how to validate one specific form's fields among different forms under a Parent form - forms

If you see on the attachment, I have 3 different forms under a single form with same submit. The top two form's fields already validate but now I would like to validate the fields of the Rechnung form so that at least it should not have empty fields. I tried with HTML5 'required' and some other js/jquery but all are affecting the other two forms too.
How can I only check on fly the fields with Rechnung form?

validates_association :rechnungs


Is it possible to validate a form after form fields are added to formarray

I have a form which is dynamically expandable (using form array).
After the fields are added, I would like to perform a validation, how can this be achieved or is it even possible?

using GFAPI::submit_form to submit a checkbox with multiple options

I'm trying to use the Gravity Forms API to submit a set of checkboxes programmatically, the values of the checkboxes on the form that is being submitted are "By Email", "By Post" and "By SMS" and the ID of the checkbox field is 40.
Along with the other fields (these all submit properly) i'm passing the following set of data to GFAPI::submit_form , no validation errors occur on running this code, however the values are not shown in the entries area of gravity forms, does anybody know if this is the correct syntax for a set of checkboxes to submit?
$input_values[input_40_1] => By Email
$input_values[input_40_2] => By Post
$input_values[input_40_3] => By SMS
$result = GFAPI::submit_form(54, $input_values);
Turned out this was an issue with a mismatch in the database schema for the two fields, the data inside of them was the same but saved in a different format (the likely explanation for this was the forms being created in differing versions of Gravity forms)
To fix we copied the field_meta from the field in the new form, changed the IDs to match the one in the old form and inserted it over the field in the old form

Cannot update textbox on Access form

I have a form frm_Manage_Demand with two subforms: frm_Manage_Demand_Sub and frm_Manage_Demand_Bottom_Sub. I use the subforms to display the data from tbl_Manage_Demand. The reason I use two subforms is because there are two many fields to display on the screen in one form.
The need to allow the user to update the last two fields on the form plus an unbound textbox that is populated when the form is loaded.
I am unable to get the form to allow a user to enter data in the two fields plus the unbound textbox. All fields are set to Enabled = Yes and Locked = No. The main form has no record source. It attributes for Allow Edit, Allow Additions, Allow Deletions are all set to Yes.
The record source for the two subforms is tbl_Manage_Demand.
I created a new test form based on the tbl_Manage_Demand and I can update all fields just fine.
Any hints to solve my problem is sincerely appreciated.
I found that an unknown section of the code turned the control AllowEdits to No. So after the frm_Manage_Bottom_Sub form loaded I changed the control using Forms![frm_Manage_Demand]![frm_Manage_Demand_Bottom_Sub].Form.AllowEdits = True

How do we POST custom fields from multiple categories in Workfront

I have two custom forms A1,A2,A3 and fields a1,a2,a3 in the forms respectively. I want to create a new project with custom fields from the forms A1, A2. How should we include multiple categoryID in the POST URL
/attask/api/v10.0/PROJ?fields=parameterValues&name=XXX&DE:a1=hello&DE:a2=hello1&categoryID=<A1/A2 category ID - How should i fill it.>
I tried adding this paramter but no luck categoryIDs=5d10971f0022b132ec67f6fb6c60b3a4,5d07244000060f86c04b49527f1
I got the following error "message": "APIModel V10_0 does not support field categoryIDs (Project)"
If you attempt to set a custom field value on an object that does not yet have that field associated to it (no form on the object that contains the field), Workfront will automatically attach an appropriate form. If those forms are the only ones that utilize your fields, you should be able to simply set the field values and be done with it.
However, if you wish to attach specific custom forms without filling out the fields, or if you have a field associated with multiple forms and you want to ensure a specific form is attached, you must first attach the form(s) in one call and then update the fields in another.
To attach a custom form,
PUT <Workfront URL.../<objectID?updates={objectCategories:[{categoryID:`"<custom form ID>`",categoryOrder:<order of form, starting with 0>,objCode:`"CTGY`"}]}
Please note that this will remove any forms not explicitly specified in this call (it does not append) so you'll need to capture any existing forms and re-apply them.
Below API call worked
POST <Workfront URL.../<object>?updates={objectCategories:[{categoryID:`"<custom form ID1>`",categoryOrder:<order of form, starting with 0>,objCode:`"CTGY`"},{categoryID:`"<custom form ID2>`",categoryOrder:<order of form, starting with 0>,objCode:`"CTGY`"}]],name:"`<object_name>`", DE:a1:"hello", DE:a2:"hello1"}

Repeatable Form elements

I need to allow the users repeat some of the form fields(or form groups) in the survey forms. There should be a + or - button next to the field that if the user clicks on +, then a new field is created.
I would be surprised to know if Qualtrics doesn't have this feature.
I google for this but no success.
You can't create new fields (choices, answers, variables, etc.) on the fly in Qualtrics. A field has to be defined in the survey for it be be saved in the response data.
You could write a JavaScript to show and hide fields to give the appearance of adding and removing fields, but you would have to define the maximum number of fields in the survey beforehand.