Sed: How to insert a pattern which includes single ticks? - sed

I'm trying to use sed to replace a specific line within a configuration file:
The pattern for the line I want to replace is:
The text I want to insert is:
'$PublicIP' (Including the single ticks)
But when I run the command:
sed 's/ALLOWED_HOSTS.*/ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['$PublicIP']/g' /root/project/django/mysite/mysite/
The line is changed to:
instead of:
How shall I edit the command to include the single ticks as well?

You could try to escape the single ticks , or better you can reassign the variable including the simple ticks:
By the way even this sed without redifining var, works ok in my case:
$ a=""
$ echo "ALLOWED_HOSTS = []" |sed 's/'"'$a'"'/g'
Even this works ok:
$ echo "ALLOWED_HOSTS = []" |sed "s/'$a'/g"


sed over multiple lines to replace a single number

Im new to sed and found some instructiones to that kind of probmen, but none of them worked for me.
I have a file called with that entry:
variable "nb_instances" {
description = "Specify the number of vm instances"
default = "3"
and want to replace the "3" with "4".
I tried to create that bash skript:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
sed 's/variable \"nb_instances\" {
description = \"Specify the number of vm instances\"
default = \"3\"
}/variable \"nb_instances\" {
description = \"Specify the number of vm instances\"
default = \"4\"
but it doesn´t work and gives an error:
sed: 1: "s/variable \"nb_instanc ...": unterminated substitute pattern
Can anyone help me with that? I also tried to include \n for the new lines.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed '/^variable "nb_instances" {/{:a;n;s/"3"/"4"/;Ta}' file
Focus on the first line beginning variable "nb_instances" { then continue reading/printing lines until the string "3" is replaced by "4".

How to combine CLI arguments as variables within a perl script

I am trying to write a script that basically executes a cli command like:
snmpget -v 1 -c xxxxxx-Ovq .
where xxxxx is a password and and IP that normally returns:
My script is:
#snmpget -v 1 -c xxxxx -Ovq .
$SNMP_GET_CMD = "snmpget -v1 -c xxxxx-Ovq";
my $sysORLastChange = '${SNMP_GET_CMD} ${SNMP_TARGET} .';
print("${SNMP_TARGET} as an Input Line Reading of ${sysORLastChange}\n");
and the output is: as an Input Line Reading of ${SNMP_GET_CMD} ${SNMP_TARGET} .
It should return the following: as an Input Line Reading of 49:22:12:15.00
Is there any problem with the syntax i used in the script?
In Perl, use double-quotes to interpolate another variable into a string. When you define $sysORLastChange using other variables within a single-quoted string like this:
my $sysORLastChange = '${SNMP_GET_CMD} ${SNMP_TARGET} .';
...the string is being assigned verbatim (ie. the inner variables aren't being expanded).
To correct this, assign to the variable using double-quotes, which will interpolate the inner variables into their values:
my $sysORLastChange = "${SNMP_GET_CMD} ${SNMP_TARGET} .";
If you want to actually execute the string, you can use the qx() operator, aka the "backtick" style quotes:
my $sysORLastChange = qx(${SNMP_GET_CMD} ${SNMP_TARGET} .;
# or...
my $sysORLastChange = `${SNMP_GET_CMD} ${SNMP_TARGET} .`;
See Perl Quote and Quote-like Operators in perlop.

Error in replacing pattern with `sed` command

I am trying to replace occurrences of pattern in a file. Lines in the file look like this:
****time is = 0000
****time is = 0001
I am trying to search string by case insensitive time is and want to replace time is = xxxx by ****.
I tried using sed 's/time \ is/.*' filename.txt
But I get error sed: -e expression #1, char : unterminated 's' command
Any suggestions?
I corrected the command. sed 's/time \ is/.*/' filename.txt But this places .* = xxxx This is not I wanted. I wanted to replace the entire pattern by ****.
Original line: ****time is = 0000
Desired output: ********
Any sugegstions?

Flip array index with sed

I have some java code declaring a 2d array that I want to flip.
Content is like:
zData[0][0] = 198;
zData[0][1] = 198;
zData[0][2] = 198;
And I want to flip indices to have
zData[0][0] = 198;
zData[1][0] = 198;
zData[2][0] = 198;
So I tried doing it with sed:
sed -r 's#zData[([0-9]*)][([0-9]*)]#zData[\2][\1]#g'
But unfortunately sed says:
sed: -e expression #1, char 43: Unmatched ) or \)
Might the string "zData" hold kind of flag or option?
I tried not using the -r option but I have the same kind of message for:
sed 's#zData[\(\[\0\-\9\]\*\)][\(\[\0\-\9\]\*\)]#zData[\2][\1]#g'
Thanks for your help
$ sed -r 's/(zData)(\[[^]]+])(\[[^]]+])/\1\3\2/' file
zData[0][0] = 198;
zData[1][0] = 198;
zData[2][0] = 198;
# Match
(zData) # Capture the variable name we want to transpose
( # Start capture group for first index
\[ # Opening bracket escaped to mean literal [
[^]]+ # One or more none ] characters i.e the digits
] # The closing literal ] doesn't need escaping here.
) # Close the capture
(\[[^]]+]) # Same regexp as before for the second index
# Replace
\1\3\2 # Switch the indexes but rearranging the 2nd and 3rd capture groups
Note: Switch \[[^]]+] to if it is clearer \[[0-9]+] for you, so instead of saying match an opening square bracket followed by one or more none-closing brackets followed by a closing bracket you are saying match an opening square bracket followed by one or more digit followed by a closing bracket.
Try that one:
sed 's#\([a-zA-Z0-9_-]\+\)\(\[[^]]*\]\)\(\[[^]*]\]\)\(.*$\)#\1\3\2\4#'
It adds four captures for the variable name, the first index, the second index and the rest and then switches order.
Edit: #Sudo_O's solution with extended regular expressions is much more readable. Thx for that! Nevertheless, on some systems sed -r may not be available, since it is not part of basic POSIX.

Insert double quotes multiple times into string

I have inherited a flat html file with a few hundred lines similar to this:
<td class="pagetxt bordercolor="#666666 width="203 colspan="3 height="20>
So far I have not been able to work out a sed way of inserting the closing double quotes for each element. Probably needs something other than sed to do this. Can anyone suggest an easy way to do this?
sed -i 's/"\([^" >]\+\)\( \|>\)/"\1"\2/g' file.html
" - leading double quote
\([^" >]\+\) - non-quote-or-space-or-'>' chars, grouped (into group 1)
\( \|>\) - terminating space or '>', grouped (into group 2)
We replace it with '"<group1>"<group2>'.
One solution that pops out at me is to parse through each line of the file looking for the quote. When it finds one, activate a flag to keep track of being inside a quoted area, then continue parsing the line until it hits the first space or > it comes to and inserts an additional " just before it. Flip the flag off, then continue through the string looking for the next quote. Probably not a perfect solution, but a start perhaps.
If all lines share the same structure, you could use a simple texteditor to globally replace
' bordercolor'
'" bordercolor'
(without single-quotes). This is then independend from the field values and works similarly for the other fields. You still have to do some manual work, but if it's just one big file, I'd bite the bullet this time and not waste probably more time working out a sed-solution.
This should do if your file is simple - it won't work if you have whitespace which should be inside the quotes - in that case, a more complex code will be needed, but can be done along the same lines.
#!usr/bin/env python
#change the "utf-8" bellow to your files encoding
data = open("<myfile.html>").read().decode("utf-8")
new_data = []
inside_tag = False
inside_quotes = False
for char in data:
if char == "<":
inside_tag = True
if char == '"':
inside_quotes = True
if inside_tag and (char.isspace() or char==">") and inside_quotes:
inside_quotes = False
if char == ">":
inside_tag = False
outputfile = open("<mynewfile.html>", "wt")
with bash
for file in *
while read -r line
case "$line" in
if [ "$flag" -eq 1 ];then
case "$line" in
*class=\"pagetxt*">" )
echo "${line}"
done <"file" > temp
mv temp "$file"
Regular expressions are your friend:
Find: (="[^" >]+)([ >])
Replace: \1"\2
After you've done that, make sure to run this one too:
Find: </?blink>
Replace: \n
(This won't fix more than one class on an element, like <element class="class1 class2 id="jimmy">)