How to query data efficiently in large mongodb collection? - mongodb

I have one big mongodb collection (3-million docs, 50 GigaBytes), and it would be very slow to query the data even I have created the indexs.
db.collection.find({"C123":1, "C122":2})
e.g. the query will be timeout or will be extreme slow (10s at least), even if I have created the separate indexes for C123 and C122.
Should I create more indexs or increase the physical memory to accelerate the querying?

For such a query you should create compound indexes. One on both fields. And then it should be very efficient. Creating separate indexes won't help you much, because MongoDB engine will use first to get results of first part of query, but second if is used won't help much (or even can slow down in some cases your query because of lookup in indexes table and then in real data again). You can confirm used indexes by using .explain() on your query in shell.
See compound indexes:
Also consider sorting directions on both your fields while making indexes.

The answer is really simple.
You don't need to create more indexes, you need to create the right indexes. Index on field c124 won't help queries on field c123, so no point in creating it.
Use better/more hardware. More RAM, more machines (sharding).

Create Right indices and carefully use compound index. (You can have max. 64 indices per collection and 31 fields in compound index)
Use mongo side pagination
Try to find out most used queries and build compound index around that.
Compound index strictly follow sequence so read documentation and do trials
Also try covered query for 'summary' like queries
Learned it hard way..

Use skip and limit. Run a loop for 50000 data at once .
example :
$group: {
_id: "$myDoc,homepage_domain",
count: {$sum: 1},
entry: {
$push: {
location_city: "$myDoc.location_city",
homepage_domain: "$myDoc.homepage_domain",
country: "$",
employee_linkedin: "$myDoc.employee_linkedin",
linkedin_url: "$myDoc.inkedin_url",
homepage_url: "$myDoc.homepage_url",
industry: "$myDoc.industry",
read_at: "$myDoc.read_at"
}, {
$limit : 50000
}, {
$skip: 50000
allowDiskUse: true


What is the proper index format that should I use in MongoDB for this particular scenario explained below?

I have the following query to be executed on my MongoDB collection order_error. It has over 60 million documents. The main concern is I am having a $in operator within my query. I tried several possibilities of indices but none of them gave a high-performance improvement. The query is as follows
}).sort({"timestamp.milliseconds" : 1}).skip(1).limit(100).explain("executionStats")
One issue that needs to be noted is I am allowing sort on timestamp.milliseconds in both directions(ASC + DESC). I have limited the entries within the $in. Usually, it is more. SO what kind of index gives the performance improvement. I tried creating the following indices already
Is there any better way for index creation?

Mongodb searching on array / indexing

I'm using the airbnb sample set and it has a field that looks like:
"amenities": ["TV", "Cable TV", "Wifi"....
So I'm trying to do a case-INsensitive, wildcard search (on one or more values passed in).
Only thing I've found that works is:
{ amenities: { $in: [ /wi/ ] }}
Is that the best way?
So I ran it in Compass as the dataset was imported (5600 docs), and the Explain says it took ~20ms on my machine and warned there was no index. I then created an index on the amenities column and the same search jumped up to ~100ms. I just created the index through the Compass UI, so not sure why its taking 5x as long with an index? Or if there is a better way to do this?
The way to run that query is:
{ amenities: /wi/i }
//better but not always useful
{ amenities: /wi/i }, { amenities:1, _id:0 }
It already traverses the array, and to be case insensitive it must be on the options.
For multikey indexes the second query won't be a covered query. Otherwise, it would be blazing fast.
I've tested a similar search with and without index though. Exec. time is reduced 10X. (1500ms to 150ms, in a huge collection). Measure with Mongo Hacker.
As you report executionTimeMilliseconds is not that different. But still smaller.
The reason why you don't see a huge decrease in time is because the index stores each array entry separately. When it finds a match, it comes back to collection to fetch the whole array field, instead of using the indexes.
Probably indexes aren't very useful for arrays.
When querying with an unanchored regex, the query executor will have to scan every index key to see if there is a match.
You might find a collated index to be helpful.
Create an index with the appropriate collation, like:
(strength 1 and 2 are case-insensitive)
Then query using the same collation:
The search will be case insensitive, and it can efficiently use the index.

How to speed up agregate queries in MongoDB

I am running examples of aggregate queries similar to this:
{ $match: {"nested.field": "1110"}}, {
$group: {
_id: null,
total: {
$sum: "$nested.field"
average_transaction_amount: {
$avg: "$nested.field"
min_transaction_amount: {
$min: "$nested.field"
max_transaction_amount: {
$max: "$nested.field"
One collection that I created have 5,000,000 inserted big JSON documents (around 1,000 K->V pairs, some are nested).
Before adding index on one nested field - it takes around 5min to do count of that field.
After adding index - for count it takes less than a second (which is good).
Now I am trying to do SUM or AVG or any other like example above - it takes minutes (not seconds).
Is there a way to improve aggregate queries in MongoDB?
Unfortunately, group currently does not use indexes in mongodb. Only sort and match can take advantage of indexes. So the query as you wrote it is as optimized as it could be.
There are a couple things you could do. For max and min, you could just query them instead of using the aggregation framework. You can than sort by $nested.field and take just one. You can put an index on $nested.field and you can then sort ascending or descending with the same index.
If you have any control over when the data is inserting, and the query is as simple as it looks, you could keep track of the data yourself. So you could have a table in mongo where the collection has the "Id" or whatever you are grouping on and have fields for "total" and "sum". You could increment them on inserts and then getting the total and averages would be fast queries. Not sure if that's an option for your situation, but its the best you can do.
Generally, mongo is super fast. In my opinion, the only place its not quite as good as SQL is aggregation. The benefits heavily outweigh the struggles to me. I generally maintain separate reporting collections for this kind of situation as I recommended.

how to build index in mongodb in this situation

I have a mongodb database, which has following fields:
{"word":"ipad", "date":20140113, "docid": 324, "score": 98}
which is a reverse index for a log of docs(about 120 millions).
there are two kinds of queries in my system:
one of which is :
db.index.find({"word":"ipad", "date":20140113}).sort({"score":-1})
this query fetch the word "ipad" in date 20140113, and sort the all docs by score.
another query is:
db.index.find({"word":"ipad", "date":20140113, "docid":324})
to speed up these two kinds of query, what index should I build?
Should I build two indexes like this?:
db.index.ensureIndex({"word":1, "date":1, "docid":1}, {"unique":true})
db.index.ensureIndex({"word":1, "date":1, "score":1}
but I think build the two index use two much hard disk space.
So do you have some good ideas?
You are sorting by score descending (.sort({"score":-1})), which means that your index should also be descending on the score-field so it can support the sorting:
db.index.ensureIndex({"word":1, "date":1, "score":-1});
The other index looks good to speed up that query, but you still might want to confirm that by running the query in the mongo shell followed with .explain().
Indexes are always a tradeoff of space and write-performance for read-performance. When you can't afford the space, you can't have the index and have to deal with it. But usually the write-performance is the larger concern, because drive space is usually cheap.
But maybe you could save one of the three indexes you have. "Wait, three indexes?" Yes, keep in mind that every collection must have an unique index on the _id field which is created implicitely when the collection is initialized.
But the _id field doesn't have to be an auto-generated ObjectId. It can be anything you want. When you have another index with an uniqueness-constraint and you have no use for the _id field, you can move that unique-constraint to the _id field to save an index. Your documents would then look like this:
{ _id: {
"docid": 324
"score": 98

How to index an $or query with sort

Suppose I have a query that looks something like this:
deleted: false,
type: 'thing',
$or: [{
'creator._id': someid
}, {
'parent._id': someid
}, {
'somerelation._id': someid
'date.created': -1
That is, I want to find documents that meets one of those three conditions and sort it by newest. However, $or queries do not use indexes in parallel when used with a sort. Thus, how would I index this query?
You can assume the following selectivity:
deleted - 99%
type - 25%
creator._id, parent._id, somerelation._id - < 1%
Now you are going to need more than one index for this query; there is no doubt about that.
The question is what indexes?
Now you have to take into consideration that none of your $ors will be able to sort their data cardinally in an optimal manner using the index due to a bug in MongoDBs query optimizer: .
So you know that the $or will have some performance problems with a sort and that putting the sort field into the $or clause indexes is useless atm.
So considering this the first index you want is one that covers the base query you are making. As #Leonid said you could make this into a compound index, however, I would not do it the order he has done it. Instead, I would do:
I am very unsure about the deleted field being in the index at all due to its super low selectivity; it could, in fact, create a less performant operation (this is true for most databases including SQL) being in the index rather than being taken out. This part will need testing by you; maybe the field should be last (?).
As to the order of the index, again I have just guessed. I have said DESC for all fields because your sort is DESC, but you will need to explain this yourself here.
So that should be able to handle the master clause of your query. Now to deal with those $ors.
Each $or will use an index separately, and the MongoDB query optimizer will look for indexes for them separately too as though they are separate queries altogether, so something worth noting here is a little snag about compound indexes ( ) is that they work upon prefixes ( an example note here: ) so you can't make one single compound index to cover all three clauses, so a more optimal method of declaring indexes on the $or (considering the bug above) is:
It should be able to get you started on making optimal indexes for your query.
I should stress however that you need to test this yourself.
Mongodb can use only one index per query, so I can't see the way to use indexes to query someid in your model.
So, the best approach is to add special field for this task:
ids = [creator._id, parent._id, somerelation._id]
In this case you'll be able to query without using $or operator:
deleted: false,
type: 'thing',
ids: someid
'date.created': -1
In this case your index will look something like this:
{deleted:1, type:1, ids:1, 'date.created': -1}
If you had flexibility to adjust the schema, I would suggest adding a new field, associatedIds : [ ] which would hold creator._id, parent._id, some relation._id - you can update that field atomically when you update the main corresponding field, but now you can have a compound index on this field, type and created_date which eliminates the need for $or in your query entirely.
Considering your requirement for indexing , I would suggest you to use $orderBy operator along side your $or query. By that I mean you should be able to index on the criteria's in your $or expressions used in your $or query and then you can $orderBy to sort the result.
For example:
deleted: false,
type: 'thing',
$or: [{
'creator._id': someid
}, {
'parent._id': someid
}, {
'somerelation._id': someid
},{$orderBy:{'date.created': -1}})
The above query would require compound indexes on each of the fields in the $or expressions combined with the sort object specified in the orderBy criteria.
for example:
db.things.ensureIndex{'parent._id': 1,"date.created":-1}
and so on for other fields.
It is a good practice to specify "limit" for the result to prevent mongodb from performing a huge in memory sort.
Read More on $orderBy operator here