Http post requests unsing NTLM Authentication (java) - rest

I tried to send a HttpRest Call using NTLM Autentication in Java. I tried using the org.apache.http library. it was not a big problem to use the HttpClient to send a Post Request with anonymos authentication.
But i have some troubles with WindowsAuthentication. I even tried to use CredentialProvider with my own Windows credentials (as a compromise, i dont like that either) but i didn’t succeed.
Is there an easy way using NTLM Authentication sending post requests from Java code?
Is there another lib which fits better form my needs?

I still have no idea why the doku from about NTLM Authentication didn’t have worked for me.
I finally solved my problem doing it similar to the documentation for basic authentication as described on
it now looks like this:
CredentialsProvider credsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider();
new NTCredentials("username", "passwd", hostname, ""));
HttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().setDefaultCredentialsProvider(credsProvider).build();
HttpPost post = new HttpPost(""));
StringEntity input = new StringEntity(bodyAsString, HTTP.UTF_8);
post.setHeader("Accept", "application/json");
post.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json");
HttpResponse response = client.execute(post);


docusign 401 connecting from server, works in postman

I am just trying to authenticate from NetSuite to docusign. I have my demo account, and am able to send requests successfully using the legacy authentication from postman.
However, when I try the same code in a server side situation, i get the INVALID_TOKEN_FORMAT error.
I've only built 3 or 4 apis so would really appreciate what I might be missing that's causing this 401 error.
NetSuite code (js syntax):
headers = {
res = nlapiRequestURL('', '', headers, 'GET');
Ok solved! The authentication object needed to be in xml. Confused bc of the content type and the documentation shows JSON

How to POST a request in any of rest clients for mime type as "multipart/related"

I'm trying to do a POST request from any of rest client like (Advanced rest client, Postman etc) for posting a request with mime type "multipart/related" but none of rest client supports. So is there a way to quickly POST a request from any of rest clients or other alternate solutions?
Though I have not tried multipart/related, but multipart/mixed using jersey client.
Using Jersey client
Create a multipart request .. eg.
MultiPart multiPart = new MultiPart();
Then call the service like :
Client c = Client.create();
WebResource service = c.resource(Url);
ClientResponse response = service.type("multipart/mixed").header(headerkey,
headervalue).post(ClientResponse.class, multiPart);
Similarly try it for multipart/related.
you have download jersery client jar from
Attached image will help you, This way you can try using Advance Rest Client plugin in Chrome, and also don't forget to upload the file under the Files tab.

Authentication Error in using Alfresco Rest API

I am trying to hit the alfresco rest api using my standalone rest code. i get the login ticket when i use the below url -
and i got the ticket but how do i use this ticket for further communication with alfresco without facing this authentication problem.
below is the code i am using for communicating with the alfresco rest client.
HttpGet getReq = new HttpGet(url);
getReq.addHeader("accept", "application/json");
StringEntity input = new StringEntity(args);
HttpResponse response = client.execute(getReq);
Kind Regards
Garvit Jain
Append the alf_ticket argument to your URL and pass in the ticket you retrieved from the /api/login call. See

Restlet with GWT to call REST service with HTTP DIGEST

i m using GWT 2.2 and restlet-gwt-2.1m4.
i m trying to call a rest service that uses HTTP Digest.
So i used the tutorial on Restlet wiki :
First thing is this does not compile :
ChallengeResponse challengeResponse = new ChallengeResponse(c1,
So i changed it to
// 2- Create the Challenge response used by the client to authenticate its requests.
ChallengeResponse challengeResponse = new ChallengeResponse(ChallengeScheme.HTTP_DIGEST,
My second problem, is that no request are sent.
I checked with Firebug and there is nothing (no GET request).
It seems that resource.get(); isnt sending anything at all.
Any idea what i am missing ? Does the code in the tutorial actually work ?
Thanks in advance

How to add soap basic auth request to WSDL

How can I had soap AUTH BASIC auth to a WSDL, so who ever reads the WSDL knows I require that operation for a specific method ?
Using the example bellow I have managed to pass the SOAP basic autentication to the php webservice on the other end.
The has a simple working example, but in csharp I found this link to be a solution to my problem.
Michaelis.MockService is the Webservice library extracted you may see an example on how to do this in:
link Mono project website.
Michaelis.MockService service = new Michaelis.MockService();
// Create the network credentials and assign
// them to the service credentials
NetworkCredential netCredential = new NetworkCredential(“Inigo.Montoya”, “Ykmfptd”);
Uri uri = new Uri(service.Url);
ICredentials credentials = netCredential.GetCredential(uri, “Basic”);
service.Credentials = credentials;
// Be sure to set PreAuthenticate to true or else
// authentication will not be sent.
service.PreAuthenticate = true;
// Make the web service call.
There is no way to specify this, as far as I know.