sometimes nanosleep sleeps too long time: not microsec unit, but second unit - scheduled-tasks

I am an embedded software engineer and now works with a MIPS device.
A thread with RR-scheduled is looping infinitely to execute a job and sleep 1 second. I used nanosleep function to sleep 1 second.
However, sometimes it does not wake until 13~4 seconds, not 1 second. I know that nanosleep does not support the exactly sleeping time in the case of the nanosecond value, but it is very odd that the second value differs a lot.
The thread is RR scheduled, and the system runs 10 applications in the embedded linux environment. Quite many threads are executing with RR schedules. I wonder it may bring the current bug.
Do you have any experience about the time bug in nanosleep, not nanosecond but second value?


CPU burst longer than quantum?

In a quiz answer, our instructor claimed cpu burst can be short and longer than the quantum. It easy to see how it can be shorter. But how it can be longer?
I think I have an answer. When running system function that disable interrupt (including clock interrupt), process run till restore the interrupt. Then, the time used can be longer than quantum.
Yes, the Burst Time can be greater than Quantum that's why processor preempts resources from running process and assign them to some other process.
See this example:
Process1 has Burst Time = 5 seconds and arrives before Process2
Process2 has Burst Time = 6 seconds
Quantum = 3 seconds
See both processes has burst time > quantum so when Process1 runs and completes its quantum of 3 seconds it will be preemptive and Process2 will be given the resources and after that Process2 will be preempted and Process1 will be given the resources, this will continue until processes are not completed.
Graphical Explanation of the answer

Can a process ask for x amount of time but take y amount instead?

If I am running a set of processes and they all want these burst times: 3, 5, 2 respectively, with the total expected time of execution being 10 time units.
Is it possible for one of the processes to take up more that what they ask for? For example even though it asked for 3 it took 11 instead because it was waiting on the user to enter some input. So the total execution time turns out to be 18.
This was all done in a non-preemptive cpu scheduler.
The reality is that software has no idea how long anything will take - my CPU runs at a different "nominal speed" to your CPU, both our CPUs keep changing their speed for power management reasons, and the speed of software executed by both our CPUs is effected by things like what other CPUs are doing (especially for SMT/hyper-threading) and what other devices happen to be doing at the time (their effect on caches, shared RAM bandwidth, etc); and software can't predict the future (e.g. guess when an IRQ will occur and take some time and upset the cache contents, guess when a read from memory will take 10 times longer because there was a single bit error that ECC needed to correct, guess when the CPU will get hot and reduce its speed to avoid melting, etc). It is possible to record things like "start time, burst time and end time" as it happens (to generate historical data from the past that can be analysed) but typically these things are only seen in fabricated academic exercises that have nothing to do with reality.
Note: I'm not saying fabricated academic exercises are bad - it's a useful tool to help learn basic theory before moving on to more advanced (and more realistic) theory.
Instead; for a non-preemptive scheduler, tasks don't try to tell the scheduler how much time they think they might take - the task can't know this information and the scheduler can't do anything with that information (e.g. a non-preemptive scheduler can't preempt the task when it takes longer than it guessed it might take). For a non-preemptive scheduler; a task simply runs until it calls a kernel function that waits for something (e.g. read() that waits for data from disk or network, sleep() that waits for time to pass, etc) and when that happens the kernel function that was called ends up telling the scheduler that the task is waiting and doesn't need the CPU, and the scheduler finds a different task to run that can use the CPU; and if the task never calls a kernel function that waits for something then the task runs "forever".
Of course "the task runs forever" can be bad (not just for malicious code that deliberately hogs all CPU time as a denial of service attack, but also for normal tasks that have bugs), which is why (almost?) nobody uses non-preemptive schedulers. For example; if one (lower priority) task is doing a lot of heavy processing (e.g. spending hours generating a photo-realistic picture using ray tracing techniques) and another (higher priority) task stops waiting (e.g. because it was waiting for the user to press a key and the user did press a key) then you want the higher priority task to preempt the lower priority task "immediately" (e.g. because most users don't like it when it takes hours for software to respond to their actions).

Is this an intelligent use case for optaPlanner?

I'm trying to clean up an enterprise BI system that currently is using a prioritized FIFO scheduling algorithm (so a priority 4 report from Tuesday will be executed before priority 4 reports from Thursday and priority 3 reports from Monday.) Additional details:
The queue is never empty, jobs are always being added
Jobs range in execution time from under a minute to upwards of 24 hours
There are 40 some odd identical app servers used to execute jobs
I think I could get optaPlanner up and running for this scenario, with hard rules around priority and some soft rules around average time in the queue. I'm new to scheduling optimization so I guess my question is what should I be looking for in this situation to decide if optaPlanner is going to help me or not?
The problem looks like a form of bin packing (and possibly job shop scheduling), which are NP-complete, so OptaPlanner will do better than a FIFO algorithm.
But is it really NP-complete? If all of these conditions are met, it might not be:
All 40 servers are identical. So running a priority report on server A instead of server B won't deliver a report faster.
All 40 servers are identical. So total duration (for a specific input set) is a constant.
Total makespan doesn't matter. So given 20 small jobs of 1 hour and 1 big job of 20 hours and 2 machines, it's fine that it takes all small jobs are done after 10 hours before the big job starts, given a total makespan of 30 hours. There's no desire to reduce the makespan to 20 hours.
"the average time in the queue" is debatable: do you care about how long the jobs are in the queue until they are started or until they are finished? If the total duration is a constant, this can be done by merely FIFO'ing the small jobs first or last (while still respecting priority of course).
There are no dependencies between jobs.
If all these conditions are met, OptaPlanner won't be able to do better than a correctly written greedy algorithm (which schedules the highest priority job that is the smallest/largest first). If any of these conditions aren't met (for example you buy 10 new servers which are faster), then OptaPlanner can do better. You just have to evaluate if it's worth spending 1 thread to figure that out.
If you use OptaPlanner, definitely take a look at real-time scheduling and daemon mode, to replan as new reports enter the system.

what is scheduler latency?

This seems to be a basic question, but i couldn't find answer anywhere in googling it.
As Far As I Understand, scheduler latency is the time incurred in making the task runnable again. I mean, if there are 100 processes namely 1, 2, e.t.c, then they are executed let's say in order starting from 1. So the latency is the time that the process 1 is executed again. which means that the latency is the waiting time of the process as well as the waiting time of it when it is in runqueue ready to execute.
i misunderstood whole point and sheduler latency is just nothing but the context switching time between the processes?
Scheduling latency is the time that the system is inproductive because of scheduling tasks. It is system latency incurred because it has to spend time scheduling.
Specifically it consists of 2 elements:
The delay between a task waking up and actually running (the 'context switching time')
Time spent making scheduler decisions (the actual job of the scheduler, which consumes resources that cannot be used by real tasks anymore)

what is the difference among sleep() , usleep() & [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:]?

Can any body explain me what is the difference among sleep() , usleep() & [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:] ?
What is the best condition to use these methods ?
sleep(3) is a posix standard library method that attempts to suspend the calling thread for the amount of time specified in seconds. usleep(3) does the same, except it takes a time in microseconds instead. Both are actually implemented with the nanosleep(2) system call.
The last method does the same thing except that it is part of the Foundation framework rather than being a C library call. It takes an NSTimeInterval that represents the amount of time to be slept as a double indicating seconds and fractions of a second.
For all intents and purposes, they all do functionally the same thing, i.e., attempt to suspend the calling thread for some specified amount of time.
What is the best condition to use
these methods ?
Or, really, pretty much almost assuredly never ever outside of the most unique of circumstances.
What are you trying to do?
On most OSs, sleep(0) and its variants can be used to improve efficiency in a polling situation to give other threads a chance to work until the thread scheduler decides to wake up the polling thread. It beats a full-on while loop. I haven't found much use for a non-zero timeout though, and apple in particular has done a pretty good job of building an event driven architecture that should eliminate the need for polling in most situations anyway.
-Example usage of sleep is in the following state:
In network simulation scenario, we usually have events that are executed event by event,using a scheduler. The scheduler executes events in orderly fashion.
When an event is finished executing, and the scheduler moves to the next event, the scheduler compares the next event execution time with the machine clock. If the next event is scheduled for a future time, the simulator sleeps until that realtime is reached and then executes the next event.
-From linux Man pages:
The usleep() function suspends execution of the calling thread for (at least) usec microseconds. The sleep may be lengthened slightly by any system activity or by the time spent processing the call or by the granularity of system timers.
while sleep is delaying the execution of a task(could be a thread or anything) for sometime .Refer to 1 and 2 for more details about the functions.