minusDays(_)).map(d=> d.toString("yyyy-MM-dd"))

Get year, month and day from parsed date

I have the following code to validate a date given a date format:
val df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
try {
val date = df.parse("11/13/2014");
catch {
case pe: ParseException => println("date error")
Now, what I need is to obtain the year, month and day in three variables. What is the best way to achieve this? Note that I need a solution based on performance as I need to validate/convert thousands of dates.
Use Java 8 and the new date/time API. Better, cleaner, future-proof.
val dateFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy"
val dtf = java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(dateFormat)
val dateString = "11/13/2014"
val d = java.time.LocalDate.parse(dateString, dtf)
val year = d.getYear
val monthNumber = d.getMonthValue
You can access a Month enum object.
val month = d.getMonth
val dayOfMonth = d.getDayOfMonth
Once you have the input parsed into a java.time.LocalDate, you can get the year with getYear, etc.
To validate, catch the DateTimeParseException generated for invalid inputs.
If you want to skip the proper date validation (e.g. for performance) and just extract the Y, M, D - you can split the string and get integers as shown below
val ymd = dateString.split("/").map(_.toInt)
ymd: Array[Int] = Array(11, 13, 2014)

subtracting a DateTime from a DateTime in scala

I'm relatively new to both scala and jodatime, but have been pretty impressed with both. I'm trying to figure out if there is a more elegant way to do some date arithmetic. Here's a method:
private def calcDuration() : String = {
val p = new Period(calcCloseTime.toInstant.getMillis - calcOpenTime.toInstant.getMillis)
val s : String = p.getHours.toString + ":" + p.getMinutes.toString +
":" + p.getSeconds.toString
return s
I convert everything to a string because I am putting it into a MongoDB and I'm not sure how to serialize a joda Duration or Period. If someone knows that I would really appreciate the answer.
Anyway, the calcCloseTime and calcOpenTime methods return DateTime objects. Converting them to Instants is the best way I found to get the difference. Is there a better way?
Another side question: When the hours, minutes or seconds are single digit, the resulting string is not zero filled. Is there a straightforward way to make that string look like HH:MM:SS?
Period formatting is done by the PeriodFormatter class. You can use a default one, or construct your own using PeriodFormatterBuilder. It may take some more code as you might like to set this builder up properly, but you can use it for example like so:
scala> import org.joda.time._
import org.joda.time._
scala> import org.joda.time.format._
import org.joda.time.format._
scala> val d1 = new DateTime(2010,1,1,10,5,1,0)
d1: org.joda.time.DateTime = 2010-01-01T10:05:01.000+01:00
scala> val d2 = new DateTime(2010,1,1,13,7,2,0)
d2: org.joda.time.DateTime = 2010-01-01T13:07:02.000+01:00
scala> val p = new Period(d1, d2)
p: org.joda.time.Period = PT3H2M1S
scala> val hms = new PeriodFormatterBuilder() minimumPrintedDigits(2) printZeroAlways() appendHours() appendSeparator(":") appendMinutes() appendSuffix(":") appendSeconds() toFormatter
hms: org.joda.time.format.PeriodFormatter = org.joda.time.format.PeriodFormatter#4d2125
scala> hms print p
res0: java.lang.String = 03:02:01
You should perhaps also be aware that day transitions are not taken into account:
scala> val p2 = new Period(new LocalDate(2010,1,1), new LocalDate(2010,1,2))
p2: org.joda.time.Period = P1D
scala> hms print p2
res1: java.lang.String = 00:00:00
so if you need to hanldes those as well, you would also need to add the required fields (days, weeks, years maybe) to the formatter.
You might want to take a look at Jorge Ortiz's wrapper for Joda-Time, scala-time for something that's a bit nicer to work with in Scala.
You should then be able to use something like
(calcOpenTime to calcCloseTime).millis
Does this link help?
How do I calculate the difference between two dates?
This question has more than one answer! If you just want the number of whole days between two dates, then you can use the new Days class in version 1.4 of Joda-Time.
Days d = Days.daysBetween(startDate, endDate);
int days = d.getDays();
This method, and other static methods on the Days class have been designed to operate well with the JDK5 static import facility.
If however you want to calculate the number of days, weeks, months and years between the two dates, then you need a Period By default, this will split the difference between the two datetimes into parts, such as "1 month, 2 weeks, 4 days and 7 hours".
Period p = new Period(startDate, endDate);
You can control which fields get extracted using a PeriodType.
Period p = new Period(startDate, endDate, PeriodType.yearMonthDay());
This example will return not return any weeks or time fields, thus the previous example becomes "1 month and 18 days".