"Module was not compiled for testing" error when using Swift Package Manager - swift

I created a Swift library with swift package init --type library and generated an Xcode project with swift package generate-xcodeproj.
Now I'm trying to run the Test scheme in Xcode. It prints following error:
Module '<title>' was not compiled for testing
However when I run swift build and swift test in terminal, it works fine.
I have ENABLE_TESTABILITY set to YES in all of the targets. I didn't change anything in the project except this. How can I make Xcode perform unit testing?

You need to set the "Enable Testability" to Yes in build setting over your "Main Target"

I was having this issue today, it seems like #testable cannot be used with projects generated by Swift Package Manager.
Removing #testable from my import statements solved this issue. Of course, this means we can only test the public interface of our modules.

Xcode -> Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme
Select the Info tab.
Set the following -
Build Configuration: Debug
Add a check mark to Debug executable
Tested with Xcode 12.4(12D4e) and iOS 14.1 deployment target.


Mac: Bundle not found in embedded Helper app

I have a Swift Package with shared code.
With Xcode's SPM added to my Xcode project.
Works great in the main app.
Doesn't work in the helper app when exported. Running the helper app in Xcode itself works fine. But when running as an exported and signed app it doesn't work.
This error message was found in console:
Fatal error: unable to find bundle named MySwiftPackageName: file MySwiftPackageName/resource_bundle_accessor.swift, line 27
I double checked, the package is really added at
Build Phase -> Link Binary With Libraries
When I inspect the exported main app and helper app I found the package in the main resources folder but not in the helper app resources folder.
How can I fix this?
In the Swift Package Manager the use of Bundle changes a bit, when you compile the source or open up Xcode a autogenerated code is available to you, which is Bundle.module.
The Bundle.module code is fairly simple and should resolve the issue, it is used like this.
Image("ImageName", bundle: Bundle.module)
UIImage(named: "ImageName", in: .module, with: nil)

XCTestManifests in generated swift package

I am currently creating a Swift Package. By default, the package generated by Xcode contains the XCTestManifests file with the following code:
#if !canImport(ObjectiveC)
public func allTests() -> [XCTestCaseEntry] {
return [
As you can see, this is the function that returns all test cases. However, I am curious when it will be called and in what case the condition !CanImport (ObjectiveC) will be satisfied.
This is needed for running tests on platforms other than macOS.
On macOS the test runner relies on the ObjectiveC runtime which is absent on other platforms, hence canImport(ObjectiveC) is false. The allTests() function is called from LinuxMain.swift file, you can generate it on macOS by running swift test --generate-linuxmain.
In newer SwiftPM releases there is an alternative option for running tests on those platforms: swift test --enable-test-discovery. You can read more about it here: https://forums.swift.org/t/pitch-enable-test-discovery-by-default/36619
Swift 5.4: Automatic Test Discovery Included
Swift 5.4 (April 26, 2021 release) includes test discovery by default.
Automatic test discovery is now the default on all platforms
swift test --enable-test-discovery is no longer needed.
The Swift 5.4+ swift package init template does not generate allTests and XCTestManifests.swift.

Swift Package Manager (package successfully added, but Module not found)

I'm new in Swift. I want to create iOS app that can connect to PostgreSQL database. First I found library https://github.com/vapor/postgresql.git that should be added to my project via Swift Package Manager. Using tutorial I added required library to my project successfully (File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency):
list of added packages from SPM
But when I try to import this module into my view controller, Xcode shows error that module is not found:
not found
I tried several times to rebuild my project, created new project just for testing this issue. Also I found information about build phases and added this lib as a dependency:
build phases
But I still get error: "No such module PostgreSQL".
Can anyone help me?
I found solution by myself. I compiled C static library "libpq" (can be found in PostgreSQL sources) and added it to my swift project. Included this library by adding special bridging header file. Finally I got what I wanted.
P.S. If someone what to repeat, he or she should know: static C library must be compiled for iOS device architecture (and also in iOS simulator architecture which differs from iOS device arch.).

How to determine configuration in Swift code using Swift Package Manager

I'm creating an application using Swift Package Manager and I need to know the configuration of which the project was built under, i.e Debug or Release. I'm trying to stay away from using the .xcodeproj file. Please, someone let me know if this is possible. I'll paste a simple example below, but just know if there's a better way to handling configuration besides the code below, please submit as answer.
// main.swift
print("Im in Debug!!")
print("Im in Release!!")
As of Swift 3.1, the Package Manager doesn't offer the option to customize build settings in the Package.swift file (this feature is part of the team's roadmap for Swift 4). However, you can use the -Xswiftc flag to pass custom build settings to the compiler when you invoke swift build or swift test.
To set the DEBUG flag in debug mode, invoke swift build like this:
swift build --configuration debug -Xswiftc "-D" -Xswiftc "DEBUG"
And for release builds you would do the usual:
swift build --configuration release
There is also -Xlinker and Xcc to pass flags to the linker and C compiler, respectively.

MacOS Swift Framework testing fail

I have a framework written in obj-c and swift.
Now i try to run a related unit test target, but I get this error:
2014-07-10 07:45:54.064 xctest[4908:303] The test bundle at /Users/steve/Temporary/Build/Products/Debug/SOGraphDB-Mac Tests.xctest could not be loaded because an unanticipated error occurred: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3587 "The bundle “SOGraphDB-Mac Tests” couldn’t be loaded because it is damaged or missing necessary resources." (dlopen_preflight(/Users/steve/Temporary/Build/Products/Debug/SOGraphDB-Mac Tests.xctest/Contents/MacOS/SOGraphDB-Mac Tests): Library not loaded: #rpath/libswiftAppKit.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/steve/Temporary/Build/Products/Debug/SOGraphDB.framework/Versions/A/SOGraphDB
Reason: image not found) UserInfo=0x10011c640 {NSLocalizedFailureReason=The bundle is damaged or missing necessary resources., NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Try reinstalling the bundle., NSFilePath=/Users/steve/Temporary/Build/Products/Debug/SOGraphDB-Mac Tests.xctest/Contents/MacOS/SOGraphDB-Mac Tests, NSDebugDescription=dlopen_preflight(/Users/steve/Temporary/Build/Products/Debug/SOGraphDB-Mac Tests.xctest/Contents/MacOS/SOGraphDB-Mac Tests): Library not loaded: #rpath/libswiftAppKit.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/steve/Temporary/Build/Products/Debug/SOGraphDB.framework/Versions/A/SOGraphDB
Reason: image not found, NSBundlePath=/Users/steve/Temporary/Build/Products/Debug/SOGraphDB-Mac Tests.xctest, NSLocalizedDescription=The bundle “SOGraphDB-Mac Tests” couldn’t be loaded because it is damaged or missing necessary resources.}
Any idea what the root cause can be?
The error seems realated to "Library not loaded: #rpath/libswiftAppKit.dylib"
Both (framework and test bundle) compile without any error or warning (in Beta2)
I had a similar problem, though mine was an iOS test target, linking to a Swift framework, that failed to run on Xcode 6 GM. The test target had run successfully on an early beta of Xcode 6, but the final version reported the runtime error: Library not loaded: #rpath/libswiftCore.dylib
I noticed that a newer project did not have the failure, so I compared the build settings and test code. I was able to resolve the problem with three steps:
The test target needs the "Embedded Target Contains Swift Code" setting to be YES. This tells the linker to add the Swift runtime libraries to the executable.
The test target needs an explicit value for the "Runpath Search Paths" build setting. This tells the loader where to find the Swift runtime libaries. I copied the following setting from a fresh new test target:
LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS = $(inherited) #executable_path/../Frameworks #loader_path/../Frameworks
The test cases need to explicitly import any modules that are used by the linked framework. In my project, the framework used UIKit but the test cases only used my framework. When I added an explicit import UIKit to the test cases, the link problem went away.
Since I keep running into this issue whenever I mess with build settings, here's the cleanest answer I can provide as of Xcode 8b5:
If unit tests don't run on iOS, make sure you have:
Runpath Search Paths: #loader_path/Frameworks
If unit tests don't run on macOS, make sure you have:
Runpath Search Paths: #loader_path/../Frameworks
This will show up as LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS in your pbxproj file. You can also add $(inherited) to make sure project-wide paths are added as well, but those are probably empty.
Lastly, I didn't need the executable_path/... settings, doesn't make a difference for me whether they're there or not for unit tests.
I had the same problem.
Ended up copying libswiftAppKit.dylib out of the Xcode application directory (I am using beta 3), into a directory that I could reference (not part of an application bundle), then adding the library to the "Link binary with libraries" setting for the test bundle. My tests then started working.
FYI, the path for the dylib was at '/Applications/Xcode6-Beta3.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/macosx/libswiftAppKit.dylib'
Probably not a good final solution, but it works for the interim.
My solution was to add a single file to my test target, AppKitTests.swift (or AppKitSpec.swift in my case), and all the file contains is:
// While I don't know why, The.framework is built linked to libswiftAppKit.
// Frameworks do not embed the Swift libraries themselves, it's up to the host
// app to include the necessary libraries. So here we are, including AppKit on
// behalf of The.framework so that the tests can run.
import AppKit
Oh, I also added AppKit to the test target's set of frameworks.
I had this occur to me in Beta 4 and it turned out that I had done it to myself without realizing it.
I had a Framework project called Fnord. My FnordTests target contained a couple of unit test classes that had import Fnord at the top of each file. For some reason Xcode was complaining about those imports and so I commented them out. This is when I started getting the same symptoms while trying to run my unit tests.
I noticed that the settings for my FnordTests target were such that the target would be linked with Fnord.framework, and I realized that it might not be able to do that with the aforementioned import Fnord statements diked-out.
So I put them back in, and everything went back to normal. Curiously, Xcode no longer showed those import statements as being problematic, but this is beta so I can forgive that.
I hope this helps someone.
I ran into the same issue, adding
import AppKit
in the Swift file fixed it