updated spring-boot-admin-server-ui not working - spring-boot-admin

How to include ui-jar to project? I have tried something like below but did not work

hey why are using <systemPath> out there.
Simply using
will work


Jersery #FormDataParam and FormDataContentDisposition is not working even after adding maven dependencies

I have added these 3 maven dependency. But when i try to use #FormDataParam and FormDataContentDisposition its showing red mark as it is not found. But I can see that in the multipart lib I am attaching image for reference.
Even after adding dependency in maven it was not working .. Then it showed me suggestion to fix project on the error statement,on clicking that suggestion it asked to add org.glassfish.jersey.media.multipart library to build . Then i simply selected it and ok....It started working

Cannot find the class file for com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.ODatabaseDocumentInternal?

I have problem, when i compile maven project in Ubunt*, im getting error message,
but when I compile the project in windo## im not get error,
the error message is ..
The project was not built since its build path is incomplete. Cannot
find the class file for
com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.ODatabaseDocumentInternal. Fix
the build path then try building this project
My pom.xml
Help me guys.
im sorry for bad english.
Check the versions in your pom.xml, you have a mix of 1.0rc9, 2.0.5 and 3.0.0m2.
Please set everything to 3.0.0m2 (beta, not suitable for production) or 2.2.27 (latest stable)
(btw, I really can't figure out how it can work on Win...)

How to produce JSON output with Jersey 1.17.1 using JAXB

There is a correct answer to this question already on this site. The problem is that the question is for Jersey 1.6 and the correct answer for Jersey 1.17.1 is buried at the bottom. I figured I'd create a correct question for this answer so that it'd be easier to find help for people struggling with this (like I was).
First, you need to add this to your web.xml:
Then, take any of the classes you want to serialize across the wire and add this annotation to the top of them:
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;
public class ...
Then add the appropriate jars to the classpath. It's not enough to add the Jersey jars, you also need to add jackson. I downloaded the zip that includes 12 different jars. Once I added all 12 jars to my classpath I finally got rid of the error and works great returning JSON.
I hope this helps somebody.
Download Zip with 12 Jars:
Here is a link to the zip file that contains the 12 jar files: jersey-archive-1.17.zip
For Maven Users:
Add the following to your pom.xml to get the 12 jars individually:

Problem with #Indexed annotations in hibernate search

I'm actually trying to deploy HibernateSearch in a J2EE application. I have imported some dependencies I've seen on tuto's :
<!-- Hibernate Search -->
My problem is, in order to continue, I need to put the #Indexed annotation in my entity classes but I don't have access to this annotation(Eclipse doesn't know it and of course,that doesn't pass the compilation)
Could you give me some advice or lead ? Maybe I don't have the good dependencies ?
I don't use Eclipse or Maven but I can confirm that in my project that uses Hibernate Search 3.3.0 that the Indexed annotation does definitely exist in the hibernate-search-3.3.0.Final JAR. Try update your dependencies to use the latest JAR. There is definitely nothing else that you need to use this annotation though.

Problem adding commons-configuration to m2eclipse

I want to use the apache commons configuration jars in my Maven project.
When I add it using m2Eclipse it produces this:
This seems fine but it then givers me the error:
Missing artifact resources:resources:jar:1.0:compile
Can anyone help please?
Looks like you need to choose a reliable version. That one seems to be a snapshot build. Here is the excerpt from my project.