Uber API integration | Payment workflow - uber-api

I am looking to integrate the Uber API in my app. I understand Uber allow to provide the booking option with in the app however is it possible to collect the payment in my own app for the rides? Can I collect the payment in my account, how would I transfer further to Uber, if possible or it would be credited to Uber Only? How the complete payment workflow works from third party applications.
Just wondering if there is any possible way for this and someone has any idea about the same. Thanks in advance!

No, it is not possible to collect payment directly for Uber Rides. It is against the API terms of service to attempt to collect any per ride fee. See our affiliate program for more details about earning with the Uber API.


How to add currency to digital wallet through Uber APIs?

I've a question related to Uber API's payment methods.
In India, Uber API allows 3 types of payments:
1. credit card
2. Paytm
3. cash
For payment method 2 - Paytm - I would like to know how to programmatically through Uber APIs add currency to the digital wallet? The Uber app allows adding of currency in the digital wallet - paytm.
I went through the Uber API documentation and it wasn't clear that this functionality could be done through the API.
So, I'm wondering whether the same functionality is possible through Uber APIs and if yes, how?
There is currently no way to add any digital currency through the Uber API.

PayPal API for funding business account

All the users on my site have a personal account. I would like to add paypal as a payment method to fund a user account. Upon a fund the user account will be credited so he will be able to pay for the services I provide. Is it possible?
Yes, this is possible you can write a script that after the users payment several lines of code get executed that activates your service and credits your account.
The easiest way of doing this is by using a payment provider that sits between paypal and your site. They can deliver you directly the scripts and API you need.
Ofcourse you can also make them yourself. Not sure if the PayPal API already includes this functionality.
I hope that this is of any help
Paypal provides an API to integrate and customize its payment platform to your website.
For starters this limk will give you a breakdown on what you can do with the api.
try this link if you are keen on developing that part of your site.

Paypal REST API for multiple accounts

I have a Java application that has just been updated with e-commerce features that use the Paypal REST API (https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/).
I have multiple customers who run this application, each of them can log in to their own admin panel and manage their store and other features.
The Java client for Paypal REST API is working, I have tested it in the Sandbox of my own Paypal account and also in the live environment.
Question: Will each customer have to go into their Paypal account and activate the REST API to generate their key/secret for use in the Java app or is their a way for me to pay multiple PP acounts from the App/key/secret that is already active for my own PP account?
The only thing the Java app is doing with the PP API is creating and executing a payment.
If each customer has to create their own key/secret is there a quick way for them to do this from their PP admin panel? Currently the only way I know is to go into the developer.paypal.com section of the site, which doesn't seem very intuitive for a non techy.
At this time the PayPal REST API does not support third party payments in that way. The customer would need to use developer.paypal.com as you suggested to get their own PayPal REST credentials.
You can collect money and send it out using your own REST credentials but this would make you the liable receiver for the purchase.
PayPal has solutions outside of the REST API that might work for you here: https://developer.paypal.com/docs/marketplace-split-payments/
The Classic API does have a subject option, the subject is the third party. You do need permissions for some of the API calls; however, the permissions API can ease that process.

Create Payments, PHP

I'm using paypal to make my users able to payout their credits, which they can earn on my site. So i am actually buying my users efforts. As i have up to 200 payments per month, i would like to know, is there a possibility to send payments to my users via paypal api?
If yes, which methods should i use and what should i take care of? I possible i would also take a ready to go implementation in php.
I tried to check the documentation of the paypal api, but it was to complex, so i did not find any solution.
If you'll be submitting payments to 200+ people at the same time, the MassPay API would work nicely for you, but you'll need to call PayPal to request it and get it specifically approved on your account.
If the users will be doing this on their own, one at a time, then you'll want to look at the Pay API, which is part of the Adaptive Payments platform.
You can use my PHP class library for PayPal to make the API calls very quick and easy for you regardless of which method you end up using.

PayPal: Alternative to PayPal's Developer Account

I was using Paypal Sandbox for testing transactions last year using my PayPal developer account.
I just checked last week that I cannot access my old account, so I decided to sign up for a new account. However, you need now to sign up for a business account. Business account is only available to U.S. businesses (I came from outside the US).
I was hoping if you can suggest an alternative and free developer account (similar to PayPal), but with a different payment gateway.
Thank you.
How about stripe ?
Uses a JavaScript based API to complete transactions.
Simpler to integrate with multiple platforms.
You don't need a US Business account to use developer.paypal.com.
Simply sign up via https://www.paypal.com/ for a live PayPal account, either Premier or Business, and you'll be able to log in to developer.paypal.com with it.
Note however that the new REST API is currently available for live US Business accounts only, but this won't affect the availability of other Sandbox products or functionality.
I'll look into why the messaging states that you do, because that's not correct. Thanks for pointing this out!