Creating Side by Side Bars but getting Stack bars - charts

I am trying to make a side by side bar but I am getting Stacked one.
Columns being used are -
Created_On (Date Format)
Closed_On (Date Format)
Count of Issues (Number format)
I dragged the two date pills into Columns tab and Count of issues in Rows tab. I checked marked the Dual Axis and Sync Axis. After I do that I get stacked(overlapping rather) bars as below, but I should get Side-by-side bars.
The red bars should be next green ones and not overlapping them. Not sure where is it going wrong.


Merging Percentage Lines with The Bars in Tableau Desktop

I have a graph that shows the ratio (count) of payable vs. processed words among the total words on stacked bars. I would also like to display the same ratio in percentages in lines overlapping the bars.
At the moment I have them in two separate graphs, but I want to merge them so that it takes less space in my dashboard view. I am unable to select the dual combination view as it requires two measures and even though I keep trying to cmd+click+drag the percentage measure pill to my marks, it's only changing the calculations in the bars but not allowing me to select the dual combination view.
Since the percentages are basically the ratio of the green/total in the bars, I don't think I need any complicated configurations for displaying it, however, I am also failing to achieve what I want.
Could you please tell me how to do this visualization?
Edit: I noticed that the reason I couldn't generate the dual combination view was that I had three date pills (year, quarter, month), and by removing two of them, I'm able to generate the dual combination view, but it's far from what I'm looking for as it's only splitting the stacked bar into bar+line.
Neeku, I certainly understand the desire to minimize "real estate" in your dashboard. If I understand your needs correctly, I believe that overlaying a transparent-background chart over the first chart might meet your needs, if a dual-axis chart doesn't work for you (for example, if you wanted to overlay a line chart on a column chart that is itself already dual axis).
By way of example, here is a simple Sample Superstore dashboard with a line chart on top and a stacked column at the bottom.
simple dashboard
Change the line chart to "Floating"
Size it to fit over your column chart and change the background to transparent by clicking anywhere in the line chart and select "Format"
...Format Shading
...and "None" for the color selection
Your line chart is now an overlay, but it's pretty messy.
Click on the line chart and hide field labels,
...turn off "Show Header" for each pill in the line chart
Clean things up and it should look better:
Note: one big issue with this approach is that you will not be able to click to select chart elements of the underlying chart.

How to get dates at the bottom of the tableau Graph

I have created a side by side bar in Tableau By using Measure names and measure values. I am using multiple measures to plot in the side by side bars. However the date axis are coming at the top . I want them at the bottom. Please see picture below:
How do I get the dates to the bottom?

How to sort pivot based on measure and create a stacked bar chart

I am trying to create a stacked bar chart between 2 dimensions (one being week, other is a string - more below) and 1 measure. I am new to Looker.
But in order to get the stacked bar chart I figure that I need to
Create a pivot
Transpose the data
Create stacked bar chart
I am stuck with step 2 and 3.
The above steps is what I have thought could help me arrive at the visualization I want but would appreciate if there is any other solution for this.
I have a digital marketing data with me, where I am trying to create a visualization on ‘Leads’ generated,
I have 2 dimensions, 1 measure
Lead Created Week - Week on which a lead was created
Reason2 - reason a lead was created or what reason attracted the user most
Leads - count of leads
I have plotted the below visualization where I have created a pivot of week with Reason2 and Lead count under it and have plotted it on a stacked bar chart (as below).
Where each bar is a Reason (X-axis) and each color is the Week dimension, leads (count of leads) is in the Y-axis
Even though this is help what would be helpful is having ‘Week’ on X-axis, ‘Leads’ (count of leads) on Y-axis and ‘Reasons2’ dimension as a legend.
There is also one catch i.e., there are more than 100 distinct values in ‘Reason2’ field but I need to pick on Top 10 Reasons (i.e., the reasons that generated the most leads), which in the above screenshot I have achieved by limiting the display rows to 10 as the measure was already sorted.
I tried to flip around the pivot by having reason in pivot and Week as dimension, but if now the pivot is sorted in alphabetical manner and not by value of measures (screenshot below), I need the top 10 reasons which most leads per week.
How do I achieve the desired visualization of having week on X-axis with leads on Yaxis but only the top 10 Reasons should be generated.

Tableau Desktop Move column header to bottom

I've a report that shows Years, Production in tonnes and Countries. I'm trying to move the column header that is 'Years' to the bottom of the report. Here is the image.
Tableau differentiates headers from axis. Headers are always at the top and headers are provided for discrete values (blue pill). Axis, on the other hand, default to the bottom unless you have a dual-axis chart, and an axis is only for continuous values (green pill).
From your screenshot, Year is a discrete value, hence it can only display the header at the top. You can try switching Year to be a continuous value so that an axis will show at the bottom.

Choosing one measurement in a chart in QlikSense

I have created a chart where the x-axis (dimensions) is months, and for the y-axis (expressions) I have a few different data bars, which are compared to the first bar (which is the total).
It is possible to add a slicer or something like that so that I can choose which measurements I want to see? For example, sometimes I need to hide some of them.
In the example bellow: main bar is dark blue one and the other bars for each month is a comparison vs the first one. How can I select for example, to see only the green bars vs the main blue bar and not see all the other bars in that month?
Use filter pane, add filter for each bar, you can select which bar you want to see by these filter.