Will it be possible to get Bounding Box of uploading shapefile or geotiff?
I can able to upload shapefile and geotiff but not getting bounding box information. I am loading this shapefile and geotiff through WMS layer in Leaflet, and want to center map with layer. I want bounding to center map to geotiff and shapefile.
The information is not available via the REST API, but once uploaded you'll find the layer in the WMS capabilities document, and there you can get its bounds.
I'm using Mapbox to generate raster tilesets from raw GeoTIFFs. The GeoTIFFs have a resolution such that a single pixel represents roughly a 5km x 5km square on the map. The generated raster tilesets will be hosted on Mapbox and then displayed in a Mapbox GL JS application.
The issue I'm running into is extreme blurriness at high zoom levels. Below is a section of central Nigeria at about a zoom level of 7 displayed in our Mapbox GL JS app vs. the raw GeoTiff viewed in QGIS. The blurriness is of course worse at even higher zooms.
I created this raster tileset by uploading a sample GeoTIFF into Mapbox Studio (I've also used the Uploads API). The Tileset viewer in Studio displays a footnote that reads:
Zoom Extent
z0 – z5. Data will be overzoomed to z22, but simplified past 5.
I can verify this by looking at the network requests in the dev tools as I zoom in on the map – it actually seems that no new tiles are requested above z4.
Does Mapbox have any way to manually configure the zoom extent (specifically, the max zoom) for which raster tilesets are generated?
I’ve clicked through to the Adjust Tileset Zoom Extent help page, which states:
For raster tilesets, the uploaded image resolution sets the minzoom
and maxzoom levels. Higher resolution images will result in the
tileset rendering at more zoom levels.
Again, the data I'm working with is of fixed resolution so I'm hoping to find a way to have tilesets generated for higher zoom levels regardless of image resolution. Mapbox Tiling Service and Tippecanoe both have custom configuration rules for specifying the max zoom (past which, simplification occurs) when creating vector tilesets. However, neither seems to handle rasters. The Uploads API does handle raster tilesets, but doesn't seem to have any zoom extent configuration options.
I've also tried adjusting various frontend configuration options in the Mapbox GL JS client like the source tileSize and the raster-resampling paint property, but to little avail. I'm definitely open to other suggestions for how to get crisp pixels at higher zoom levels, but mostly hoping there's some simple method I'm missing for getting Mapbox to generate raster tiles past z4/z5. I think even z0-z7 would be sufficient.
I want to display the attributes of a shapefile layer using leaflet, I found that should i to convert the layer from shp to GeoJson. I can display the popups of my layers but the large layers can not displayed and the computer is not responding.
what is the solution?
I want to fit the map on a specific wms layer in leaflet. for this, I try to get bounding box of the wms layer and then use the map.fitBounds(bbox) method. but I don't know how to get the bounding box of a layer! can somebody give me a solution? thanks
Depending on your WMS server, the capabilities of your WMS layers might contain bounding box information.
Perform a GetCapabilities request (see e.g. https://wiki.state.ma.us/display/massgis/GeoServer+-+WMS+-+GetCapabilities ), parse that document (see e.g. https://github.com/w8r/wms-capabilities ), and locate the appropiate WMS layer(s). Bounding box information should be there.
Please note that Leaflet does not request the capabilities of the WMS server, and does not have built-in facilities for parsing it.
I am new to leaflet. currently I am working on leaflet to render vector tiles. my application's requirement is that on click i should get features from map tiles in geojson format.
In Mapbox map.queryRenderedFeatures(e.point). I want to do exact same thing, but in leaflet. Please check here to check how mapbox is fetching features.
Please help.
Current Leaflet implementation does not supports querying rendered features. Hence switching to Mapboxgl
I am using Mapbox and Leaflet to visualize a world map.
The map tile is based on the MapBox tiles that you can find and style upon creating MapBox project.
I tried to load the geometries of world countries from Natural Earth with the most accurate scale 1:10m million but I found out that a geojson border of Morocco for example is not matching the the border of Morocco in the MapBox baseline.
So where exactly I can find the geojson border of world countries that matches MapBox tile?
Natural Earth is used at lower zoom levels, at some point it switches to more detailed OSM data from http://openstreetmapdata.com/data.
Hope that helps.