How to add custom init for String extension? - swift

How can I add custom init method for String extension?
extension String {
init(_ amount: Double, decimalPlaces: UInt) {
let decimalFormat = "%0.\(String(decimalPlaces))f"
let currencyAmount = String(format: decimalFormat, amount)
let currencySign = NSLocalizedString("Defaults.CurrencySign", comment: "currency sign")
let formattedString = "\(currencySign)\(currencyAmount)"
// How to set self to `formattedString` ?
As result I want to see something like this:
let price = Double(155.15)
let formattedPrice = String(price, decimalPlaces: 2) // formattedPrice = "$155.15"
UPDATED: Final solution
extension String {
init?(currencyAmount: Double) {
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .currency
formatter.locale = Locale(identifier: NSLocalizedString("Defaults.LocaleCurrencyFormat", comment: "currency sign")) // Defaults.LocaleCurrencyFormat equal "es_US" for US
let formattedAmount = formatter.string(from: NSNumber(value: currencyAmount)) ?? ""

Edit: Don't format currencies yourself.
However you might think currencies are formatted, you're almost certainly wrong. Just compare:
US/Canada: $3,490,000.89
French Canadian: 3 490 000,89 $
France: 3 490 000,89 €
Germany: 3.490.000,89 €
Instead, use NumberFormatter with numberStyle set to .currency, with a specified locale.
let currencyFormatter = NumberFormatter()
currencyFormatter.usesGroupingSeparator = true
currencyFormatter.numberStyle = .currency
currencyFormatter.locale = Locale.current
let priceString = currencyFormatter.string(from: 9999.99)!
print(priceString) // Displays $9,999.99 in the US locale
Original answer:
The initializers (and mutating methods) of value types can simply assign directly to self:
import Foundation
extension String {
init(_ amount: Double, decimalPlaces: UInt) {
let currencyAmount = String(format: "%\(decimalPlaces).f", amount)
let currencySign = NSLocalizedString("Defaults.CurrencySign", comment: "currency sign")
self = "\(currencySign)\(currencyAmount)"
let price = Double(155.15)
let formattedPrice = String(price, decimalPlaces: 2) // formattedPrice = "$155.15"


How to convert number to words in swift by using func

Given the integer 'number' in the range of 0 ..<< 1000, print the number as a word.
For example, given: let number : Int = 125
output should be one-hundred and twenty-five
You can use NumberFormatter pretty effectively :) Here's example
let numberFormatter = NumberFormatter()
let number = 12355532
numberFormatter.numberStyle = .spellOut
let numberAsWord = numberFormatter.string(from: NSNumber(value: number))
You could also extend NSNumber to do this behind the scenes like this
public extension NSNumber {
var spelledOut: String? {
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .spellOut
return formatter.string(from: self)
To avoid creating a Number Formatter every time you call this property you can create a static formatter. You can also make the computed property generic to support all numeric types:
extension NumberFormatter {
static let spelled: NumberFormatter = {
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .spellOut
return formatter
extension Numeric {
var spelledOut: String? { NumberFormatter.spelled.string(for: self) }
let integer = 1234
let integerSpelled = integer.spelledOut // "one thousand two hundred thirty-four"
let double = 123.4
let doubleSpelled = double.spelledOut // "one hundred twenty-three point four"

Second decimal place gets truncated if it is 0

I'm new to Swift, so bear with me. :)
I'm having trouble showing the output currency to two decimal places. Currently, it only shows one decimal place. For example, if I input $1.10, the output is $1.1.
However, if I input $1.11, the output is still $1.11.
func currencyInputDoubling() -> String {
var number: NSNumber!
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .currencyAccounting
formatter.currencySymbol = CurrencyManager.shared.currentCurrency.sign
formatter.maximumFractionDigits = 2
formatter.minimumFractionDigits = 2
var amountWithPrefix = self
// remove from String: "$", ".", ","
let regex = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: "[^0-9]", options: .caseInsensitive)
amountWithPrefix = regex.stringByReplacingMatches(in: amountWithPrefix, options: NSRegularExpression.MatchingOptions(rawValue: 0), range: NSMakeRange(0, self.count), withTemplate: "")
let double = (amountWithPrefix as NSString).doubleValue
number = NSNumber(value: (double / 100))
// if first number is 0 or all numbers were deleted
guard number != 0 as NSNumber else {
return ""
return "\(double / 100)"
I would suggest using Locale instead of currencySymbol and to create static number formatters that can be reused.
let currencyFormatter: NumberFormatter = {
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .currency
formatter.locale = .current
return formatter
let numberFormatter: NumberFormatter = {
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .decimal
formatter.locale = .current
formatter.minimumFractionDigits = 2
formatter.maximumFractionDigits = 2
return formatter
And then the method can be simplified as
func currencyInputDoubling(_ amountWithPrefix: String) -> String {
guard let value = currencyFormatter.number(from: amountWithPrefix) else { return "" }
return numberFormatter.string(from: value) ?? ""
If you need to set Locale to something else than .current you could pass it as an argument
func currencyInputDoubling(_ amountWithPrefix: String, using locale: Locale) -> String {
currencyFormatter.locale = locale
numberFormatter.locale = locale
guard let value = currencyFormatter.number(from: amountWithPrefix) else { return "" }
return numberFormatter.string(from: value) ?? ""
I would suggest, at a minimum, using the formatter you created, rather than doing string interpolation. When you return "\(double / 100)", using simple string interpolation, that can’t avail itself of the formatter’s fractional digits setting.
func currencyInputDoubling() -> String {
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .currencyAccounting
formatter.currencySymbol = CurrencyManager.shared.currentCurrency.sign
formatter.maximumFractionDigits = 2
formatter.minimumFractionDigits = 2
// remove from String: "$", ".", ","
let digitsOnly = filter("0123456789".contains)` // or, if you want to use regex, simply `let digitsOnly = replacingOccurrences(of: "[^0-9]", with: "", options: .regularExpression)`
// return formatted string
guard let value = Double(digitsOnly) {
return ""
return formatter.string(for: value / 100) ?? ""

In Swift 5, How to convert a Float to a String localized in order to display it in a textField?

I need to convert a Float to a localized String.
i write this function which is an extension from Float:
func afficherUnFloat() -> String {
let numberFormatter = NumberFormatter()
numberFormatter.numberStyle = .decimal
numberFormatter.locale = Locale.current
//numberFormatter.maximumFractionDigits = 2
//numberFormatter.maximumIntegerDigits = 6
if let result = numberFormatter.number(from: self) {
return numberFormatter.string(for: result) ?? "0"
return "0"
but it didn't work:
Here is the exemple
let xxx : Float = 111.222
myTextField.text = String(xxx).afficherUnFloat()
I have installed a pod KSNumericTextField, that limit the numbers in the textfield. He display it only if it is locally formatted.
When i run the app, it doesn't diplay 111,222 in a french region, or 111,222 in an arabic one.
nothing is dislpayed
Note that there is no need to cast your Float to NSNumber. You can use Formatter's method string(for: Any) instead of NumberFormatter's method string(from: NSNumber). Btw it will create a new number formatter every time you call this property. I would make your formatter static:
extension Formatter {
static let decimal: NumberFormatter = {
let numberFormatter = NumberFormatter()
numberFormatter.numberStyle = .decimal
numberFormatter.locale = .current
numberFormatter.maximumFractionDigits = 2 // your choice
numberFormatter.maximumIntegerDigits = 6 // your choice
return numberFormatter
extension FloatingPoint {
var afficherUnFloat: String { Formatter.decimal.string(for: self) ?? "" }
let float: Float = 111.222
let string = float.afficherUnFloat // "111.22"
Here is finaly a solution:
extension Float {
func afficherUnFloat() -> String {
let text : NSNumber = self as NSNumber
let numberFormatter = NumberFormatter()
numberFormatter.numberStyle = .decimal
numberFormatter.locale = .current
numberFormatter.groupingSeparator = ""
numberFormatter.maximumFractionDigits = 2 // your choice
numberFormatter.maximumIntegerDigits = 6 // your choice
let result = numberFormatter.string(from: text) ?? ""
return result
With this, you can format every Float to a localized String, compatible with the keyboard choosen by the user, regardless of his locality or langage.
There is no need to force a special keyboard to have a specific decimal separator.
you can use it like this:
let myFloat: Float = 111.222
let myString :String = myFloat.afficherUnFloat()
myString will be displayed as the location requires

Add remove currency formatting in Swift

I use
func formatAmount(number:NSNumber) -> String {
let formatter = NSNumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .CurrencyStyle
return formatter.stringFromNumber(number)!
for changing the number to currency formatted string, but I need to remove the formatting and get just number, I need to remove the comma and currency symbol. is there any specific way? Please let me know.
I tried
func removeFormatAmount(string:String) -> NSNumber {
let formatter = NSNumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .NoStyle
formatter.currencySymbol = .None
formatter.currencyGroupingSeparator = .None
return formatter.numberFromString(string)!
and this gives me nil value.
I figured out that if text does not contain $ sign then formatting with currency will give nil value so what I did is
if string.containsString("$") {
formatter.numberStyle = .CurrencyStyle
return formatter.numberFromString(string)?.floatValue
now it just gives me good result.
You can create a string extension to do that
For Swift 3:
extension String {
func removeFormatAmount() -> Double {
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.locale = Locale(identifier: "en_US")
formatter.numberStyle = .currency
formatter.currencySymbol = "$"
formatter.decimalSeparator = ","
return formatter.number(from: self) as Double? ?? 0
To use:
let currencyString = "$1,000.00"
let amount = currencyString.removeFormatAmount() // 1000.0
func formatAmount(number:NSNumber) -> String{
let formatter = NSNumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .CurrencyStyle
formatter.currencySymbol = "" // <--------
formatter.currencyGroupingSeparator = "" // <--------
return formatter.stringFromNumber(number)!
Swift 4+
This removes currency format from all languages
extension String {
public func removeFormatAmount() -> Double {
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.locale = Locale.current
formatter.numberStyle = .currency
formatter.currencySymbol = Locale.current.currencySymbol
formatter.decimalSeparator = Locale.current.groupingSeparator
return formatter.number(from: self)?.doubleValue ?? 0.00
let currencyString = "$100.00"
let amount = currencyString.removeFormatAmount() // 100.0
NSNumberFormatter has a function numberFromString that you can use
let formatter = NSNumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .CurrencyStyle
if let number = formatter.numberFromString(string) {
//Use number
If you want the string from number it's easy to just build a string from that number afterwards
var number = formatter.numberFromString(string)!
var string = "\(number)"
func removeFormatAmount(string:String) -> NSNumber{
let formatter = NSNumberFormatter()
// specify a locale where the decimalSeparator is a comma
formatter.locale = NSLocale(localeIdentifier: "pt_BR")
formatter.numberStyle = .CurrencyStyle
formatter.currencySymbol = "$"
formatter.decimalSeparator = ","
return formatter.numberFromString(string) ?? 0
removeFormatAmount("$15,99") // 15.99

Formatting input for currency with NSNumberFormatter in Swift

I am creating a budget app that allows the user to input their budget as well as transactions. I need to allow the user to enter both pence and pounds from separate text fields and they need to be formatted together with currency symbols. I have this working fine at the moment but would like to make it localised as currently it only works with GBP. I have been struggling to convert NSNumberFormatter examples from Objective-C to Swift.
My first issue is the fact that I need to set the placeholders for the input fields to be specific to the users location. Eg. Pounds and Pence, Dollars and Cents etc...
The second issue is that the values inputted in each of the text fields such as 10216 and 32 need to be formatted and the currency symbol specific to the users location needs to be added. So it would become £10,216.32 or $10,216.32 etc...
Also, I need to use the result of the formatted number in a calculation. So how can I do this without running into issues without running into issues with the currency symbol?
Here's an example on how to use it on Swift 3.
( Edit: Works in Swift 5 too )
let price = 123.436 as NSNumber
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .currency
// formatter.locale = NSLocale.currentLocale() // This is the default
// In Swift 4, this ^ was renamed to simply NSLocale.current
formatter.string(from: price) // "$123.44"
formatter.locale = Locale(identifier: "es_CL")
formatter.string(from: price) // $123"
formatter.locale = Locale(identifier: "es_ES")
formatter.string(from: price) // "123,44 €"
Here's the old example on how to use it on Swift 2.
let price = 123.436
let formatter = NSNumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .CurrencyStyle
// formatter.locale = NSLocale.currentLocale() // This is the default
formatter.stringFromNumber(price) // "$123.44"
formatter.locale = NSLocale(localeIdentifier: "es_CL")
formatter.stringFromNumber(price) // $123"
formatter.locale = NSLocale(localeIdentifier: "es_ES")
formatter.stringFromNumber(price) // "123,44 €"
Swift 3:
If you are looking for a solution that gives you:
"5" = "$5"
"5.0" = "$5"
"5.00" = "$5"
"5.5" = "$5.50"
"5.50" = "$5.50"
"5.55" = "$5.55"
"5.234234" = "5.23"
Please use the following:
func cleanDollars(_ value: String?) -> String {
guard value != nil else { return "$0.00" }
let doubleValue = Double(value!) ?? 0.0
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.currencyCode = "USD"
formatter.currencySymbol = "$"
formatter.minimumFractionDigits = (value!.contains(".00")) ? 0 : 2
formatter.maximumFractionDigits = 2
formatter.numberStyle = .currencyAccounting
return formatter.string(from: NSNumber(value: doubleValue)) ?? "$\(doubleValue)"
I have implemented the solution provided by #NiñoScript as an extension as well:
// Create a string with currency formatting based on the device locale
extension Float {
var asLocaleCurrency:String {
var formatter = NSNumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .CurrencyStyle
formatter.locale = NSLocale.currentLocale()
return formatter.stringFromNumber(self)!
let amount = 100.07
let amountString = amount.asLocaleCurrency
// prints: "$100.07"
Swift 3
extension Float {
var asLocaleCurrency:String {
var formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .currency
formatter.locale = Locale.current
return formatter.string(from: self)!
Xcode 11 • Swift 5.1
extension Locale {
static let br = Locale(identifier: "pt_BR")
static let us = Locale(identifier: "en_US")
static let uk = Locale(identifier: "en_GB") // ISO Locale
extension NumberFormatter {
convenience init(style: Style, locale: Locale = .current) {
self.locale = locale
numberStyle = style
extension Formatter {
static let currency = NumberFormatter(style: .currency)
static let currencyUS = NumberFormatter(style: .currency, locale: .us)
static let currencyBR = NumberFormatter(style: .currency, locale: .br)
extension Numeric {
var currency: String { Formatter.currency.string(for: self) ?? "" }
var currencyUS: String { Formatter.currencyUS.string(for: self) ?? "" }
var currencyBR: String { Formatter.currencyBR.string(for: self) ?? "" }
let price = 1.99
print(Formatter.currency.locale) // "en_US (current)\n"
print(price.currency) // "$1.99\n"
Formatter.currency.locale = .br
print(price.currency) // "R$1,99\n"
Formatter.currency.locale = .uk
print(price.currency) // "£1.99\n"
print(price.currencyBR) // "R$1,99\n"
print(price.currencyUS) // "$1.99\n"
Xcode 10.2.1 (10E1001), Swift 5
import Foundation
class CurrencyFormatter {
static var outputFormatter = CurrencyFormatter.create()
class func create(locale: Locale = Locale.current,
groupingSeparator: String? = nil,
decimalSeparator: String? = nil,
style: NumberFormatter.Style = NumberFormatter.Style.currency) -> NumberFormatter {
let outputFormatter = NumberFormatter()
outputFormatter.locale = locale
outputFormatter.decimalSeparator = decimalSeparator ?? locale.decimalSeparator
outputFormatter.groupingSeparator = groupingSeparator ?? locale.groupingSeparator
outputFormatter.numberStyle = style
return outputFormatter
extension Numeric {
func toCurrency(formatter: NumberFormatter = CurrencyFormatter.outputFormatter) -> String? {
guard let num = self as? NSNumber else { return nil }
var formatedSting = formatter.string(from: num)
guard let locale = formatter.locale else { return formatedSting }
if let separator = formatter.groupingSeparator, let localeValue = locale.groupingSeparator {
formatedSting = formatedSting?.replacingOccurrences(of: localeValue, with: separator)
if let separator = formatter.decimalSeparator, let localeValue = locale.decimalSeparator {
formatedSting = formatedSting?.replacingOccurrences(of: localeValue, with: separator)
return formatedSting
let price = 12423.42
print(price.toCurrency() ?? "")
CurrencyFormatter.outputFormatter = CurrencyFormatter.create(style: .currencyISOCode)
print(price.toCurrency() ?? "nil")
CurrencyFormatter.outputFormatter = CurrencyFormatter.create(locale: Locale(identifier: "es_ES"))
print(price.toCurrency() ?? "nil")
CurrencyFormatter.outputFormatter = CurrencyFormatter.create(locale: Locale(identifier: "de_DE"), groupingSeparator: " ", style: .currencyISOCode)
print(price.toCurrency() ?? "nil")
CurrencyFormatter.outputFormatter = CurrencyFormatter.create(groupingSeparator: "_", decimalSeparator: ".", style: .currencyPlural)
print(price.toCurrency() ?? "nil")
let formatter = CurrencyFormatter.create(locale: Locale(identifier: "de_DE"), groupingSeparator: " ", decimalSeparator: ",", style: .currencyPlural)
print(price.toCurrency(formatter: formatter) ?? "nil")
12.423,42 €
12 423,42 EUR
12_423.42 US dollars
12 423,42 Euro
Updated for Swift 4 from #Michael Voccola's answer:
extension Double {
var asLocaleCurrency: String {
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .currency
formatter.locale = Locale.current
let formattedString = formatter.string(from: self as NSNumber)
return formattedString ?? ""
Note: no force-unwraps, force-unwraps are evil.
Swift 4 TextField Implemented
var value = 0
currencyTextField.delegate = self
func numberFormatting(money: Int) -> String {
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .currency
formatter.locale = .current
return formatter.string(from: money as NSNumber)!
currencyTextField.text = formatter.string(from: 50 as NSNumber)!
func textFieldDidEndEditing(_ textField: UITextField) {
value = textField.text
textField.text = numberFormatting(money: Int(textField.text!) ?? 0 as! Int)
func textFieldDidBeginEditing(_ textField: UITextField) {
textField.text = value
extension Float {
var convertAsLocaleCurrency :String {
var formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .currency
formatter.locale = Locale.current
return formatter.string(from: self as NSNumber)!
This working for swift 3.1 xcode 8.2.1
Swift 4
formatter.locale = Locale.current
if you want to change locale you can do it like this
formatter.locale = Locale.init(identifier: "id-ID")
// This is locale for Indonesia locale. if you want use as per mobile phone area use it as per upper mention Locale.current
//MARK:- Complete code
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .currency
if let formattedTipAmount = formatter.string(from: Int(newString)! as
NSNumber) {
yourtextfield.text = formattedTipAmount
add this function
func addSeparateMarkForNumber(int: Int) -> String {
var string = ""
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.locale = Locale.current
formatter.numberStyle = .decimal
if let formattedTipAmount = formatter.string(from: int as NSNumber) {
string = formattedTipAmount
return string
let giaTri = value as! Int
myGuessTotalCorrect = addSeparateMarkForNumber(int: giaTri)