Redgate SQL source control: Incorrect repository URL - sql-server-2008-r2

I've linked my database (SQServer 2008 R2) to my TFS repository I'm able to commit but unable to pull or push from/to the remote repository via Redgate SQL source control Version
When I attempt to do either I'm asked to enter my credentials in the 'Source control credentials required' dialog box, when I do that it returns an error 'Incorrect details'. I know the issue is not due to my username/password but down to the URL of the repository Redgate believes it should be.
The correct repository URL is http://servername:port/tfs but on the credentials dialog box shows http://servername:port/. If I browse http://servername:port/ I get access denied.
Where does Redgate set the repository URL and can I change it?

Open SQL Sever Management Studio -SQL source Contro -Setup-Next-select TeamFoundationSever-Next Then you will be able to see the repository URL and change the settings.
You could also take a look at this tutorial video Redgate SQL Source Control - an intro with Steve Jones (Go directly to 3:30, if you don't want to waste time)


"This repository is currently being migrated. It's locked while the migration is in progress." on Github repo page after migrating to GHEC

I have migrated a repo from on-prem hosted GHES (Github Enterprise Server)to GHEC (Github Enterprise Cloud), and it is accessible in GHEC.
We are now trying to archive the old GHES repo, but we are unable to because of the message on the repo page that reads
This repository is currently being migrated. It's locked while the migration is in progress."
I am unable to go to the "Settings" for this repo due to restrictions of my workplace, as I'm not an admin on the repo I believe.
Wondering what needs to be done to Stop the migration (even though it's already done), so that we can archive this repo.
Thanks for your help!
Screenshot of the message:
As noted in your GitHub discussion:
A user with GitHub Enterprise Server Site Admin access can unlock this repository by going to the Site Administrator page for the repository.
The URL should look like:
Once there they will see the unlock option under the Single Repository Lock section on that page.
Which means... you need to contact your on-prem GHES site admin to resolve this locally.

Azure pipeline error "Git fetch failed with exit code: 128"

I am trying to create a build pipeline in azure devops using this blog:
I have created a service connection with the my repository. I am getting this error and I can't resolve it. I think it is picking the wrong URL.
As you noted, this error means that the Git repository URL is wrong.
I have created a service connection with the my repository.
You need to correct the repo URL from the service connection. Not sure which Git repository you are using.
However, please note that URL should not be the project URL (e.g
It should be something like this:
Please control your permission settings in Version Control.
in Azure , project settings >> version control.
select repositories and look security for all git repositories.
"Project collection administrator"

Azure Visual Studio 2019 failed to push to Azure DevOps Git

I have an Azure Synapse SQL server which have some tables and stored procedures. Visual Studio 2019 (VS2019) is connected to the SQL server using Active Directory Interactive Authentication with use name being a Service Account Email.
I have built a Azure DevOps Demo, with following setups (Organization, Project, Git Repository).
I have added the Service Account Email to the Azure DevOps project and repository level, with contributor access.
I am trying to synchronize the stored procedures with my Azure DevOps Repository.
I am able to use VS2019 > Team Explorer > Manage Connections, and set the Service Account Email as the "hosted repositories for", and see my Repositories appear in the list.
It turned out that when I try to push Git Changes, by Team Explorer > New Repository > Existing remote, where I entered the full URL of my repository https//, following error turned up: Git failed with a fatal error. unable to access 'above URL': SSL certificate problem, unable to get local issuer certificate. How can I resolve this error?
How to push all of my existing stored procedures to my Repository?
Faced the same issue, requesting you to go through the link. Hope this will resolve the issue:
Authentication failed for

Azure Devops clone This is not a valid source path in source tree

I have managed to finally add my devops account in sourcetree using the path
Now I am having issues cloning the repository
I am using the path that devops gives me
but I get an error saying
This is not a valid source
The details reveal authentication issues... Yet it authenticated fine when adding the account.
What is going on? Does the azure account have to be the default account?
I managed to fix this by changing from the sourcetree embedded git to my system git Tools>Options>Git>Git Version>Select System. Afterwards when trying again it prompted me to login on my organization domain with 2 factor as if logging in on the devops web app directly.
My system Git is using manager-core for the credential management which is probably not the same system which the embedded version used.
I tried the above solutions (and more) but for me what in the end solved the problem was that the git-password I first wrongly entered when I tried to access the repo had been saved in Keychain (MacOS) and when I tried again this password was used without giving me the option to type it in again. I deleted the password to the Azure DevOps project in Keychain and then got prompted to enter the password again whereafter I pasted the Personal Access Token (!!) generated in Azure Devops and it finally worked!
It could happen when you entered wrong credentials and you don't get asked again, try this:
Go to : Sourtree->Preferences->Advance (tab)
Under: "Default usernames for URLs which do not include one:" delete your wrong credentials.
Try accessing your repo again with right credentials.
This is not the issue which caused by Azure devops. No matter, or the URL which like, they should all available git source.
For me, I just try with multi different git URLs, and found the few of URLs are failed with same error with you. But it prompt This is a git repository after I exit the SourceTree and re-configure the clone with same URL which encountered the error previously.
This seems be the most common Sourcetree problem which encountered by many users, not just the URL of azure devops that you occurred.
Check this thread, and try with its recommend way:
Open source tree, Tools -> Options -> Click on Git Tab -> Update
Embedded Git.
Or, consider the method I used: exit the Sourcetree, and re-configure the clone with same URL. (Not recommend since this can not permanently solve this issue)

Migration Utility giving error for Visual Studio Team Services Project Collection URL

I am trying to see how the OpsHub migration tool works before I perform real migration.
And hence I am trying with a on premise TFS instance and a trial created Team Services (was Visual Studio Online) instance. but when I finish configuring the stuff and it start to validate all the settings put in, it is giving error for Team Services Project Collection URL. It is taking collection URL as
where as it should only use
Not sure how to get over it and now fully stuck.
This is caused by the change in VSTS:
Collection in the domain
Your Team Services account URL just got 18 characters shorter. We’ve
removed “/DefaultCollection” from the path. While it’s small, but
welcome change. It’s the beginning of a larger journey to how we
structure accounts. Learn more here.
Note that existing accounts will still give out the longer URL for Git
Clones in the Code hub. This is because to use the new shorter URL in
VS, you will need to reconnect Team Explorer using the shorter URL.
Today you either need to use the long or the short URL for an account
in VS, you can’t intermingle. Once we have enough clients updated such
that they just work seamlessly with either type, we’ll change the
default Git Clone URL to the shorter one as well.
Last but not least, we have a set of Release Management improvements.
Please download the latest version of OpsHub Visual Studio Migration Utility and then try again.
A similar issue here: OPS Hub - unable to migrate project.