Error Cisco Prime HTTP GET request - perl

I'm trying to make an HTTP GET request with Cisco Prime:
#!/opt/local/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use JSON-support_by_pp;
use LWP 5.64;
use LWP::UserAgent;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $BASE_URL = 'https://Host_name/webacs/api/v1/';
my $UN = "Username";
my $PW = "Password";
sub fetch ($) {
my ( $url ) = #_;
my $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $BASE_URL . $url );
$req->authorization_basic( $UN, $PW );
return $ua->request( $req )->content or die( "Cannot read from " . $BASE_URL . $url );
my $content = fetch( 'data/AccessPoints.json?.full=true' );
my $json = new JSON;
# these are some nice json options to relax restrictions a bit:
my $json_text =
$json->allow_nonref->utf8->relaxed->escape_slash->loose->allow_singlequote->allow_barekey->decode( $content );
foreach my $ap ( #{ $json_text->{queryResponse}->{'entity'} } ) {
print "------------------------\nAccess Point " . $ap->{'accessPointsDTO'}->{'#id'} . "\n";
print "Model:" . $ap->{'accessPointsDTO'}->{'model'} . "\n";
print "MAC Address:" . $ap->{'accessPointsDTO'}->{'macAddress'} . "\n";
print "Serial Number:" . $ap->{'accessPointsDTO'}->{'serialNumber'} . "\n";
print "Software Version:" . $ap->{'accessPointsDTO'}->{'softwareVersion'} . "\n";
print "Status:" . $ap->{'accessPointsDTO'}->{'status'} . "\n";
print "Location:" . $ap->{'accessPointsDTO'}->{'location'} . "\n";
What do I do wrong? I have already tried with curl in shell and it works:
curl --tlsv1 --user USER:PASSWORD--insecure https://Host_name/webacs/api/v1/data/AccessPoints.json?.full=true
but my Perl script doesn't work.
I have this error:
malformed JSON string, neither array, object, number, string or atom, at character offset 0 (before "Can't connect to 10....") at line 28.
Fix already. Thank you Borodin :)
New question:
I need authentication for Cisco Prime.
Code works already, but authentication doesn't work.
I have with error
500 Can't connect to (certificate verify failed) at line 27.
Line 27:
die $res->status_line unless $res->is_success;
I'm rather new in Perl und cann't fix this myself. If you have Idee, I'll be happy :)
#!/opt/local/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use JSON -support_by_pp;
use LWP 5.64;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use MIME::Base64;
use REST::Client;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $BASE_URL = '';
my $UN='admin';
my $PW='admin';
# coding with Base 64
my $sys_id='Balalalalalal';
my $encoded_auth = encode_base64("$UN:$PW", '');
sub fetch {
my ($url) = #_;
my $res = $ua->get($BASE_URL . $url,
{'Authorization' => "Basic $encoded_auth",
'Accept' => 'application/json'});
die $res->status_line unless $res->is_success;
my $json = $res->decoded_content;
return $json
my $content = fetch('data/AccessPoints.json?.full=true/$sys_id');
my $json = new JSON;
# these are some nice json options to relax restrictions a bit: my$json_text=$json->allow_nonref->utf8->relaxed->escape_slash->loose->allow_singlequote->allow_barekey->decode($content);
foreach my $ap (#{$json_text->{queryResponse}->{'entity'}}){
print "------------------------\nAccess Point ".$ap->{'accessPointsDTO'}->{'#id'}."\n";
print "Model:".$ap->{'accessPointsDTO'}->{'model'}."\n";
print "MAC Address:".$ap->{'accessPointsDTO'}->{'macAddress'}."\n";
print "Serial Number:".$ap->{'accessPointsDTO'}->{'serialNumber'}."\n";
print "Software Version:".$ap->{'accessPointsDTO'}->{'softwareVersion'}."\n";
print "Status:".$ap->{'accessPointsDTO'}->{'status'}."\n";
print "Location:".$ap->{'accessPointsDTO'}->{'location'}."\n";

It's hard to tell what's wrong without access to the web page, but almost certainly your request has failed
I suggest you replace your fetch subroutine with this
sub fetch {
my ( $url ) = #_;
my $res = $ua->get( $BASE_URL . $url );
die $res->status_line unless $res->is_success;
my $json = $res->decoded_content;
return $json;

Print your raw answer from server in console.
malformed JSON string, neither array, object, number, string or atom, at character offset 0 (before "Can't connect to 10....")
"Can't connect to 10...."
Maybe, your code is not have connect


get request in perl and Use of uninitialized value

my $url = "[journal]+AND+2014[Date+-+Publication]:3000[Date+-+Publication]&usehistory=y";
print "\n before url \n";
print $url;
#post the esearch URL
my $output = get($url);
print $output;
I have not used perl ever before.
If I hit this URL in browser, I do get the XML.
However, From what I see in output from script, $output is empty and
print $output;
Use of uninitialized value in print at ./ line 48.
Please suggest what's wrong and how to fix it
As suggested, complete code:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# A perlscript written by Joseph Hughes, University of Glasgow
# use this perl script to parse the email addressed from the affiliations in PubMed
use strict;
use LWP::Simple;
my ($query,#queries);
#Query the Journal of Virology from 2014 until the present (use 3000)
$query = 'journal+of+virology[journal]+AND+2014[Date+-+Publication]:3000[Date+-+Publication]';
#Journal of General Virology
$query = 'journal+of+general+virology[journal]+AND+2014[Date+-+Publication]:3000[Date+-+Publication]';
$query = 'virology[journal]+AND+2014[Date+-+Publication]:3000[Date+-+Publication]';
#Archives of Virology
$query = 'archives+of+virology[journal]+AND+2014[Date+-+Publication]:3000[Date+-+Publication]';
#Virus Research
$query = 'virus+research[journal]+AND+2014[Date+-+Publication]:3000[Date+-+Publication]';
#Antiviral Research
$query = 'antiviral+research[journal]+AND+2014[Date+-+Publication]:3000[Date+-+Publication]';
$query = 'viruses[journal]+AND+2014[Date+-+Publication]:3000[Date+-+Publication]';
#Journal of Medical Virology
$query = 'journal+of+medical+virology[journal]+AND+2014[Date+-+Publication]:3000[Date+-+Publication]';
# global variables
my %emails;
my $emailcnt=0;
my $count=1;
#assemble the esearch URL
foreach my $query (#queries){
my $base = '';
#my $url = $base . "esearch.fcgi?db=pubmed&term=$query&usehistory=y";
my $url = "[journal]+AND+2014[Date+-+Publication]:3000[Date+-+Publication]&usehistory=y";
print "\n before url \n";
print $url;
#post the esearch URL
my $output = get($url);
print "\n before output \n";
print get($url);
print $output;
#parse WebEnv, QueryKey and Count (# records retrieved)
my $web = $1 if ($output =~ /<WebEnv>(\S+)<\/WebEnv>/);
my $key = $1 if ($output =~ /<QueryKey>(\d+)<\/QueryKey>/);
my $count = $1 if ($output =~ /<Count>(\d+)<\/Count>/);
#retrieve data in batches of 500
my $retmax = 500;
for (my $retstart = 0; $retstart < $count; $retstart += $retmax) {
my $efetch_url = $base ."efetch.fcgi?db=pubmed&WebEnv=$web";
$efetch_url .= "&query_key=$key&retmode=xml";
my $efetch_out = get($efetch_url);
my #matches = $efetch_out =~ m(<Affiliation>(.*)</Affiliation>)g;
#print "$_\n" for #matches;
for my $match (#matches){
if ($match=~/\s([a-zA-Z0-9\.\_\-]+\#[a-zA-Z0-9\.\_\-]+)$/){
my $email=$1;
my $cnt= keys %emails;
print "$query\n$cnt\n";
print "Total number of emails: ";
my $cnt= keys %emails;
print "$cnt\n";
my #email = keys %emails;
my #VAR;
push #VAR, [ splice #email, 0, 100 ] while #email;
my $batch=100;
foreach my $VAR (#VAR){
open(OUT, ">Set_$batch\.txt") || die "Can't open file!\n";
print OUT join(",",#$VAR);
close OUT;
I recommend against using LWP::Simple for any reason because it is impossible to configure it or handle errors usefully. Using LWP::UserAgent which it wraps is nearly as simple anyway (though the error handling is a bit complicated). The below examples would replace the use LWP::Simple; and my $output = get($url); lines.
use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP::UserAgent;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(timeout => 30);
my $response = $ua->get($url);
unless ($response->is_success) {
# the Client-Warning, Client-Aborted, and X-Died headers each may be set on client/transport errors
die $response->status_line;
my $output = $response->decoded_content;
The core HTTP::Tiny is also simple.
use strict;
use warnings;
use HTTP::Tiny;
my $ua = HTTP::Tiny->new;
my $response = $ua->get($url);
unless ($response->{success}) {
die $response->{status} == 599 ? $response->{content} : "$response->{status} $response->{reason}";
my $output = $response->{content};
If you really want an LWP::Simple approach that will at least report transport errors, try ojo from Mojolicious:
perl -Mojo -E'say g(shift)->text'
In a script rather than a oneliner, you can use Mojo::UserAgent directly, and also handle HTTP errors like above:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::UserAgent;
my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
my $response = $ua->get($url)->result;
unless ($response->is_success) {
die $response->code . ' ' . $response->message;
my $output = $response->text;

Perl HTTP::Request and Server Down

I have a perl script that is supposed to use HTTP::Response to grab an XML file and then parse it. The script works great, except when it can't reach the server its trying to get the info from.
I know I have to have an error checking and if an error does exist, use a return to continue on with the loop, I have done with with NET::SNMP and SSH, but I can't seem to get it working for this scenario. I'm about to be pull my hair in frustration. Any help is greatly appreciated.
#! /usr/bin/perl
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common;
use Net::SNMP;
use XML::Simple;
use HTTP::Status;
$ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
if ( open ( FH, "DeviceList.txt" ) )
while ( defined ( my $line = <FH> ) )
$line =~ s/\s+$//;
$device = $line;
close FH;
print "DeviceList.txt file not found\n";
sub checkcon
my ($req, $error) = HTTP::Request->new(GET => 'https://'.$device.'/getxml?location=/HelloWorld');
$ua->ssl_opts(SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_NONE);
$req->authorization_basic('test', 'test');
$test = $ua->request($req)->content;
print $req;
if ($test =~ "parser error") {
print "No Workie\n";
#if (!is_success ($req))
#print "No Workie!";
# create object
my $xml = new XML::Simple;
# read XML file
my $data = $xml->XMLin("$test");
print "Looping";
# access XML data
`echo "$device,$data->{Hello}{World}{content}" >> Test.txt`;
exit 0;

How do you save a file from NTLM authenticated URL in Perl Script

I'm really new to Perl Script and I'm developing a script to access a URL with NTLM authentication and save the response content in a folder. This content is a .xls, .doc, .pdf, .ppt, etc file. Actually,I was able to develop the NTLM authentication code. But my other requirement is to save the response content to a folder in the server. Can you help me with this?
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common;
my $url = "";
my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent(keep_alive => 1);
my $username = 'ap\<username>';
my $password = '<password>';
$ua->credentials('', '', $username, $password);
my $req = GET $url;
print "--Peforming request now...---------\n";
my $res = $ua->request($req);
print "--Done with request ...---------\n";
if ($res->is_success) {
print $res->content;
} else {
print "Error: " . $res->status_line . "\n";
exit 0;
I want to save the $res->content into a folder. Like I said this $res->content is a file of type .xls, .doc, .ppt, etc. Thanks in advance
Like this way:
if ($res->is_success) {
my $filename = 'file.xls';
open(my $fh,'>',$filename) or die $!;
print $fh $res->content;
} else {
### this way it automatically stored in that file
my $filename = 'file.xls';
$ua->request( $req, $filename );

Perl - LWP UserAgent Bad URL Error Message

How can I set $PageData to a error message like "$PageData=Page not found" if $URL is non extant or not responding? I cant seem to get it to work.
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;
my $URL = ";
my $Request = HTTP::Request->new("GET", $URL);
my $UserAgent = LWP::UserAgent->new(timeout => 5);
my $Result = $UserAgent->request($Request);
return unless $Result->is_success;
$PageData = $Result->content;
print $PageData;
Try use library HTTP::Status with the following code:
use ...
use HTTP::Status qw(:constants :is status_message);
my $url = ...
my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url);
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $response = $ua->request($request);
if ($response->is_error) {
print STDERR $response->status_line, "\n";
print STDERR status_message($response->status_line), "\n";
print STDERR $response->error_as_HTML, "\n";
else {
print $response->decoded_content;

Perl WWW::Mechanize JSESSION issue

I am having a problem getting/staying logged in with perl mechanize to a website
Looking at the headers, it appears that the JSESSIONID keeps changing. I am using a cookie jar, but I think it's getting overwritten somehow.
use strict;
use warnings;
use WWW::Mechanize;
use HTTP::Cookies;
use Crypt::SSLeay;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Crypt::SSLeay::CTX;
use Crypt::SSLeay::Conn;
use Crypt::SSLeay::X509;
use LWP::Simple qw(get);
use LWP::Debug;
my $cookie_jar = HTTP::Cookies->new(ignore_discard => 1);
my $agent = WWW::Mechanize->new(cookie_jar => $cookie_jar, noproxy=>0);
$agent->agent_alias('Linux Mozilla');
$ENV{HTTPS_CA_DIR} = 'cert/';
my $user = 'xxxx';
my $pass = 'xxxx';
my $url = '';
print "\n\n=========================================================\nGOING TO LOGIN PAGE:\n";
my $res = $agent->get($url);
for my $key ( $res->header_field_names() ) {
print $key, " : ", $res->header( $key ), "\n";
print "cookie: ".$agent->cookie_jar->as_string();
userId => $user,
password => $pass
print "\n\n=========================================================\nREDIRECT:\n";
my $res = $agent->submit();
for my $key ( $res->header_field_names() ) {
print $key, " : ", $res->header( $key ), "\n";
print "cookie: ".$agent->cookie_jar->as_string();
my $cUrl = '';
print "\n\n=========================================================\nGOING TO CAMPAIGN PAGE:\n";
my $res = $agent->get($cUrl);
for my $key ( $res->header_field_names() ) {
print $key, " : ", $res->header( $key ), "\n";
print "cookie: ".$agent->cookie_jar->as_string();
I am not sure why this worked, but I was able to resolve this by utilizing LWP::ConnCache