DI or Service Locator : Injecting implementations at run-time ( no static binding ) in scala - scala

i have a use case where i would like to offer a simple API to extend the functionality of my scala application.
i've spent the last couple of days trying to find a java/scala DI framework or library that does the following for me:
identifies implementations of an interface/trait on the classpath
instantiates and injects said implementations ( important feature: all of them ) at a site marked, preferably with an annotation
the above can't happen in the compiler because i need a plugin architecture where the plugins are not introduced until the JVM starts
therefore above can happen at JVM start (no hot-swap necessary)
i'm gravitating more and more towards OSGi DS, which i'm a big fan of, except i see it as an overkill due to #4.
i looked at guice, weld, scaladi and macwire, and could not immediately see a simple way to do this. My objective is for the "plugin" authors to not have to be aware of my injection/IoC solution in any way, except for the occasional Annotation ( preferably JSR330 ) At the injection site i am willing to deal with uglier things. :-)
Will i have to roll my own solution here, go with OSGi, or am i missing something trivial in the above mentioned libraries?
ps: i'm trying to steer clear of OSGi mainly because of it's interaction with the application framework i'm using (akka - not sure the bundle/DS lifecycle mixes well with a single actor system)

If you can afford it, it's probably best (not only for you, but for the entire ecosystem) to go with Peter's suggestion.
Pragmatically speaking though, Java has SPI which comes OOTB and may be the simplest way to go in your particular case.

I have a look at what functionality is provided by Scaldi at the moment. I've found it is mature enough. So nothing hard to use this DI library to achieve your goals. For example you can only implement code for searching specifically annotated/specified in some configuration file or anything else.

If you like DS (and it seems eminently suitable for your problem) then why not solve any problems with Akka? I am pretty sure others will be willing to help out since it looks like an interesting combination.


ScalaJS: What's the state of the art for cross-platform dates?

I'm using ScalaJS with Play. Many of the models I'd like to use on both JS and JVM platforms involve dates and times. Given the lack of a cross-platform date/time library, how are people approaching this?
Things I know about:
scalajs-java-time project (https://github.com/scala-js/scala-js-java-time) to port JDK8's java.time api to Scala.js. Unfortunately, it's far from complete and judging by the commit logs, seems to have stalled.
https://github.com/mdedetrich/soda-time is a port of JodaTime to Scala/Scala.js. But it's not ready for production use.
An old post at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/scala-js/6JoJ7x-VxLA suggests storing milliseconds in shared code and then doing implicit conversions on each platform to either js.Date or JodaTime. But we really need a common interface, which this doesn't give.
Li Haoyi's excellent "Hands-on Scala.js" has a simple cross-platform library (http://www.lihaoyi.com/hands-on-scala-js/#ASimpleCross-BuiltLibrary) that could, in theory, be extended to come up with an API in /shared that delegates to JodaTime on the jvm and Momento on js -- but that sounds like a lot of work.
(added later) https://github.com/soc/scala-java-time is based on an implementation of java-time that was contributed to OpenJDK. The README claims that most stuff is working. Right now, this looks like the most promising approach for my needs.
Any advice from those who have gone before me? Right now the fourth options seems like my best bet (with the API limited to stuff I actually use). I'm hoping for something better.
I was in the same boat as you, and the best solution I came up with was cquiroz's scala-java-time library. From reading the comments to your question above, it appears you landed at the same place eventually!
I came here from a google search, and given how much better this solution is than the alternatives you mentions above, let's consider marking this question as resolved for future visitors.

Do we have Akka/Scala equivalents for the OTP behaviors?

I'm currently estimating a new project which is related to message routing and logging. I found OTP's abstractions like event and server pretty useful for it. But due to non-technical reasons this project probably will be implemented on JVM, so I've looked at Akka. And haven't found anything similar.
There is 2 reasons why I want to find something similar to generic behaviors in Akka:
I'm not an expert in building distributed systems and like to have kind of best practices embedded into my tools.
All Akka's stuff like remote references and registries seems a bit complicated for a simple "pass from one point to another" app. It would be great if I will be able to address components of my system by simple name right "out of the box".
Am I missing something or in Akka it is a common practice to implement this kind of functionality by yourself?
I think you're looking for this: http://akka.io/docs/akka-modules/1.3-RC2/modules/camel.html

The strategy about how to use the GWT and PlayFramework together

Does it make sense to use Play just for making the main layout, and use GWT-compoments (like # {some_gwt_component}) if it's needed (for example to implelemnt this component with jquery/javascript/html is quite complicated)?
Why I'm asking, because, it seems, some thinks easy to implement just with html some with gwt.
I can't think that it's a good idea to mix this techniques. Has you seen the post on google-groups? It refers to information about play and gwt.
I wouldn't recomend it, GWT relies in the Servlet model (as far as I remember, I may be wrong) and that doesn't mix well with Play.
Also, on a more personal level, I know GWT is not really recommended by Thoughtworks as a technology (they list several issues with it) and given the technological knowledge of those guys, I usually trust their recommendations. Stay away from GWT :)

Is MEF mature enough to bet the company on?

My company needs to rewrite a large monolithic program, and I would want it written using a plugin type architecture. Currently the best solution appears to be MEF, but as it is a fairly 'new' thing I am warey of betting the future of my company (and my reputation) on it.
Does anyone have a feeling on how mature a solution MEF is ?
Visual Studio's entire extension system is now built on MEF.
That is to say that Microsoft is Dog-fooding it (like they are doing with WPF).
Given that the framework developers themselves will be working with it, you can feel pretty confident that it is here to stay. However, as with any first release, you are almost guaranteed to have some growing pains when the next release comes around.
Personally, I would go for it. It is certainly better than the tightly-coupled-reflection-based alternative.
I don't think it is necessary to "bet on MEF". Your code should have very little dependencies on MEF.
You can use the technique of dependency injection to break up your monolithic application into components which have only a single responsibility, and which limit their knowledge of other components to abstractions. See this blog post by Nicholas Blumhardt for a nice overview of the type of relations that can exist between components.
Wiring the components together into an application can then be done with any dependency injection framework, or even manually. The component logic shouldn't need to be aware of the container - there might not even be a container.
In the case of MEF, you do need to add import/export attributes to your classes. However, you can still ignore those attributes and reuse those components without MEF, e.g. by using another DI framework like AutoFac.
It's a relatively new technology, so I'm not sure if it's exactly mature. I'm sure it will change quite a bit over the next several years, perhaps merging with other frameworks to better support IoC. That said, MS has a pretty good history of preserving backwards compatibility, so now that MEF is actually part of the Framework, I would consider the public interfaces stable.
That said, MEF might not actually be the right solution for your project. It depends on your extensibility needs and how large is 'large'. If you want to support true extensibility, including the possibility for third-party plugins, it has an enormous impact on your design responsibilities. It's much harder to make changes to the infrastructure as you now need to maintain very stable public interfaces. If you're really only after the IoC features, you're probably better off with a true IoC framework, which more clearly limits your design responsibility to support of your internal dependencies. If you're betting the future of the company, this is the bigger question, in my mind.

MEF vs. any IoC

Looking at Microsoft's Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) and various IoC containers (such as Unity), I am failing to see when to use one type of solution over the other. More specifically, it seems like MEF handles most IoC type patterns and that an IoC container like Unity would not be as necessary.
Ideally, I would like to see a good use case where an IoC container would be used instead of, or in addition to, MEF.
When boiled down, the main difference is that IoC containers are generally most useful with static dependencies (known at compile-time), and MEF is generally most useful with dynamic dependencies (known only at run-time).
As such, they are both composition engines, but the emphasis is very different for each pattern. Design decisions thus vary wildly, as MEF is optimized around discovery of unknown parts, rather than registrations of known parts.
Think about it this way: if you are developing your entire application, an IoC container is probably best. If you are writing for extensibility, such that 3rd-party developers will be extending your system, MEF is probably best.
Also, the article in #Pavel Nikolov's answer provides some great direction (it is written by Glenn Block, MEF's program manager).
I've been using MEF for a while and the key factor for when we use it instead of IOC products is that we regularly have 3-5 implementations of a given interface sitting in our plugins directory at a given time. Which one of those implementations should be used is actually something that can only be decided at runtime.
MEF is good at letting you do just that. Typically, IOC is geared toward making sure you could swap out, for a cononical example, an IUserRepository based on ORM Product 1 for ORM Product 2 at some point in the future. However, most IOC solutions assume that there will only be one IUserRepository in effect at a given time.
If, however, you need to choose one based on the input data for a given page request, IOC containers are typically at a loss.
As an example, we do our permission checking and our validation via MEF plugins for a big web app I've been working on for a while. Using MEF, we can look at when the record's CreatedOn date and go digging for the validation plugin that was actually in effect when the record was created and run the record BOTH through that plugin AND the validator that's currently in effect and compare the record's validity over time.
This kind of power also lets us define fallthrough overrides for plugins. The apps I'm working on are actually the same codebase deployed for 30+ implementations. So, we've typically go looking for plugins by asking for:
An interface implementation that is specific to the current site and the specific record type in question.
An interface implementation that is specific to the current site, but works with any kind of record.
An interface that works for any site and any record.
That lets us bundle a set of default plugins that will kick in, but only if that specific implementation doesn't override it with customer specific rules.
IOC is a great technology, but really seems to be more about making it easy to code to interfaces instead of concrete implementations. However, swapping those implementations out is more of a project shift kind of event in IOC. In MEF, you take the flexibility of interfaces and concrete implementations and make it a runtime decision between many available options.
I am apologizing for being off-topic. I simply wanted to say that there are 2 flaws that render MEF an unnecessary complication:
it is attribute based which doesn't do any good to helping you figuring out why things work as they do. There's no way to get to the details burred in the internals of the framework to see what exactly is going on there. There is no way to get a tracing log or hook up to the resolving mechanisms and handle unresolved situations manually
it doesn't have any troubleshooting mechanism to figure out the reasons for why some parts get rejected. Despite pointing at a failing part it doesn't tell you why that part has failed.
So I am very disappointed with it. I spent too much time fighting windmills trying to bootstrap a few classes instead of working on the real problems. I convinced there is nothing better than the old-school dependency injection technique when you have full control over what is created, when, and can trace anything in the VS debugger. I wish somebody who advocates MEF presented a bunch of good reasons as to why would I choose it over plain DI.
I agree that MEF can be a fully capable IoC framework. In fact I'm writing an application right now based on using MEF for both extensibility and IoC. I took the generic parts of it and made it into a "framework" and open sourced it as its own framework called SoapBox Core in case people want to see how it works.
In particular, take a look at how the Host works if you want to see MEF in action.