How to store time in protobuf 3 - protobuf-3

I have this struct in golang
struct File {
name string
creatation_time time.Time
How do I write it in protobuf3 ?

Create example.proto;
syntax = "proto3";
import google_protobuf ""
message File {
string name = 1;
google.protobuf.Timestamp creatation_time = 2;
After compilation check the example.pb.go for the structure definition that has been created.


Why fromJson() function of Protobuf not working in Dart

I have an issue with the fromJson() function.
I try to build my protobuf with the data received from Firestore and the fromJson() seems to not be able to parse it.
Facing this issue, I decide to do a test by creating a new empty Protobuf manually, export it as a JSON and create a new protobuf with the json. I got some weird issues:
MyProtobuf my_protobuf = MyProtobuf(); = "ABC";
// Exporting using writeToJson()
String json1 = my_protobuf.writeToJson(); // All my keys are numbers.. why?
// Exporting using a Map
Map<String, dynamic> json2_map = info_to_write.toProto3Json();
String json2 = JsonEncoder().convert(json2_map); // Seems to be a normal JSON
// Build a protobuf from JSON
MyProtobuf new_protobuf1 = MyProtobuf.fromJson(json1); // Exception thrown
MyProtobuf new_protobuf2 = MyProtobuf.fromJson(json2); // Exception thrown
Is this a bug of Im not using this good function?
This is my proto file:
syntax = "proto3";
package test.v1;
message MyProtobuf {
string id = 1;
string name = 2;
To convert a message to json string, you need to use the following code:
MyProtobuf my_protobuf = MyProtobuf(); = "ABC";
// convert to json object
var obj = my_protobuf.toProto3Json();
// encode to json string
var value = jsonEncode(obj);
To decode json string to protobuf message, use the following:
var jsonString = ".....";
// decode to json object
var obj = jsonDecode(docJson);
var my_protobuf = MyProtobuf.create()..mergeFromProto3Json(obj);

How to insert unmarshalled xml to mongodb

Here is my struct to unmarshall xml:
type parseStruct struct {
First string `xml:"CharCode"`
Second string `xml:"Value"`
type xmlParse struct {
Data []parseStruct `xml:"Valute"`
{[{AA 30.2070000} {AB 29.9378} {AC 30.0260} {AD 30.3702}]}
How should i insert this construction to mongoDB?
I'm trying it
It is my mongo struct
type result struct{
First string
Second string
Here is insert operation
for i, _ := range unm.Data {
Curr1: unm.Data[i].First,
Rate: unm.Data[i].Second,
fmt.Println("result", dataBatt.Data2[i].Rate, dataBatt.Data2[i].Curr1)
But if i need put to add to mongodb base other unmarshalled structure, similar to it but from other structure for example:
type parseSecondStruct struct {
First string `xml:"Char"`
Second string `xml:"Val"`
type xmlParse struct {
Data []parseSecondStruct `xml:"Valute"`
How should i paste 2 unrmashalled result in result struct and know where is result from 1 source and where is from 2.

How to get the string representation of a nested class

In my reflection library EVReflection I have the following problem when class definitions are nested (class within a class). Below is a worked out case which can be found as a unit test here and The location in the library itself where the code needs to change is Here
I need to get the Internal Swift string representation of a nested
class for a property which is an array of that nested class.
Below you can see a unit test where I am able to get the correct type for the property company that is an other object. It will output _TtCC22EVReflection_iOS_Tests13TestIssue114b10Company114 instead of Company114
When I try the same for the friends property my goal is that it outputs something like: Swift.Array<_TtCC22EVReflection_iOS_Tests13TestIssue114b7User114>
What do I have to do to get that?
As you can see in the test I have various assignments to the value valueType. None of these assignments work. I am only able to get an Array<User114> or an Swift._EmptyArrayStorage.
As you also can see in the test is that if I set a breakpoint and do a po in the output window I am able to get the correct output. So what code will accomplish the same in my code?
class TestIssue114b: XCTestCase {
class User114: EVObject {
var company: Company114 = Company114()
var friends: [User114] = []
class Company114: EVObject {
var name: String = ""
var address: String?
func testIssueNestedObjects() {
let x = User114()
print("type 1 = \(NSStringFromClass(type(of:") // output = type 2 = _TtCC22EVReflection_iOS_Tests13TestIssue114b10Company114
print("type 2 = \(testIssueNestedObjects(x.friends))")
func testIssueNestedObjects(_ theValue: Any) -> String {
var valueType = ""
let mi = Mirror(reflecting: theValue)
valueType = NSStringFromClass(type(of: (theValue as! [NSObject]).getTypeInstance() as NSObject)) // NSObject
valueType = "\(type(of: theValue))" // Array<User114>
valueType = "\(mi.subjectType)" // Array<User114>
valueType = ObjectIdentifier(mi.subjectType).debugDescription //"ObjectIdentifier(0x0000000118b4a0d8)"
valueType = (theValue as AnyObject).debugDescription // <Swift._EmptyArrayStorage 0x10d860b50>
valueType = NSStringFromClass(type(of: theValue as AnyObject)) // Swift._EmptyArrayStorage
// set breakpont en enter this in output window: (lldb) po type(of: theValue)
// Ouput will be: Swift.Array<EVReflection_iOS_Tests.TestIssue114b.User114>
return valueType
Background info:
Actually the end goal is that I have to be able to create instances of the object that I can add to the array. Since the array property is only available as a result from a Mirror command the variable will be of type Any. I do have an extension for arrays in place that will return a new array element. however I am only able to get that when the Any is casted to Array<NSObject> and because of that my extension will return an NSObject. So I would like to get a string like Swift.Array<_TtCC22EVReflection_iOS_Tests13TestIssue114b7User114> I can then get the parts between <> and then create an instance for that using NSClassFromString.
String(reflecting: type(of: theValue))
update by Edwin Vermeer:
For the required conversion to the internal string representation i now have the following function (still in draft)
public class func convertToInternalSwiftRepresentation(type: String) -> String {
if type.components(separatedBy: "<").count > 1 {
// Remove the Array or Set prefix
let prefix = type.components(separatedBy: "<") [0] + "<"
var subtype = type.substring(from: prefix.endIndex)
subtype = subtype.substring(to: subtype.characters.index(before: subtype.endIndex))
return prefix + convertToInternalSwiftRepresentation(type: subtype) + ">"
if type.contains(".") {
var parts = type.components(separatedBy: ".")
if parts.count == 2 {
return parts[1]
let c = String(repeating:"C", count: parts.count - 1)
var rv = "_Tt\(c)\(parts[0].characters.count)\(parts[0])"
parts.remove(at: 0)
for part in parts {
rv = "\(rv)\(part.characters.count)\(part)"
return rv
return type

Cannot save structure into mongodb with golang (only empty records created)

I have the following structure
type Result struct {
nid string
timestamp int64
hexhash string
addr string
which I want to save into mongodb:
I create it
r := Result{hex_id, int64(msg.timestamp.Unix()), hexhash, msg.addr.String()}
And test if it is created correctly:
Which gives me result I'm expecting:
{b8da3f19d1318af6879976c1eea66c78c48e1144 1421417252
Then I save it into mongo:
But in mongo i see only empty records:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("54b91a268da6c829a412cd4d") }
The h in the code above defined as
type Handler struct {
storage map[string]Message
new_msg chan Message
new_inp chan Input
c *mgo.Collection
The fileds of your record need to be public for other packages (like the MongoDB wrapper) to see them. Rename the fields like this:
type Result struct {
Nid string
Timestamp int64
Hexhash string
Addr string

Read data with ILNumerics.IO.HDF5

I try ILNumerics.IO.HDF5 and can not read the following data:
Variable length strings in Datasets and Attributes.
Datasets with variable length arrays. Each cell contain a array of numbers, which are histograms.
Compound data, ie. Datasets with structs containing some numbers.
In HDFView 2.10.1 I can read this data:
How can I use ILNumerics.IO.HDF5 with this data?
I found an other post with suggestion to read string as char.
But with the variable length string an exception is thrown: "Error reading data from the attribute!"
var file = new H5File("test.h5");
H5Dataset ds1 = file.First<H5Dataset>("Wind");
var att = ds1.Attributes["Aggregator"];
var value = att.Get<char>();
Could you provide more info on how you write the string attributes and what exactly is the issue. When you say 'can not read',Do you get a null return value or do you get an exception.
I write strings as attributes in my application and it works fine. I am guessing there could be a problem in the way you write the string. As per Haymo's suggestion, I convert the string into char array and write as attribute. Here is the sample code
private ILRetArray<Char> ConvertStringToArray(string str)
using (ILScope.Enter())
ILArray<Char> A = ILMath.array<Char>(' ', 1, str.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
A.SetValue(str[i], 0, i);
return A;
Test Case :
using (var file = new H5File("testwrite.h5"))
var ds = new H5Dataset("data", ILMath.rand(10,10));
string teststr = "Test string";
ILArray<char> charStr = ConvertStringToArray(mystr);
ds.Attributes.Add(new H5Attribute("mystring",charStr));
//Read back the dataset and its attributes
var group = file.Find<H5Dataset>("data").First();
ILArray<Char> storedData = group.Attributes["mystring"].Get<Char>();