Kill the page from loading feather - ionic-framework

I am using Ionic 2 and would like to kill the page from feather loading similar to PHP die(); function
Below is the method that I currently working with.
fetch_data() {
let loader = this.loadingCtrl.create({ content: 'Loading...' });
loader.present(); response => {
this.linkBankTypes = response.results;
}, err => {
loader = this.loadingCtrl.create({ content: 'No Internet connection. Make sure Wi-Fi or cellular data is turned on, then try again.' });
//Kill the page from here

PHP's die() function stops creation of the page and lets PHP run environment to return a nasty error message to the client browser.
You can cause the Ionic to crash by throwing exceptions, but that is not a pleasant user experience and not recommended.
Instead you either navigate to an error page or show a message indicating the error.
The NavController's push or popcan be used to navigate to an error page or back to the previous page.


is there a way to check if the PWA was launched through a file or not?

I'm using the file handle API to give my web app the optional capability to launch through double-clicking files in the file explorer.
Writing the code below, I expected if (!("files" in LaunchParams.prototype)) to check if a file was used to launch the app, but apparently, it checks if the feature is supported. OK, that makes sense.
After that, I thought the setConsumer callback would be called in any launch scenario, and files.length would be zero if the app was launched in other ways (like by typing the URL in the browser). But on those use cases, the callback was not called at all, and my init logic was never executed.
if (!("launchQueue" in window)) return'a welcome text');
if (!("files" in LaunchParams.prototype)) return'a welcome text');
launchQueue.setConsumer((launchParams) => {
if (launchParams.files.length <= 0) return'a welcome text');
const fileHandle = launchParams.files[0];;
I've also followed the Launch Handler API article instructions and enabled the experimental API.
The new code confirms that "targetURL" in LaunchParams.prototype is true, but the setConsumer callback is not executed if the user accesses the web app through a standard browser tab.
function updateIfLaunchedByFile(textRecord) {
if (!("launchQueue" in window)) return;
if (!("files" in LaunchParams.prototype)) return;
'"targetURL" in LaunchParams': "targetURL" in LaunchParams.prototype,
// this is always undefined
console.log({ "LaunchParams.targetURL": LaunchParams.targetURL });
// setConsumer does not trigger if the app is not launched by file, so it is not a good place to branch what to do in every launch situation
launchQueue.setConsumer((launchParams) => {
// this never run in a normal tab
console.log({ setConsumer: launchParams });
if (launchParams.files.length <= 0) return;
const fileHandle = launchParams.files[0];;
This is the result...
Is there a universal way to check if the web app was launched through a file?
Check out the Launch Handler origin trial. It lets you determine the launch behavior exactly and lets your app detect how the launch happened. This API works well together with the File Handling API that you already use. You could, for example, check the LaunchParams.targetURL to see how the app was launched. Your feedback is very welcome.
Since I was not able to guarantee that the setConsumer callback was called in every situation (especially when the app is launched in a regular browser tab), I hacked it through setTimeout:
function wasFileLaunched() {
if (!("launchQueue" in window)) return;
if (!("files" in LaunchParams.prototype)) return;
return new Promise((resolve) => {
let invoked = false;
// setConsumer does not triggers if the app is not launched by file, so it is not a good place to branch what to do in every launch situation
launchQueue.setConsumer((launchParams) => {
invoked = true;
if (launchParams.files.length <= 0) return resolve();
const fileHandle = launchParams.files[0];
setTimeout(() => {
console.log({ "setTimeout invoked =": invoked });
if (!invoked) resolve();
}, 10);

Why does the service worker download a page instead of navigating to it?

I've got a strange scenario with a service worker where instead of navigating to a page it will download a page instead of navigating to it.
On the link that it's supposed to navigate to there's nothing special, it's an anchor tag with an href attribute pointing to a sign out URL.
The relevant part of the service worker follows:
self.addEventListener("fetch", (event) => {
if (event.request.mode === "navigate") {
// this part I added to circumvent the issue
if (event.request.url.match(/SignOut/)) {
return false;
(async () => {
try {
const networkResponse = await fetch(event.request);
return networkResponse;
} catch (error) {
// This section is irrelevant, I've confirmed it doesn't run when the error happens
I couldn't find any information on why the browser would download the page instead of navigating to it, but it only happens when the service worker processes the /SignOut/ URL, and only on that URL that I have noticed. Any ideas?

How can I keep the BarcodeScanner screen open without redirecting me to another page?

I am making an application that allows me to scan QR codes, and I managed to make the code work but my doubt is that when I scan the plugin phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner takes me out of the camera interface, what I want to do is to stay in it and show me an alert with the scanned code, and to give it ok in the alert to stay in it, to avoid being clicked to enter it.
I'm working with the plugin phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner, in ionic 3
public scanQR2() {
this._ButtonText = "Escanear";
this._barcodeScanner.scan().then((barcodeData) => {
if (barcodeData.cancelled) {
console.log("User cancelled the action!");
this._ButtonText = "Escanear";
return false;
console.log("Scanned successfully!");
}, (err) => {
I hope that the application when performing a scan stays on the same interface and does not redirect me to another page

Ionic Worklight Page not displaying after HTTP request

I'm having an issue displaying the content in the page after the Worklight http request has been executed.
The weird thing is that when I go to another page and I come back, the content gets displayed. It's like if it needs to be refreshed or something. I can see the console.log() data was received, but page was not refreshed.
This is my code:
$stateProvider.state('accounts', {
url: "/accounts",
templateUrl: 'views/accounts.html',
controller: function($scope, $ionicScrollDelegate, $rootScope){
var req = new WLResourceRequest("/adapters/JavaMQ/bankmq/getAccounts/"+$rootScope.globalReqUserId, WLResourceRequest.GET);
var x2js = new X2JS();
resp.responseText = x2js.xml_str2json(resp.responseText); //to JSON
$scope.reqUserId = resp.responseText['ASI_Message']['Riyad_Bank_Header']['Requestor_User_ID'];
$scope.accountsList = resp.responseText['ASI_Message']['Repeating_Group_Section']['Repeating_Group'];
I noticed that I also keep getting the following when I moved the project to Windows (Never happened in my mac)
Deviceready has not fired after 5 seconds
Channel not fired: onCordovaInfoReady
Channel not fired: onCordovaConnectionReady
I don't really know Worklight but the documentation indicate that the send().then() handles both the onSuccess and onFailure.
Maybe the then() is expecting 2 parameters like this:
var request = WLResourceRequest(url, method, timeout);
function(response) {
// success flow
function(error) {
// fail flow
If that doesn't work, can you put a breakpoint at the start of var x2js = new X2JS(); and tell us what happens?

How to ensure that a controllers action is only being called once in sails.js app ..?

I am trying to implement user authentication in my sails app.. But I am encountering a problem in different controllers that their action are being called twice.. I have checked from my browser and the request is only being sent once.. Here is an example..
// api/controllers/AuthController.js
logout: function (req, res) {
console.log("Loggin out");
res.json({message: 'Logged out succesfully'});
Following is my config/routes.js file. (using get for many action just for sake of ease for testing api..)
module.exports.routes = {
// By default, your root route (aka home page) points to a view
// located at `views/home/index.ejs`
// (This would also work if you had a file at: `/views/home.ejs`)
'/': {
view: 'home/index'
// testing the api
'get /users/check' : 'UserController.test',
'get /login' : 'AuthController.process',
'get /logout' : 'AuthController.logout',
'get /signup': 'UserController.add',
'get /verify/username/:username?' : 'UserController.checkUsername',
'get /verify/email/:email?' : 'UserController.checkEmail',
// add friend
'get /:user?/addfriend': 'FriendController.addFriend',
// accept request
'get /:user?/friendrequest/:request?/accept': 'FriendController.acceptRequest',
I have applied the isAuthenticated policy on this action.. which is like
module.exports = function(req, res, next) {
if(req.isAuthenticated()) {
console.log("Valid User");
return next();
else {
console.log("User not logged in");
return res.json({error: "Please login"});
No whenever I call <myhost>/logout I get the following json back..
"error": "Please login"
and here is the output on the server..
Valid User
Loggin out
User not logged in
This means that my controller's action is being called twice.. and this is not the problem with only this controller. The UserController.add action has the same problem. I seem to be doing every thing fine but I don't know where this problem is coming from. Can any one suggest how can I debug it . Or what could be the root of the problem. As far as I have check..
Browser is not sending the request twice.
The Controller's action is being called twice and so are the middleware assosiated with it.
Oh i have the same Problem a few weeks ago.
Sails also call the middleware on static files (like your styles.css). Console.log the req-object than you see what your browser requested.
There a two Ways to handle this Problem:
1.) Try to set skipAssets: true in your route (see:
2.) In your policy add an if-condition to skip assets (like ".js", ".css" and so on).