Use dataframes for Decision tree classifier in spark with string fields - scala

I have managed to get my Decision Tree classifier work for the RDD-based API, but now I am trying to switch to the Dataframes-based API in Spark.
I have a dataset like this (but with many more fields) :
country, destination, duration, label
Belgium, France, 10, 0
Bosnia, USA, 120, 1
Germany, Spain, 30, 0
First I load my csv file in a dataframe :
val data =
.option("header", "true")
Then I transform string columns into numerical columns
val stringColumns = Array("country", "destination")
val index_transformers =
cname => new StringIndexer()
Then I assemble all my features into one single vector, using VectorAssembler, like this :
val assembler = new VectorAssembler()
.setInputCols(Array("country_index", "destination_index", "duration_index"))
I split my data into training and test :
val Array(trainingData, testData) = data.randomSplit(Array(0.7, 0.3))
Then I create my DecisionTree Classifier
val dt = new DecisionTreeClassifier()
Then I use a pipeline to make all the transformations
val pipeline = new Pipeline()
.setStages(Array(index_transformers, assembler, dt))
I train my model and use it for predictions :
val model =
val predictions = model.transform(testData)
But I get some mistakes I don't understand :
When I run my code like that, I have this error :
[error] found : Array[]
[error] required:
[error] .setStages(Array(index_transformers, assembler,dt))
So what I did is that I added a pipeline right after the index_transformers val, and right before val assembler :
val index_pipeline = new Pipeline().setStages(index_transformers)
val index_model =
val df_indexed = index_model.transform(data)
and I use as training set and testing set, my new df_indexed dataframe, and I removed index_transformers from my pipeline with assembler and dt
val Array(trainingData, testData) = df_indexed.randomSplit(Array(0.7, 0.3))
val pipeline = new Pipeline()
And I get this error :
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Data type StringType is not supported.
It basically says I use VectorAssembler on String, whereas I told it to use it on df_indexed which has now a numerical column_index, but it doesn't seem to use it in vectorAssembler, and i just don't understand..
Thank you
Now I have almost managed to get it work :
val data =
.option("header", "true")
val stringColumns = Array("country_index", "destination_index", "duration_index")
val stringColumns_index = => s"${c}_index")
val index_transformers =
cname => new StringIndexer()
val assembler = new VectorAssembler()
val labelIndexer = new StringIndexer()
val Array(trainingData, testData) = data.randomSplit(Array(0.7, 0.3))
// Train a DecisionTree model.
val dt = new DecisionTreeClassifier()
// Convert indexed labels back to original labels.
val labelConverter = new IndexToString()
val stages = index_transformers :+ assembler :+ labelIndexer :+ dt :+ labelConverter
val pipeline = new Pipeline()
// Train model. This also runs the indexers.
val model =
// Make predictions.
val predictions = model.transform(testData)
// Select example rows to display."predictedLabel", "label", "indexedFeatures").show(5)
// Select (prediction, true label) and compute test error.
val evaluator = new MulticlassClassificationEvaluator()
val accuracy = evaluator.evaluate(predictions)
println("accuracy = " + accuracy)
val treeModel = model.stages(2).asInstanceOf[DecisionTreeClassificationModel]
println("Learned classification tree model:\n" + treeModel.toDebugString)
except that now I have an error saying this :
value labels is not a member of
and I don't understand, as I am following examples on spark doc :/

Should be:
val pipeline = new Pipeline()
.setStages(index_transformers ++ Array(assembler, dt): Array[PipelineStage])

What I did for my first problem :
val stages = index_transformers :+ assembler :+ labelIndexer :+ rf :+ labelConverter
val pipeline = new Pipeline()
For my second issue with label, I needed to use .fit(data) like this
val labelIndexer = new StringIndexer()


How to use scala SparkML model to do multiple predictions in loop

I just started learning Spark 3.3 for scala to do some regressions.
I was able to create, fit and test a model, but I got stuck trying to predict different subsets of a dataframe looping through one of it's columns to filter the data.
This is my principal function: (I'm testing everything here)
The last line is what I'm trying to achieve, but I'm getting a "Task not serializable" error
def test() = {
val data_key = "./data/EAD_HILIC_PFP_Com.csv"
val df =
.option("multiLine", true)
.option("header", "true")
.option("inferSchema", "true")
val df2 = df.withColumn("PRECURSORMZ", $"PRECURSORMZ".cast("double").as("PRECURSORMZ"))
// to get list of samples from data
val labelDF ="mix_label").distinct
val (lrModel, test) = createModel(df2, labelDF)
println(s"Coefficients: ${lrModel.coefficients}")
println(s"Intercept: ${lrModel.intercept}")
println(s"Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) = ${lrModel.summary.rootMeanSquaredError}")
println(s"R^2 = ${lrModel.summary.r2}")
val predictions = lrModel.transform(test)
val rmse = new RegressionEvaluator()
val r2 = new RegressionEvaluator()
println(s"Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) on test data (${labelDF.head.get(0)}) = " + rmse.evaluate(predictions))
println(s"R^2 on test data (${labelDF.head.get(0)}) = " + r2.evaluate(predictions))
labelDF.foreach(label => process(df2, label, lrModel, rmse, r2))
The createModel funtion, does what it says, creates and fits a linear regression model:
def createModel(df2: DataFrame, labelDF: DataFrame): (LinearRegressionModel, DataFrame) = {
val first = labelDF.head.get(0)
//istds for single sample (mix_label)
val istdsDF = df2
.filter('mix_label === first)
.select($"PRECURSORMZ", $"Average_mz")
val assembler = new VectorAssembler()
.setInputCols(istdsDF.drop("msms", "mix_label").columns)
val (train, test) = train_test_split(istdsDF, assembler)
val lr = new LinearRegression()
val lrModel =
(lrModel, test)
def train_test_split(data: DataFrame, assembler: VectorAssembler): (DataFrame, DataFrame) = {
val Array(train, test) = data.randomSplit(Array(0.8, 0.2), seed = 30)
(assembler.transform(train), assembler.transform(test))
Thanks for any help
EDIT 1: adding process function:
def process(otherDF: DataFrame, otherLabel: String, lrModel: LinearRegressionModel): Unit = {
val assembler = new VectorAssembler()
.setInputCols(otherDF.drop("msms", "mix_label").columns)
val others = assembler.transform(otherDF)
val rmse = new RegressionEvaluator()
val r2 = new RegressionEvaluator()
val otherPreds = lrModel.transform(others)
println(s"Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) on other data (with label '${otherLabel}') = " + rmse.evaluate(otherPreds))
println(s"R^2 on other data (with label '${otherLabel}') = " + r2.evaluate(otherPreds))
StackTrace here:

Mix Smark MLLIB and SparkNLP in pipeline

In a MLLIB pipeline, how can I chain a CountVectorizer (from SparkML) after a Stemmer (from Spark NLP) ?
When I try to use both in a pipeline I get:
myColName must be of type equal to one of the following types: [array<string>, array<string>] but was actually of type array<struct<annotatorType:string,begin:int,end:int,result:string,metadata:map<string,string>,embeddings:array<float>>>.
You need to add a Finisher in your Spark NLP pipeline. Try that:
val documentAssembler =
new DocumentAssembler().setInputCol("text").setOutputCol("document")
val sentenceDetector =
new SentenceDetector().setInputCols("document").setOutputCol("sentences")
val tokenizer =
new Tokenizer().setInputCols("sentences").setOutputCol("token")
val stemmer = new Stemmer()
val finisher = new Finisher()
val cv = new CountVectorizer()
val pipeline = new Pipeline()
val data =
Seq("Peter Pipers employees are picking pecks of pickled peppers.")
val model =
val df = model.transform(data)
|features |

Rewrite an Apache Spark Pipeline to use an existing model

I have a Pipeline(see the pipelineBefore method) that:
Preprocess a data
Trains a model
Gets a prediction
Then I delegated models training and now need to preprocess data only and get prediction result. See the pipelineAfter
How can I refactor the code to use an existing model via the Pipeline API instead of invoking transformers manually?
Clarification. I need to integrate a plain model e.g, not a previously trained
private def pipelineBefore: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = {
val training = spark.createDataFrame(Seq(
(0L, "a b c d e spark", 1.0),
(1L, "b d", 0.0),
(2L, "spark f g h", 1.0),
(3L, "hadoop mapreduce", 0.0)
)).toDF("id", "text", "label")
println("Pipeline example. Training dataframe before preprocessing")
// Configure an ML pipeline, which consists of three stages: tokenizer, hashingTF, and lr.
val tokenizer = new Tokenizer()
val hashingTF = new HashingTF()
val lr = new LogisticRegression()
val pipeline = new Pipeline()
.setStages(Array(tokenizer, hashingTF, lr))
// Fit the pipeline to training documents.
val model =
// Prepare test documents, which are unlabeled (id, text) tuples.
val test = spark.createDataFrame(Seq(
(4L, "spark i j k"),
(5L, "l m n"),
(6L, "spark hadoop spark"),
(7L, "apache hadoop")
)).toDF("id", "text")
// Make predictions on test documents.
val predictionResult = model.transform(test)
println("Pipeline example. Prediction result")
return predictionResult
private def pipelineAfter: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = {
// Given a valid model trained on a preprocessed DataFrame
val trainedModel = getTrainedModel()
// Preprocess a test dataset
val test = spark.createDataFrame(Seq(
(4L, "spark i j k"),
(5L, "l m n"),
(6L, "spark hadoop spark"),
(7L, "apache hadoop")
)).toDF("id", "text")
val tokenizer = new Tokenizer()
val hashingTF = new HashingTF()
val tokenizedTestData = tokenizer.transform(test)
val hashedTestData = hashingTF.transform(tokenizedTestData)
println("Preprocessed test data")
// Make predictions on the test dataset.
val predictionResult = trainedModel.transform(hashedTestData)
println("Prediction result")
return predictionResult
You need to serialize your pipeline if you want to use latter with another model. In your example:
private def pipelineBefore: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = {
val training = spark.createDataFrame(Seq(
(0L, "a b c d e spark", 1.0),
(1L, "b d", 0.0),
(2L, "spark f g h", 1.0),
(3L, "hadoop mapreduce", 0.0)
)).toDF("id", "text", "label")
println("Pipeline example. Training dataframe before preprocessing")
// Configure an ML pipeline, which consists of three stages: tokenizer, hashingTF, and lr.
val tokenizer = new Tokenizer()
val hashingTF = new HashingTF()
val lr = new LogisticRegression()
val pipeline = new Pipeline()
.setStages(Array(tokenizer, hashingTF, lr))
// Fit the pipeline to training documents.
// Save your pipeline transformations
// ....
Then you need to load:
private def pipelineAfter: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = {
// Given a valid model trained, for example a LR model
// You can use pipeline model to load your model too
val trainedModel : LogisticRegressionModel = ???
// val trainedModel = PipelineModel.load("path_to_your_model")
// Preprocess a test dataset
val test = spark.createDataFrame(Seq(
(4L, "spark i j k"),
(5L, "l m n"),
(6L, "spark hadoop spark"),
(7L, "apache hadoop")
)).toDF("id", "text")
// Path where you stored the transform pipeline
val transformPipeline = PipelineModel.load("/tmp/path")
val hashedTestData = transformPipeline.transform(test)
// Make predictions on the test dataset.
val predictionResult = trainedModel.transform(hashedTestData)
println("Prediction result")
return predictionResult
Check the Spark doc to see more details about this.

How to use feature extraction with DStream in Apache Spark

I have data that arrive from Kafka through DStream. I want to perform feature extraction in order to obtain some keywords.
I do not want to wait for arrival of all data (as it is intended to be continuous stream that potentially never ends), so I hope to perform extraction in chunks - it doesn't matter to me if the accuracy will suffer a bit.
So far I put together something like that:
def extractKeywords(stream: DStream[Data]): Unit = {
val spark: SparkSession = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate
val streamWithWords: DStream[(Data, Seq[String])] = stream map extractWordsFromData
val streamWithFeatures: DStream[(Data, Array[String])] = streamWithWords transform extractFeatures(spark) _
val streamWithKeywords: DStream[DataWithKeywords] = streamWithFeatures map addKeywordsToData
def extractFeatures(spark: SparkSession)
(rdd: RDD[(Data, Seq[String])]): RDD[(Data, Array[String])] = {
val df = spark.createDataFrame(rdd).toDF("data", "words")
val hashingTF = new HashingTF().setInputCol("words").setOutputCol("rawFeatures").setNumFeatures(numOfFeatures)
val rawFeatures = hashingTF.transform(df)
val idf = new IDF().setInputCol("rawFeatures").setOutputCol("features")
val idfModel =
val rescaledData = idfModel.transform(rawFeature)
import spark.implicits._"data", "features").as[(Data, Array[String])].rdd
However, I received java.lang.IllegalStateException: Haven't seen any document yet. - I am not surprised as I just try out to scrap things together, and I understand that since I am not waiting for an arrival of some data, the generated model might be empty when I try to use it on data.
What would be the right approach for this problem?
I used advises from comments and split the procedure into 2 runs:
one that calculated IDF model and saves it to file
def trainFeatures(idfModelFile: File, rdd: RDD[(String, Seq[String])]) = {
val session: SparkSession = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate
val wordsDf = session.createDataFrame(rdd).toDF("data", "words")
val hashingTF = new HashingTF().setInputCol("words").setOutputCol("rawFeatures")
val featurizedDf = hashingTF.transform(wordsDf)
val idf = new IDF().setInputCol("rawFeatures").setOutputCol("features")
val idfModel =
one that reads IDF model from file and simply runs it on all incoming information
val idfModel = IDFModel.load(idfModelFile.getAbsolutePath)
val documentDf = spark.createDataFrame(rdd).toDF("update", "document")
val tokenizer = new Tokenizer().setInputCol("document").setOutputCol("words")
val wordsDf = tokenizer.transform(documentDf)
val hashingTF = new HashingTF().setInputCol("words").setOutputCol("rawFeatures")
val featurizedDf = hashingTF.transform(wordsDf)
val extractor = idfModel.setInputCol("rawFeatures").setOutputCol("features")
val featuresDf = extractor.transform(featurizedDf)"update", "features")

Multiclass Classification Evaluator field does not exist error - Apache Spark

I am new to Spark and trying a basic classifier in Scala.
I'm trying to get the accuracy, but when using MulticlassClassificationEvaluator it gives the error below:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Field "label" does not exist.
at org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(StructType.scala:228)
at org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(StructType.scala:228)
at scala.collection.MapLike$class.getOrElse(MapLike.scala:128)
at scala.collection.AbstractMap.getOrElse(Map.scala:59)
at org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType.apply(StructType.scala:227)
at com.classifier.classifier_app.App$.<init>(App.scala:90)
at com.classifier.classifier_app.App$.<clinit>(App.scala)
The code is as below:
val conf = new SparkConf().setMaster("local[*]").setAppName("Classifier")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val spark = SparkSession
.appName("Email Classifier")
.config("spark.some.config.option", "some-value")
import spark.implicits._
val spamInput = "TRAIN_00000_0.eml" //files to train model
val normalInput = "TRAIN_00002_1.eml"
val spamData =
val normalData =
case class Feature(index: Int, value: String)
val indexer = new StringIndexer()
val regexTokenizer = new RegexTokenizer()
val remover = new StopWordsRemover()
val hashingTF = new HashingTF()
val nb = new NaiveBayes()
val indexedSpam =>Feature(0, x))
val indexedNormal =>Feature(1, x))
val trainingData = indexedSpam.union(indexedNormal)
val pipeline = new Pipeline().setStages(Array (indexer, regexTokenizer, remover, hashingTF, nb))
val model =
val spamTest ="TEST_00009_0.eml")
val normalTest ="TEST_00000_1.eml")
val sameModel = PipelineModel.load("myNaiveBayesModel")
val evaluator = new MulticlassClassificationEvaluator()
Console.println("Spam Test")
val predictionSpam = sameModel.transform(spamTest).select("prediction")
val accuracy = evaluator.evaluate(predictionSpam)
println("Accuracy Spam: " + accuracy)
Console.println("Normal Test")
val predictionNorm = sameModel.transform(normalTest).select("prediction")
val accuracyNorm = evaluator.evaluate(predictionNorm)
println("Accuracy Normal: " + accuracyNorm)
The error occurs when initializing the MulticlassClassificationEvaluator. How should the column names be specified? Any help is appreciated.
The error is in this line:
val predictionSpam = sameModel.transform(spamTest).select("prediction")
Your dataframe contains only prediction column and no label column.