Vertica COPY + FLEX table - copy

I want to load on a flex table a log in which each record is composed by some fields + a JSON, the format is the following:
and (after many tries) I'm using the COPY command with a CSV parser in this way:
COPY schema.flex_table from local 'C:\temp/test.log' parser fcsvparser(delimiter=';',header=false, trim=true, type='traditional')
in this way all is loaded correctly except the JSON, that is skipped and left empty.
Is there a way to load also the JSON as a string?
HINT: just for test puposes, I noticed that if in the JSON I put a '\' before every '"' in the log, the loading runs smoothly, but unfortunately I cannot modify the content of the log.

Not without modifying the file beforehand - or writing your own UDParser function.
It clearly is a strange format: CSV (well, semicolon delimited and with double quotes as string enclosers), until the children appear - which are stored with a leading double quote and a trailing double quote; doubly nested with curly braces - JSON type, ok. But you have double quotes (not doubled) within the JSON encoding - any parser would go astray on those.
You'll have to write a program (ideally in C) to remove the curly braces, to remove the column names in the JSON code and leave just a CSV line
So, from the line (the backslash at the end means an escaped newline, meaning that the three lines you see are actually one line, for readability)
"concorde-fe";"DETAILS.SHOWN";"1bcilyejs6d4w";"2017-01-31T00:00:04.801Z"; \
"2017-01-31T00:00:04.714Z"; \
you make (title line with column names, then data line)
"concorde-fe";"DETAILS.SHOWN";"1bcilyejs6d4w";"2017-01-31T00:00:04.801Z"; \
Finally, you'll be able to load it as a CSV file - and maybe you will have to then normalise everything again: tripIdseems to be a dependent structure ....
Good luck
Marco the Sane


SalesForce Spark Delimiter issue

I have a glue job, in which am reading table from SF using soql:
df = ("com.springml.spark.salesforce")
.option("soql", sql)
.option("queryAll", "true")
.option("sfObject", sf_table)
.option("bulk", bulk)
.option("pkChunking", pkChunking)
.option("version", "51.0")
.option("timeout", "99999999")
.option("username", login)
.option("password", password)
and whenever there is a combination of double-quotes and commas in the string it messes up my table schema, like so:
in source:
Column A
Column B
Column C
"text with, comma"
read from SF in df :
Column A
Column B
Column C
"text with
Is there any option to avoid such cases when this comma is treated as a delimiter? I tried various options but nothing worked. And SOQL doesn't accept REPLACE or SUBSTRING functions, their text manipulation functions are, well, basically there aren't any.
All the information I'm giving need to be tested. I do not have the same env so it is difficult for me to try anything but here is what I foud.
When you check the official doc, you find that there is a field metadataConfig. The documentation of this field can be found here :
On page 2, csv format, it says :
If a field value contains a control character or a new line the field value must be contained within double quotes (or your
fieldsEscapedBy value). The default control characters (fieldsDelimitedBy, fieldsEnclosedBy,
fieldsEscapedBy, or linesTerminatedBy) are comma and double quote. For example, "Director of
Operations, Western Region".
which kinda sounds like you current problem.
By default, the values are comma and double quotes, so, I do not understand why it is failing. But, apparently, in your output, it keeps the double quotes, so, maybe, it considers only simple quote.
You should try to enforce the format and add in you code :
.option("metadataConfig", '{"fieldsEnclosedBy": "\"", "fieldsDelimitedBy": ","}')
# Or something similar - i could'nt test, so you need to try by yourself

Pyspark : Reading csv files with fields having double quotes and comas

I have a csv file which I am reading thru pyspark and loading into postgresql. One of its field is having strings which have coma and double quotes within the string. Like example below -
1. "RACER ""K"", P.L. 9"
2. "JENIS, B. S. ""N"" JENIS, F. T. ""B"" 5"
Pyspark is parsing it as below. Which is causing issue because it is mixing up the values/columns when I load the data into postgresql and script fail.
1. '\"RACER \"\"K\"\"'
2. '\"JENIS, B. S. \"\"N\"\" JENIS'
I am using spark 2.42. How can this situation be handled in pyspark?
Basically I want to program to ignore coma or double quotes if it is coming inside double quotes.
You can try and remove the comma and double quotes using pandas before reading and loading into postgresql.
You can use str.replace:
df['column_name'] = df['column_name'].str.replace(r"[\"\',]", '')

USQL Escape Quotes

I am new to Azure data lake analytics, I am trying to load a csv which is double quoted for sting and there are quotes inside a column on some random rows.
For example
ID, BookName
1, "Life of Pi"
2, "Story about "Mr X""
When I try loading, it fails on second record and throwing an error message.
1, I wonder if there is a way to fix this in csv file, unfortunatly we cannot extract new from source as these are log files?
2, is it possible to let ADLA to ignore the bad rows and proceed with rest of the records?
Execution failed with error '1_SV1_Extract Error :
occurred while extracting row after processing 9045 record(s) in the
vertex' input split. Column index: 9, column name:
character following the ending quote character in a quoted
field.","description":"Invalid character is detected following the
ending quote character in a quoted field. A column delimiter, row
delimiter or EOF is expected.\nThis error can occur if double-quotes
within the field are not correctly escaped as two
double-quotes.","resolution":"Column should be fully surrounded with
double-quotes and double-quotes within the field escaped as two
As per the error message, if you are importing a quoted csv, which has quotes within some of the columns, then these need to be escaped as two double-quotes. In your particular example, you second row needs to be:
..."Life after death and ""good death"" models - a qualitative study",...
So one option is to fix up the original file on output. If you are not able to do this, then you can import all the columns as one column, use RegEx to fix up the quotes and output the file again, eg
// Import records as one row then use RegEx to clean columns
#input =
EXTRACT oneCol string
FROM "/input/input132.csv"
USING Extractors.Text( '|', quoting: false );
// Fix up the quotes using RegEx
#output =
SELECT Regex.Replace(oneCol, "([^,])\"([^,])", "$1\"\"$2") AS cleanCol
FROM #input;
OUTPUT #output
TO "/output/output.csv"
USING Outputters.Csv(quoting : false);
The file will now import successfully. My results:

How to parse a file with newline character, escaped with \ and not quoted

I am facing an issue when reading and parsing a CSV file. Some records have a newline symbol, "escaped" by a \, and that record not being quoted. The file might look like this:
Line1field1;Line1field2.1 \
I've tried to read it using sc.textFile("file.csv") and using"..databricks..").option("escape/delimiter/...").load("file.csv")
However doesn't matter how I read it, a record/line/row is created when "\ \n" si reached. So, instead of having 2 records from the previous file, I am getting three:
[Line1field1,Line1field2.1,null] (3 fields)
[Line1field.2,Line1field3,null] (3 fields)
[Line2FIeld1,Line2field2,Line2field3;] (3 fields)
The expected result is:
[Line1field1,Line1field2.1 Line1field.2,Line1field3] (3 fields)
[Line2FIeld1,Line2field2,Line2field3] (3 fields)
(How the newline symbol is saved in the record is not that important, main issue is having the correct set of records/lines)
Any ideas of how to be able to do that? Without modifying the original file and preferably without any post/re processing (for example reading the file and filtering any lines with a lower number of fields than expected and the concatenating them could be a solution, but not at all optimal)
My hope was to use databrick's csv parser to set the escape character to \ (which is supposed to be by default), but that didn't work [got an error saying EOF whilst processing escape sequence].
Should I somehow extend the parser and edit something, creating my own parser? Which would be the best solution?
EDIT: Forgot to mention, i'm using spark 1.6
wholeTextFiles api should be a rescuer api in your case. It read files as key, value pairs : key as the path of the file and value as the whole text of the file. You will have to do some replacements and splittings to get the desired output though
val rdd = sparkSession.sparkContext.wholeTextFiles("path to the file")
.flatMap(x => x._2.replace("\\\n", "").replace(";\n", "\n").split("\n"))
.map(x => x.split(";"))
the rdd output is
[Line1field1,Line1field2.1 Line1field2.2,Line1field3]

Postgresql: CSV export with escaped linebreaks

I exported some data from a postgresql database using (all) the instruction(s) posted here: Save PL/pgSQL output from PostgreSQL to a CSV file
But some exported fields contains newlines (linebreaks), so I got a CSV file like:
foobar;some value;other value
just another value;f*** value;value with
How can I escape (or ignore) theese newline character(s)?
Line breaks are supported in CSV if the fields that contain them are enclosed in double quotes.
So if you had this in the middle of the file:
just another value;f*** value;"value with
it will be taken as 1 line of data spread on 2 lines with 3 fields and just work.
On the other hand, without the double quotes, it's an invalid CSV file (when it advertises 3 fields).
Although there's no formal specification for the CSV format, you may look at RFC 4180 for the rules that generally apply.