Realm Async Thread Swift 3 - swift

Using Xcode-8.2.1, Swift-3.0.2, RealmSwift-2.2.0, iOS-Simulator-10:
Trying to write a View-Model with a Realm-Object, I fail at creating a returnArray in another thread. The issue is that the access to the previously created realm-object fails (most likely due to the background-thread access ??).
Can anybody tell me what is wrong with the following code (see below):
Important: It is given that the "createDataEntries()-method" is called before the "getEntries-completionHandler" (as can be seen with correct SimPholders realmobject-entry)! Therefore the "category" is set as "Love" (see code)
import Foundation
import RealmSwift
class MVVMCBalancesModel: BalancesModel
fileprivate var entries = [BalancesDataEntry]()
let realm = try! Realm()
init() {
fileprivate func createDataEntries() {
let myBalance = BalancesDataEntry()
myBalance.index = 0
myBalance.category = "Love" // !!!!!!! Here the category is filled
try! self.realm.write {
func getEntries(_ completionHandler: #escaping (_ entries: [BalancesDataEntry]) -> Void)
// Simulate Aysnchronous data access {
var returnArray: [BalancesDataEntry] = [BalancesDataEntry]()
let realmy = try! Realm()
let cnt = realmy.objects(BalancesDataEntry.self).count
for idx in 0 ..< cnt {
let obj = realmy.objects(BalancesDataEntry.self).filter("index = \(idx)").first!
completionHandler(returnArray) // !!!!!!! BREAKPOINT (see screenshot below)
Running the above code and setting a breakpoint at the completionHandler(returnArray) produces the following:
Why is the "category" of the returnArray an empty String ???

Properties of objects retrieved from a Realm are lazily retrieved from the underlying storage. Accessing the properties from Swift will return the appropriate values. Likewise, if you run po returnArray from Xcode's LLDB console you should see the object's complete state. The instance variables, shown in the debugger popover, are only used when the object is unmanaged (prior to being added to the Realm).


SwiftUI + Realm: removing a row from List results in exception 'RLMException', reason: 'Object has been deleted or invalidated.'

I'm trying to port a little RSS feed reader app from UIKit over to SwiftUI, this app uses Realm for persistence.
In order to make Realm bindable in SwiftUI, I added the following code to my project:
import Foundation
import SwiftUI
import RealmSwift
final class FeedData: ObservableObject {
#Published var feeds: [Feed] {
didSet {
private var feedsToken: NotificationToken?
private func activateFeedsToken() {
let realm = try! Realm()
let feeds = realm.objects(Feed.self)
feedsToken = feeds.observe { _ in
self.feeds = Array(feeds)
func cleanRealm() {
let realm = try! Realm()
let tempFeeds = realm.objects(Feed.self)
let diff = feeds.difference(from: tempFeeds)
for change in diff {
switch change {
case .remove(_, let element, _):
do {
try realm.write {
print("Removing \(")
if element.isInvalidated {
print("Error: element invalidated.")
} else {
print("Removed \(")
} catch {
init() {
let realm = try! Realm()
feeds = Array(realm.objects(Feed.self))
deinit {
So, we have a feeds array with a DidSet observer that invokes the cleanRealm() function when triggered, which then uses collection diffing to remove Feed objects which are no longer in the array but still stored in Realm - I'm aware this is super clunky, but I figured it would at least keep the array in sync with the Realm database.
In my SwiftUI view, I then use FeedData as EnvironmentObject and use a List showing all Feed objects using ForEach.
When a user deletes a feed from the List, it is then removed from the array like so:
.onDelete(perform: deleteItems)
Which then calls this function:
func deleteItems(at offsets: IndexSet) {
print("Removing feeds at requested offsets.")
feedData.feeds.remove(atOffsets: offsets)
print("Removed feeds at requested offsets.")
Problem: when I run my app and then delete an entry from the list, the following exception is thrown:
* Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'RLMException', reason: 'Object has been deleted or invalidated.'
* First throw call stack:
(0x1a4a97ab0 0x1a47b1028 0x10098f6a8 0x100996324 0x1009962e8 0x10000dfa4 0x1b215d830 0x1b215d3f0 0x1b215d170 0x1b215f470 0x1db363c4c 0x1db36a0c8 0x1db36a240 0x1db36a6c0 0x1b22d647c 0x1db3ca2c4 0x1db3c9f04 0x1b21a924c 0x1b21a943c 0x1b21a9b50 0x1b22d647c 0x1daefcd50 0x1db3f0ac4 0x1db3eb7b8 0x1db3ead20 0x1db14dca4 0x1db14c5c0 0x1db4d5d0c 0x1db1bdc1c 0x1db1b836c 0x1db1bef70 0x1cf72c9c0 0x1cf713e9c 0x1cf714164 0x1cf719130 0x1db07f9f0 0x1db084e10 0x1db3ac770 0x1db07f96c 0x1cf719284 0x1db081ca0 0x1db081a48 0x1db0816c8 0x1db081834 0x1db3ac770 0x1db0817fc 0x1db09f848 0x1daf00a10 0x1daf00970 0x1daf00a8c 0x1a4a12668 0x1a4a0d308 0x1a4a0d8b8 0x1a4a0d084 0x1aec56534 0x1a8b7b8b8 0x10004e520 0x1a488ce18)
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException
My research so far suggests that when a Realm object is deleted, it is mutated before being removed entirely.
So, I think what may be going on here is that when the object is mutated prior to being removed from Realm, SwiftUI detects this change, redraws the view and then tries accessing the now invalidated Realm object resulting in the exception being raised.
Realm objects do have a isInvalidated property that I should probably check before adding it to the List, but AFAIK (and please do feel free to correct me on this) there is no way in a ForEach block to check for such a condition and "continue" to the next array item if desired.
Any help with this is greatly appreciated, I've been messing with this issue all day and just cannot find a good solution, it's probably obvious but I'm also still learning about all the wonderful stuff SwiftUI can do while working on this sample project.
Following Jay's advice, I managed to modify my FeedData class so that it exposes a Realm Results property for my app to work with, instead of copying to a separate array.
That also means I no longer need to do any collection diffing when deleting feeds, but since SwiftUI's .onDelete(perform:) modifier expects a function that accepts an IndexSet, my delete function is still a bit of a hack.
The updated FeedData class now looks as follows:
import Foundation
import SwiftUI
import RealmSwift
final class FeedData: ObservableObject {
#Published var feeds: Results<Feed>
private var feedsToken: NotificationToken?
private func activateFeedsToken() {
let realm = try! Realm()
let feeds = realm.objects(Feed.self)
feedsToken = feeds.observe { _ in
self.feeds = feeds
func deleteItems(at offsets: IndexSet) {
print("deleteItems called.")
let realm = try! Realm()
do {
try realm.write {
offsets.forEach { index in
print("Attempting to access index \(index).")
if index < feeds.count {
print("Index is valid.")
let item = feeds[index]
print("Removing \(")
print("Removed item.")
} catch {
init() {
let realm = try! Realm()
feeds = realm.objects(Feed.self)
deinit {
While that technically works, my issue now is that my view's ForEach() method will be called as soon as an object is deleted from the Realm (tested by using breakpoints), this happens even before the Realm notification is dispatched.
This then results in an attempt to access the index of the deleted object, in which case the app will crash with an index out of bounds error from Realm.
That should probably be a separate question though, as my original issue is resolved.
#Jay, can you please mark your first comment as an answer to my question so that I can approve it?
Thanks for the great help!
I ran into this problem, too. Not sure what's going on, some complicated multiple call behavior caused by SwiftUI, I think. When I expanded my notificationToken observation block and switch on the changes to return if a deletion is called, it works fine. In your case:
feedsToken = feeds.observe { [weak self] (changes: RealmCollectionChange) in
switch changes {
case .initial:
print("Initial call")
case .update(_, let deletions, _, _):
print("Updates made!")
if !deletions.isEmpty { return }
self.feeds = feeds
case .error(let error):
print("Error observing changes")

RealmSwift number of existing object is always 4, at start of program

I am using RealmSwift to create a PIN code screen for an app. I have a manager class that has a few functions, including checkForExistingPin() which is intended to be used to check whether a pin exists (as the name suggests).
When I create an instance of the manager class and call the checkForExistingPin() function, it always tells me that there are 4 (It prints: "Optional(4)"), even though I have not created a pin yet.
Can anyone explain why this might be doing this and how I might get the correct output from the code?
Here is the class:
import Foundation
import RealmSwift
class pinCode: Object {
#objc dynamic var pin = ""
protocol pinCodeManager {
func checkForExistingPin() -> Bool
func enterNewPin(newPin:String)
func checkPin(pin:String) -> Bool
class manager:pinCodeManager {
let realm = try! Realm()
func checkForExistingPin() -> Bool {
let existingCode = realm.objects(pinCode.self).first?.pin
print("\n\nNumber of existing PINs: ", existingCode?.count as Any, "\n\n") // Number of existing PINs: Optional(4)
if existingCode?.count == 0 {
return false
else {
return true
func enterNewPin(newPin:String) {
if checkForExistingPin() {
let oldCode = realm.objects(pinCode.self).first
try! realm.write {
oldCode!.pin = newPin
let newPinObject = pinCode() = newPin
func checkPin(pin:String) -> Bool {
if checkForExistingPin() {
print ("Realm object first: ", realm.objects(pinCode.self).first?.pin as Any)
if pin == realm.objects(pinCode.self).first?.pin {
print ("Pin Correct")
return true
else {
print ("Pin Incorrect")
return false
print ("No existing pin")
return false
And here is the relevant code snippet of the ViewController:
class InitialViewController: UIViewController {
let myPin = pinCode()
let myManager = manager()
let realm = try! Realm()
#IBAction func NewUserButton(_ sender: Any) {
print("No existing PINs: ", self.myManager.checkForExistingPin())
The output is : Number of existing PINs: Optional(4)
You must have created a pinCode object (or multiple of them). "Optional(4) doesn't mean you have created 4 pins. You are counting String. It means that the object you retrieved has a 4 digit pin. If you haven't created any pinCode object, you should get nil. Or if you have created one without assigning a pin, you should get 0.
I recommend your looking at your realm file. You should be able to print out its location this way:
You can then open the file with Realm Studio and verify what is in there.
You have a few things going on here:
Although this is not really in the scope of the question, here's a tip for the future. Your types' names should be capitalized (following CamelCase standard), as per Swift API Design Guidelines. Thus, your pinCodes and manager classes and pinCodeManager protocol should be called PinCode, Manager and PinCodeManager respectively.
Assuming you renamed your types and as other users pointed out, you're not counting instances of PinCode. You're counting the length of the pin member of PinCode class. Refactoring your checkForExistingPin() function:
func checkForExistingPin() -> Bool {
return realm.objects(pinCode.self).count > 0
In your enterNewPin(newPin:) function, in the case you already have a PinCode object stored, note that you are actually updating the old PinCode and adding a new one with the same pin. For instance, if you previously have a PinCode object stored with pin=1234. After calling enterNewPin(newPin: "5678") you will have two such objects stored with the pin=5678. You might want to refactor that as well:
func enterNewPin(newPin:String) {
if checkForExistingPin() {
let oldCode = realm.objects(pinCode.self).first
try! realm.write {
oldCode!.pin = newPin
} else {
let newPinObject = pinCode() = newPin
try! realm.write {
Before trying to do any debugging in your app. I recommend you first uninstalling and then reinstalling the app wherever you running (simulator or actual device). If things keep behaving weird, that's probably something related with your configuration if you're overriding the default one (i.e. I noticed that you just used try! Realm() for retrieving a Realm, but you might have overridden Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration somewhere else).
Hope that helps!

Update whole class in Realm Swift in 1 time wont work

Imagine this code:
class StoredVersions: Object{
#objc dynamic var minimumAppVersion = 0.0
#objc dynamic var sets = 0.0
class LoadViewController: UIViewController {
let realm = try! Realm()
override func viewDidLoad() {
let db = Firestore.firestore()
var newestVersions = StoredVersions()
if let resultsStoredVersion = self.realm.objects(StoredVersions.self).first{
print("found stored versions: \(resultsStoredVersion)")
self.storedVersions = resultsStoredVersion
try! self.realm.write {
print("no stored versions")
db.collection("data").document("version").getDocument(completion: { (data, someError) in
if let versions = data.flatMap({StoredVersions(value: $ }) {
try! self.realm.write {
self.storedVersions = versions
storedVersions is updated but when I restart the application, storedVersions is back to its initial state. I do see the print "found stored versions".
If I write just 1 variable at a time, it works. That looks like this:
try! self.realm.write {
self.storedVersions.sets = versions.sets
How can I update a whole class without having to put in variables one at a time?
When you do this:
if let versions = data.flatMap({StoredVersions(value: $ }) {
try! self.realm.write {
self.storedVersions = versions
You're creating a new, unmanaged StoredVersions object. You need to call realm.add(_:) to add it to the Realm, otherwise the object only exists in memory.
If you want to update the existing StoredVersions object rather than creating a new one, you should instead use Realm.add(_:update:), specifying true for the update argument. Note that this requires your type have a primary key property declared so that Realm knows which existing object to update.

Realm 1.0 How can I use thread

I would like to use the realm in my project, but I have a very complex filter and sort. I have to order the list by name,but the name is in other class.
class CustomObject: Object
dynamic var objectId = 0
let objectLangs = List<ObjectLang>()
class ObjectLang: Object
dynamic var objectId = 0
dynamic var name = ""
When I have more than 130 rows, it is very slow in main thread and it blocks the UI. I tried do it in a background thread, but when I want to update the UI, it was crashed by Realm. So what is the perfect solution? How could I use it? Could you give me an example or tutorial? I have read the guide line.
If program is crashed when updating UI on background thread, you should update UI on main thread when realm task finished.
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0), {
let realm = try! Realm()
//do What you need
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {
You can't use Realm accessors across threads. You will need to retrieve the objects on the thread on which you want to use them. To make that happen, I'd recommend for each of your object classes which need to be passed between threads to designate a property as primary key. This property might be objectId in your case.
class CustomObject: Object {
dynamic var objectId = 0
let objectLangs = List<ObjectLang>()
override class func primaryKey() -> String {
return "objectId"
This primary key can then be used to identify your objects and pass them over to the main thread to retrieve them there again.
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0) {
let realm = try! Realm()
var objects = realm.objects(CustomObject)
// objects = objects.filter(…)
let sortedObjects: [CustomObject] = objects.sort { /* … */ }
let ids = { $0.objectId }
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
let realm = try! Realm()
let objects = {
realm.objectForPrimaryKey(CustomObject.self, key: $0)

How to modify a struct with async callbacks?

I'm trying to update a struct with multi-level nested async callback, Since each level callback provides info for next batch of requests till everything is done. It's like a tree structure. And each time I can only get to one level below.
However, the first attempt with inout parameter failed. I now learned the reason, thanks to great answers here:
Inout parameter in async callback does not work as expected
My quest is still there to be solved. The only way I can think of is to store the value to a local file or persistent store and modify it directly each time. And after writing the sample code, I think a global var can help me out on this as well. But I guess the best way is to have a struct instance for this job. And for each round of requests, I store info for this round in one place to avoid the mess created by different rounds working on the same time.
With sample code below, only the global var update works. And I believe the reason the other two fail is the same as the question I mentioned above.
func testThis() {
var d = Data()
let uriBase = ""
let u: [String] = ["bane", "LiweiZ", "rdtsc", "ssivark", "sparkzilla", "Wogef"]
var successfulRequestCounter = 0
struct A {}
struct Data {
var dataOkRequestCounter = 0
var dataArray = [A]()
mutating func getData() {
for s in u {
let p = uriBase + "user/" + s + ".json"
mutating func getAnApiData(path: String) {
var req = NSURLRequest(URL: NSURL(string: path)!)
var config = NSURLSessionConfiguration.ephemeralSessionConfiguration()
var session = NSURLSession(configuration: config)
println("p: \(path)")
var task = session.dataTaskWithRequest(req) {
(data: NSData!, res: NSURLResponse!, err: NSError!) in
if let e = err {
// Handle error
} else if let d = data {
// Successfully got data. Based on this data, I need to further get more data by sending requests accordingly.
mutating func handleSuccessfulResponse() {
println("successfulRequestCounter before: \(successfulRequestCounter)")
println("successfulRequestCounter after: \(successfulRequestCounter)")
println("dataOkRequestCounter before: \(dataOkRequestCounter)")
println("dataOkRequestCounter after: \(dataOkRequestCounter)")
println("dataArray count before: \(dataArray.count)")
println("dataArray count after: \(dataArray.count)")
if successfulRequestCounter == 6 {
func getAllApiData() {
for s in u {
let p = uriBase + "user/" + s + ".json"
Well, in my actual project, I successfully append a var in the struct in the first batch of callbacks and it failed in the second one. But I failed to make it work in the sample code. I tried many times so that it took me so long to update my question with sample code. Anyway, I think the main issue is to learn appropriate approach for this task. So I just put it aside for now.
I guess there is no way to do it with closure, given how closure works. But still want to ask and learn the best way.
What I did was use an inout NSMutableDictionary.
func myAsyncFunc(inout result: NSMutableDictionary){
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(priority, 0)) {
let intValue = result.valueForKey("intValue")
if intValue as! Int > 0 {
//Do Work
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
result.setValue(0, forKey: "intValue")
I know you already tried using inout, but NSMutableDictionary worked for me when no other object did.