Referring to own type in Swift? - swift

When in a class, how to refer to the class itself when declaring closure parameters?
In the example below, what type to place in place of Self so that when constructing Foo, the closure parameter also becomes Foo and similarly for AnotherFoo?
class FooBase {
init(completionHandler: (_ myself : Self)) {
// ...
self.completionHandler = completionHandler
var completionHandler : ((_ :Self) -> Void)?
func strategyMethod() { ... }
class Foo : FooBase {
// ...
override func strategyMethod() {
// do stuff
class AnotherFoo : FooBase {
// ...
override func strategyMethod() {
// do other stuff
func useFoos {
let foo = Foo(completionHandler: {(me : Foo) in
// ...
let anotherFoo = AnotherFoo(completionHandler: {(me : AnotherFoo) in
// ...

I don't think Swift allows you to do what you want, but you can get close.
Use FooBase as the type, but in the closures you pass to the init functions, cast to the type that you know the parameter is:
class FooBase {
init(completionHandler: #escaping (_ myself : FooBase) -> Void) {
// ...
self.completionHandler = completionHandler
var completionHandler : ((_ myself:FooBase) -> Void)?
func strategyMethod() {
class Foo : FooBase {
// ...
override func strategyMethod() {
// do stuff
class AnotherFoo : FooBase {
// ...
override func strategyMethod() {
// do other stuff
func useFoos() {
let foo = Foo(completionHandler: {(myself_in : FooBase) in
// This cast should always succeed when the closure is used as intended
if let myself = myself_in as? Foo {
// ...
let anotherFoo = AnotherFoo(completionHandler: {(myself_in : FooBase) in
// This cast should always succeed when the closure is used as intended
if let myself = myself_in as? AnotherFoo {
// ...


I need to edit the generic class Swift

I need to change this generic class that accepts an array to something that is not an array
class GenericDataSource<T> : NSObject {
var data: DynamicValue<[T]> = DynamicValue([])
//var data: DynamicValue<T>?
When I remove the square brackets I get an error
typealias CompletionHandler = (() -> Void)
class DynamicValue<T> {
var value : T {
didSet {
private var observers = [String: CompletionHandler]()
init(_ value: T) {
self.value = value
public func addObserver(_ observer: NSObject, completionHandler: #escaping CompletionHandler) {
observers[observer.description] = completionHandler
public func addAndNotify(observer: NSObject, completionHandler: #escaping CompletionHandler) {
self.addObserver(observer, completionHandler: completionHandler)
private func notify() {
observers.forEach({ $0.value() })
deinit {
You need an init in GenericDataSource
class GenericDataSource<T> {
var data: DynamicValue<T>
init(_ value: T) {
data = DynamicValue(value)
or make data optional
class GenericDataSource<T> : NSObject {
var data: DynamicValue<T>?
And then use them like
let gds = GenericDataSource("Hello")
or for the optional variant
let gds = GenericDataSource<String>() = DynamicValue("Hello")

Swift generics method in EXC_BAD_ACCESS

I'm stuck about generics, and generic methods in swift.
Why this code that uses Swift generics method, gives EXC_BAD_ACCESS when invoking method1?
You can test it using Playground.
import UIKit
import Foundation
protocol SomeProtocol {
func printMe()
class SomeClass : SomeProtocol {
let value : String
init(value: String) {
self.value = value
func printMe() {
class BaseClass {
func method1<T>(_ param: T) {
print("passing into method 1 with param: \(param)")
func method2<T>(_ param: T) {
class ConcreteClass : BaseClass {
override func method2<T>(_ param: T) where T : SomeProtocol {
print("passing into method 2 with param: \(param.printMe())")
let someClass = SomeClass(value: "Hi")
let obj = ConcreteClass()
The fact that you've managed to override the method with where closure without a compilation error really looks like a bug.
But there is a workaround for your use case:
class ConcreteClass : BaseClass {
override func method2<T>(_ param: T) {
print("Base param \(param)")
if let printable = param as? SomeProtocol {
}else {

Swift: Reference to a generic class

Here's the code,
protocol TestType : AnyObject {
class Generic<TestType> : NSObject {
private let filterFunction : (TestType,String) -> Bool
init(filter: #escaping (TestType,String) -> Bool) {
filterFunction = filter
class Parent : UIViewController {
public var generic : Generic<TestType>!
class Child : Parent {
override func viewDidLoad() {
generic = Generic<Object>(filter: { (str1, str2) -> Bool in
return true
class Object : TestType {
The error is:
Cannot assign value of type 'Generic<Object>' to type 'Generic<TestType>!'
I tried many things, like typealias, but can't compile the code.
The problem is that i don't want a Parent<TestType> or Child<TestType> class, since i want to be able to use it in IB.
How can i store a reference of Generic in the Parent, and initialize it in Child (dynamically, by setting the concrete TestType like Object or another)
I finally succeed doing what i wanted!
Not perfect at all, feel free to comment for architecture improvements (especially on the asBaseProtocol() part...)
Here's my complete code (Swift 3.0)
protocol DataFilterDelegate : class {
func didFilter()
func didUpdateItems()
class DataFilter<T> {
public weak var delegate : DataFilterDelegate?
private var items : [SelectableItem<T>]?
private var filteredItems : [SelectableItem<T>]?
var source: [SelectableItem<T>]? {
get {
if filteredItems != nil {
return filteredItems
return items
var filter : (T,String) -> Bool
var populateCell : (T) -> UITableViewCell
init(filter : #escaping (T,String) -> Bool, populateCell: #escaping (T) -> UITableViewCell) {
self.filter = filter
self.populateCell = populateCell
func updateItems(_ items: [T]) {
self.items = [SelectableItem<T>]()
for item in items {
func filterItems(text : String) {
filteredItems = (text == "") ? nil : items?.filter { item in
filter(item.item, text)
func selectedItems() -> [T]? {
guard let items = items else {
return nil
var selectedItems = [T]()
for item in items {
if item.isSelected {
return selectedItems
extension DataFilter where T : FIRDataObject {
func asBaseProtocol() -> DataFilter<FIRDataObject> {
return DataFilter<FIRDataObject>(filter: filterAsBaseProtocol(), populateCell: populateCellAsBaseProtocol())
private func filterAsBaseProtocol() -> ((FIRDataObject,String) -> Bool) {
return { (object, text) -> Bool in
self.filter(object as! T, text)
private func populateCellAsBaseProtocol() -> ((FIRDataObject) -> UITableViewCell) {
return { (object) -> UITableViewCell in
self.populateCell(object as! T)
ParentViewController Class
class ParentViewController : UIViewController {
public var dataFilter : DataFilter<FIRDataObject>? {
didSet {
dataFilter!.delegate = self
// Some Functions using dataFilter
ChildViewController Class
class ChildViewController : Parent {
// Stored as a variable to not have to cast objects to the good type everytime I access dataFilter
private var patientDataFilter = DataFilter<Patient>(filter: { patient, text in
patient.firstname.contains(text) ||
, populateCell: { patient in
let cell = UITableViewCell(style: .subtitle, reuseIdentifier: "Patient")
cell.textLabel?.text = patient.lastname + " " + patient.firstname
cell.detailTextLabel?.text = patient.postalCode + " " +
return cell
override func viewDidLoad() {
dataFilter = patientDataFilter.asBaseProtocol()
func someFunc() {
let patient1 = patientDataFilter.source[0].item
// OR
let patient2 = dataFilter.source[0].item as! Patient

How do I using Generic as parameter and return specific object without casting?

Does function can return specific object, when I input a specific class.
My problem:
I don't know how to return a object. take a look following code and thanks
class MyViewControler {
class MySplitViewController: NSSplitViewControler {
override func viewDidLoad() {
* get specific object
let vc = viewController(for: MyViewControler.self)
extension NSSplitViewController {
public func viewController<T>(for anClass: T) -> T.object {
guard let tClass = anClass as? AnyClass else { return nil }
var vc: NSViewController?
if let idx = self.splitViewItems.index(where: { $0.viewController.classForCoder == tClass} ) {
vc = self.splitViewItems[idx].viewController
* I don't know how to return a specific object
return vc
The signature of a method taking a type and returning an
(optional) instance of that type would be:
public func viewController<T>(for aClass: T.Type) -> T?
or, if you want to restrict it to subclasses of NSViewController:
public func viewController<T: NSViewController>(for aClass: T.Type) -> T?
The implementation can be simplified with optional binding:
extension NSSplitViewController {
public func viewController<T: NSViewController>(for aClass: T.Type) -> T? {
for item in self.splitViewItems {
if let vc = item.viewController as? T {
return vc
return nil
Or as a "one-liner":
extension NSSplitViewController {
public func viewController<T: NSViewController>(for aClass: T.Type) -> T? {
return self.splitViewItems.lazy.flatMap { $0.viewController as? T }.first

Is self captured within a nested function

With closures I usually append [weak self] onto my capture list and then do a null check on self:
func myInstanceMethod()
let myClosure =
[weak self] (result : Bool) in
if let this = self
How do I perform the null check on self if I'm using a nested function in lieu of a closure (or is the check even necessary...or is it even good practice to use a nested function like this) i.e.
func myInstanceMethod()
func nestedFunction(result : Bool)
Unfortunately, only Closures have "Capture List" feature like [weak self]. For nested functions, You have to use normal weak or unowned variables.
func myInstanceMethod() {
weak var _self = self
func nestedFunction(result : Bool) {
Does not seem to be the case anymore. This is valid in swift 4.1:
class Foo {
var increment = 0
func bar() {
func method1() {
DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: {
func method2() {
increment += 1
func otherMethod() {
The question remains: How is self captured ?