How to enable the developer features in safariviewcontroller? I've attempted to do it via chrome://flags but It doesn't seem to be present, are there any third party APIs to accomplish this?
It's not currently available to be changed to date, try looking into other browsers
I would like to integrate my sonarqube instance with a confluence space, so all my team could have access to the project metrics. Does anyone know any plugin that does this or how to do it without a plugin? Thanks
You're looking for badges, which allow you to embed a little image in a page with a metric name and current metric value. This is a native feature on, and coming soon for SonarQube. In the meantime, there's a community plugin you can use.
We experienced the same need and a colleague recommended me to give this a try:
We are currently in the evaluation stage, and quite happy with its use and functionality.
Is it possible to ignore certain javascript files when debugging with breakpoints in Chrome Developer Tools? Let's say on this website I want to debug only todoCtrl.js and ignore all other ones like angular.js.
Yes, you can use JS Blackboxing to do this. The documentation for this feature will be going live soon, but for now you can read the WIP doc on how to do this here:
I have built some utilities to be used exclusively by members of our small team. I want them to be available in the Google Apps global navigation, but I can't figure out how to do that without adding them to the Google Apps Marketplace.
Adding to the Marketplace is more complicated than it needs to be (the app I'm creating will never need a support URL, for instance), and I don't want to create a public Google Apps Marketplace vendor profile just for the sake of these small internal tools.
Is there another way?
Yes, you can use the Extensions console:
this allows you to specify just a manifest without needing to go through all the Marketplace work.
I would like to know that suppose I have a tweak how would i enable people to enable or disable it via a switch? I need help for a current tweak im working on. This is a mobile substrate tweak made by logos in Theos
Create a Preferences plist as exemplified in a lot of opensource MobileSubstrate-based projects and as documented here.
Then, decently check if your tweak is enabled in your hooks where you find this to be most necessary, and that's it.
Note that when checking for Preferences, do it right. This function is a great example of doing this.
Does leksah support any kind of plugins? Will it? Does it have any plugins built in, such as hlint, hoogle, pl, djinn? If not, is there an easy way to integrate these things?
Does leksah support any kind of plugins?
Current version not.
Will it?
I am working on a major restructuring, to build Leksah from plugins from the very base.
Unfortunately this project may take some more time to reach delivery,
but hope it will pay off.
Does it have any plugins built in, such as hlint, hoogle, pl, djinn?
It has simple support for lookup of hoogle docs.
If not, is there an easy way to integrate these things?
Help is very welcome.
Well someone ought to answer. Here's my best guesses:
Does leksah support any kind of plugins?
Will it?
It's open source (GPL 2)...get to it! (Doesn't look like this feature is on any roadmap or anything.)
Does it have any plugins built in?
According to the manual page 32:
With the Docu button you can initiate an external search in a browser with e.g. Hayoo
or Hoogle, depending on the configuration in the Preferences.
That's about all I could find.