Swift dynamic function call from Any - swift

I'm trying to make a generic testing interface that takes an function, fills out the function signature parameters via introspection, and then runs the arbitrary function.
Test(function: <Any>)
let signature = Mirror(reflecting:function)
In Swift 3 I can get the function signature from reflection. With the Zewo library I have KVO & KVC built on top of the swift 3 Metadata. So far so good.
But the last two steps I'm tripping over: Building up a arbitrary parameter list and dynamically calling Function.
Is there a generic way to do this? (pointers are allowed!) Now that tuple splat is gone (and it was never dynamic in the first place), are there any exposed methods for dynamic arguments, or popping arguments onto the stack dynamically or another language provision?


Error "Inout argument could be set to a value with a type other than ..." when passing in a protocol type

I am coming from C++ to Swift. I have this situation with respect to protocols and structs (I am working with random numbers):
(1) A protocol RandomPr that specifies there are methods such as randFloat() that returns a Float between 0 and 1.
(2) A struct RandomS that implements RandomPr using a "real" random number generator.
(3) A struct FakeRandomS that implements RandomPr, but has additional methods such as loadFloat() to load an array of Floats that are then regurgitated when I call randFloat() on a FakeRandomS instance. (For testing purposes.)
Now I have a function DoSomething(rng: inout RandomPr), which I want to use with both RandomS and FakeRandomS. The parameter has to be in-out as I need to update the RNG (whether it is real or fake). No problem calling DoSomething with an instance of RandomS.
But if I do
var fakeRng = FakeRandomS()
fakeRng.loadFloat([0.1, 0.2, 0.3])
DoSomething(rng: &fakeRng)
I get an error "Inout argument could be set to a value with a type other than 'FakeRandomS'. The suggested fix is to define fakeRng as
var fakeRng: RandomPr = FakeRandomS()
But now trying to call loadFloat on fakeRng fails because RandomPr doesn't have a method loadFloat, and the compiler doesn't see that fakeRng does have one.
I tried making another protocol FakeRandomPr that contains the extra methods that FakeRandomS has, and defining
var fakeRng: RandomPr & FakeRandomPr = FakeRandomS()
but, frustratingly, I now get the "Inout argument could be set to a value with a type other than ..." error back again.
I could do the equivalent of this in C++ without problems (a pure abstract base class and two child classes, passed in by reference), and it didn't matter that one of the things I wanted to pass in has extra methods. I want to translate this into protocols and structs. What is the Swift solution?
What is the Swift solution?
You may need to use generics:
func doSomething<RP: RandomPr>(rng: inout RP) {
Swift is not just another syntax of C++, better think in Swifty way.

Argument labels for initialization parameters in Swift 3.1

Apple's book "The Swift Programming Language (Swift 3.1)" states the following:
As with function and method parameters, initialization parameters can have both a parameter name for use within the initializer’s body and an argument label for use when calling the initializer.
However, initializers do not have an identifying function name before their parentheses in the way that functions and methods do. Therefore, the names and types of an initializer’s parameters play a particularly important role in identifying which initializer should be called. Because of this, Swift provides an automatic argument label for every parameter in an initializer if you don’t provide one.
I don't understand the last sentence, as I didn't notice any difference between functions/methods and initializers when it comes to parameters names/labels. How is the argument label automatically provided for an initializer?
The feature being described is this: Given a struct:
struct Point {
let x: Double
let y: Double
Swift will automatically generate Point.init(x: Double, y: Double). If you add an init method of your own in the main struct definition, then Swift won't create that automatic init. (If you add an init in an extension, then you will get an automatic init. This is why people often add convenience init in an extension for structs.)
The point the last paragraph is trying to make is that Point(x:y:) is preferable to Point(_:_:). The labels in an initializer are even more valuable than labels in method names, because all initializers have the same "base" name ("init"). They're just explaining why they didn't choose a more implicit default that some people might expect coming from other languages.
In short, sometimes unlabeled parameters make sense in methods depending on what the name of the method is and how unambiguous that makes the first parameter. But in init, unlabeled parameters should be eyed with strong suspicion.

When to use delegate, inout or completion in Swift?

When we call some code and need a response with multiple parameters we have multiple options in Swift:
Completion block
Inout parameters
Wrapper object (simply put all parameters inside an object)
I was wondering if there were some good guidelines to when to use what? Specifically when would it be a bad practise to use inout instead of delegate?
To be VERY specific:
Also an example that can be used to explain:
I have class A that communicates with class B. Class A needs a list of data AND an optional error.
So right now I'm leaning towards using inouts:
Class A:
var error = ServiceError()
let wordSuggestions = B.parseSuggestionResponse(json: result as! NSDictionary, error: &error)
if error.type == .none {
// Success, now use wordSuggestions for something!
} else {
self.handleError(error: error)
Is there some disadvantages for this approach vs using delegates?
I will explain when each method should be used.
A completion block is used when the operation takes time. For example, UIView.animate has a completion block parameter because animating views take time.
A delegate is used only when some of object is present especially when that object can have multiple states. This is widely used for communication between the view and the controller When there is only a method, delegates don't work. For example, a GADInterstitial has a delegate because it can have different states, such as the user dismissing the ad, user clicks the ad and leaves the app, the ad is loaded etc.
Inout parameters are mainly used for passing value types as references. I can't find any usage of this in the iOS SDK because there is no inout in Objective-C. The closest thing to it is UnsafeMutablePointer<T>. Basically, if you want to make a method that takes a bunch of value type arguments and you want to change their value, use inout! Refer to this page for more info.
From my own experience, wrapper objects are rarely used in swift. That is because we have tuples! You can wrap everything in a tuple and pass that around. I don't usually create a new struct or class just to wrap a few parameters. But do use them if your data structure becomes something complicated like [(String, [String: (String, Int)])].

Swift variable with both 'get' and 'didSet'

I'm trying to have a swift 3 Date variable that takes action when it's set. Part of that action is to call a function in the class to handle side effects.
The problem I'm running into is that method is also called from elsewhere, and part of what it does is set that same date variable. That means I end up with a loop as the setter calls the function, which calls the setter.
I thought I'd have a separate backing store and then implement both a 'get' and a 'didSet' but that's apparently not allowed.
How do I work around this?

Help with the Moles syntax for testing private method with generics

I've got a signature for a method that looks like this:
private IEnumerable BuildCustomerUpdatePlan(List localCacheChangedCustomers, List crmChangedCustomers){}
When I look at the moled object, the syntax (IntelliSense) of how to call the method and test itis absolutely confusing to me and every time I give it a shot, I get compilation errors. I've looked through the basic tutorials provided on MSFT's site, but I simply don't get how to test a private method using Moles or how to deal with the return type and multiple parameters.
Unfortuantely I've been unable to find other good HOWTO's or threads demonstrating a more complex sample than just working with a simple Add() method that spits out an INT and accepts an INT. :(
In your testing project, first make sure you add a Moles assembly corresponding to the assembly-under-test. You'll also want to add an using statement of the assembly-under-test with .Moles appended so you can use the moled assembly.
Moles changes the names of the classes and methods to the form M[Original Class Name].[Original Method Name][typeof param1][typeof param2].... In your case a detour for that method could look like MClass.BuildCustomerUpdatePlanListList = (List x, List y) => { [code]};. That defines an anonymous method that takes two Lists as parameters and you'd put whatever code wanted in the function. Just make sure that you return an IEnumerable in that anonymous method.
Here's an example using Moles to detour Directory.GetFiles:
using System.IO.Moles;
[assembly: MoledType(typeof(System.IO.Directory))]
MDirectory.GetFilesStringString = (string x, string y) => new string[0];
Since the Directory class is a member of System.IO I use using System.IO.Moles; to specify that I want to use moled members of the assembly.
Moles requires you to specify the types Moled: [assembly: MoledType(typeof(System.IO.Directory))] does the job.
Finally, Directory.GetFiles takes two strings as parameters and returns a string array. To detour the method into returning the equivalent of no files found, the moled method just returns new string[0]. Curly braces are needed if you want multiple lines in the anonymous method and, if not detouring a void method, a return statement that matches the type the original method would return.