Invalid workflow syntax - workflow

I have a workflow that closes an issue whenever the text "#close" is present on comment. Any idea why text.contains() is displayed as an error.
when comments.added.isNotEmpty {
if (!issue.isResolved()) {
var myComment = comments.added.first;
var commentText = myComment.text;
if (myComment.text.contains("#close", true) {
issue.State = {Fixed};

I found a workaround to my problem. Not sure if its intended or a bug.
The error on my original post occurs when the method name is typed; the workaround is to use autocomplete(Ctrl+space) and select the desired function.


Getting error 'Insight.Database.FastExpando' does not contain a definition for 'Set1'

The following code is giving the above error, and I cannot figure out why:
var x = _sqlConn.Connection().QueryResults<Results>("MyDb.dbo.get_records", new { id = theId });
int retVal = x.Outputs.Return_Value;
if (retVal == 0) // ...meaning result set was also returned...fine to this point.
var list = x.Outputs.Set1; // exception thrown here with above error
var temp = list.FirstOrDefault();
I have been using other features of Insight.Database for a number of years, but have not had to retrieve a SQL RETURN value at the same time as a recordset. The SQL itself works correctly in SSMS, returning a result set and the RETURN value of 0, as expected. This is happening in VS2019, .NET 4 and .NET 4.5.2; Insight.Database 5.2.7 and 5.2.8.
I got this code from the following page:
where it shows this:
var results = connection.QueryResults<Beer, Glass>("GetAllBeersAndAllGlasses");
IList<Beer> beers = results.Set1;
which I combined with the following code from here:
var results = connection.QueryResults<Results>("MyProc", inputParameters);
var p = results.Outputs.p;
That part works. It's accessing .Set1 that is failing, and I am not sure how to track down why.
I do not have experience with the FastExpando class, but Jon promised magic, and I want to believe. Thanks for any help.
I haven’t tried results+dynamic objects in a while…
I think it is because you are doing:
QueryResults<Results> and Results is an Insight type
You probably want:
And then you get back a Results<MyType>
Which contains the return val and Set1
If not, post a ticket over on github and we will help you out.

empty form text filed

I'm using a FormTextField in a Flutter app
To update a certain column value, the user types in the FormTextField, otherwise leaves the field empty.
I tried this code, but it was adding a null value to the column, deleting the existing value. I'm not happy with this behavior.
String _getProd5Name() {
if ((_prod5Controller.text).isNotEmpty == true) {
_prod5String = _prod5Controller.text;
return _prod5String;
Is there a way to do it?
I found similar questions, but they are relevant to other languages and their solutions don't solve my case.
String _getProd5Name() {
// Actually you don't have to make it private
// since this is a local variable inside a function
String _prod5String = variableContainingInitialValue;
if (_prod5Controller.text.isNotEmpty) {
_prod5String = _prod5Controller.text;
return _prod5String;
Here is my advice, since I love wrapping everything on 1 line. You can change the "" part with your result expectation. It's the same with your logic but it's shorter and instead of returning null I make it returning the empty string "". And also (_prod5Controller.text).isNotEmpty == true you can just shorten it to (_prod5Controller.text).isNotEmpty because .isNotEmpty always returning boolean true/false and if-else consuming boolean
String _getProd5Name() {
return ((_prod5Controller.text).isNotEmpty) ? _prod5String = _prod5Controller.text : "";

How to check if the edit mode in jstree is on? Is it possible to check it?

I am using jsTree and I want to get the name/value/text of the node I just created so that I can pass it and store it in the database.
My problem is that after enabling the edit mode, I have no wayof getting the value entered by the user.
My idea is that if I can only determine if the edit mode is on or off, then I can kinda run a function that will now get the user's input. I included here the function for creating the node.
Any other way to solve this problem is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
function demo_create(){
var ref = $('#data').jstree(true),
p_id = sel = ref.get_selected();
console.log("Parent Id: "+p_id);
if(!sel.length) { return false; }
sel = sel[0];
id = sel = ref.create_node(sel, {"type":"file"});
console.log("Newly Created Id: "+id);
if(sel) {
edit will fire the rename_node.jstree once the node name is changed.
You can also use the callback of edit:
ref.edit(sel, null, function (node, status) {
console.log(node.text); // the new node title

error .match expression results null

I am working on a mail merge script. I have used Logger.log to find out that the error is in the expression that tells match what to find. In my case I am trying to pull all the keys that are inside ${xxxxxxx}. Below is what I have and I need help cleaning it up because at this point it returns null.
var template = "This is an example ${key1} that should pull ${key2} both keys from this text."
var templateVars = template.match(/\$\{\"[^\"]+\"\}/g);
Thanks for any guidance anyone can share on this problem.
I am not really familiarized with Google Apps Script, but I think this code in Javascript can help you.
It looks for all the ocurences of ${key} and returns each value inside the ${ }. I think that is what you are looking for.
var template = "This is an example ${key1} that should pull ${key2} both keys from this text.";
var matches = template.match(/\$\{[0-9a-zA-Z]*\}/mg);
for ( var i = 0; i < matches.length; i++ ) {
console.log(matches[i].replace(/[\$\{|\}]/gm, ""));

AMFPHP overiding default function arguments?

I've got this odd problem.
If I make a call on that function through amfphp service browser and give it a valid ID and leave the $num_images field blank amfphp will actually pass a blank string as the argument.
// if i call this function width just an ID
function getWorkers($id, $num_images = 100) {
// num_images will be set as ''
I can easily override using a check:
function getWorkers($id, $num_images = 100) {
if($num_images=='') $num_images = 100;
// num_images will now be really set as 100
Anyone experiencing the same with amfphp?
That's odd, I never got that from AMFPHP. If you don't have the latest version try updating your installation of AMFPHP. Also make sure Flash doesn't somehow pass an empty variable as the second variable.
(Copied from the comment.)