Iphone app issue - iphone

This question is similar to someone elses. But my phone says untrusted app developer. I click cancel, and by the way I am using ios10, and I go to settings to where there should be trust. but there isn't. it is replaced by verify apps. I click verify apps, and the apps still come up unverified. one app I used was tutuapp.vip, what should I do so I can get back on my apps?
May sound like a child but I am 14, and play games and I'm taking an early start of creating one for a future job of mine.

Apple has this thing where if you download a game or an app from an untrusted developer, they have the option to resign the app. This means that apple is forcing you to not to open the application. Apple usually only resigns apps that are illegal (e.g. Getting paid apps for free, emulators, etc.)This means that you cannot get your data back, and you are forced to either start over, or to legally download the apps on apples app store.
Sorry, there is no way to get your apps back.


iOS: iPAD to Univeral App upgrade quandary

I have two versions of my iOS App - FooBarApp for iPAD and FooBarApp for iPhone each with its own Bundle ID (com.foobar.fooBariPad for the iPAD app and com.foobar.fooBar for the Phone App) Both have the same functionality - searching and buying the same products.
I have created a new version of the iPhone FooBarApp which is now a Universal App and can run on both iPhone and iPAD. However I already have a large user base of users who alreadey have the iPAD apps.
I'd like to retire com.foobar.fooBariPad iPAD App, and ask the users to now download the new Universal App version com.foobar.fooBar. To do this I created a new version of com.foobar.fooBariPad, which is a forced update, and which on startup, prompts users to update to the new version of the app. When they accept the hand-coded update button, it redirects them to the appstore to update the App.
Kludgy I know, but I did this because there is no direct way to update the old iPAD app to the new Universal app (as they have different bundle ids)
Unfortunately Apple Rejected this with the message:
"Design Preamble Your app includes an update button or alerts the user to update the app. To avoid user confusion, app version updates
must utilize the iOS built-in update mechanism. ... Next Steps Please remove the update
feature from your app. "
In other words they want this to be a forced upgrade.
We are thinking of just removing the previous iPAD App from the Appstore, but it may cause confusion. Would appreciate any smart solution to this problem, which will prompt users to switch from the old iPAD app to the new Universal App with the least friction. Perhaps push notification is the answer? (but if so then how)?
FOLLOWING onnoweb 's answer below, I got this from a friend who saw the way Dunkin Donut's had implemented this. Just in the messaging (not a tech fix)
Maybe it's a matter of terminology in the foobariPad app?
I've done something similar (EOL-ing one app and asking users to switch to the new one) without any complaint from Apple. We did it by showing an alert to the user saying something like "We are ending support for this app. Please use this new app with the same and better functionality." and then a button that took them to the AppStore if they didn't have the new app installed, or if they did then we did an openURL() to the new app after tapping the button.
Maybe it's not clear to Apple that you're redirecting users to a new and different app rather than a newer version of the app the user is in?

In app purchase of music content for ios

I am writing an app for a band. It must be possible to purchase their music from within the app. Here are the options I am considering:
1) Purchase music as an in app purchase. Not very useful because AFAIK the music files cannot be exported to the ipod music library and are only playable within the app. I could kind of get around this by giving the user a URL from which they could then use to download the songs themselves but does apple block this kind of approach - is it seen to compete with the itunes music store?
2) Simply link to an album in the iTunes store. Not ideal as it takes the user out of the app. If I did go this route is it possible for the app to get a confirmation that the purchase went through or at least have the store bring my app to the foreground once finished with the purchase? Alternatively I suppose I could search the iPod library by artist from within my app to determine if they have purchased something by the band.
3) Are there any other options?
Linking to iTunes seems like the best step here, especially for the user, as this allows them to use the tracks across devices, and makes your life much easier when it comes to piracy limitation(links can be shared extremely easily) and also wont piss Apple off.
As for confirmation of purchase, I really have no idea, searching through the library could work I guess, but they may not have downloaded the track yet etc.
2.21 of App Store Review Guidelines states, that apps that simply a song should be submitted to iTunes store.

iphone/ipad app store allow semi-web native app?

I was just wondering and was hoping if anyone here has experience about it.
If one would make a native iphone app (for example with 5 bottom icons) and each icon would load a webpage, would this be accepted by apple?
No one can surely say about the apple will reject or accept this kind of app, because what the apple want is that your app have some utility which one can't get by opening a web page in safari. If your app has some purpose of opening the five different web pages in five different tabs then they will not reject it.
If your app doesn't interest users and have no utility, then probably it will be rejected.
If you think that only these five buttons app which open url is good enough or have some utility, than go ahead and give it a shot.
You will probably be rejected under the third item in the AppStore Submission Guidelines;
If your App looks like it was cobbled together in a few days, or you're trying to get your first practice App into the store to impress your friends, please brace yourself for rejection. We have lots of serious developers who don't want their quality Apps to be surrounded by amateur hour.
Or in 2. Functionality
2.12 Apps that are not very useful, are simply web sites bundled as apps, or do not provide any lasting entertainment value may be rejected

Make iPhone app available on both iTunes and Cydia

What are the ramifications of posting an iphone app on both Cydia and iTunes? Does Apple look fondly at that idea? An precedents?
The reason I ask is that I have a very interesting app which might have some parts disallowed by Apple. I still want (some) people to have access to those parts (call it value-added), so I wanted to release the unrated app on cydia. (No it's not porn)
In the SDK Agreement it specifically says that you won't add your application to another store, if you do, Apple can ban your itunesconnect account without warning.
Just prey they don't find your application on Cydia.
I guess you could do your application with a slightly different UI, and without the editor name, they would not have any proof to ban you.
One example that they're probably not enforcing this too strictly, can be found in the Siphon app.
Siphon is a popular, open source VoIP app, that the developer has been trying to get in the app store for forever. They haven't accepted the app, but the availability of the app in the official app-store was never mentioned, and they haven't banned his account either.

Personal iPhone application without paying?

I want to develop a little iPhone application, just for my personal needs. I don't want to sell it or give it to anybody as it will not be useful to anybody.
Can I have this application on my iPod/iPhone, without having to pay/suscribe/be on the Apple store ?
You need to pay the $99 for the iPhone Developer Program in order to be able to install your application onto the iPhone/iPod.
You can, by Jailbreaking your iPhone and then installing the AppSync program from Cydia. Then you can either build your app as a release and drag it into iTunes and sync your phone or change some settings (look it up on google, putting Xcode project on jailbroken device) in the Xcode project settings and open the organizer window and click on the use for development button on the device's page.
Jailbreaking your device will void your warranty if Apple find out (ie if you go into a shop and ask them to fix your device if it ever breaks without clicking restore in itunes to unjailbreak it)
With the Spirit jailbreak, Jailbreaking is as simple as plugging in your phone and pressing jailbreak.
(and the US Government has said that Jailbreaking is legal: http://www.pcworld.com/article/201892/us_government_iphone_jailbreaking_is_fair_use.html)
You could write you program and test in the simulator with the free SDK.
When you are satisfied you could send the source code to a licensed developer, I'd suggest some friend, that can build an AdHoc version for you to run on your own device.
A little tricky and you need to let another developer see the code. This app will also only last a year or less as certificates and profiles are time limited.
Why don't you write it as a website that is iPhone friendly then go to the site in your phone's browser and save a link to the site? It will show up on your desktop similar to an app. To have a true "app" I am sure you have to pay apple.
No, you can not.
It depends on what your definition of "pay/subscribe/be on the Apple Store" is.
Yes, you have to pay a subscription to the Apple iPhone Developer programme to get access to a provisioning profile to enable you to put an app you have built onto your iPhone/iPod. This will cost you $99.
The dev tools (Xcode/Interface Builder) are all free, but without the dev programme subscription you will not be able to put your app onto a physical device, only the emulator.
But no, you do not need to distribute your app via the app store to deploy it to your own phone. However, if you do not distribute the app via the app store then it ultimately doesn't get digitally signed by Apple and when your provisioning profile expires you will not be able to run the app on your phone until you have renewed the provisioning profile.
Well you may be able to do it if you jailbreak your iPhone. I haven't tried it myself but I found this link.
You'll have to decide for yourself about the moral implications of by passing apple's security.