Find all records older than one year - mongodb

I have a collection named "listenedMessage" in my MongoDb and it has a field called "timeReceived"
How do I find all records which are older than one year based on the "timeReceived" field?

Based on #Puneet Singh's comment I've came to a solution which retrieves all the records having "timeReceived" field older than a particular month.
function addMonths(date, months) {
date.setMonth(date.getMonth() + months);
return date;
db.listenedMessage.find({"timeReceived" : {$lt: addMonths(new Date(), -1)}}).count(); //this will give all the records having timeReceived field older than a month from today


Mongodb: Get avg duration of products in inventory

I have a collection with $vehicleId and $Scraped Date. I am trying to get the avg days a car is in inventory. And I want to calculate it for all the historical days.
Sample Doc
{"_id":{"$oid":"5e1b46d853848fae2832e01a"},"Scraped Date":{"$date":{"$numberLong":"1578845911324"}},"vehicleId":{"$numberInt":"1376788"}}
{"_id":{"$oid":"5e1b46d853848fae2832e01b"},"Scraped Date":{"$date":{"$numberLong":"1578845911324"}},"vehicleId":{"$numberInt":"1376771"}}
{"_id":{"$oid":"5e1b46d853848fae2832e01c"},"Scraped Date":{"$date":{"$numberLong":"1578845911324"}},"vehicleId":{"$numberInt":"1376734"}}
{"_id":{"$oid":"5e1b46d853848fae2832e01d"},"Scraped Date":{"$date":{"$numberLong":"1578845911324"}},"vehicleId":{"$numberInt":"1376706"}}
{"_id":{"$oid":"5e1b46d853848fae2832e01e"},"Scraped Date":{"$date":{"$numberLong":"1578845911324"}},"vehicleId":{"$numberInt":"1376505"}}
{'$group': {
'_id' : {'vehicleId': '$vehicleId'},
'date' : {'$addToSet': "$Scraped Date"}
} }
This code is giving me a list of dates the vehicleId was found in the inventory. How can I convert this to list of dates with avg length the cars were in inventory for that day? I could think of finding the avg length of the dates column but that wont give the me the data day wise.
The current output looks like this in a dataframe:
dataframe view
I figured out a solution. Created a simple for loop for every date and then used the $match query to first filter the results and then calculate the avg length. The question is closed for now. I will update the code in the original question in a while

Named query to show results by date (Year, month, day) in Grails 3.2.10

Given this domain:
class Burger{
String description
Date dateCreated
Currently, I have this namedQuery
queryOnDateCreated {Date dateArgument ->
eq 'dateCreated', dateArgument
I need a query that allows me find all the objects in the domain Burger with a specific dateCreated only taking into accountYear, Month and day (of month), while ignoring hours, minutes, seconds, miliseconds.
After some additional research, I found a solution which I'm going to share in case it helps someone else:
The named query needs to be as follows:
queryOnDateCreated {Date dateArgument ->
def dateArgumentIntervalEnd = DateUtils.addMilliseconds(dateArgument + 1, - 1)
between 'dateCreated', dateArgument, dateArgumentIntervalEnd
The "between" criteria returns every object in the domain whose date is between the interval given.
Since dateArgument is a Date created only with Year, Month and Day, it's time should be 00:00:00:000 (the first moment of the day).
Furthermore, "dateArgument + 1" holds the value of the next day (at the same time), which is why the substraction of 1 millisecond is required, that way "dateArgumentIntervalEnd" will hold the value of the same Year, Month and Day of "dateArgument" but the time will be 23:59:59:999 holding an interval of the whole day.

mongodb difference in time

How can i filter database entries that have a datetime less than 60min in the past?
I tried some date operations as follows in mongodb with two fields timestamp and marketstartime that are of type date in all my documents:
{"$subtract": ["$timestamp", "$marketstartime"]}
but it returns always null for that operation. Why?
My timestamp and marketstartime entries in the db are in date type and look as follows, this should be correct:
2017-12-23 12:00:00.000Z
The actual question I’m trying to solve: How can I get all entries that have a timestamp less than 60 min in the past from now?
A query can composed for documents with timestamp value set less than 60 minutes ago.
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
query = {
'$timestamp': {
'$lt': + timedelta(minutes=-60)
cursor = db.collection.find(query)

MongoDb Date query without using range?

if i want to find a document created on a specific Day, until now i used a range
from the first minute of the day, to the last minute of the day in seconds , sth like :
is is possible to to somehow find all documents where only the Day, Month and year equals "dtCreated" ?
in pseudocode like :
query:{"dtCreated":ISODate("2014-01-23")} <- i know that may not be a valid iso date
but what i want is to find all documents for one day without using lt and gt ?
Sry for bad english and for any hints thanks in advance!
You can do it with the aggregation framework using the date aggregation operators.
Assuming dtCreated is an ISODate field, you could try something like this:
query = [
'$project': {
'year': {'$year':'$dtCreated'},
'month': {'$month':'$dtCreated'},
'$match' : {'year':'2014', 'month':'1', day:'1'}
Edit: as orid rightly remarks, though this is an answer to your question (query for date without using date range), it's not a good way to solve your problem. I would probably do it this way: a range greater than or equal to today, but less than tomorrow{'dtCreated':{'$gte':ISODate("2014-01-23"), '$lt':ISODate("2014-01-24")}})

Aggregation query in MongoDB

I'm looking to write a pretty straightforward aggregation query in MongoDB, but struggling with a certain part.
What I would like to do is pull the sum of all records within the last 7 days grouped by day. It's easy enough to define the date 7 days ago as UTC, but I'd like to do it programmatically so I don't need to work out the UTC date everytime. For instance instead of 1341964800 i'd like to specify something like date() - 7 days.
Here's the current aggregation function I have which works:
{ key:{date:true},
reduce:function(obj,prev) {prev.csum += obj.total_imp},
Thanks in advance!
You can perform arithmetic on the milliseconds timestamp returned by to find the appropriate timestamp for 7 days ago. You need to subtract the number of milliseconds in 7 days (1000ms/s, 60 s/min, 60min/hr, 24 hrs/dy, 7dys/wk).
var weekAgo = - (1000*60*60*24*7);
{ key:{date:true},
reduce:function(obj,prev) {prev.csum += obj.total_imp},